Team PaGiToNi has built a site that allows you to view the latest news from a variety of reputable news sources, and search for news relating to issues of your choice π
- Use at least 1 API
- Make your API calls from the back-end using the Request module (or one you build yourself)
- The server contains a minimum of 2 routes
- Back-end testing with Tape
- Server testing with Supertest to inject fake HTTP requests
- Project hosted on Heroku
- Using module.exports and require to break a single large server file into smaller modules.
- Employ continuous intergration on your project with Travis or a similar tool (not currently passing..)
- Allow users to search via categories, countries, sources etc.
- Allow users to scroll across pages to view more than the set amount of news articles
- We used a whiteboard to draw up a basic software architecture
- We decided on our priorities for this project, namely: a clearly structured, documented API to allow us to focus on back-end requests
- We mob-programmed the initial setup
Splitting into pairsπ―β, we started with:
- the first API call and its handler
- the xhr to reach the first API's route and handler
Reconvening to plan our next steps, we decided on:
- beginning work on the second, user-input API call
- prepping the front-end to render the response from the first xhr and API
- We attempted to test our back-end handlers using nock to mock an external API call. After struggling with it for several hours, we ultimately couldn't get it to work. π
- News API:
- Loading spinner :