ResumeSpyWeb is the front-end of the Resume Manager platform, built with Vue 3, Vuetify, and Vite. It allows users to interact with resumes, manage multiple versions, and create customized resumes for job descriptions (JDs).
- Resume Display: View and manage resumes in multiple languages.
- Resume Creation: Create and customize resumes tailored to job descriptions.
- Version Control Interface: Compare different versions of resumes and revert to previous versions.
- Multi-language Support: Switch between different languages for resume management.
- End-to-End Testing: Full testing using Cypress.
- Front-End: Vue 3 with Vuetify
- State Management: Pinia
- Routing: Vue Router
- API Communication: Axios
- Build Tool: Vite
- TypeScript: For type safety
- Testing: Vitest (unit tests), Cypress (e2e tests)