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72 lines (54 loc) · 2.02 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (54 loc) · 2.02 KB

Project Overview

This project was done as part of the Data Visualization Techniques course.
To check how our project looks, click here.
It was created by Norbert Frydrysiak, Mateusz Karandys and Jakub Kaproń.

Kuba (Jakub), Mateusz, and Norbert are avid enthusiasts of Linux operating systems. We thoroughly enjoy working in the terminal and programming in languages such as Java, Python, and R. Hence, we found it intriguing to analyze our data in this realm.

Bash History

In this section, you can delve into the data related to the commands we input in the terminal.

System Packages

The System Packages section provides insights into the system packages installed on our computers.

Git Version Control

Explore our commits and repositories on our computers in the Git Version Control section.

Python and R Packages

These sections offer an interesting comparison of the packages we use in Python and R.

How have we gathered the data?

System installed packages:

For debian based linux distros:

apt list --installed > installed_packages.txt


dpkg -l > installed_packages.txt

For arch linux based linux distros:

pacman -Q > installed_packages.txt

For MacOS:

brew list > file.txt

Commands history:

history > file.txt

Python packages:

pip freeze > file.txt

For dependencies:

pip3 install pipdeptree
pipdeptree --json > file.json

Git stats:

find ~/ -name .git -execdir sh -c 'echo "Repository $(realpath "{}")" && git log -n 10000 --pretty=format:"%h, %an, %as, %s" --date=short && echo "\n"' \; > file.txt

R packages:

To start a R session type R in the terminal and then follow with:

write.table(installed.packages(), "file.txt", sep=",")