In this repository you can find details about a survey, including the survey protocol and the questionnaires in Brazilian Poruguese and English. Furthermore, you can have access to the collected data, including instructions about how to use it. All this material is available for research, teaching and study. We are not responsible for the results and interpretations produced in the further use of the material.
Emilia Mendes and Norsaremah Salleh.
Software development involves many activities, among which decision-making is an essential one. Various factors can impact a decision-making process, and it is essential to understand them to improve the process. Since people make decisions, some human aspects are amongst such impacting factors. One such aspect is the decision maker’s personality. This research aimed to investigate the relationship between decision-making and personality within the context of software project development. We conducted survey research that gathered data about the personalities, decision-making styles, and decision-making self-efficacies of 102 Brazilian software engineers.
- Mendes, Fabiana (2021). Insights from personality and decision-making in software engineering context. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Oulu. ISBN: 9789526229423.
- Mendes, F., Mendes, E., Salleh, N., & Oivo, M. (2021). Insights on the relationship between decision-making style and personality in software engineering. Information and Software Technology, 136, 106586.
- Mendes, F., Canedo, E. D., Maciel, C. (2023). Gender differences in the decision-making in the software engineering context. Manuscript submmited on 14/01/2022.
- Mendes, F. and others. (2023). The decision efficacy and personality in software engineering (temporary title). Manuscript in preparation.
Details about how to replicate this study:
- Survey Protocol
- Questionnaires - available in Brazilian Portuguese and English languages
Details about how to use the data we have already collected:
- Detailed Description
- Variables Description - overview of each variable of this study
- Download collected data
This material and their authors must be referred to in all publications and presentations in which this material is used.
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