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Go Reference

Telebot is a Go wrapper for the Telegram Bot API. It provides a convenient way to write a Telegram in Go whitout diving in Telegram API. Updates are receveived from Telegram either with Telegram Webhook or with calls to Telegram /getUpdates API endpoint.

How to build a Go Telegram bot with telebot ?

In order to build a bot, follow the steps :

  • Create a bot with the appropriate config
    const apiToken = "<your token>"
    // Ignore config if you don't want to use Webhook
    config := make(map[string]string)

    config["WebhookUrl"] = "<public url of your bot>"
    config["IpAddr"] = "<ip of your bot>"
    config["SslCertificate"] = "<path to .crt SSL cert file>"
    config["SslPrivkey"] = "<path to .key SSL cert file>"

    // Replace config with nil if you want to fetch Updates with the /getUpdates endpoint.
    bot := telebot.CreateBot(apiToken, config)
  • Write handlers and link it to your bot with the OnText function
    bot.OnText("/test", func(u *telebot.Update) {
    const text = "I hear you loud and clear !"
    const chatId = u.Message.Chat.Id
    _, err := telebot.SendTextMessage(chatId, text, telebot.SendMessageOptions{})

    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Error sending message: %s", err.Error())

    bot.OnCommand("/repeat", func(u *telebot.Update) {
        payload := u.Message.Text[len("/repeat"):]
        chatId := u.Message.Chat.Id

        _, err := bot.SendTextMessage(chatId, payload, telebot.SendMessageOptions{})

        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error sending message: %s", err.Error())
  • And last but not least, start the bot

List of events available

The Events are defined in constants.go.

  • ONCOMMAND: Match messages starting with a command (Ex : In /repeat Hello World !, the command is /repeat and the payload is Hello World !)

Below is an example making the bot repeat the payload:

bot.OnCommand("/repeat", func(u *telebot.Update) {
    payload := u.Message.Text[len("/repeat"):]
    chatId := u.Message.Chat.Id

    _, err := bot.SendTextMessage(chatId, payload, telebot.SendMessageOptions{})

    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Error sending message: %s", err.Error())
  • ONTEXT: Match exactly the text of the message

Below is an example matching the message /hello but not /hello you:

bot.OnText("/hello", func(u *telebot.Update) {
    text := "Hello World !"
    chatId := u.Message.Chat.Id
    _, err := bot.SendTextMessage(chatId, text, telebot.SendMessageOptions{})

    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Error sending message: %s", err.Error())
  • ONCALLBACK: Match a CallbackQuery with exact data match

Below is an example matching a callback with Yes as data and deleting the message linked to the callback.

bot.OnCallback("Yes", func(u *telebot.Update) {
    chatId := u.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat.Id
    messageId := u.CallbackQuery.Message.Id

    res, err := bot.DeleteMessage(chatId, messageId)

    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Error deleting message: %s", err.Error())
  • ONPAYLOAD: Match a CallbackQuery with data starting with the filter

Below is an example matching a callback event with a payload starting with Yes and delete the source message.

bot.OnPayload("Yes", func(u *telebot.Update) {
    chatId := u.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat.Id
    messageId := u.CallbackQuery.Message.Id

    res, err := bot.DeleteMessage(chatId, messageId)

    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("Error deleting message: %s", err.Error())

How to make the bot send content to Telegram chat with telebot ?

In addition to update reception, telebot has some functions designed to make your bot send content. You can use it in your handlers.

List of message methods available

Methods aiming at sending messages are defined in messages.go.

  • SendTextMessage: Sends a text message.
bot.SendTextMessage(chatId int, text string, options telebot.SendMessageOptions)
    bot.OnCommand("/repeat", func(u *telebot.Update) {
        payload := u.Message.Text[len("/repeat"):]
        chatId := u.Message.Chat.Id

        _, err := bot.SendTextMessage(chatId, payload, telebot.SendMessageOptions{ReplyToMessageId: u.Message.Id, AllowSendingWithoutReply: true, DisableWebPagePreview: true})

        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error sending message: %s", err.Error())

Options are a struct with type and supports telegram API options described here with the same name.

type SendMessageOptions struct {
    ParseMode                string
    DisableWebPagePreview    bool
    DisableNotification      bool
    ReplyToMessageId         int
    AllowSendingWithoutReply bool
  • SendReplyKeyboardMarkupTextMessage: Send a text message with a ReplyKeyboardMarkup keyboard.
bot.SendReplyKeyboardMarkupTextMessage(chatId int, text string, keyboard ReplyKeyboardMarkup, options SendMessageOptions)

You can create a custom reply keyboard and send the message with the following code snippet.

text := "Your text here"
yesButton := telebot.KeyboardButton{"Yes"}
noButton := telebot.KeyboardButton{"No"}
firstRow := []telebot.KeyboardButton{yesButton, noButton}
keyboard := telebot.ReplyKeyboardMarkup{Keyboard: [][]telebot.KeyboardButton{firstRow}}

res, err := bot.SendReplyKeyboardMarkupTextMessage(chatId, text, keyboard, telebot.SendMessageOptions{})
  • SendReplyKeyboardRemoveTextMessage: Send a text message with a ReplyKeyboardRemove keyboard
bot.SendReplyKeyboardRemoveTextMessage(chatId int, text string, selective bool, options SendMessageOptions)
  • SendInlineKeyboardMarkupTextMessage: Send a text message with an inline keyboard
bot.SendInlineKeyboardMarkupTextMessage(chatId int, text string, keyboard InlineKeyboardMarkup, options SendMessageOptions)

You can define a custom inline keyboard the same way as below.

bot.OnText("/hello", func(u *telebot.Update) {
    chatId := u.Message.Chat.Id
    text := "Hello ?"

    yesButton := telebot.InlineKeyboardButton{"Hello !", "Hello"}
    noButton := telebot.InlineKeyboardButton{"WHo are you", "WhoAreYou"}

    firstRow := []telebot.InlineKeyboardButton{yesButton, noButton}
    keyboard := telebot.InlineKeyboardMarkup{[][]telebot.InlineKeyboardButton{firstRow}}

    res, err := bot.SendInlineKeyboardMarkupTextMessage(chatId, text, keyboard, telebot.SendMessageOptions{})

    if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error sending message: %s", err.Error())

  • EditTextMessage: Edit a text message
bot.EditTextMessage(chatId int, newText string, messageId int, options SendMessageOptions)

Some message options are available. Specify the options using SendMessageOptions like if you were using SendTextMessage to send a message.

  • EditInlineKeyboardTextMessage: Edit a text message with InlineKeyboardMarkup
bot.EditInlineKeyboardTextMessage(chatId int, newText string, messageId int, newKeyboard InlineKeyboardMarkup, options SendMessageOptions)
  • EditMessageInlineKeyboardMarkup: Edit the inline keyboard of a message
bot.EditMessageInlineKeyboardMarkup(chatId int, messageId int, newKeyboard InlineKeyboardMarkup)
  • DeleteMessage: Delete a message
bot.DeleteMessage(chatId int, messageId int)

List of callback methods available

Some methods defined in callback.go can be used to answer CallbackQueries.

  • AnswerCallbackQuery: Answer a callback query without notification
bot.AnswerCallbackQuery(callbackQueryId string)
  • AnswerCallbackQueryNotification: Answer a callback query with notification
bot.AnswerCallbackQueryNotification(callbackQueryId string, text string, showAlert bool)

List of chat methods available

You can use the methods defined in chat.go to manage a channel (kick, unban users)

  • KickChatMember: Kick an user from a group
bot.KickChatMember(chatId int, userId int)
  • UnbanChatMember: Unban an user from a group
bot.UnbanChatMember(chatId int, userId int)

List of dice methods

The methods defined in dice.go allow your bot to send random animated emoji such as a dice toss

  • SendDice: Sends a dice.
bot.SendDice(chatId int, options telebot.SendMessageOptions)
    bot.OnText("/dice", func(u *telebot.Update) {
        chatId := u.Message.Chat.Id

        _, err := bot.SendDice(chatId, telebot.SendMessageOptions{ReplyToMessageId: u.Message.Id, AllowSendingWithoutReply: true})

        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error sending message: %s", err.Error())
  • SendRandomDice: send a random dice
bot.SendRandomDice(chatId int, options SendMessageOptions)
  • SendDiceEmoji: Send a dice Emoji (Supported emojis : β€œπŸŽ²β€, β€œπŸŽ―β€, β€œπŸ€β€, β€œβš½β€, β€œπŸŽ³β€, or β€œπŸŽ°β€. Default is β€œπŸŽ²β€. )
bot.SendDiceEmoji(chatId int, emoji string, options SendMessageOptions)

Check the Telegram API documentation to see the options of Telegram sendDice API function supported (defined in telebot.SendMessageOptions).

Example bot

Below is an example of a simple bot that you can use to experiment with telebot.

package main

import (


func main() {

    // Define Telegram API token.
    const apiToken = "changeme"

    // If you want to use webhook, define config.
    config := make(map[string]string)

    config["WebhookUrl"] = "changeme"
    config["IpAddr"] = "changeme"
    config["SslCertificate"] = "changeme"
    config["SslPrivkey"] = "changeme"

    // Replace config with nil below to use an update loop instead of a webhook.
    bot := telebot.CreateBot(apiToken, config)

    // Bind a handler to the message /text.
    bot.OnText("/test", func(u *telebot.Update) {
        text := "I hear you <strong>loud and clear </strong> !"
        chatId := u.Message.Chat.Id
        parseMode := "HTML"

        _, err := bot.SendTextMessage(chatId, text, telebot.SendMessageOptions{ParseMode: parseMode})

        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error sending message: %s", err.Error())

    // Bin a handler to the command /repeat
    bot.OnCommand("/repeat", func(u *telebot.Update) {
        payload := u.Message.Text[len("/repeat"):]
        chatId := u.Message.Chat.Id

        _, err := bot.SendTextMessage(chatId, payload, telebot.SendMessageOptions{ReplyToMessageId: u.Message.Id, AllowSendingWithoutReply: true, DisableWebPagePreview: true})

        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Error sending message: %s", err.Error())

    // Start the bot.



Go module to interact with Telegram Bot API







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