Configuration files.
git clone ~/dotfiles
rsync -a ~/dotfiles/ ~
rm -rf ~/dotfiles
This configuration require vim 8.0. Older ubuntu system need to update vim using third party source.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim -yu
sudo apt-get install vim -y
PPA for neovim
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable -yu
sudo apt-get install neovim -y
sudo update-alternatives --install $(which vim) vim $(which nvim) 50
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/vim 100
PPA for universal-ctags (for older ubuntu)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hnakamur/universal-ctags -yu
sudo apt-get install universal-ctags -y
PPA for ripgrep (for older ubuntu)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:x4121/ripgrep -yu
sudo apt-get install ripgrep -y
- In vim, run
to find list of available linter.
- edit in .bashrc to set LAUNCH_EDITOR to point to
- use by svelte inspector to open files when clicking component.
export LAUNCH_EDITOR=~/dotfiles/.bin/
npm install -g vim-language-server
- ale-python-linter
- vimrc
Plugin 'farhanmustar/ale-python-linter'
- vimrc
- jedi-language-server (jedils)
- language server for python.
pip install jedi-language-server
- python-language-server (pyls)
- language server for python. (available for python 2.7)
pip install python-language-server
- flake8
- more detail checker especially in code formatting.
pip install flake8
- bandit
- security issue checker.
pip install bandit
- debugpy
- debugger for python app by simply prefix with
python -m debugpy
- debugger for python app by simply prefix with
pip install debugpy
# for python 3
pip install -U "debugpy<=1.6.3"
- clangd
- Download binary file from clangd github release page.
- Copy to bin dir.
- for ROS development set env variable using shell or in vimrc
let $CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH='/home/user/ws/devel/include/:/opt/ros/melodic/include/'
- or run this command to generate the
.- bash aliased to
- then link the generated
file to outside the build folder for ale to find.ln -sT /home/user/ws/build/compile_command.json /home/user/ws/compile_command.json
- bash aliased to
- Download binary file from clangd github release page.
- ccls
- seems to be faster then clangd.
git clone --depth=1 --recursive cd ccls wget -c tar xf clang+llvm-8.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04.tar.xz cmake -H. -BRelease -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$PWD/clang+llvm-8.0.0-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04 cmake --build Release
- codelldb
- get download url from vscode-lldb release page.
- download and extract using unzip.
- then link to bin path.
wget -c unzip codelldb-x86_64-linux.vsix ln -sT <codelldb>/extension/adapter/codelldb /usr/bin/codelldb
- node-debug2
- need to clone and build on the same path since nvim config use that path.
git clone ~/.bin/vscode-node-debug2 cd ~/.bin/vscode-node-debug2 npm install export NODE_OPTIONS="--no-experimental-fetch" npm run build
- ale-roslint
- vimrc
Plugin 'farhanmustar/ale-roslint'
- vimrc
- tsserver (language server for javascript and typescript)
npm install -g typescript
- chrome debugger client
git clone ~/.bin/vscode-chrome-debug
cd ~/.bin/vscode-chrome-debug
npm install
npm run build
# run chrome/chromium-browser in debug mode.
google-chrome-stable --remote-debugging-port=9222
- svelte language server from vscode plugin
sudo npm i -g svelte-language-server
- Tagbar support
- Instal dart ctags.
git clone
cd dart_ctags
dart pub global activate -s path .
// or convert to native (exp for win)
cd dart_ctags
dart compile exe ./bin/dart_ctags.dart
- gopls language server
go install
- luacheck linter
sudo apt install lua-check
- dotnet sdk
sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-6.0
- cs-language-server
- need to install dotnet sdk first.
- for .net 6 (lts) need to specify older version
dotnet tool install --global csharp-ls --version 0.5.7
- tidy linter and formatter
wget -c
sudo dpkg -i tidy-5.9.14-Linux-64bit.deb
- tldr
sudo apt install tldr
tldr -u
Push x11 session over vnc (mirror exisiting display).
sudo apt install x11vnc