Hassle-free documentation generation powered by AsciiDoc
⚡️ Write documents in AsciiDoc format
⚡️ Include text-based diagrams in your documents:
⚡️ Extend AsciiDoc with custom extensions:
⚡️ Publish your documents to Confluence and code hosting services
ascaid makes it easy to write partially-generated documentation in AsciiDoc format. Generating the documentation can help with reducing documentation CRUFT.
Under the hood, ascaid uses Asciidoctor.js and Pandoc and offers the following main features:
It can be configured to load Asciidoctor.js Extensions
It includes a live server to help with writing AsciiDoc documents
It can convert Asciidoc files to GitHub Flavored Markdown
It can publish GitHub Flavored Markdown files to Confluence
The following diagram shows a typical document writing and publishing workflow with ascaid.
Note: This document is generated with ascaid itself. Check out the source here.
Usage: ascaid [options] [command]
Hassle-free documentation generation powered by AsciiDoc
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
serve [directory] start an AsciiDoc server
adoc-to-gfm <srcDir> <outDir> AsciiDoc -> GitHub flavored markdown
gfm-to-confluence <dir> Publish a GitHub flavored markdown directory to
help [command] display help for command
Usage: ascaid-serve [options] [rootDir]
Start an AsciiDoc server
rootDir server root directory (default: current
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config <path> config file path
-a, --attribute [key=value...] set a document attribute. The value given will
override values from the config file. Passing
the key without =value will unset the
attribute (default: [])
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: ascaid-adoc-to-gfm [options] <srcDir> <outDir>
Recursively convert AsciiDoc files in a directory to GitHub flavored markdown
srcDir source directory
outDir output directory
-V, --version output the version number
--ignore [globPattern...] glob patterns to ignore (default: ["**/_*"])
-c, --config <path> config file path
-a, --attribute [key=value...] set a document attribute. The value given will
override values from the config file. Passing
the key without =value will unset the
attribute (default: [])
-h, --help display help for command
Usage: ascaid-gfm-to-confluence [options] <dir>
Recursively publish a GitHub flavored markdown directory to Confluence
dir dir to publish to Confluence
-V, --version output the version number
--api-base-url [apiBaseUrl] Confluence API base URL
--api-username [apiUsername] Confluence API username
--api-password [apiPassword] Confluence API password
--space-key [spaceKey] Confluence space key
--root-page-id [rootPageId] Confluence root page ID
--root-page-title [rootPageTitle] Confluence root page title
-h, --help display help for command
You can optionally use a config file to register custom extensions and set Asciidoctor.js options. On startup, ascaid looks for a config file named ascaid.config.json
or ascaid.config.jsonc
in the current working directory. The following block shows an example config file:
// JSON comments will be striped out
"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fardjad/node-ascaid/master/ascaid.config.schema.json",
"extensions": [
// npm i asciidoctor-kroki
// https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor/latest/api/options/
"asciidoctorOptions": {
// https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoc/latest/attributes/document-attributes-ref/
"attributes": {
"nofooter": true,
"kroki-server-url": "http://my-server-url:port"
ascaid supports Asciidoctor.js Extensions.
An example implementation of a custom extension can be found here.
In order to publish AsciiDoc documents to Confluence, you should first convert them to GitHub Flavored Markdown (see CLI Usage for more info). Then you’ll need to create an API token and a root page to publish the documents under. An example project with GitHub Actions integration can be found here.