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Toy process language with an interactive playground for exploring concurrency


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An experimental concurrent language with an interactive playground



  • 🦀 If you like this concurrent paradigm, and want to use it in a real programming language, check out my Rust crate with the same name: Par. It's a full implementation of session types, including non-deterministic handling of many clients.

  • đź’¬ Use the Discussions as a forum to ask questions and discuss ideas! Or join our Discord.

  • 🫶 If you'd like to support my effort to bring the power of linear logic to practical programming, you can do it via GitHub Sponsors.

  • 🧑‍💻 For a possible collaboration, reach me via e-mail in my GitHub profile.

There is a type system now!

The guide is not yet updated to describe the new type system. Check out this live tutorial, which explains the type system, and also provides a gentler introduction to the language, compared to this guide.

Table of Contents

Setting up

If you don't have Rust and Cargo installed, do that first. Then clone this repository and execute

$ cargo run

to open the interactive playground.

The Par language guide

Par (â…‹) is an experimental concurrent programming language. It's an attempt to bring the expressive power of linear logic into practice.

đź“š Don't worry if you don't know anything about logic, you might have interacted with it without knowing anyway. Functional programming is based on intuitionistic logic. Rust's ownership system is based on affine logic, which is very similar to linear logic. The only difference between the two is that affine logic lets you not use a value, drop it. Turns out this is a crucial difference. As we'll see, disallowing this ability lets us build a whole new way of doing concurrency.

Since this is a programming language guide and not a math textbook, we won't be mentioning logic from now on, until the very last section. It's not important to know anything about logic to understand the language. The value of basing the language on linear logic is that it provides a powerful design guidance.

First off, let's list some general properties of Par:

  • Code executes in sequential processes.
  • Processes communicate with each other via channels.
  • Every channel has two end-points, in two different processes.
  • Two processes share at most one channel.
  • The previous two properties guarantee, that deadlocks are not possible.
  • No disconnected, unreachable processes. If we imagine a graph with processes as nodes, and channels as edges, it will always be a single connected tree.

Despite the language being dynamically typed at the moment, the above properties hold. With the exception of no unreachable processes, they also hold statically. A type system with linear types is on the horizon, but I want to fully figure out the semantics first.

All values in Par are channels. Processes are intangible, they only exist by executing, and operating on tangible objects: channels. How can it possibly all be channels?

  • A list? That's a channel sending all its items in order, then signaling the end.
  • A function? A channel that receives the function argument, then becomes the result.
  • An infinite stream? Also a channel! This one will be waiting to receive a signal to either produce the next item, or to close.

Some features important for a real-world language are still missing:

  • Primitive types, like strings and numbers. However, Par is expressive enough to enable custom representations of numbers, booleans, lists, streams, and so on. Just like λ-calculus, but with channels and expressive concurrency.
  • Replicable values. But, once again, replication can be implemented manually, for now.
  • Non-determinism. This can't be implemented manually, but I already have a mechanism thought out.

One non-essential feature that I really hope will make it into the language later is reactive values. It's those that update automatically based on their dependencies changing.

Getting started

To get familiar with the interactive playground after opening it, type this code into the editor on the left:

define rgb = [value] value {
  red?   => .red!
  green? => .green!
  blue?  => .blue!

define stream_of_rgbs = [input] begin {
  close => do {
  } in !

  next => do {
    let color = rgb(value)
  } in (color) loop

Don't worry about understanding this code just yet.

Press Compile to make the code runnable. Par compiles a high-level language with ergonomic syntactic constructs into a lower-level process language (which is very close to a subset of the high-level language). If you're interested in what the compiled code looks like, press âś… Show compiled.

Now, press Run to open a list of compiled definitions; any one can be run and interacted with.

Running rgb prompts a choice of three colors.

Run rgb 1

After choosing the desired color, it's copied from right to left.

Run rgb 2

Running stream_of_rgbs prompts a choice of close or next. Every next triggers a prompt of a new color. Notice that you're allowed to request new prompts before the previous ones are resolved. This is a small show of Par's concurrency in action.

Run stream_of_rgbs

Program structure

Code in playground consists of a list of definitions. Any of them can be run and interacted with. Each definition has the form:

define <name> = <expression>

There are currently no capabilities for external I/O; all interaction occurs within the playground, via its automatic user interface.

Process syntax

Par code has two main syntactic categories: expressions and processes. The process syntax is more general, but less convenient for many situations. Still, it's needed in others. It's important we first understand process syntax, because most of expression syntax can be considered a syntax sugar on top of process syntax.

Channel spawning

Before we delve into it, there is one piece of expression syntax we will need. After all, definitions need an expression after the = sign. The construct is channel spawning, and it is a necessary piece of syntax; not a syntactic sugar. It goes like this:

chan <name> { <process> }

This together with process syntax is all we really need for writing Par programs. In fact, that's what the compiled code comes down to. However, expression syntax we'll cover afterwards, is a big factor in making Par code a pleasure to write and read.

Type this code:

define program = chan user {
  // nothing yet

Here's what it means:

  • The expression chan user { ... } evaluates to a channel, which we assign to program.
  • At the same time, the process inside the curly braces is started.
  • Inside it, the other side of the channel returned from the expression is made available under the name user.

If you press Compile, you'll get an error:

3| }
This process must end.

Ending a process is explicit in Par. A process that doesn't end is syntactically invalid ― there is no need to worry about accidentally not doing it.

Let statement

To assign an expression to a variable inside a process, use:

let <name> = <expression>

For example:

define program = chan user {
  let child = chan parent {
    // nothing yet
  // nothing yet

Variable names can be reassigned, but only after the original channel was either closed or moved elsewhere.

Closing channels

To keep processes connected, and make sure no process goes forgotten, closing a channel is different for each of its sides. One side uses !, while the other one must match it with ?.

  • channel! closes the channel, and ends the process at the same time.
  • channel? waits for the channel to be closed from the other side, and continues its process.

In other words, ! must be the last statement of a process, while ? cannot be the last statement.

đź“ť I know this may appear as a very strange restriction. But it's important for maintaing the guarantees outlined in the beginning. Also, you'll get used it. It actually does end up making a lot of sense.

Type this:

define program = chan user {

This now compiles and runs.

Note, that since we're running it and thus connecting the channel to the UI, it's the UI that does the ? part here. To show how it works across processes, type this:

define program = chan user {
  let child = chan parent {
    parent!  // I'm closing...
  child?  // I'm waiting here until you close...

The behavior towards the UI stays the same, but inside, we spawn a process, end it while closing its channel via parent!, wait on the other side using child?, and only then we close the user channel.

Linearity of channels

What would happen if we didn't close the child channel from the parent side?

define program = chan user {
  let child = chan parent {

Run it and see!

6|   user!
Cannot end this process without handling `child`.

Channels must not be dropped. A channel may only be closed in coordination by both of its sides. With a type system in place, all of this will be checked at compile-time. Right now, failing to coordinate here only results in runtime errors.

Additionally, each channel end-point must be in exactly one process. A channel can be moved (captured) into a newly spawned process, but then can't be acessed from outside anymore. Try this code:

define program = chan user {
  let child1 = chan parent { parent! }
  let child2 = chan parent {
    child1?  // captured `child1` here
  child1?  // comment this line to avoid crash

Running it gives this error:

7|   child1?  // comment this line to avoid crash
`child1` is not defined.

That's because child1 was previously moved into another process.


To direct the control-flow of processes, we send signals across channels. To send a signal, use .:


The name of a signal can be anything: .close, .next, .red, .item, .empty, and so on, are all examples of signal names we'll see in this guide.

To receive one of several signals from a channel, use curly braces after the channel's name. Inside the curly braces, put a branch of the form signal => { <process> } for each possible signal:

<channel> {
  <signal1> => {
    // do something after `<signal1>` received
  <signal2> => {
    // do something after `<signal2>` received
  <signal3> => {
    // do something after `<signal3>` received

After sending or receiving a signal, the original channel is again available for further communication.

Sending a signal on a channel handled by the UI prints the signal in the UI.

define program = chan user {

Hello, world!

Awaiting a signal on a channel handled by the UI lets the user choose among the options via buttons.

define program = chan user {
  user {
    first => {
    second => {
    third => {

First, second, third

After clicking a button:

Choose second

đź“ť Sending a signal intentionally looks like method invocation from other languages. While the two concepts are different, they often serve similar purposes. Aside from that, signals also serve the role of sum types: those with multiple alternative forms.


If multiple branches need to continue the same way, use pass to resume execution after the curly braces. This is especially useful when doing multiple choices in a row.

define program = chan user {
  user {
    first  => { pass }
    second => { user.correct! }
    third  => { pass }
  user {
    first  => { pass }
    second => { user.correct! }
    third  => { pass }

Combining operations

I took the liberty to combine operations in the last snippet before explaining it, because otherwise it would be unbearably long.

Multiple operations on the same channel can be combined into a single statement. For example, instead of typing:


We can just do:


Any sequence of operations can be combined this way in process syntax. The only limitation is that the choice operation (receiving a signal) can only be the last operation in a sequence. That's because the control-flow continues inside its branches.

The previous snippet can be made even shorter!

define program = chan user {
  user.guess_which {
    first  => { pass }
    second => { user.correct! }
    third  => { pass }
  user.try_again {
    first  => { pass }
    second => { user.correct! }
    third  => { pass }

đź“ť Combining operations in a single statement makes it read like a single, more complex operation. Thanks to the succinctness (very little typing) of the basic operations, the compound ones are uncluttered, allowing their own meaning to shine forth.

Exchanging values

Channels can be viewed as single-use values. For example, booleans can be implemented as channels sending one of the signals .true or .false, and immediately closing afterwards.

define true = chan result {

define false = chan result {

Whole channels, thus values, can be sent and received along other channels.

To send a value over a channel, use round parentheses:

define program = chan user {

Definitions can be used multiple times; each use creates a new instance of the defined value.

define program = chan user {

Send booleans

A value sent to the UI creates a separate box in the UI where the value is shown or interacted with.

To receive a value from a channel, use square brackets with a name of a new variable where the received value will be assigned.

define program = chan user {
  let child = chan parent {

  child[value1]  // creates a new variable `value1`
  child[value2]  // and another variable, `value2`


Values can be received from the UI as well. The UI will gladly send channels your way upon request.

define program = chan user {

  value {
    true => {
    false => {


Receive true/false

Chose lies

Receiving a value from the UI prompts the UI to create a new box, but unlike with values sent to the UI, this box will be in a new column.

đź“ť It's important to understand the difference between sending and receiving when it comes to interaction. Since any channel sent or received or be used for any kind of communication, the difference may not initially be obvious.

A good example is communicating with the UI. If you send a value to the UI, the entire process tree hidden behind that channel will no longer be accessible to the program. That's because there is at most one channel between any two processes, and by sending that channel, this connection was severed.

Thus, send values that you consider output, those you won't be touching anymore.

If you want to be juggling multiple channels, and make them interact with each other, those channels have to be received (or otherwise brought) into the process that wants to juggle them. The UI is willing to send you any number of channels, for your program to then juggle and make them interact among each other.

Combining operations on branches

Operations of receiving a value ([...]) and waiting for a channel to close (?) can be appended directly after a signal name on a branch. They will be applied to the same channel that we received the signal from.

channel {
  signal => {

This verbose code can be rewritten more consisely:

channel {
  signal[value]? => {

Some combination of these two operations often come right after receiving a signal, so this shortcut can be handy. If it looks somewhat like pattern matching from other languages, that's because it does, and is used in similar situations. However, it's not full pattern matching, the patterns can't nest. For now, at least.

Implementing functions

Of course, functions will be made from channels, but what is the right way? The obvious idea is probably: send a value to it, receive an answer. For example, the boolean negation could be implemented in this method like this:

define not = chan caller {
  bool {
    true?  => { caller(false)! }
    false? => { caller(true)! }

And used like this:

define program = chan user {
  let function = not

But that's wasting a good channel. The idiomatic approach is different: after receiving its argument, the channel should become the result. Here's how that looks for the not function:

define not = chan caller {
  bool {
    true?  => { caller.false! }
    false? => { caller.true! }

define program = chan user {
  let negation = not
  negation(true)  // `negation` becomes `false` after this

But there's an objection! In the definition of not, we don't make use of the previous definitions of true and false for returning. What if we were dealing with more complex values? We wouldn't want to be manually recreating them on the caller channel every time.

To solve that, we need linking.

Early sugar treat: function calling in expression syntax

It's not expression syntax time yet, but let's be honest, three lines to call a function is a lot.

  let negation = not

There is one piece of expression syntax that we'll thus learn early: sending in application position. Using it, the above can be rewritten as simply:


Looks exactly like calling a function in other languages!

In general, this verbose function calling in process syntax

let call = function
let result = call

can be rewritten to

let result = function(argument)

And function(argument) can not only be assigned to a variable, but also used wherever an expression is expected, such as sending values, or definitions.

đź“ť Note, that this only makes sense if the function channel becomes its result after receiving the argument. If the channel was to send the result back separately, we'd have to receive it using [...].


We can link two channels, which forwards their communication to one another, in both directions. A visual may help:

<Process X>   <Process Y>   <Process Z>
    A+ <------> A-   B+ <------> B-

Suppose there are three processes: X, Y, and Z. X and Y share two ends of the same channel (A+ and A-), and Y and Z share two ends of another channel (B+ and B-).

In this situation, the process Y can decide to link the channels A- and B+. What we get is this:

<Process X>                 <Process Z>
    A+ <-----------------------> B-

The process Y disappears, together with its channels A- and B+, and the processes X and Z are now in direct communication with one another. Anything X does on A+ is now reflected on B- and vice versa.

Using linking, we can finally use the definitions of true and false when definiting not. The linking operator is <>:

define true  = chan result { result.true! }
define false = chan result { result.false! }

define not = chan caller {
  bool {
    true?  => { caller <> false }
    false? => { caller <> true }

Linking must be the last statement in a process, just as is it the case with !.

Recursion, the usual way

Par has an own powerful construct for doing recursion called begin/loop, which we cover in the next section. It doesn't require explicit self-reference, but recursion by self-reference is supported (for now, at least), and it's best we cover it first.

Suppose we want to negate a list of booleans. The first question is, how do we make a list?

A list will be a channel that either will keep sending either a signal .item followed by sending the actual item, or sends a signal .empty and ends. Here's an example list of booleans:

define list_of_booleans = chan consumer {

Now we want to write a function that will take any such list and return a list with each boolean negated. Since we want it to work on a list of any length, we'll need recursion.

define negate_list = chan caller {
  list {
    empty? => {

    item[bool] => {
      caller <> negate_list(list)

We're using expression syntax for function calls. However, we could've written the last lines equivalently as:

      let rest = negate_list
      caller <> rest

Let's break this down.


After receiving the input list, the task is now to construct the output list on the caller channel.

    empty? => {

If the original list is empty, we signal an empty list on the output too.

    item[bool] => {
      caller <> negate_list(list)

For the non-empty case, we immediately receive an item on the branch. Then we send it negated to the output.

Finally, we start computing the negation of the rest of the list, sending the original list variable (which is now one item shorter) to a recursive call. Since we want the rest of the output to go to the original caller, we link this new tail with it.

Three things to note:

  1. The way we construct lists is very similar to the generator/yield syntax from other languages. Par doesn't need a special syntax for this purpose thanks to its expressive concurrent syntax and semantics.
  2. "Tail-call optimization" naturally follows from the semantics. There is no call-stack in Par, only processes and channels. After invoking the recursive call, the original process doesn't wait for it to finish. It proceeds immediately to the next statement: linking. It links the two channels and ends. Thus, the transformation will consume constant memory.
  3. On the consumer side, items will be available as soon as they are produced. Multiple list transformations can be stacked and proceed in parallel. This is, once again, a natural consequence of the concurrent semantics.

The only thing left is to run it:

define try_negate_list = negate_list(list_of_booleans)

Try negate list

Recursion, a better way

Par introduces a way to do recursion "in-line", without an explicit self-reference. This is very expressive: for example, passing anonymous recursive functions as arguments is simple. Also, helper functions for encapsulating a recursive loop, which are usually needed with recursion by self-reference, are not needed in Par.

It's fascilitated by two keywords: begin and loop.

<channel> begin

begin establishes a loop point. The channel name it's applied to is bound as a loop driver. It's not modified in any way.

Later, loop goes back to the loop point.

<channel> loop

When executing loop, two things happen:

  1. The channel loop is applied to becomes the new driver. All it means operationally is it's assigned to the original driver name bound in begin.
  2. Control-flow jumps to the associated loop point.

Let's make it clear by rewriting negate_list.

define negate_list = chan caller {
  list begin {  // loop point established here
    empty? => {

    item[bool] => {
      list loop  // go back to the loop point

Just like !, and <>, loop must be the last statement in a process.

Conceptually, the driver should be the value you're looping on, that's getting shorter with each iteration.

đź“ť In the case of negate_list, the driver remains the same channel, so specifying it may seem redundant. But in other cases, the name may be different. Later in the examples, there is a function for flattening binary trees, which replaces the driver with a different channel, two times.

There are two main reasons for doing it this way:

  1. It enables consistent begin/loop in expression syntax, where the driver may be anonymous.
  2. It opens doors to checking for totality (no infinite loops). All that needs to checked is that the new driver in loop is a descendant of the original driver in begin.

Notice, that the loop uses the channel caller from the enclosing process. Variables used between begin and loop persist across cycles. All you need to make sure is that all of those variables are still assigned (with possibly different values) before entering loop.

If you have multiple nested begin/loop and need to differentiate between them, labels are supported with @: ... begin @label, and ... loop @label.

loop may be used from nested processes, too! The following example may be a little mind-bending at first, but it's useful. It's one of many possible implementations of reversing a list. What makes it special is that it demonstrates a nice traversal pattern usable for other data structures, too.

define reverse = chan caller {

  let caller = chan return {
    list begin {
      empty? => {
        return <> caller

      item[value] => {
        let caller = chan return { list loop }
        return <> caller


This reverse sling-shots the caller channel all the way to the end of the list, creating a chain of processes connected by the return channels. Then, from the end, it calls .item(value) for each item in the list, sending the caller back up the return channels, all the way. Eventually, the outer-most return is reached, and .empty! is sent on the channel.

        let caller = chan return { list loop }

Here it's important to understand that loop captures the original caller variable, moving it into this new process. That's why we re-assign caller after getting it back. The other variable used in the loop body, return, is created anew every time.

Expression syntax

Everything Par does can be expressed with process syntax. Some things couldn't even be expressed without it. But, in a lot of cases, it's verbose.

For example, do we really need to specify this consumer channel just to make a list?

define list_of_booleans = chan consumer {

Couldn't we just write this instead? The intent is clear.

define list_of_booleans =

In fact, we can write exactly that!

There are two main categories of expressions: applications and constructions.

  • Applications come after an expression, and apply an operation to an existing value.
  • Constructions come before an expression, and generally prepend some operation to it.

Now that we've fully covered process syntax, I think expressions are best explained by giving their equivalents in process syntax, together with some illuminating examples.

đź“ť When trying out expression syntax, I highly recommend checking the compiled code. The compiled code is in bare-bones process syntax, which can be very revealing about the meaning of various expressions.

Sending values


Sends <expression2> to <expression1> and evaluates to the result. Means calling a function.


In process syntax:

chan result {
  let object = <expression1>
  result <> object


let negation = not(true)  // negation = false


Creates a value that firsts sends <expression1>, then evaluates to <expression2>. Means constructing a pair.

(<expression1>) <expression2>

In process syntax:

chan result {
  result <> <expression2>


let pair = (true) false
pair[first]   // first = true, pair = false

Receiving values

There is no application for receiving values due to scoping ambiguities.


Creates a value that first receives into <name>, then evaluates to <expression> which uses the received value. Means constructing a function.

[<name>] <expression>

In process syntax:

chan result {
  result <> <expression>


define identity = [value] value

Closing with !

There is no expression syntax for ?. However, ? can be used in branches in both process and expression application syntax. Also, there is no application for !, as it has no meaningful result.


Creates a channel that immediately closes. Same as constructing a unit value, such as an empty tuple in other languages.


In process syntax:

chan result {


let unit = !
unit?  // goes out of scope

Sending signals


Sends <signal> to <expression> and evaluates to the result. Somewhat similar to invoking a method on an object.


In process syntax:

chan result {
  let object = <expression>
  result <> object


let choice = chan chooser {  // this will get better with expressions for receiving signals
  chooser {
    left  => { chooser <> true }
    right => { chooser <> false }

let answer = choice.left  // answer = true


Creates a value that first sends <signal>, then evaluates to <expression>. It means the same thing as instantiating a sum/variant type.

.<signal> <expression>

In process syntax:

chan result {
  result <> <expression>


let true = .true!
let optional = .some true

let list =
  .item(true)   // sending `.item`, then sending `true`
  .item(false)  // these are all constructions
  .empty!       // sending `.empty`, then constructing `!`

Receiving signals


Receives a signal from <expression>, matches the correct branch, and evaluates to the expression after =>. It serves the same purpose as pattern matching / case expressions in other languages.

Branches have a slightly different syntax than in processes. Both [...] and ? are allowed, but in case the branch doesn't end with a ? (closing the original value), we need to specify a name to assign the remainder of the value to.

Received values, as well as the potential remainder of the original value can then be used in the result expression.

<expression> {
  <signal1> <name> => <expression1>

  <signal2>? => <expression2>

  <signal3>[<param>] <name> =>

In process syntax:

chan result {
  let object = <expression>
  object {
    <signal1> => {
      let <name> = object
      result <> <expression1>

    <signal2>? => {
      result <> <expression2>

    <signal3>[<param>] => {
      let <name> = object
      result <> <expression2>


define unwrap_or_false = [optional] optional {
  some value => value
  none?      => false


Creates an object that awaits one of several signals, then becomes the expression after a matched branch. This is a concept not really found in other languages, as far as I'm aware. It's similar to constructing an anonymous object in JavaScript, but unlike JavaScript, only one of the methods can be invoked.

All branches can, and must, use the same set variables captured from outside at construction.

Branches only support receiving values with [...]. Closing is not allowed in branches as the object still has to become the expression after =>.

  <signal1> => <expression1>

  <signal2>[<param>] => <expression2>

In process syntax:

chan result {
  result {
    <signal1> => {
      result <> <expression1>

    <signal2>[<param1>] => {
      result <> <expression2>


let choice = {
  left  => true
  right => false

let answer = choice.right  // answer = false



Starts a recursion on <expression>, using it as its driver. This is a way to recursively analyze a value and compute a result without falling back to process syntax. Useful for constructing recursive functions in pure expression syntax.

The schema below includes an additional <application>, which hints at more applications (such as receiving signals) following begin. It's not technically required (a bare <expression> begin is valid syntax), however, the corresponding loop will only be in scope inside these additional applications.

<expression1> begin <application>

A loop point created by application syntax can only be invoked by a loop in application syntax.

<expression2> loop

In process syntax:

chan result {
  let object = <expression1>
  object begin
  result <> object <application>
chan result {
  let object = <expression2>
  object loop


define negate_list = [list] list begin {
  empty? => .empty!
  item[bool] rest =>
    .item(not(bool)) rest loop


Creates an object recursing on its consumer. This is useful for constructing corecursive objects, such as infinite streams, or any other objects that can be indefinitely manipulated from outside.

đź“ť Yes, corecursion is just recursion from the other side.

begin <expression>

A loop point created by construction syntax can only be invoked by a loop in construction syntax.


In process syntax:

chan result {
  result begin
  result <> <expression>
chan result {
  result loop


define red_forever = begin {
  next  => (.red!) loop
  close => !

define program = chan user {
  let reds = red_forever[color1]  // color1 = .red![color2]  // color2 = .red!


Assigning a variable to be used in an expression can be done this way:

let <name> = <expression1> in <expression2>

This is the standard syntax found in multiple languages.

In process syntax:

chan result {
  let <name> = <expression1>
  result <> <expression2>

Commands in expressions with do/in

Sometimes we found ourselves in expression syntax, needing to do an operation not suported there directly, such as receiving a value from an existing channel. In such cases, we can temporarily switch to process syntax and add some commands to be executed before evaluating to an expression.

do {
  <process without an end>
} in <expression>

The commands inside the curly braces cannot end the process.

In process syntax:

chan result {
  <process without an end>
  result <> <expression>


do {[x]
} in .item(transform(x)) loop

Examples in Full Syntax

Flattening a tree

We can construct a binary tree of colors using construction expressions:

define tree_of_colors =

A function to flatten any binary tree into a list can be implemented using a traversal pattern similar to the reverse function from way above, but this time, utilizing expression syntax wherever possible.

define flatten = [tree] chan yield {
  let yield = tree begin {
    empty? => yield

    node[left][value][right]? => do {
      let yield = left loop
    } in right loop


The yield channel is traversed along the binary tree, and used to send all values from nodes in the correct order.

In process syntax, the same function could be written this way:

define flatten_process_syntax = chan caller {

  let caller = chan return {
    tree begin {
      empty? => {
        return <> caller

      node[left][value][right]? => {
        let caller = chan return { left loop }
        let caller = chan return { right loop }
        return <> caller


Infinite sequences

We've already had an example of an infinite sequence:

define red_forever = begin {
  next  => (.red!) loop
  close => !

It's an object with two methods: next and close:

  • next produces a new item, and loops back to expecting next or close.
  • close deallocates the sequence, it must clean up its internal state.

Let's make a function that zips two infinite sequences into an infinite sequence of pairs:

define zip_seqs = [seq1][seq2] begin {
  close => do {
  } in !

  next => do {[x][y]
  } in ((x)(y)!) loop

Here we make a good use of do/in, because the resulting sequence needs to poll and close the two sequences its made from.

Theoretical background

Par is a direct implementation of linear logic. Every operation corresponds to a proof-rule in its sequent calculus formulation. A future type system will have direct correspondence with propositions in linear logic.

The language builds on a process language called CP from Phil Wadler's beautiful paper "Propositions as Sessions".

While Phil didn't intend CP to be a foundation of any practical programming language (instead putting his hopes on GV, a functional language in the same paper), I saw a big potential there.

My contribution is reworking the syntax to be expression-friendly, making it more visually paletable, and adding the whole expression syntax that makes it into a practical language.


Toy process language with an interactive playground for exploring concurrency







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