This project is a comparison of the impact the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FSGM) attack has on a Deep Neural Network and a Bayesian Neural Network. Both networks use the same architecture that consists of an input layer, one hidden layer with the size 1024 and an output layer. Both networks are defined in the networks script. The project is entirely implemented in Pytorch and Pyro and uses the MNIST data set as a reference.
You can install all required dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
First, you have to train both neural networks. Therefore you have to execute the following scripts:
- (Accuracy should be around ~96%)
- (Accuracy should be around ~89%)
After this, you can run the attack on the MNIST test set. In order to do this execute the following scripts:
Now the results from the attack should be saved as CSV files in the data
folder. In order to visualize the results run the following script:
Here you can see a few examples of images from the MNIST test data set. On the left side, you see the epsilon and below the image the label. You can observe that the Bayesian Neural Network is a little bit more robust.
In the following graph, you can see the accuracy of both networks in dependence of epsilon, the strength of the attack. You can see that both networks are vulnerable to the FGSM attack whereas the BNN is a little bit more robust.
The advantage of using a Bayesian Neural Network is that we can compute a model uncertainty by evaluating an input several times. In the following graph, we can see that the average model uncertainty is increasing with the strength of the attack.
If we use the model uncertainty to allow the network not to classify examples where the standard deviation is high, we can improve the accuracy even under FGSM attacks. But on the green line we can see that the percentage of classified examples is getting small with big epsilons.