The scripts in this project are used for the automation of AFK Minecraft actions. The scripts have been tested in Minecraft 1.14.4 on Windows, but they could work in Linux and macOS X depending on the compatibility of the libraries used (mainly pywinauto).
- The latest stable release of Python 3 (3.7.4 at the moment of writing).
- cmder to have a better experience with the command line.
Execute the following instruction only once, when you start using the scripts.
From the command line:
- Install the latest version of pip with
pythom -m pip install --upgrade pip
, - Install
withpip install virtualenv
, - Navigate to the scripts directory.
- Define a new virtual environment in the script directory with
virtualenv .env
. - Activate the virtual environment with
. - Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
For the duration of the session in commander, the virtual environment will contain all the libraries necessary to run
the scripts. To deactivate the environment run .\env\Scripts\deactivate.bat
Execute the following instruction every time you want to start any of the automation scripts.
From the command line:
- Navigate to the scripts directory.
- Activate the virtual environment with
(source .env/bin/activate
in Linux/macOS)
Now you can activate any of the scripts.
Script name:
script is designed to work with xisumavoid's AFK fish farm
for 1.14. The script does nothing more than sending a right-click event to a Minecraft application instance every 0.1
seconds. Arguably, the script could be used for any AFK automation that requires a steady and constant amount of
To start the AFK fishing:
- Start commander and load the the environment as indicated at Load environment.
- Build the fish-farm according to Xisumavoid's design. Please take note from the tutorial that you need a fishing rod enchanted with at least Mending in order to AFK without any limits.
- Disable auto-pausing in Minecraft with
. - Point the UI radical to the note-block.
to the command line.- Start the script with
. - Profit!
As long as the radical in the player UI points to the note-block and a fishing-rod is selected, the script will keep sending right-clicks to Minecraft every 0.1 seconds starting AFK farming. Minecraft can be minimised while the script is running and I recommend to disable shaders (if you are using Optifine or other graphical clients) in order to reduce power consumption and reduce GPU utilisation.
To stop the script, simply interrupt the script with Ctrl-C