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Hook runningInVM method in AssetCache and AssetCacheManageService make Content Caching can running in VM. Support macOS High Sierra 10.13.3 ~ Ventura 13.3.1

How To Do


  1. Remember path of the patch dir.
  2. Reboot VM to RecoveryOS
  3. Open Terminal and change Dir to the patch dir.
  4. Run ./ apply or ./ apply <System Root>(If your system root name is not Macintosh HD)
  5. Turn ON Contant Caching in System Preferences.


  1. Remember path of the patch dir.
  2. Reboot VM to RecoveryOS
  3. Open Terminal and change Dir to the patch dir.
  4. Run ./ restore or ./ restore <System Root>(If your system root name is not Macintosh HD)


class-dump JRSwizzle