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Reality Mixer Pro
Mixed Reality Capture app for the Vision Pro

Reality Mixer lets you use your iPhone or iPad to display and record Vision Pro apps in Mixed Reality.

In other words, you can use your iPhone or iPad as a spectator camera.

This app is similar to the Reality Mixer app (compatible with the Meta Quest 2/3/Pro) and the Reality Mixer JS (compatible with Three.js and WebXR) apps.

Click on the image below to watch the video:

Follow us on Twitter for more updates!


This is still a very early prototype.


Name Screenshot Video Description
MiniBrush YouTube Drawing app based on the RealityKitDrawingApp example from Apple.
PaintByBall Tweet Paint by shooting balls with finger guns.
ParticlePhysics YouTube Use your hands to interact with a particle physics simulation.

What's inside?

This repository contains:

  • A Swift Package (RealityMixerVisionPro with the MixedRealityCapture library for visionOS).
  • A directory with visionOS example projects (inside VisionProExamples) that use the MixedRealityCapture library.
  • An iOS app (inside iPhoneProject) that can connect to visionOS apps that use the MixedRealityCapture library, and that can receive, decode, and display the Mixed Reality video.

How to use it?


  • iPhone that supports Person Segmentation with Depth running iOS 18.
  • Vision Pro running visionOS 2.
  • Xcode 16.0.

Before building any of the examples: make sure the directory containing the repository is named RealityMixerVisionPro (this might not be the case if you've downloaded and extracted a .zip file with the contents of this repository).

  1. Build and install the iOS app (inside iPhoneProject) and one of the visionOS apps (inside VisionProExamples) with Xcode 16 (or newer).

  2. First run the visionOS app, then launch the iOS app and type the local IP address of your Vision Pro (assuming that both the iPhone and the Vision Pro are connected to the same local network) and then tap on "Connect".

  3. Look at the image displayed on the iPhone screen with the Vision Pro so the Vision Pro can detect the position and orientation of the camera. After that, tap on the "Calibration image" button to hide this image.

  4. Interact with the demo app with the Vision Pro. The app on the iPhone should now display the Mixed Reality video.

How to add support to your visionOS app?

This library is only compatible with visionOS apps that use RealityKit in an ImmersiveSpace.

  1. Add this dependency to your project using Swift Package manager.

  2. import MixedRealityCapture and keep a single instance of MixedRealityCaptureManager (let mrcManager: MixedRealityCaptureManager) in your "view model"/"app model".

  3. Instantiate an Image Tracking Provider with let imageTracking = MixedRealityImageTracking.imageTrackingProvider() and use it to update the position and orientation of the external camera (mrcManager.updateCameraPosition(with: update.anchor)).

  4. Instantiate a World Tracking Provider (necessary so we can detect the position and orientation of the Vision Pro).

  5. Set the referenceEntity in the MixedRealityCaptureManager instance. All the child entities will be rendered as part of the Mixed Reality video.

Here's a basic example with a unlit green sphere:

import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
import ARKit
import OSLog

import MixedRealityCapture

struct BasicApp: App {
    @State private var model = AppModel()
    @Environment(\.dismissImmersiveSpace) var dismissImmersiveSpace
    @Environment(\.openWindow) var openWindow

    var body: some SwiftUI.Scene {
        ImmersiveSpace {
            RealityView { content in
            .task {
                do {
                    if model.dataProvidersAreSupported && model.isReadyToRun {
                        try await[model.imageTracking, model.worldTracking])
                    } else {
                        await dismissImmersiveSpace()
                } catch {
                    logger.error("Failed to start session: \(error)")
                    await dismissImmersiveSpace()
                    openWindow(id: "error")
            .task {
                await model.processImageTrackingUpdates()
            .task {
                await model.monitorSessionEvents()
            .onChange(of: model.hasError) {
                openWindow(id: "error")

        WindowGroup(id: "error") {
            Text("An error occurred; check the app's logs for details.")

    init() {

let logger = Logger(subsystem: "BasicApp", category: "general")

final class AppModel {
    let session = ARKitSession()
    let worldTracking = WorldTrackingProvider()
    let imageTracking = MixedRealityImageTracking.imageTrackingProvider()

    private let mrcManager: MixedRealityCaptureManager

    private(set) var contentEntity = Entity()

    var hasError = false

    var dataProvidersAreSupported: Bool {
        WorldTrackingProvider.isSupported && ImageTrackingProvider.isSupported

    var isReadyToRun: Bool {
        worldTracking.state == .initialized && imageTracking.state == .initialized

    init() {
        // Instantiate the Mixed Reality Capture manager
        self.mrcManager = MixedRealityCaptureManager()
        mrcManager.delegate = self

    func setupContentEntity() -> Entity {

        // We're using `UnlitMaterial` here so we don't need to pass
        // an Entity with Light to the Mixed Reality video
        let sphere = ModelEntity(mesh: .generateSphere(radius: 1.0), materials: [UnlitMaterial(color: .green)])
        sphere.position = [0, 1.5, -2]

        // Adding this sphere to the entity that will be rendered in the
        // Mixed Reality Video
        let mixedRealityEntities = Entity()
        mrcManager.referenceEntity = mixedRealityEntities

        // Adding these entities to our scene too
        return contentEntity

    func processImageTrackingUpdates() async {
        for await update in imageTracking.anchorUpdates {

            // Update the camera position and orientation when we
            // detect the calibration image
            mrcManager.updateCameraPosition(with: update.anchor)

    func monitorSessionEvents() async {
        for await event in {
            switch event {
            case .authorizationChanged(type: _, status: let status):
      "Authorization changed to: \(status)")

                if status == .denied {
                    hasError = true
            case .dataProviderStateChanged(dataProviders: let providers, newState: let state, error: let error):
      "Data provider changed: \(providers), \(state)")
                if let error {
                    logger.error("Data provider reached an error state: \(error)")
                    hasError = true
            @unknown default:
                fatalError("Unhandled new event type \(event)")

extension AppModel: MixedRealityCaptureDelegate {

    func didUpdateCamera(pose: Pose) {
        // Optional: Update some entity in your scene that
        // represents the position of the external camera


Developed by Fabio Dela Antonio.

This project uses SwiftSocket to handle the TCP connection with the Vision Pro, Apple's VideoToolbox to encode and decode the video stream, and ARKit and RealityKit. Its video decoder is based on zerdzhong's SwiftH264Demo, and its encoder is based on Anton Holmberg's and Shay's example.

Special thanks to Yasuhito Nagatomo for sharing the RealityRenderer example on Twitter.

The MiniBrush example project uses code from Apple's RealityKitDrawingApp sample project.


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