An nvim plugin to enable creating periodic notes for journals and planning. Inspired by the Obsidian feature of the same name and Journal.nvim.
I use this as part of my personal Zettelkasten.
-- install from local repo
-- this is just an example; you can just as well use empty opts {}
dir = "~/daily-notes.nvim",
opts = {
writing = {
root = "~/zettelkasten/daily-notes"
-- install from github repo
{ "fdavies93/daily-notes.nvim", opts = {} }
Note that this plugin is only tested on my personal Arch Linux for now. It should work on other UNIX systems (i.e. WSL, MacOS, BSD), but this isn't guaranteed. Windows probably won't work due to differences in file and date handling.
The most important option is writing.root
. This controls where
daily-notes.nvim tries to put new notes and open existing notes. This should
integrate with existing setups if you set the
and other options to
match your current filename formats.
It's also worth setting
to your preferred format for that
type of note, e.g:
writing = {
day = {
template = "# %A, %B %d %Y\n\n## Notes\n\n## Tasks\n\n## Timebox"
If your locale is not English you will need to set parsing.week_starts
to be a
string in your locale's language. This is because locale strings are used
internally for parsing to avoid mixing calls to os.time
with baked-in strings.
If you prefer weekly notes to daily ones, you can change parsing.default
to be
this week
For a full list of config options, see the default config here.
Setup your configuration so the directories and templates follow your preferred date format.
:DailyNote day +1
:DailyNote next week
:DailyNote tuesday
:FuzzyTime 2025
daily-notes.nvim exports :DailyNote
and :FuzzyTime
user commands.
creates a new note or opens a note if one already exists.
gives time information for the given input and can be used as a way
to do a 'dry run' of :DailyNote
or to play with the date parser.
daily-notes.nvim implements a recursive descent parser to resolve dates in English into timestamps and create files.
Dates are parsed in the following order:
- Timestamps
- Unambiguous semantic dates (e.g. 'today')
- Ambiguous semantic dates (e.g. 'this Tuesday')
The different algorithms for resolving ambiguous dates can be selected in the
config at parsing.resolve_strategy
-- PERIOD is ("day" | "week" | "month" | "year") ~ "s"?
-- Unambiguous semantic dates
YEAR[,] week NUM
-- if year isn't defined, we just use the current year
week NUM[,] [YEAR]
PERIOD -- the same as 'this PERIOD'
(last | previous | prev) PERIOD
in [+/-]NUM PERIOD
[+/-]NUM PERIOD ago
-- Ambiguous semantic dates
-- WEEKDAY is generated from the locale names for the weekdays, e.g. "tuesday"
-- and their 3-letter prefixes e.g. "tue"
-- the meaning of this / next / last is determined by config
(last | previous | prev) WEEKDAY
-- these always use the current week +/- weeks
-- MONTH is generated from the locale names for the months, e.g. "january"
-- and their 3-letter prefixes e.g. "jan"
-- the meaning of this / next / last is determined by config
this MONTH
next MONTH
(last | previous | prev) MONTH
For the details of date parsing see the fuzzy time module.
For all timestamp formats see default config.
We use the default strftime for rendering dates, but %W
(week number) and %w
(numerical day of week) are replaced by bespoke logic so that alternate week
starts are possible.
I prefer plugins that do one job, rather than all-in-one tools.