A Symfony bundle that wraps the Bexio Connector library.
Add to composer.json
composer require fatpanda-gmbh/bexio-connector-bundle
Then enable it in your kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
new Fatpanda\BexioConnectorBundle\BexioConnectorBundle(),
The bundle registers the bexio_connector
To use it, you need a valid Bexio API token that you can generate at https://office.bexio.com/index.php/admin/apiTokens#/
class: AppBundle\Service\BexioService
$connector: '@bexio_connector'
$token: %token%
use Fatpanda\BexioConnector\BexioConnector;
class BexioService
* @var BexioConnector
private $connector;
public function __construct(BexioConnector $connector, string $token)
$this->connector = $connector;
public function getContactsList()
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle: