I am Faouzi from 🇫🇷. I am a scientist in Immunology (PhD) and a ML engineer.
My specialties include "just in time" learning, problem-solving, designing, and implementing data pipelines and architectures. I like to define myself as a data engineer with a sniff of DevOps. I keep polishing my coding skills in Python and Scala through the development of personal libraries or personal data analysis projects, and I try to make my way through the Python and Scala ecosystems. I also work on personal projects with Dart / Flutter.
I use a blog to document my learning & professional journey in the field and if you feel like you want to contact me, you can find me on or here on
- Languages: Python, Scala, SQL, R, dart/Flutter
- DevOps: Git, Docker, Ansible, Sentry, Github Workflow, Bitbucket pipelines
- MLOps: Metaflow, MLFlow, Vertex.ai
- Cloud: Google Cloud (Cloud function, Cloud Run, Compute Engine, Vertex.ai)
- Data: Airflow, Apache Superset, DBT, Spark, RDBMS (Postgre & MySQL)