!!! Please choose one template below ADD FEED, EDIT FEED or INFORM a BUG/PROBLEM. PLEASE: Remove this headline and the unused templates!!!
Hi, I want to add my feed to the Python Planet or I want to change my current feed url from CURRENT_URL_HERE to NEW_URL_HERE
My Name/Blog Name: MY_NAME_OR_BLOG_NAME_HERE (e.g John Doe Awesome Blog)
My Blog RSS or ATOM Python specific feed url: MY_FEED_URL
IMPORTANT!!! we need contact information to notify in case of any changes Please send an email to
title:PR {number} sent to planet
with your email address + a link for the PR you opened.
- My feed is valid, I checked using https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=MY_FEED_URL and it is valid!
- My feed is a Python Specific feed, e.g: I am proposing the filtered tag or categorized feed url
- I only post content to this feed which is related to the Python language and its components and libraries. Or content that I consider interesting for the Python community.
- I am aware that once my feed is added it can take a few hours to start being fetched (according to the server update cycle)
- My feed contains only content in English language.
Thanks in advance for adding my feed to the PythonPlanet! 👍
NOTE: If you are adding a podcast feed please validate using http://castfeedvalidator.com/
Hi, I want to notify you of a bug/problem that is happening on the Planet.
I am using:
Platform: (mobile, tablet, desktop)
!!! PLEASE remove the unused templates above !!!