Generate large data sets with a given z-distribution
You can either use it via import:
import {generate} from './zipfian-generator';
* Saves a randomly generated dataset to file
* @param {number} alpha The s value for the distribution. See ( Default: 1
* @param {number} sampleSize The number of records to generate, also describes the range of possible identifiers. Default: 100000
* @param {number} variants The number of individual variants for records (sampleSize * variants), which is applied linearly. Default: 1
* @param {string} outfile The name of the output file. Default: sample_<alpha>_<sampleSize>_<variants>.txt
* @param {boolean} push Indicates wether to overrite the outfile (false), if it exists, or append to it (true). Default: false
generate(1,100000,1,'./samples.txt', false);
Or via the cli:
# -a --alpha The alpha value for the generate method
# -s --size The sampleSize value for the generate method
# -v --variants The variants value for the generate method
# -o --out The outfile value for the generate method
# -p --push The push value for the generate method
$ node ./zipfian-generator -a 1 -s 100000 --out "./zipfian-generator" --push true
Please do! This is an open source project - if you see something that you want, open an issue or file a pull request.
I am always looking for more maintainers, as well.
Apache 2.0 (c) 2020 Frederic Charette