This project will allow you to practice setting up a server that will handle simple requests in Express.js.
You will be setting up a server with four endpoints using the Express.js framework.
The endpoints will only respond to GET requests, and send a string as a response.
- Install the express.js npm package
npm i express
- Create the file
Use the following code to setup your server
import express from "express";
const app = express();
const server = app.listen(3001, () => {
console.log("The server is listening... 🐒");
Create an endpoint that will respond to the path /hello
- It should send a response with a string. Use the following string;
Hello to you too!
Create an endpoint that will respond to the path /time
- It should return a
with the current time and date
Create an endpoint that will respond to the path /random
- It should send a response with the random number
Create an endpoint that will respond to the path /fact
- It should send a response with a string. Use the following string;
JavaScript was created in about 10 days!
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This is what CodeBuddy found when running your code. It is to show you what you have achieved and to give you hints on how to complete the exercise.
Status | Check |
server.js should exist |