32x: reads to cache purge behave like writes 32x: hack for COMM race conditions, fixes Brutal gg: always 60fps helios: {pwm, pcm} can be muted helios: initial TowerOfPower (MegaCd_S32x) support helios: fix an issue with stuck keys helios: improve multi-screen behaviour infra: update to gradle 8 mcd: lots of fixes, still WIP md: parse supported devices from rom header md: ignore byte-wide ioWrites on even address, fix read timeControl area sms: change default z80 SP value
helios: fix setByteInWordBE helios: show rom info dialog, show region flag helios: fix clamp method (!) sms: fix port 3E bug, fix region override 32x: quirk on rom read 0x1070 when RV=1 32x: implement soft reset mcd: started work on it, not ready yet
32x: improve handling of multiple interrupts 32x: add FRT support, disabled by default 32x: add eeprom games, tweak eeprom handling 32x: default to new interrupt controller 32x: uninitialised hInt vector should read 0 (tp) fm: minor ssg-eg fix, ssg inv bit fix helios: linux sleeps now considering timer slack helios: (try to) improve sound on win11 md: add support for psolar mapper and eeprom md: fix io ports word-wide reads, duplicate lsb to msb; stub serial ports sh2: fix MOVBM, MOVWM, MOVLM when applied to the same register
helios: add default keyboard mappings file, defaults to 1 player only md: add flag to allow sram writes when in read-only mode svp: fix cart loading as words (16 bits) z80: tweak zreset, zbusreq handling
helios: add Sega 32x emulation by merging the helios32x project: https://github.com/fedex81/helios32x md: improve rom header parsing md: improve support for roms > 4Mbit with sram
68k: support cycle table from genPlusGx 68k: fix *bcd, link corner cases fm: fix sustain level check i2c: fix read/write when byte sized md: fix bug on hblank toggling, tweak hint occurrence md: further tweaks to controller emulation md: version reg, set expansion unit not connected ui: add flatlaf and theme selector (dark theme)
NOTE: requires java 17 or later
helios: migrate to tinylog helios: require java 17+, update gradle to 7.4.2 helios: add app icons md: add support for most eeprom types, X24C01 family md: improve exSSf mapper compat md: improve 6 button pad detection ui: store the last opened file, fix the soundEnabled toggle when un/pausing, recenter the screen when switching to fullscreen
68k: handle edge case for int ack 68k: refactor int handling, add processing delay helios: default to padding roms to a reasonable size md: tweak cycle counting, should be less resource intensive md: s/h perf tweak helios: fix sound enabled ui, minor Federico Berti md: encode per pixel blanking info in the vdp color output md: add flag to init RAM with random values, defaults to false md: allow to busy-wait when set so
- 68k: update lib, fixes a few bugs
- helios: include jinput libs by default
- helios: auto-hide mouse cursor
- md: fix sprite rendering in interlace mode
- md: IM2 default to show one field only (even), reduces flickering
- md: shadow/highlight fixes and refactor
- md: vdp draw line on end of activeDisplay instead of hblankOn
- svp: handle missing or small rom, fixes a few tests
- svp: read initial pc from rom
- 68k: overclock support
- helios: init SRAM with 0xFF, according to docs
- helios: init RAM with random values
- helios: async write to file, mitigate sporadic savestate corruption
- helios: add savestate support for sg1000, coleco, msx
- md: select between 3/6 buttons joypad
- md: vdp debug fixes
- md: improve SVP auto-detection
- md: change vdp registers init values, according to docs
- md: hint tweaks
- md: backPlane color issue
- md: further windowPlane fixes
- md: sh tweak
- md: add support for vdp left column blanking
- md: fix fm stereo
- md: partial support for exssf mapper
- md: unused bits on Z80_BUSREQ read, z80 zreset tweak
- md: fix on saving serialized data
- md: limit z80 pc range to RAM space only
- md: fix hscroll cell mode
- msumd: add support for CUE based loop points (MD+ style)
- msumd: support PLAY_OFFSET, volume
- nes: update lib
- tms: fix vdp vram size
- z80: update lib
- gb: re-enable emulation, sound is much better
- 68k: update lib, subx.l flag fix, movem changes
- jinput: disable polling thread by default
- md: msu-md support
- md: support SEGA SSF system type, force load SSF2 mapper
- md: rework sram detection
- nes: rework audio wrapper, reduce audio popping
- sms: fix savestate handling
- ui: detect user changing screen
- z80: savestate to store regI too
- 68k: update lib, tas fix
- helios: refactor fm stereo handling
- helios: ignore keys with modifiers when detecting a joypad button press
- helios: remember the folder when opening a resource
- helios: add option to busy-wait instead of sleeping, should help on windows
- md: avoid psg distortion, acquire data more often
- md: add support for SMD interleaved dumps, disabled by default
- md: fix savestate persist
- md: fix ssf2 mapper issue
- ui: scaling for HiDPI displays, add drag and drop - contributed by krlvm
- gb: disable for now, buggy
- helios: default to stereo sound
- md: add svp support (using notaz implementation)
- md: fix bug on vdp long reads
- md: fix emulation stall on invalid vdp write
- md: fix joypad detection 6btn
- md: fix window plane
- md: fix Z80 SP default value
- md: avoid fm audio clipping
- md: add satCache
- md: add support for soft reset
- md: only stop 68k on DMA MEM_TO_VRAM
- md: savestate support for ssf2/sega mapper registers
- md: support flat ROM mappers > 4MB
- md: initial 128kb VRAM vdp support
- md: support roms that require both ssf2 mapper and sram
- sms: vdp handle tilemap mirroring
- z80: use z80disasm from mame
- 68k: add delay on z80 rom access
- 68k: basic prefetch impl
- 68k: do not consume an int when the level doesn't change
- helios: add nes emulation based on the halfnes project
- helios: backup sram, do not load empty files
- helios: compute drift for more consistent framerates
- helios: fix recent files handling
- helios: load compressed roms
- helios: mantain 4:3 aspect ratio by default
- md: do not stop 68k on vdp fifo full, but only stop it if it tries to access vdp ports
- md: fix dma fill when len=0
- md: fm add dynamic rate control
- md: improve shadow/highlight
- md: use nuke Ym2612 emulation by default
- md: savestates, use gsh format
- md: support very small roms
- sms: savestate fixes
- ui: hide cursor on screen
- ui: improve multi-screen support
- ui: show info messages
- helios: update z80 lib
- md: do not reset fm on z80 un-reset
- md: for a given line, window plane hides planeA
- md: improve interlace mode
- md: tweak fm busy time
- md: fix shadowHighlight
- msx: add ASCII16, Konami mappers
- ui: region selector, recent files
- sms: support fm detection + infra
- sms: fix mapper
- sms: hint fix
- sram: do not write an empty file
- 68k: MOVEM fix pre-decrement long-writes on
- gg: initial support and lots of fixes
- md: fix z80 mem bounds
- md: the path for sram files can now be changed via prop
- md: improve cram viewer
- sms: add support for MEKA rom db
- sms: support pause button
- sms: savestate and quicksave handling
- emu: reset psg on load state
- sms: support backup mapper
- sms: support codem and korea mappers
- sms: add support for V28-V30 video modes
- sms: add EU/US support
- ui: fix keyboard actions
- sg1000: add inital support + plenty of fixes
- coleco: add initial support + plenty of fixes
- msx: add initial support + plenty of fixes
- sms: add initial support + plenty of fixes
- emu: rename project to ... helios
- emu: big infra rewrite to accomodate new systems
- emu: load bios at startup if necessary
- 68k: fix movep.l issue
- 68k: fix flags for shift/rotate instructions when shift value = 0
- msx: add ay38910 psg
- msx: add carthw database
- sound: default to 44.1khz
- tms: add mode3
- 68k: update 68k lib to latest and cleanup
- emu: reduce gc and perf tweaks
- emu: use better timers
- fm: refactor timers, increase precision
- psg: add attenuation property
- ui: handle save state to file
- ui: do not scale on EDT by default
- vdp: draw line on first slot
- vdp: fix dma copy bandwidth
- z80: interrupt work
- 68k: fix buggy move.l
- 68k: move.l with a pre-decremented address register writes lsw and then msw
- app: fix close
- dma: fix 68kToVram
- emu: work on 68k and z80 timings
- emu: quick save states
- emu: initial savestate support
- emu: add ability to pause the emulation
- fifo: work in progress
- fm: busy flag and refactor
- pad: support for 6 buttons - disabled for now
- region: default to US
- ui: add pause and reset
- vdp: fix mid-frame cram updates
- vdp: fix headless mode
- vdp: fix rendering when sprites are close to the top/bottom
- vdp: vb on when !display
- vdp: dma bandwidth, consider REFRESH slots
- vdp: use slot granularity
- vdp: 8bit vram read
- vdp: hint fixes and tests
- z80: propagate un/reset to FM
- fm: improve dac
- sound: close resources on exit
- emu: fix close and reload rom
- emu: default screen size scaling to 2x
- ui: add relevant help menus
- 68k: rework Z-flag calc
- 68k: better handling of STOP, restart on exception
- 68k: RESET instruction should only reset external devices
- build: load version from manifest
- dma: fix fill and copy
- emu: basic cheat codes support
- emu: compute checksum and add autofix checksum
- fm: rework timers
- sram: write to file only on close
- ui: default scale set to 2
- vdp: rework rendering engine
- vdp: sprite masking, handle simple case
- vdp: shadow highlight - needs work
- vdp: refactor timings
- z80: fix reset logic
- 68k and z80: use delays when handling vdp interrupts
- 68k and z80: process interrupts when halted
- 68k: fix f-line and a-line emulation
- 68k: fix Zero flag when doing add.b or add.w
- 68k: rebuild lib
- emu: fix rom wrapping
- emu: init I/O control port to 0 - fixes SGDK
- fm: dac 13 bit, avoids clicks
- sram: add save/load support
- vdp: add support for VRAM 8-bit read
- dma: rewrite and extract it to VpdDmaHandler
- dma: initial support for DMA transfer rate
- emu: add region override
- ntsc: add support for V30 and H40
- sram: refactor impl
- vdp: do not set hblank on !displayEnable
- vdp: extract memory handling to a separate class
- z80: memory access fixes
- 68k and z80: better error handling
- eeprom: handle eeprom as sram
- cart: ignore invalid SRAM setups
- dma: refactor
- emu: autodetect SSF2/Sega mapper
- emu: initial headless support
- fm: catch key_on exception
- vdp: tweak hLinePassed
- vdp: rebuild interrupt and hvc counter handling
- fm: refactor timers
- first public build