Do you love to travel but find planning trips a bit overwhelming with all the details like costs, duration, destinations, and activities? We get it! That’s why we created Triprecco, a web app just for you. It uses content-based filtering and similarity search algorithms to find and recommend personalized trip itineraries, making your trip planning faster and easier.
- Modern Operating System
- Windows 7 or 10 or above.
- OS X / MacOS 10.11 or higher.
- Linux: RHEL 6/7, 64-bit (almost all libraries also work in Ubuntu) or above.
- x86 64-bit CPU (Intel/AMD architecture) or arm64 (MacOS)
- 4GB RAM or above.
- 5GB free disk space or above.
- Python 3.12 (This version is necessary as the TF-IDF vectorizer was fitted using this version of Python)
- Any web browser, preferably Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
- Code Editor: VSCode
To start using Triprecco, clone this GitHub repository.
In the root directory of the folder, run the following command in your shell/terminal to install the necessary packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Afterwards, in the root directory, you can start the app by running the following command:
streamlit run
At this point, the application should start and you will be redirected to the browser. Happy planning!
Alternatively, should you encounter any issues with running the application in your environment, you can access the deployed application here.
- Farhan
- Tze Kit
- Rachel
- Xavier
- Rayner