From 429f54c227af184b158a8bf9535f42bd58de4c8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 01/62] Update docs/json/i18n/fi.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/fi.json | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/fi.json b/docs/json/i18n/fi.json index 46a285b0a1..8e6f090ed9 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/fi.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/fi.json @@ -939,7 +939,8 @@ "g5925628": "Ota yhteyttä", "dd6012f8": "Tietosuojakeskus", "f644b748": "Määritä, ketkä voivat vastata julkaisuihisi ja suodatettuihin vastauksiisi.", - "i0844f5c": "Salli julkaisujesi ja Grokin kanssa käytyjen keskustelujen ja saatujen tulosten käyttö koulutukseen ja hienosäätöön", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Kun tämä on valittu, julkaisusi ja muut tilitietosi näkyvät vain sinua seuraaville.", "if050fae": "Suojaa videoitasi", "b7ed5f6e": "Jos tämä on valittu, julkaisuihisi sisältyvät videot eivät oletusarvoisesti ole ladattavissa. Tämä asetus pätee julkaisuihin tästä eteenpäin, ei takautuvasti.", @@ -2533,8 +2534,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Poista keskusteluhistoria", "ebc4fda0": "Olet poistamassa Grok-keskusteluhistoriasi. Et tämän jälkeen pääse enää näihin keskusteluihin.", "c90fe716": "Haluatko poistaa käymäsi keskustelut?", - "b2053226": "Salli julkaisujesi ja Grokin kanssa käytyjen keskustelujen ja saatujen tulosten käyttö koulutukseen ja hienosäätöön", - "h6fbad2c": "Jotta voisimme parantaa käyttäjäkokemustasi, voimme hyödyntää X:ssä tekemiäsi julkaisuja ja toimia, syöttämiä tekstejä ja näiden tuloksia Grokin opettamiseen ja hienosäätämiseen. Tämä tarkoittaa, että toimintaasi ja julkaisujasi sekä niiden tuloksia voidaan jakaa xAI-tekoälylle näitä tarkoituksia varten.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Sinut on nyt otettu mukaan Kolikot-ohjelmaan.", "db3f0bbe": "Autamme sisällöntuottaja ansaitsemaan sisällöllään.", "a1f40cf8": "Hyväksyn", @@ -6388,6 +6388,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Tilaamalla hyväksyt {0}. Tilaukset uusitaan automaattisesti niin kauan kunnes ne perutaan, kuten {1} on kuvattu. {2}. Peru viimeistään 24 tuntia ennen seuraavaa laskutusta välttyäksesi lisämaksuilta. Kun vaihdat tilaustason alempaan, nykyinen tilauksesi ja siihen liittyvät ominaisuudet vaihtuvat uuden tilauksen mukaisiin välittömästi. Et saa palautusta edellisen tilauksen käyttämättä jääneestä ajasta, ellei laki siihen pakota. Sinulta veloitetaan myös uuden tason hinta välittömästi. Tilaajilla on oltava varmennettu puhelinnumero.", "db638a21": "Tilaamalla hyväksyt {0}. Tilaukset uusitaan automaattisesti niin kauan kunnes ne perutaan, kuten {1} on kuvattu. {2}. Peru viimeistään 24 tuntia ennen seuraavaa laskutusta välttyäksesi lisämaksuilta. Kun vaihdat tilaustasoa, uusi tilauksesi alkaa välittömästi. Aiemmalta tilaukselta jäänyt summa siirretään tilillesi ja käytetään automaattisesti tuleviin maksuihin. Tilaajilla on oltava varmennettu puhelinnumero.", "db11f87d": "Tilaa hintaan {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Osoitetiedot välitetään Googlelle. Lisätietoa saat lukemalla {0} ja {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Vain yhteisöjen ylläpitäjät ja moderaattorit voivat lisätä yhteisön valokeilaan profiileissaan. Haluatko {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Löydät itseäsi lähellä olevan kriisipuhelimen sivustolta ", From 358f4c59cb9603039cf1b379ede2ed2668ecb44f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:25 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 02/62] Update docs/json/i18n/bg.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/bg.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/bg.json b/docs/json/i18n/bg.json index 6146a99262..5040b66136 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/bg.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/bg.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Връзка с нас", "dd6012f8": "Център за поверителност", "f644b748": "Управлявай кои потребители могат да отговарят на публикациите ти, както и филтрираните отговори.", - "i0844f5c": "Позволи публикациите както и взаимодействията, въвеждането на данни и резултатите ти от Grok да се използват за обучение и фина настройка.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Когато е избрано, публикациите ти и друга информация за профила се виждат само от хората, които те следват.", "if050fae": "Заключи своите видеоклипове", "b7ed5f6e": "Ако избереш тази опция, видеоклиповете в публикациите ти няма да могат да се изтеглят по подразбиране. Тази настройка важи за публикации занапред и няма обратно действие", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Изтриване на хронологията разговора", "ebc4fda0": "Ще изтриеш хронологията на разговорите си с Grok. Няма да можеш да получиш достъп до тези разговори отново.", "c90fe716": "Искаш ли да изтриеш разговорите си?", - "b2053226": "Позволи публикациите както и взаимодействията, въвеждането на данни и резултатите ти от Grok да се използват за обучение и фина настройка", - "h6fbad2c": "За да подобряваме непрекъснато твоето изживяване, използваме твоите публикации в X както и твоите потребителски взаимодействия, данни и резултати с Grok за целите на обучение и фина настройка. Това също означава, че твоите взаимодействия, данни и резултати може също да се споделят с нашия доставчик на услуги xAI за тези цели.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Ти успешно се записа в програмата за монети.", "db3f0bbe": "Помощ за създателите да печелят пари от своето съдържание.", "a1f40cf8": "Приемам", @@ -5061,7 +5061,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Изтриване на интеграцията", "eef1ae76": "Свързани в момента", "a915f5c1": "{ats} е свързан", - "e4512021": "Спести {percentage}% от Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Акцентиране върху публикации с X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Показвай най-добрите си публикации в профила си", "h59250bc": "Шифроване на съобщения с X Premium", @@ -5162,6 +5162,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "В момента не е налично", "jd8b2e66": "Абониране и плащане", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Превключване между налични нива на абонамент", "c9cc122b": "{feature} е включена в {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} не е налична за {title}", @@ -7283,6 +7284,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Абонирайки се, приемаш нашите {0}. Абонаментите се подновяват автоматично, докато не ги анулираш, както е описано в {1}. {2}. Анулирай поне 24 преди подновяването, за да избегнеш допълнителни такси. При понижаване текущият ти абонамент и свързаните функции веднага ще преминат към новото ниво на абонамента. Няма да получиш възстановяване на никаква част от сумата за предишния си абонамент, освен ако не се изисква по закон. Също така веднага ще бъдеш таксуван/а за цената на новото ниво. За абониране е необходим потвърден телефонен номер.", "db638a21": "Абонирайки се, приемаш нашите {0}. Абонаментите се подновяват автоматично, докато не ги анулираш, както е описано в {1}. {2}. Анулирай поне 24 преди подновяването, за да избегнеш допълнителни такси. Когато превключиш плана си, новият ти абонамент ще започне веднага. Кредитът за остатъка от предишния ти абонамент ще се прехвърли към профила ти и автоматично ще се прилага за бъдещи плащания. За абониране е необходим потвърден телефонен номер.", "db11f87d": "Абониране за {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Информацията за адреса се споделя с Google. Виж {0} и {1}, за да научиш повече.", "f9b1387f": "Само администраторите и модераторите на Общности могат да ги добавят като акцент в профилите си. Искаш ли да {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Ако търсиш кризисен център наблизо, посети {0}.", From e5261939f81a2aae6566dada789b46de6487b6cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:26 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 03/62] Update docs/json/i18n/nl.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/nl.json | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/nl.json b/docs/json/i18n/nl.json index ececbd064c..b3d20dd053 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/nl.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/nl.json @@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ "g4bb7ea8": "Krijg tot 50% korting op X Premium", "b748499c": "Aanbieding verlengd!", "b81135bc": "Eindigt vandaag!", - "a8b4b878": "Experience the best of X this Thanksgiving.", - "c3e60460": "Get 40% off Premium this Thanksgiving.", - "ca8cbf78": "Get 40% off Premium and Premium+", - "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", - "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", + "a8b4b878": "Ontdek deze Thanksgiving het beste van X.", + "c3e60460": "Krijg deze Thanksgiving 40% korting op Premium.", + "ca8cbf78": "Krijg 40% korting op Premium en Premium+", + "j88ba18e": "Aanbieding claimen", + "h1860ab2": "Premium is jarig! Geniet van het beste van X.", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce99bdae": "Premium is jarig!", "efeec34d": "Tijdelijk {percentage}% korting.", @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Contact met ons opnemen", "dd6012f8": "Privacycenter", "f644b748": "Beheer wie kan antwoorden op jouw posts en op je gefilterde antwoorden.", - "i0844f5c": "Sta toe dat je posts en interacties, invoer en resultaten van Grok worden gebruikt voor training en finetuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Als je dit selecteert, zijn jouw posts en andere accountgegevens alleen zichtbaar voor mensen die jou volgen.", "if050fae": "Bescherm je video's", "b7ed5f6e": "Als je deze optie selecteert, kunnen video's in je posts standaard niet worden gedownload. Deze instelling is van toepassing op toekomstige posts en heeft geen terugwerkende kracht", @@ -2749,7 +2750,7 @@ "d9588ae6": "Vergeet niet dat je zichtbaar bent voor iedereen wanneer je aan een Space deelneemt, ook wanneer je deze instelling hebt uitgeschakeld. Je volgers kunnen altijd zien van welke Spaces je de host of co-host bent, en in welke Spaces je meepraat.", "i84c5de8": "Binnenkort: toepassingen voor makers", "b8922f7e": "Kom snel terug om je aan te melden voor het Abonnementen-programma.", - "ad588be6": "You are eligible!", + "ad588be6": "Je komt in aanmerking!", "feb54b40": "Wees een van de eersten om dit aan te vragen", "f6443bd2": "Goed nieuws: je komt in aanmerking voor Abonnementen. Klaar om je aan te melden?", "a3a20a10": "Kom later terug", @@ -2760,7 +2761,7 @@ "fdd95737": "{minFollowersCount} volgers", "b747ce3a": "Actief in de afgelopen 30 dagen", "c27f57ac": "Je bent minimaal 18 jaar oud", - "h63d2973": "{count} organic impressions in the past 3 months", + "h63d2973": "{count} organische weergaven in de afgelopen 3 maanden", "ef606fca": "Betaalde Abonnementen voor je meest betrokken volgers", "e533715e": "Controleren of je in aanmerking komt", "d8671da2": "Verdien geld op X", @@ -2774,15 +2775,15 @@ "aa7e35ee": "Je account is niet geselecteerd", "c984cc62": "Je account is nu niet geselecteerd. Blijf ons in de gaten houden voor toekomstige mogelijkheden om mee te doen.", "gd115e64": "Abonnementen aanvragen", - "a9f08d5c": "Your answers to the questions below are for our review and will not be shown on your profile.", - "c3f8d650": "Describe your content", - "j89dd344": "Please provide an example of the content that would be included in your subscription, the more specific the better.", - "d19cc490": "Add an example content", - "c737c1b2": "Tell us about your experience", - "f98e5fd4": "Do you create paid content on other platforms? Why do you think users will subscribe?", - "c41b01be": "Add a pitch", - "e2aad0fe": "I will not post graphic or adult subscriber content", - "d1b983ef": "Must be at least {count} characters long", + "a9f08d5c": "Je antwoorden op de onderstaande vragen zijn ter beoordeling en worden niet op je profiel weergegeven.", + "c3f8d650": "Beschrijf je content", + "j89dd344": "Geef een voorbeeld van de content van je abonnement, hoe specifieker hoe beter.", + "d19cc490": "Voeg een voorbeeld van je content toe", + "c737c1b2": "Vertel ons over je ervaring", + "f98e5fd4": "Maak je betaalde content op andere platforms? Waarom denk je dat gebruikers zich zullen abonneren?", + "c41b01be": "Voeg een pitch toe", + "e2aad0fe": "Ik zal geen uitgesproken of volwassen content voor abonnees plaatsen", + "d1b983ef": "Moet minimaal {count} tekens bevatten", "eb4bf9a1": "Je kan deze later niet wijzigen.", "d3d6c52c": "Je aanvraag is verstuurd", "cb27c0ba": "We hebben je prijzen bevestigd. Je aanvraag wordt beoordeeld. Als deze wordt goedgekeurd, sturen we je een melding zodra je live bent.", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Gespreksgeschiedenis verwijderen", "ebc4fda0": "Je staat op het punt om je Grok-gespreksgeschiedenis te verwijderen. Je zal geen toegang meer hebben tot deze gesprekken.", "c90fe716": "Wil je je gesprekken verwijderen?", - "b2053226": "Toestaan dat je posts en interacties, invoer en resultaten van Grok worden gebruikt voor training en finetuning", - "h6fbad2c": "Om je ervaring voortdurend te verbeteren, kunnen we je posts op X en je gebruikersinteracties, invoer en resultaten van Grok gebruiken voor training en finetuning. Dit betekent ook dat je interacties, invoer en resultaten gedeeld kunnen worden met onze serviceprovider xAI voor deze doeleinden.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Je bent aangemeld voor het Muntenprogramma.", "db3f0bbe": "Makers helpen geld te verdienen met hun content.", "a1f40cf8": "Akkoord", @@ -4836,7 +4836,7 @@ "db28b535": "’{name}’ verwijderen", "a4f5e431": "’{name}’ verwijderd", "bcf89b8a": "Je zoekopdracht bewerken", - "ia7dce48": "Failed to generate query. Please try again.", + "ia7dce48": "Kon zoekopdracht niet genereren. Probeer het opnieuw.", "f0002e72": "Resultaten bekijken", "b0924d7a": "Kon zoekopdracht niet maken. Probeer het opnieuw.", "cfd731ee": "Kon zoekopdracht niet verwijderen. Probeer het opnieuw.", @@ -4845,7 +4845,7 @@ "c0799860": "Dag", "b43679d2": "Uur", "f1fce85e": "Minuut", - "ea3e0ec4": "Market", + "ea3e0ec4": "Markt", "d8d9aec2": "Je hebt het maximumaantal zoekopdrachten bereikt", "c9aa246e": "Nieuwe zoekopdracht", "b9b7a50e": "Pas je zoekcriteria op elk moment aan om up-to-date te blijven", @@ -4854,8 +4854,8 @@ "e78ca8c6": "Probeer het later opnieuw", "ce3216ec": "Zoekopdracht", "d92ec304": "Zoekopdracht niet gevonden", - "ef609bb8": "What’s happening on X?", - "a636a738": "Ask a follow-up...", + "ef609bb8": "Wat gebeurt er op X?", + "a636a738": "Vraag om een follow-up ...", "bbf29e20": "Selectie opnieuw instellen", "ie3321ea": "$NVDA (verkoop OR koop)", "cf223996": "Overzicht", @@ -5057,7 +5057,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Integratie verwijderen", "eef1ae76": "Momenteel verbonden", "a915f5c1": "{ats} verbonden", - "e4512021": "Bespaar {percentage}% op Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% korting op een Premium-jaarabonnement", "fb5e2c14": "Licht posts uit met X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Laat je beste posts zien op je profiel", "h59250bc": "Versleutelde berichten met X Premium", @@ -5158,6 +5158,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Momenteel niet beschikbaar", "jd8b2e66": "Abonneren en betalen", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switchen tussen de beschikbare abonnementsniveaus", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is inbegrepen in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is niet inbegrepen in {title}", @@ -5707,7 +5708,7 @@ "ec251f36": "Wanneer iemand die jij kent hem of haar volgt, zie je dat hier.", "f8af4f48": "Zodra hij of zij accounts volgt, zie je dat hier.", "fd0aad94": "Wanneer een geverifieerd persoon dit account volgt, zie je dat hier.", - "b84f6df1": "Gift Premium at a {percentage}% discount for a limited time", + "b84f6df1": "Geef Premium cadeau, nu tijdelijk met {percentage}% korting", "cfcac293": "Cadeau doen en {price} betalen", "d7a73450": "Niveau", "hbd2c24e": "Dit account komt op dit moment niet in aanmerking voor cadeaus.", @@ -6291,7 +6292,7 @@ "bacd7195": "{fullName} (@{screenName}) op X", "e5b4aafa": "Je internetverbinding is onderbroken.", "g43c3b36": "Maak opnieuw verbinding met het internet om verder te gaan.", - "hafe83ec": "Press close to exit the application.", + "hafe83ec": "Druk op Sluiten om de aanvraag af te sluiten.", "b2ec74fe": "sluiten", "hf836e5f": "{tweetText} {username} {screenName} {views} weergaven {timeAgo}", "a7a90902": "Drukken om weer te geven", @@ -7279,6 +7280,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Door je te abonneren, ga je akkoord met onze {0}. Abonnementen worden automatisch verlengd totdat ze worden opgezegd, zoals beschreven in de {1}. {2}. Zeg minimaal 24 uur voordat je abonnement wordt verlengd op om extra kosten te voorkomen. Bij downgraden worden je huidige abonnement en de bijbehorende functies onmiddellijk overgezet naar het nieuwe abonnementsniveau. Je ontvangt geen terugbetaling voor enig deel van je vorige abonnement, tenzij dit wettelijk vereist is. De prijs van het nieuwe niveau wordt ook onmiddellijk in rekening gebracht. Een geverifieerd telefoonnummer is vereist om je te abonneren.", "db638a21": "Door je te abonneren, ga je akkoord met onze {0}. Abonnementen worden automatisch verlengd totdat ze worden opgezegd, zoals beschreven in de {1}. {2}. Zeg minimaal 24 uur voordat je abonnement wordt verlengd op om extra kosten te voorkomen. Wanneer je van abonnement wisselt, gaat het nieuwe abonnement onmiddellijk in. Het resterende tegoed van je vorige abonnement wordt op je account bijgeschreven en automatisch gebruikt voor toekomstige betalingen. Een geverifieerd telefoonnummer is vereist om je te abonneren.", "db11f87d": "Abonneer voor {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval}, wordt jaarlijks gefactureerd", "eeb5fb11": "Adresgegevens worden gedeeld met Google. Bekijk voor meer informatie de {0} en het {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Alleen beheerders en moderators van Community's kunnen deze uitlichten op hun profiel. Wil je je eigen {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Ga naar {0} voor een crisiscentrum bij jou in de buurt.", From 216a369c965273218a3c017c32a6b3de9808130d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:27 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 04/62] Update docs/json/i18n/gl.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/gl.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/gl.json b/docs/json/i18n/gl.json index eda70b69d2..ce52da858d 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/gl.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/gl.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Contactar connosco", "dd6012f8": "Centro de privacidade", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -5048,7 +5048,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connected", - "e4512021": "Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5149,6 +5149,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7268,6 +7269,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Address info is shared with Google. See {0} and {1} to learn more.", "f9b1387f": "Only admins and moderators of Communities can Spotlight them on their profiles. Want to {0} of your own?", "ef72b01b": "Para atopar un centro de atención de crises preto de ti, visita a ", From f19aa67ce7aa582fb326e750b8098847f6fa0fbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:29 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 05/62] Update docs/json/i18n/pl.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/pl.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/pl.json b/docs/json/i18n/pl.json index 5a9ccc2c64..8c92e2eb7b 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/pl.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/pl.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kontakt", "dd6012f8": "Centrum prywatności", "f644b748": "Zdecyduj, kto może odpowiadać na Twoje wpisy i odfiltrowane odpowiedzi.", - "i0844f5c": "Zezwalaj na używanie swoich wpisów oraz interakcji, danych wejściowych i wyników uzyskanych z użyciem Groka na potrzeby szkolenia go i dostrajania jego działania.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Po wybraniu tej opcji Twoje wpisy i inne informacje dotyczące Twojego konta będą widoczne tylko dla osób, które Cię obserwują.", "if050fae": "Chroń swoje filmy", "b7ed5f6e": "Wybranie tego ustawienia spowoduje, że filmy znajdujące się w Twoich wpisach domyślnie nie będą dostępne do pobrania. To ustawienie ma zastosowanie do wpisów tworzonych po wybraniu go i nie dotyczy wcześniej utworzonych wpisów.", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Usuń historię rozmów", "ebc4fda0": "Zamierzasz usunąć historię swoich rozmów z Grokiem. Jeśli to zrobisz, nie będziesz już mieć możliwości uzyskania dostępu do tych rozmów.", "c90fe716": "Czy chcesz usunąć swoje rozmowy?", - "b2053226": "Zezwalaj na używanie swoich wpisów oraz interakcji, danych wejściowych i wyników uzyskanych z użyciem Groka na potrzeby szkolenia go i dostrajania jego działania", - "h6fbad2c": "Aby ciągle ulepszać oferowane Ci funkcje, możemy używać Twoich wpisów w serwisie X oraz interakcji z użytkownikami, danych wejściowych i wyników na potrzeby szkolenia Groka oraz dostrajania jego działania. Oznacza to także, że Twoje interakcje, dane wejściowe i wyniki mogą być również udostępniane w tych celach dostawcy usługi xAI. ", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Dołączyłeś/aś do programu Monety.", "db3f0bbe": "Pomagamy twórcom zarabiać na tworzonych przez nich treściach.", "a1f40cf8": "Zgoda!", @@ -5059,7 +5059,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Usuń integrację", "eef1ae76": "Aktualnie połączono", "a915f5c1": "Połączono: {ats}", - "e4512021": "Oszczędź {percentage}% na subskrypcji Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Dodawanie wpisów do Najciekawszych w ramach subskrypcji X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Prezentowanie najlepszych wpisów w swoim profilu", "h59250bc": "Zaszyfrowane wiadomości w ramach subskrypcji X Premium", @@ -5160,6 +5160,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Aktualnie niedostępne", "jd8b2e66": "Subskrybuj i dokonaj płatności", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Przełączaj się między dostępnymi poziomami subskrypcji", "c9cc122b": "Funkcja {feature} jest dostępna w ramach subskrypcji {title}", "bff35771": "Funkcja {feature} nie jest dostępna dla {title}", @@ -7281,6 +7282,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Tworząc subskrypcję, akceptujesz nasze {0}. Subskrypcje są odnawiane automatycznie do momentu anulowania, tak jak opisano w {1}. {2}. Aby uniknąć dodatkowych opłat, anuluj subskrypcję w dowolnym momencie co najmniej 24 godziny przed odnowieniem. Obniżenie poziomu spowoduje, że Twoja bieżąca subskrypcja i skojarzone z nią funkcje zostaną natychmiast przełączone do nowego poziomu subskrypcji. Nie otrzymasz zwrotu kosztów żadnej części poprzedniej subskrypcji, chyba że wymagają tego przepisy prawa. Natychmiast zostanie Ci też naliczona opłata zgodna z ceną nowego poziomu. Do utworzenia subskrypcji wymagany jest zweryfikowany numer telefonu.", "db638a21": "Tworząc subskrypcję, akceptujesz nasze {0}. Subskrypcje są odnawiane automatycznie do momentu anulowania, tak jak opisano w {1}. {2}. Aby uniknąć dodatkowych opłat, anuluj subskrypcję w dowolnym momencie co najmniej 24 godziny przed odnowieniem. Po zmianie planu Twoja nowa subskrypcja zacznie działać natychmiast. Kredyt na pozostałą część poprzedniej subskrypcji trafi na Twoje konto i będzie automatycznie używany na potrzeby przyszłych płatności. Do utworzenia subskrypcji wymagany jest zweryfikowany numer telefonu.", "db11f87d": "Subskrybuj za {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Dane adresowe są udostępniane firmie Google. Więcej informacji znajdziesz na stronach {0} i {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Tylko administratorzy i moderatorzy Grup dyskusyjnych mogą wyróżniać je na swoich profilach. Chcesz ", "ef72b01b": "Aby znaleźć centrum interwencji kryzysowej w Twojej okolicy, zajrzyj na stronę {0}.", From 922dfe64011b2e1b85214468f56a10385cf830b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:30 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 06/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ca.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ca.json | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ca.json b/docs/json/i18n/ca.json index 94bf86ddd2..9170bac0a7 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ca.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ca.json @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ "i4fb96c7": "Aconsegueix fins a un {percentage} % de descompte per a X {premiumTierName}", "c1c98165": "{percentage} % de descompte", "c5546038": "Caduca aviat!", - "e9a47564": "Last chance", - "f65e7e91": "{percentage}% off {tier} {plan}", + "e9a47564": "Última oportunitat", + "f65e7e91": "{percentage}% de descompte en {plan} {tier}", "a07e13fc": "Fes-te creador Premium", "i1b4aea2": "Actualitza per publicar vídeos més llargs", "efa90342": "Accedeix a l'edició de publicacions amb X Premium", @@ -209,10 +209,10 @@ "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", - "ce99bdae": "It’s Premium’s Anniversary!", - "efeec34d": "{percentage}% off for a limited time.", - "f9adf6ae": "Limited time offer!", - "c10ab229": "Get {percentage}% off Premium for this Thanksgiving.", + "ce99bdae": "És l'aniversari de Premium!", + "efeec34d": "{percentage}% de descompte durant un temps limitat.", + "f9adf6ae": "Oferta per un temps limitat", + "c10ab229": "Aconsegueix un {percentage}% de descompte en Premium per aquest Dia d'Acció de Gràcies.", "f528e369": "Subscriu-te a {tier} per escriure els teus propis articles", "c5a8022a": "Amb Articles, pots publicar contingut llarg amb text enriquit i contingut multimèdia en línia directament a X.", "d77899b6": "Subscriu-te a Premium per escriure les teves pròpies publicacions llargues", @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Contacta amb nosaltres", "dd6012f8": "Centre de privacitat", "f644b748": "Gestiona qui pot respondre a les teves publicacions i a les respostes filtrades.", - "i0844f5c": "Permet que s'utilitzin les teves publicacions i també les interaccions, entrades i resultats amb Grok per a aprenentatge i ajustament.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Si selecciones l'opció, les teves publicacions i altres dades sobre el compte només seran visibles per als usuaris que et segueixin.", "if050fae": "Protegeix els teus vídeos", "b7ed5f6e": "Si se selecciona, els vídeos de les teves publicacions no es podran baixar de manera predeterminada. Aquesta opció de configuració s'aplica a totes les publicacions futures i no és retroactiva.", @@ -1124,7 +1125,7 @@ "b7b86c3c": "Obre la versió nova de la publicació", "a407814e": "Última edició", "i46ee3f0": "Aquesta és l'última versió de la publicació.", - "e18cb87c": "Explain this post", + "e18cb87c": "Explica aquesta publicació", "ffe16626": "El filtre de resposta està activat.", "jc81f6a7": "{count} visualitzaci{count}ó", "g521abc6": "Grok, anàlisi!", @@ -2838,8 +2839,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Esborra l'historial de converses", "ebc4fda0": "Estàs a punt de suprimir el teu historial de converses de Grok. No podràs tornar a accedir a aquestes converses.", "c90fe716": "Vols suprimir les converses?", - "b2053226": "Permet que s'utilitzin les teves publicacions i també les interaccions, entrades i resultats amb Grok per a aprenentatge i ajustament", - "h6fbad2c": "Per millorar contínuament la teva experiència, podem utilitzar les teves publicacions a X i, a més, les teves interaccions, les entrades i els resultats dels usuaris amb Grok per a l'aprenentatge i l'ajustament. Això també vol dir que les teves interaccions, entrades i resultats es poden compartir amb el nostre proveïdor de serveis xAI amb aquestes finalitats.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "T'has inscrit correctament al programa de monedes.", "db3f0bbe": "Ajudem els creadors a guanyar diners amb els seus continguts.", "a1f40cf8": "D'acord", @@ -3257,23 +3257,23 @@ "i35aed3f": "{count} setman{count}a", "d8067deb": "{count} mes{count}", "ha8fbe22": "Genera més imatges amb Premium", - "e0cb49c7": "Free accounts can generate up to {count} images per {timeUnit}. Upgrade now to generate more.", + "e0cb49c7": "Els comptes gratuïts poden generar fins a {count} imatges cada {timeUnit}. Actualitza ara per generar-ne més.", "b8eb7cfa": "Envia més missatges amb Premium", "a3a20853": "Els comptes gratuïts poden enviar fins a {count} missatges cada {timeUnit}. Actualitza ara per enviar-ne més.", "ef018bf6": "Analitza més imatges amb Premium", "ff555c29": "Els comptes gratuïts poden analitzar fins a {count} imatges cada {timeUnit}. Actualitza ara per analitzar-ne més.", "cdf9bf8b": "{count} search result{count}", - "d7cb5408": "Relevant Web Pages", - "b58d2bd2": "Relevant Posts", + "d7cb5408": "Pàgines web rellevants", + "b58d2bd2": "Publicacions rellevants", "a3186bff": "{count} web page{count}", "ce7fa6ce": "Les imatges es generen amb FLUX.1, de Black Forest Labs", - "fef25c88": "Try Grok for free now", - "fb172aa8": "A free tier of Grok is now available in your region. Chat, generate images, and analyze photos. Limits apply.", + "fef25c88": "Prova Grok de manera gratuïta ara", + "fb172aa8": "Ja hi ha disponible una subscripció gratuïta a Grok a la teva regió. Xateja, genera imatges i analitza fotos. S'apliquen límits.", "d7af4f40": "Genera una imatge d'una galàxia", "gcb6c0be": "Grok pot cometre errors. Verifica les seves respostes.", "cb88fd82": "Fas servir la versió gratuïta de Grok.", - "g27a5314": "To start using Grok, add a phone number to your account.", - "bdd84568": "Your account is too new to use Grok. Please try again later.", + "g27a5314": "Per començar a utilitzar Grok, afegeix un número de telèfon al compte.", + "bdd84568": "El teu compte és massa nou per utilitzar Grok. Torna-ho a provar més tard.", "cf59f9f6": "Ajuda'm a escriure una carta de presentació", "cd9aeac8": "Dona'm els titulars d'avui", "acf2f0be": "Recomana'm un joc de rol de fantasia", @@ -5045,7 +5045,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Suprimeix la integració", "eef1ae76": "Connectat actualment", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connectat", - "e4512021": "Estalvia un {percentage} % en Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Destaca les publicacions amb X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Mostra les teves millors publicacions al perfil", "h59250bc": "Missatges encriptats amb X Premium", @@ -5081,28 +5081,28 @@ "bc937296": "Menys anuncis", "e6f33de0": "Assistent d'IA Grok 2", "had467c8": "Grok 2 és un assistent d'IA destacat que està integrat a X i que et pot ajudar a respondre preguntes, escriure codi, fer recerca i generar imatges.", - "i824f4da": "Fewer ads", + "i824f4da": "Menys anuncis", "bd17076c": "Veuràs aproximadament la meitat dels anuncis a les cronologies Per a tu i Seguint.", "cb1f86e4": "Marca de verificació i respostes amb ressò", - "i881e28e": "Get a checkmark next to your name and have your replies boosted.", + "i881e28e": "Afegeix una marca de verificació al costat del teu nom i dona ressò a les teves respostes.", "j1d3098c": "Desbloqueja més amb Premium+", - "ee564380": "Everything in Basic & much more", - "g05890a6": "Analytics & Media Studio", + "ee564380": "Tot el que ofereix Basic i molt més", + "g05890a6": "Analytics i Media Studio", "f0f48668": "Assistència prèmium", - "ic6dc878": "Offline & background videos", - "gfe7576e": "Max reply boost", + "ic6dc878": "Vídeos sense connexió i en segon pla", + "gfe7576e": "Màxim ressò de les respostes", "f54af178": "Escriu articles", "ef94bbd4": "Obtén Premium+", - "c7efa3d4": "Checkmark & Max Reply Boost", + "c7efa3d4": "Marca de verificació i màxim ressò de les respostes", "cef2cac8": "Gaudeix d'una experiència lliure d'anuncis, ocasionalment amb contingut de marca en zones menys comunes.", - "h2755cec": "Radar Advanced Search", - "a0fbfa7e": "Everything in Premium & much more", - "ebfbdfca": "Edit post & longer posts", + "h2755cec": "Cerca avançada a Radar", + "a0fbfa7e": "Tot el que ofereix Premium i molt més", + "ebfbdfca": "Edició de publicacions i publicacions més llargues", "b7dde622": "Feliç Dia d'acció de gràcies! L'oferta acaba en:", - "i0180ca1": "Until {date}. Happy Thanksgiving!", + "i0180ca1": "Fins al dia {date}. Feliç Acció de Gràcies!", "hb9d0e00": "La nostra oferta de 2 anys d'aniversari, que acaba en:", - "e6fd9fe5": "Until {date}. Happy 2-year anniversary", - "i9cd892d": "{percentage}% off Premium Annual", + "e6fd9fe5": "Fins al dia {date}. Feliç aniversari de 2 anys!", + "i9cd892d": "{percentage}% de descompte en la subscripció anual a Premium", "acfaf7a0": "Compara nivells i característiques", "d2f2b91a": "registre aquí", "af863ee9": "prova gratuïta", @@ -5146,11 +5146,12 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Actualment no està disponible", "jd8b2e66": "Subscriu-te i paga", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Alterna entre els nivells de subscripció disponibles", "c9cc122b": "La característica {feature} està inclosa a {title}", "bff35771": "La característica {feature} no està disponible per a {title}", "a69fd369": "A partir de: {price}", - "e563a5d1": "Subscribe for {percentage}% off (limited time)", + "e563a5d1": "Subscriu-te amb un {percentage}% de descompte (temps limitat)", "bb4998fb": "Fins a aquesta data: {date}", "j4b4310e": "Segons", "j1f5a580": "S'ha produït un problema en processar la subscripció a Premium. Comprova la informació de pagament i tornar-ho a provar.", @@ -7267,6 +7268,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "En subscriure't, acceptes les nostres {0}. Les subscripcions es renoven automàticament fins que es cancel·len, tal com es descriu a les {1}. {2}, però fes-ho com a màxim 24 hores abans de la renovació per evitar càrrecs addicionals. Quan canviïs a un nivell més baix, la teva subscripció actual i les característiques associades es canviaran a la subscripció nova immediatament. No rebràs cap reemborsament per cap part de la subscripció anterior, tret que sigui obligatori per llei. També se't cobrarà el preu del nivell nou immediatament.", "db638a21": "En subscriure't, acceptes les nostres {0}. Les subscripcions es renoven automàticament fins que es cancel·len, tal com es descriu a les {1}. {2}, però fes-ho com a màxim 24 hores abans de la renovació per evitar càrrecs addicionals. Quan canviïs de pla, la teva subscripció nova s'iniciarà immediatament. El crèdit de la resta de la teva subscripció anterior es transferirà al teu compte i s'utilitzarà automàticament per als pagaments futurs. Cal un número de telèfon verificat per subscriure's.", "db11f87d": "Subscriu-t'hi per {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "La informació de l'adreça es comparteix amb Google. Per obtenir-ne més informació, consulta les {0} i la {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Només els administradors i els moderadors de les Comunitats les poden afegir com a Spotlight als perfils. Vols {0} pròpia?", "ef72b01b": "Per trobar un centre d'assistència per a crisis a prop teu, visita l'", From fa1a395167dd9a82423f0a7fa0a4c47329c7191e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:31 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 07/62] Update docs/json/i18n/he.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/he.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/he.json b/docs/json/i18n/he.json index cb0cf4f9d8..f8769f2a5f 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/he.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/he.json @@ -991,7 +991,8 @@ "g5925628": "יצירת קשר", "dd6012f8": "מרכז הפרטיות", "f644b748": "קבע מי יכול להשיב לפוסטים שלך ונהל את התשובות המסוננות שלך.", - "i0844f5c": "אפשר שימוש בפוסטים, כמו גם בקשרים, בקלט ובתוצאות Grok שלך לצורכי ביצוע התאמה מדויקת יותר.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "אם אפשרות זו נבחרת, הפוסטים ופרטים האחרים של ההחשבון שלך יהיו גלויים רק למשתמשים שעוקבים אחריך.", "if050fae": "הגן על סרטוני הווידאו שלך", "b7ed5f6e": "כשאפשרות זו נבחרת, לא תוכל להוריד סרטונים בפוסטים שלך כברירת מחדל. הגדרה זו חלה על פוסטים מעתה ואילך והיא אינה רטרואקטיבית.", @@ -2836,8 +2837,7 @@ "e110a46c": "מחיקת היסטוריית שיחות", "ebc4fda0": "אתה עומד למחוק את היסטוריית שיחות Grok שלך. לאחר ביצוע הפעולה, לא תוכל לקבל גישה לשיחות האלה.", "c90fe716": "האם ברצונך למחוק את השיחות שלך?", - "b2053226": "אפשר שימוש בפוסטים, כמו גם בקשרים, בקלט ובתוצאות Grok שלך לצורכי ביצוע התאמה מדויקת יותר", - "h6fbad2c": "כדי להמשיך לשפר את חוויית השימוש, אנחנו עשויים לעשות שימוש בפוסטים שאתה מפרסם ב-X, כמו גם בקשרי המשתמש, בקלט ובתוצאות של Grok לצורכי הדרכה והתאמה מדויקת יותר. המשמעות היא שאנחנו גם עשויים לשתף את הקשרים, הקלט והתוצאות שלך עם ספק השירות xAI שלנו לצרכים אלה.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "עוזרים ליוצרים להרוויח כסף מהתוכן שלהם.", "a1f40cf8": "אני מסכים", @@ -5045,7 +5045,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "מחיקת אינטגרציה", "eef1ae76": "מחובר כעת", "a915f5c1": "{ats} מחובר", - "e4512021": "חסוך ‎{percentage}%‎ על רכישת מינוי Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "פוסטים 'המיטב' עם מינוי X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "הצגת הפוסטים הטובים ביותר בפרופיל שלך", "h59250bc": "הצפנת מסרים עם מינוי X Premium", @@ -5146,6 +5146,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "לא זמין כעת", "jd8b2e66": "להרשמה ותשלום", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "אפשר להחליף בין דרגות מינוי", "c9cc122b": "{feature} כלול ב-{title}", "bff35771": "{feature} אינו זמין עבור {title}", @@ -7256,6 +7257,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "הרשמה מהווה את הסכמתך לאמור במסגרת {0}. מינויים מתחדשים באופן אוטומטי עד לביטולם, כמתואר במסגרת {1}. {2}. בעת שדרוג לאחור ('שנמוך'), המינוי הנוכחי והתכונות המשויכות לו יעברו לדירוג המינוי החדש באופן מיידי. לא תקבל החזר של חלק כלשהו ממסגרת המינוי הקודמת, אלא אם הדבר נדרש בהתאם לחוק החל. בנוסף, תחויב באופן מיידי תמורת עלות הדירוג החדש. ", "db638a21": "הרשמה מהווה את הסכמתך לאמור במסגרת {0}. מינויים מתחדשים באופן אוטומטי עד לביטולם, כמתואר במסגרת {1}. {2}. בעת החלפת תוכנית, המינוי החדש יחל לפעול באופן מיידי. אשראי שנותר לשארית תקופת המינוי הנוכחי יועבר לחשבון וישמש באופן אוטומטי עבור תשלומים עתידיים. הרשמה מחייבת מספר טלפון מאומת.", "db11f87d": "רכישת מינוי תמורת {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "פרטי המיקום משותפים עם Google. למידע נוסף, צפה ב{0} וב{1}.", "f9b1387f": "רק מנהלים ומגשרים של קהילות יכולים להוסיף אותם לזרקור בפרופילים שלהם. רוצה {0} משלך?", "ef72b01b": "לאיתור מרכז להתמודדות עם רגעי משבר באזורך, בקר בדף ", From f5036d5192158142fd0d82715eb82d1518850d91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:32 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 08/62] Update docs/json/i18n/index-node.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/index-node.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/index-node.json b/docs/json/i18n/index-node.json index 9f981c0723..428c7e4b2a 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/index-node.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/index-node.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Contact us", "dd6012f8": "Privacy center", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -5050,7 +5050,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connected", - "e4512021": "Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5151,6 +5151,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7271,6 +7272,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Address info is shared with Google. See {0} and {1} to learn more.", "f9b1387f": "Only admins and moderators of Communities can Spotlight them on their profiles. Want to {0} of your own?", "ef72b01b": "To find a crisis center near you, visit ", From 3b937e0f87a93dad42949e4b23d69fe2b7333cdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:33 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 09/62] Update docs/json/i18n/id.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/id.json | 35 ++++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/id.json b/docs/json/i18n/id.json index 5716144c2e..aba15e71d6 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/id.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/id.json @@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ "g4bb7ea8": "Dapatkan diskon hingga 50% untuk X Premium", "b748499c": "Penawaran diperpanjang!", "b81135bc": "Berakhir hari ini!", - "a8b4b878": "Experience the best of X this Thanksgiving.", - "c3e60460": "Get 40% off Premium this Thanksgiving.", - "ca8cbf78": "Get 40% off Premium and Premium+", - "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", - "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", + "a8b4b878": "Nikmati berbagai keuntungan dari X secara optimal pada Thanksgiving kali ini.", + "c3e60460": "Dapatkan diskon Premium 40% pada Thanksgiving kali ini.", + "ca8cbf78": "Dapatkan diskon 40% untuk Premium dan Premium+", + "j88ba18e": "Ambil penawaran", + "h1860ab2": "Ini adalah hari ulang tahun Premium! Nikmati berbagai keuntungan dari X secara optimal.", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce99bdae": "Ini adalah Hari Jadi Premium!", "f9adf6ae": "Penawaran berbatas waktu!", @@ -939,7 +939,8 @@ "g5925628": "Hubungi kami", "dd6012f8": "Pusat privasi", "f644b748": "Kelola siapa yang bisa membalas postingan Anda dan balasan yang tersaring.", - "i0844f5c": "Izinkan postingan, interaksi, dan masukan Anda, serta hasil dengan Grok, digunakan untuk pelatihan dan penyempurnaan.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Jika dipilih, postingan Anda dan informasi lain tentang akun hanya dapat dilihat oleh orang yang mengikuti Anda.", "if050fae": "Lindungi video Anda", "b7ed5f6e": "Jika dipilih, video dalam postingan Anda tidak akan dapat diunduh secara default. Pengaturan ini berlaku untuk postingan ke depannya dan tidak berlaku surut", @@ -2450,7 +2451,7 @@ "d9588ae6": "Harap diingat bahwa meski pengaturan ini dinonaktifkan, Anda tetap dapat terlihat oleh semua orang ketika berada di dalam Space. Pengikut Anda akan selalu bisa melihat Spaces yang mana Anda menjadi host, co-host, atau pembicara.", "i84c5de8": "Pengajuan bagi kreator akan segera hadir", "b8922f7e": "Kembali lagi segera agar dapat mengajukan untuk bergabung dengan program Langganan.", - "ad588be6": "You are eligible!", + "ad588be6": "Anda memenuhi syarat!", "feb54b40": "Jadilah yang pertama mendaftar", "f6443bd2": "Kabar baik — Anda memenuhi persyaratan kelayakan untuk Langganan. Siap untuk mengajukan?", "a3a20a10": "Periksa kembali nanti", @@ -2473,14 +2474,14 @@ "aa7e35ee": "Akun Anda tidak dipilih", "c984cc62": "Akun Anda tidak terpilih untuk saat ini. Nantikan kesempatan lainnya untuk berpartisipasi.", "gd115e64": "Ajukan Langganan", - "a9f08d5c": "Your answers to the questions below are for our review and will not be shown on your profile.", - "c3f8d650": "Describe your content", - "j89dd344": "Please provide an example of the content that would be included in your subscription, the more specific the better.", - "d19cc490": "Add an example content", - "c737c1b2": "Tell us about your experience", - "f98e5fd4": "Do you create paid content on other platforms? Why do you think users will subscribe?", - "c41b01be": "Add a pitch", - "e2aad0fe": "I will not post graphic or adult subscriber content", + "a9f08d5c": "Jawaban Anda atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini hanya untuk kami tinjau dan tidak akan ditampilkan di profil Anda.", + "c3f8d650": "Deskripsikan konten Anda", + "j89dd344": "Berikan contoh konten yang akan disertakan dalam langganan Anda, semakin spesifik semakin baik.", + "d19cc490": "Tambahkan konten contoh", + "c737c1b2": "Beri tahu kami pengalaman Anda", + "f98e5fd4": "Apakah Anda membuat konten berbayar di platform lain? Menurut Anda, mengapa pengguna akan berlangganan?", + "c41b01be": "Tambahkan presentasi", + "e2aad0fe": "Saya tidak akan memposting konten vulgar atau konten dewasa dalam langganan", "eb4bf9a1": "Anda tidak dapat mengubahnya lagi nanti.", "d3d6c52c": "Pendaftaran Anda telah dikirimkan", "cb27c0ba": "Kami telah mengonfirmasi harga yang Anda tentukan. Permohonan Anda akan ditinjau dan, jika Anda disetujui, kami akan mengirimkan notifikasi segera setelah aktif.", @@ -2534,8 +2535,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Hapus riwayat percakapan", "ebc4fda0": "Anda akan menghapus riwayat percakapan Anda dengan Grok. Percakapan ini tidak akan dapat Anda akses lagi.", "c90fe716": "Apakah Anda ingin menghapus percakapan Anda?", - "b2053226": "Izinkan postingan, interaksi, dan masukan Anda, serta hasil dengan Grok, digunakan untuk pelatihan dan penyempurnaan", - "h6fbad2c": "Untuk terus meningkatkan pengalaman Anda, kami dapat menggunakan postingan Anda di X serta interaksi, masukan, dan hasil Anda dengan Grok untuk tujuan pelatihan dan penyempurnaan. Hal ini juga berarti bahwa interaksi, masukan, dan hasil Anda juga dapat dibagikan dengan penyedia layanan kami, xAI, untuk tujuan ini.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Anda berhasil terdaftar dalam program Koin.", "db3f0bbe": "Membantu kreator mendapatkan penghasilan dari kontennya.", "a1f40cf8": "Setuju", @@ -6388,6 +6388,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Dengan berlangganan, Anda menyetujui {0} kami. Langganan akan diperpanjang secara otomatis hingga dibatalkan, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam {1}. {2}. Lakukan pembatalan setidaknya 24 jam sebelum perpanjangan untuk menghindari biaya tambahan. Saat menurunkan tingkat paket, langganan Anda saat ini dan fitur terkaitnya akan langsung dialihkan ke paket langganan yang baru. Anda tidak akan menerima pengembalian dana dari langganan sebelumnya, kecuali diwajibkan oleh hukum. Anda juga akan langsung dikenakan biaya untuk harga tingkat yang baru. Diperlukan nomor telepon yang terverifikasi untuk berlangganan.", "db638a21": "Dengan berlangganan, Anda menyetujui {0} kami. Langganan akan diperpanjang secara otomatis hingga dibatalkan, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam {1}. {2}. Lakukan pembatalan setidaknya 24 jam sebelum perpanjangan untuk menghindari biaya tambahan. Saat Anda mengganti paket, langganan baru Anda akan langsung aktif. Kredit dari sisa langganan sebelumnya akan masuk ke akun Anda dan secara otomatis digunakan untuk pembayaran berikutnya. Diperlukan nomor telepon terverifikasi untuk berlangganan.", "db11f87d": "Berlangganan seharga {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} ditagih setiap tahun", "eeb5fb11": "Informasi alamat dibagikan kepada Google. Lihat {0} dan {1} untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut.", "f9b1387f": "Hanya admin dan moderator Komunitas yang dapat menempatkannya di profil Spotlight mereka. Ingin {0} sendiri?", "ef72b01b": "Untuk menemukan pusat krisis di dekat lokasi Anda, kunjungi ", From d52daf5170a23e218f9d8ca303579f3d4e2ecaa4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:34 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 10/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ro.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ro.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ro.json b/docs/json/i18n/ro.json index 87a9e4a5e4..2989245f2f 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ro.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ro.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Contactează-ne", "dd6012f8": "Centrul de confidențialitate", "f644b748": "Gestionează cine poate răspunde la postările tale și la răspunsurile tale filtrate.", - "i0844f5c": "Permite ca postările tale, precum și interacțiunile cu Grok, informațiile introduse și rezultatele să fie utilizate pentru instruire și optimizare.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Când este selectată această opțiune, postările tale și alte informații de cont sunt vizibile doar persoanelor care te urmăresc.", "if050fae": "Protejează-ți videoclipurile", "b7ed5f6e": "Dacă selectezi această opțiune, videoclipurile din postările tale nu vor fi în mod prestabilit disponibile pentru descărcare. Această setare se aplică postărilor viitoare și nu are caracter retroactiv.", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Șterge istoricul conversației", "ebc4fda0": "Urmează să ștergi istoricul de conversații cu Grok. Nu vei putea niciodată să accesezi din nou aceste conversații.", "c90fe716": "Ștergi conversațiile?", - "b2053226": "Permite ca postările tale, precum și interacțiunile cu Grok, informațiile introduse și rezultatele să fie utilizate pentru instruire și optimizare", - "h6fbad2c": "Pentru a-ți îmbunătăți în permanență experiența, putem utiliza postările tale pe X, precum și interacțiunile, informațiile introduse și rezultatele prin utilizarea Grok pentru instruire și optimizare. Acest lucru înseamnă că este posibil ca interacțiunile, informațiile introduse și rezultatele tale să fie partajate și cu furnizorul nostru de servicii xAI în aceste scopuri.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Ai fost înscris cu succes în programul Monede.", "db3f0bbe": "Ajută creatorii să câștige bani din conținutul lor.", "a1f40cf8": "Sunt de acord", @@ -5062,7 +5062,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Ștergere integrare", "eef1ae76": "Conectat în acest moment", "a915f5c1": "{ats} conectat", - "e4512021": "Economisește {percentage}% pentru Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Evidențiază postări cu X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Afișează-ți cele mai bune postări pe profil", "h59250bc": "Criptează mesaje cu X Premium", @@ -5163,6 +5163,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Indisponibil momentan", "jd8b2e66": "Abonare și plată", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Comută între nivelurile de abonare disponibile", "c9cc122b": "{feature} este inclus în {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} nu este disponibil pentru {title}", @@ -7284,6 +7285,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Dacă te abonezi, ești de acord cu {0}. Abonamentele se reînnoiesc automat până la anulare, așa cum este menționat în {1}. {2}. Anulează cu cel puțin 24 de ore înainte de reînnoire pentru a evita taxe suplimentare. Atunci când retrogradezi nivelul abonamentului, abonamentul tău curent și caracteristicile asociate vor fi schimbate imediat la noul nivel de abonament. Nu vei primi o rambursare pentru nicio porțiune a abonamentului tău anterior, cu excepția cazului în care acest lucru este cerut prin lege. De asemenea, ți se va percepe imediat prețul pentru noul nivel. Pentru abonare este necesar un număr de telefon verificat.", "db638a21": "Dacă te abonezi, ești de acord cu {0}. Abonamentele se reînnoiesc automat până la anulare, așa cum este menționat în {1}. {2}. Anulează cu cel puțin 24 de ore înainte de reînnoire pentru a evita taxe suplimentare. Atunci când îți schimbi planul, noul tău abonament va începe automat. Creditul pentru perioada rămasă din abonamentul tău anterior va intra în contul tău și va fi aplicat automat la plățile viitoare. Pentru abonare este necesar un număr de telefon verificat.", "db11f87d": "Abonează-te la prețul de {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Informațiile privind adresa sunt partajate cu Google. Consultă {0} și {1} pentru a afla mai multe.", "f9b1387f": "Doar administratorii și moderatorii Comunităților le pot pune în prim plan pe profilul lor. Vrei să-ți {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Pentru a găsi un centru de criză în apropierea ta, accesează ", From 1680376b62048401df0039a829e2bcb8f393c997 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:35 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 11/62] Update docs/json/i18n/en-ss.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/en-ss.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/en-ss.json b/docs/json/i18n/en-ss.json index e2fa90da9f..c09f2c3395 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/en-ss.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/en-ss.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "[[225614]] Contact us", "dd6012f8": "[[225718]] Privacy center", "f644b748": "[[280822]] Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "[[288410]] Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "[[280924]] When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "[[282305]] Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "[[285914]] If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "[[286048]] Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "[[286051]] You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "[[286049]] Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "[[288409]] Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "[[288400]] To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "[[274712]] You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "[[274411]] Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "[[274699]] Agree", @@ -5050,7 +5050,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "[[285943]] Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "[[285947]] Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "[[285941]] {ats} connected", - "e4512021": "[[290745]] Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "[[290946]] {percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "[[290725]] Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "[[290733]] Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "[[290722]] Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5151,6 +5151,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "[[289369]] Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "[[275533]] Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "[[283932]] Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "[[283929]] {feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "[[283930]] {feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7271,6 +7272,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "[[285667]] By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "[[285668]] By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "[[290742]] Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "[[290947]] {0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "[[267212]] Address info is shared with Google. See {0} and {1} to learn more.", "f9b1387f": "[[271800]] Only admins and moderators of Communities can Spotlight them on their profiles. Want to {0} of your own?", "ef72b01b": "[[265070]] To find a crisis center near you, visit ", From 11847bab0f52c55079f1442ec3b3a8bf58b5c257 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:37 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 12/62] Update docs/json/i18n/de.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/de.json | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/de.json b/docs/json/i18n/de.json index eaaba67207..c628466231 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/de.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/de.json @@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ "g4bb7ea8": "Bis 50 % Rabatt auf X Premium", "b748499c": "Angebot verlängert!", "b81135bc": "Nur noch heute!", - "a8b4b878": "Experience the best of X this Thanksgiving.", - "c3e60460": "Get 40% off Premium this Thanksgiving.", - "ca8cbf78": "Get 40% off Premium and Premium+", - "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", - "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", + "a8b4b878": "Das Beste von X zu Thanksgiving.", + "c3e60460": "Hol dir Premium mit 40 % Rabatt zu Thanksgiving.", + "ca8cbf78": "40 % Rabatt auf Premium und Premium+", + "j88ba18e": "Angebot nutzen", + "h1860ab2": "Premium feiert sein Jubiläum! Genieß das Beste von X.", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce99bdae": "Premium feiert sein Jubiläum!", "efeec34d": "{percentage} % Rabatt für begrenzte Zeit.", @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kontakt", "dd6012f8": "Datenschutzcenter", "f644b748": "Verwalte, wer auf deine Posts und deine gefilterten Antworten antworten kann.", - "i0844f5c": "Erlauben, dass deine Posts sowie deine Interaktionen, Eingaben und Ergebnisse bei Grok für Training und Feinabstimmung herangezogen werden.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Wenn du das auswählst, sind deine Posts und andere Account-Informationen nur für Nutzer*innen sichtbar, die dir folgen.", "if050fae": "Schütze deine Videos", "b7ed5f6e": "Wenn diese Option ausgewählt ist, können Videos in deinen Posts standardmäßig nicht heruntergeladen werden. Diese Einstellung gilt ab jetzt für zukünftige Posts, aber nicht rückwirkend.", @@ -2749,7 +2750,7 @@ "d9588ae6": "Denke daran, dass du auch bei ausgeschalteter Einstellung für alle sichtbar bist, wenn du in einem Space bist. Deine Follower können immer sehen, welche Spaces du hostest oder co-hostest und in welchen du sprichst.", "i84c5de8": "Bewerbung für Gestalter in Kürze möglich", "b8922f7e": "Komm bald wieder und sieh nach, ob du dich für das Abonnementprogramm bewerben kannst.", - "ad588be6": "You are eligible!", + "ad588be6": "Du erfüllst die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen!", "feb54b40": "Sei unter den ersten Bewerbern", "f6443bd2": "Gute Nachricht: Du erfüllst unsere Teilnahmevoraussetzungen für Abonnements. Bist du bereit für deine Bewerbung?", "a3a20a10": "Komm später wieder", @@ -2760,7 +2761,7 @@ "fdd95737": "{minFollowersCount} Follower", "b747ce3a": "Aktiv in den letzten 30 Tagen", "c27f57ac": "Mindestalter 18 Jahre", - "h63d2973": "{count} organic impressions in the past 3 months", + "h63d2973": "{count} organische Impressions in den letzten 3 Monaten", "ef606fca": "Bezahlte Abonnements für deine engagiertesten Follower*innen", "e533715e": "Berechtigung überprüfen", "d8671da2": "Verdiene dir deinen Lebensunterhalt auf X", @@ -2774,15 +2775,15 @@ "aa7e35ee": "Dein Account wurde nicht ausgewählt", "c984cc62": "Dein Account wurde diesmal nicht ausgewählt. Aber vielleicht bietet sich demnächst eine neue Gelegenheit zur Teilnahme.", "gd115e64": "Für Abonnements bewerben", - "a9f08d5c": "Your answers to the questions below are for our review and will not be shown on your profile.", - "c3f8d650": "Describe your content", - "j89dd344": "Please provide an example of the content that would be included in your subscription, the more specific the better.", - "d19cc490": "Add an example content", - "c737c1b2": "Tell us about your experience", - "f98e5fd4": "Do you create paid content on other platforms? Why do you think users will subscribe?", - "c41b01be": "Add a pitch", - "e2aad0fe": "I will not post graphic or adult subscriber content", - "d1b983ef": "Must be at least {count} characters long", + "a9f08d5c": "Deine Antworten auf die folgenden Fragen werden von uns geprüft, aber nicht in deinem Profil angezeigt.", + "c3f8d650": "Beschreib deine Inhalte", + "j89dd344": "Bitte gib ein Beispiel für die Inhalte an, die dein Abonnement umfassen würde. Je spezifischer, desto besser.", + "d19cc490": "Füge Beispielinhalte ein", + "c737c1b2": "Erzähl uns von deiner Erfahrung", + "f98e5fd4": "Erstellst du kostenpflichtige Inhalte auf anderen Plattformen? Warum würden Nutzer*innen dich deiner Meinung nach abonnieren?", + "c41b01be": "Stell dich vor", + "e2aad0fe": "Ich poste keine grafisch dargestellten oder nicht jugendfreien Abonnementinhalte", + "d1b983ef": "Muss mindestens {count} Zeichen lang sein", "eb4bf9a1": "Du kannst du ihn später nicht mehr ändern.", "d3d6c52c": "Dein Antrag wurde abgesendet", "cb27c0ba": "Wir haben deine Preisgestaltung bestätigt. Deine Bewerbung wird geprüft, und wenn sie genehmigt wird, senden wir dir sofort nach der Live-Schaltung eine Mitteilung.", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Konversationsprotokoll löschen", "ebc4fda0": "Du löschst jetzt dein Grok-Konversationsprotokoll. Du kannst dann nicht mehr auf diese Konversationen zugreifen.", "c90fe716": "Möchtest du deine Konversationen löschen?", - "b2053226": "Erlauben, dass deine Posts sowie deine Interaktionen, Eingaben und Ergebnisse bei Grok für Training und Feinabstimmung herangezogen werden", - "h6fbad2c": "Zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der Nutzung können wir deine X Posts sowie deine Nutzerinteraktionen, Eingaben und Ergebnisse bei Grok für Trainingszwecke und zur Feinabstimmung heranziehen. Das bedeutet auch, dass deine Interaktionen, Eingaben und Ergebnisse zu diesen Zwecken an unseren Dienstleister xAI weitergegeben werden können.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Du wurdest erfolgreich für das Münzenprogramm registriert.", "db3f0bbe": "So können Gestalter*innen mit ihren Inhalten Geld verdienen.", "a1f40cf8": "Einverstanden", @@ -5060,7 +5060,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Integration löschen", "eef1ae76": "Derzeit verbunden", "a915f5c1": "{ats} verbunden", - "e4512021": "Spare {percentage} % bei Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage} % Rabatt auf ein Jahresabo von Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Zeige Posts als Highlights mit X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Zeig deine besten Posts in deinem Profil", "h59250bc": "Verschlüsselte Nachrichten mit X Premium", @@ -5161,6 +5161,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Derzeit nicht verfügbar", "jd8b2e66": "Abonnieren und bezahlen", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Zwischen den verfügbaren Abonnementstufen wechseln", "c9cc122b": "{feature} ist in {title} enthalten", "bff35771": "{feature} ist für {title} nicht verfügbar", @@ -5710,7 +5711,7 @@ "ec251f36": "Wenn jemand, den du kennst, dem Nutzer folgt, wird das hier angezeigt.", "f8af4f48": "Wenn Accounts gefolgt wird, wird das hier angezeigt.", "fd0aad94": "Wenn eine verifizierte Person diesem Account folgt, wird sie hier angezeigt.", - "b84f6df1": "Gift Premium at a {percentage}% discount for a limited time", + "b84f6df1": "Premium als Geschenk mit {percentage} % Rabatt für begrenzte Zeit.", "cfcac293": "Schenken und {price} zahlen", "d7a73450": "Stufe", "hbd2c24e": "Dieser Account kommt zurzeit nicht für Geschenke in Frage.", @@ -7281,6 +7282,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Wenn du ein Abonnement abschließt, erklärst du dich mit unseren {0} einverstanden. Abonnements verlängern sich automatisch, bis sie gekündigt werden, wie in den {1} beschrieben. {2}. Die Abbestellung muss mindestens 24 Stunden vor der Verlängerung erfolgen, sonst fallen zusätzliche Gebühren an. Wenn du ein Downgrade vornimmst, werden dein aktuelles Abonnement und die damit verbundenen Funktionen sofort auf die neue Abonnementstufe umgestellt. Du erhältst keine Rückerstattung für einen Teil deines vorherigen Abonnements, es sei denn, dies ist gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. Außerdem wird dir der Preis für die neue Stufe sofort in Rechnung gestellt. Für ein Abonnement ist eine verifizierte Telefonnummer erforderlich.", "db638a21": "Wenn du ein Abonnement abschließt, erklärst du dich mit unseren {0} einverstanden. Abonnements verlängern sich automatisch, bis sie gekündigt werden, wie in den {1} beschrieben. {2}. Die Abbestellung muss mindestens 24 Stunden vor der Verlängerung erfolgen, sonst fallen zusätzliche Gebühren an. Wenn du deinen Plan wechselst, beginnt dein neues Abonnement sofort. Das Restguthaben deines vorherigen Abonnements wird auf deinem Account gutgeschrieben und automatisch auf zukünftige Zahlungen angerechnet. Für ein Abonnement ist eine verifizierte Telefonnummer erforderlich.", "db11f87d": "Für {0} {newPrice}/{interval} abonnieren", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} bei jährlicher Rechnung", "eeb5fb11": "Adressinformationen werden an Google weitergegeben. Weitere Informationen findest du in den {0} und den {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Nur Admins und Moderator*innen von Communities können sie als Spotlight in ihr Profil aufnehmen. Möchtest du eine eigene {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Ein Krisenzentrum in deiner Nähe findest du auf der Website der ", From 54e971ed353791afebe05d25a316dafcf34040cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:38 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 13/62] Update docs/json/i18n/sv.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/sv.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/sv.json b/docs/json/i18n/sv.json index 7f0086533c..b7ee39a184 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/sv.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/sv.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kontakta oss", "dd6012f8": "Integritetscenter", "f644b748": "Hantera vilka som får svara på dina inlägg och dina filtrerade svar.", - "i0844f5c": "Tillåt att dina inlägg och interaktioner, indata och resultat används för att träna och finjustera Grok.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "När detta är valt syna dina inlägg och annan kontoinformation bara för personer som följer dig.", "if050fae": "Skydda dina videor", "b7ed5f6e": "Om detta väljs kommer videor i dina inlägg inte att gå att hämta som standard. Inställningen gäller inlägg från och med nu och är inte retroaktiv", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Radera samtalshistoriken", "ebc4fda0": "Du är på väg att radera din samtalshistorik med Grok. Du kommer inte att kunna komma åt dessa samtal igen.", "c90fe716": "Vill du radera dina samtal?", - "b2053226": "Tillåt att dina inlägg och interaktioner, indata och resultat används för att träna och finjustera Grok", - "h6fbad2c": "Vi kan använda dina inlägg på X, dina interaktioner, det du matar in och resultat för tränings- och finjusteringsändamål. Ändamålet är att löpande förbättra dina upplevelser. Det betyder även att dina interaktioner, frågor och svar också kan delas med tjänsteleverantören xAI för dessa ändamål.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Du har godkänts för programmet Mynt.", "db3f0bbe": "Hjälpa kreatörer att tjäna pengar på sitt material.", "a1f40cf8": "Håller med", @@ -5062,7 +5062,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Radera integrationen", "eef1ae76": "Nu anslutna", "a915f5c1": "{ats} anslutet", - "e4512021": "Spara {percentage} % på Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Märk ut inlägg med X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Visa upp dina bästa inlägg i din profil", "h59250bc": "Krypterade meddelanden med X Premium", @@ -5163,6 +5163,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Inte tillgängligt just nu", "jd8b2e66": "Prenumerera och betala", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Växla mellan de tillgängliga prenumerationsnivåerna", "c9cc122b": "{feature} ingår i {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} är inte tillgängligt för {title}", @@ -7284,6 +7285,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Genom att prenumerera samtycker du till våra {0}. Prenumerationer förlängs automatiskt tills de sägs upp, enligt beskrivningen i {1}. {2} när du vill. Säg upp prenumerationen minst 24 timmar innan den förlängs för att slippa ytterligare debiteringar. Vid nedgradering övergår din nuvarande prenumeration och motsvarande funktioner till den nya prenumerationsnivå direkt. Du får inga pengar tillbaka för någon del av din tidigare prenumeration, såvida lagen inte kräver det. Du debiteras även för den nya nivåns pris omedelbart. Ett verifierat telefonnummer krävs för att få prenumerera. ", "db638a21": "Genom att prenumerera samtycker du till våra {0}. Prenumerationer förlängs automatiskt tills de sägs upp, enligt beskrivningen i {1}. {2} när du vill. Säg upp prenumerationen minst 24 timmar innan den förlängs för att slippa ytterligare debiteringar. När du byter plan inleds den nya prenumerationen direkt. Kredit för återstoden av den tidigare prenumerationen sätts in på ditt konto och används automatiskt för kommande betalningar. Ett verifierat telefonnummer krävs för att få prenumerera. ", "db11f87d": "Prenumerera för {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Adressinfo delas med Google. Se {0} och {1} om du vill veta mer.", "f9b1387f": "Bara administratörer och moderatorer i grupper kan visa dem i spotlights i sina profiler. Vill du {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Besök {0} för att hitta ett kriscenter nära dig.", From 6d99e07f6dcaa3471e2b3f97572b3660757cf076 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:39 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 14/62] Update docs/json/i18n/en.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/en.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/en.json b/docs/json/i18n/en.json index 9f981c0723..428c7e4b2a 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/en.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/en.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Contact us", "dd6012f8": "Privacy center", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -5050,7 +5050,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connected", - "e4512021": "Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5151,6 +5151,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7271,6 +7272,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Address info is shared with Google. See {0} and {1} to learn more.", "f9b1387f": "Only admins and moderators of Communities can Spotlight them on their profiles. Want to {0} of your own?", "ef72b01b": "To find a crisis center near you, visit ", From f2b5d1625c3ec5b06546f06797335f8b7180ae2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:40 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 15/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ar.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ar.json | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ar.json b/docs/json/i18n/ar.json index 3e07a3b1e7..ce62ac3539 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ar.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ar.json @@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ "g4bb7ea8": "احصل على خصم بنسبة 50% على X Premium", "b748499c": "تم تمديد العرض!", "b81135bc": "ينتهي اليوم!", - "a8b4b878": "Experience the best of X this Thanksgiving.", - "c3e60460": "Get 40% off Premium this Thanksgiving.", - "ca8cbf78": "Get 40% off Premium and Premium+", - "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", - "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", + "a8b4b878": "استمتع بأفضل ميزات X في عيد الشكر هذا.", + "c3e60460": "احصل على خصم بنسبة 40% على اشتراك Premium في عيد الشكر هذا.", + "ca8cbf78": "احصل على خصم بنسبة 40% على Premium وPremium+", + "j88ba18e": "المطالبة بالعرض", + "h1860ab2": "إنه عيد ميلاد Premium! استمتع بأفضل ميزات X.", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce99bdae": "إنها الذكرى السنوية لاشتراك Premium!", "efeec34d": "خصم بنسبة {percentage}% لفترة محدودة.", @@ -990,7 +990,8 @@ "g5925628": "تواصَل معنا", "dd6012f8": "مركز الخصوصية", "f644b748": "حدِّد مَن يمكنه الردّ على منشوراتك وردودك التي تمت تصفيتها.", - "i0844f5c": "اسمح باستخدام منشوراتك بالإضافة إلى تفاعلاتك ومدخلاتك ونتائجك باستخدام Grok للتدريب والتطوير.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "عند تحديده، تظهر منشوراتك ومعلومات الحساب الأخرى للأشخاص الذين يتابعونك فقط.", "if050fae": "حماية فيديوهاتك", "b7ed5f6e": "في حال التحديد، لن تكون مقاطع الفيديو في منشوراتك قابلة للتنزيل افتراضيًا. وينطبق هذا الإعداد على المنشورات التي ستُنشر مستقبلًا وليس بأثر رجعي", @@ -2728,7 +2729,7 @@ "d9588ae6": "ضع في اعتبارك أنه حتى مع إيقاف تشغيل هذا الإعداد، ستكون مرئيًا للجميع عندما تتواجد في مساحةٍ ما. يمكن لمتابعيك دائمًا مشاهدة المساحات التي تستضيفها، أو تشارك في استضافتها، أو تتحدث فيها.", "i84c5de8": "ستتوفر طلبات منشئي المحتوى قريبًا", "b8922f7e": "تحقق مرة أخرى قريبًا كي تتمكن من تقديم طلب الانضمام إلى برنامج الاشتراكات.", - "ad588be6": "You are eligible!", + "ad588be6": "أنت مؤهل!", "feb54b40": "كن واحدًا من أوائل المتقدمين", "f6443bd2": "يُسعدنا إعلامك بأنك قد استوفيت متطلبات الأهلية المتبعة لدينا للحصول على الاشتراكات. هل أنت مستعد للتقديم؟", "a3a20a10": "تحقق مرة أخرى لاحقًا", @@ -2739,7 +2740,7 @@ "fdd95737": "{minFollowersCount} متابع", "b747ce3a": "نشط في آخر 30 يومًا", "c27f57ac": "يجب ألا يقل عمرك عن 18 عامًا", - "h63d2973": "{count} organic impressions in the past 3 months", + "h63d2973": "{count} مرات الظهور المجانية في الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية", "ef606fca": "اشتراكات مدفوعة لمتابِعيك الأكثر تفاعُلًا", "e533715e": "التحقق من الأهلية", "d8671da2": "كسب المال على X", @@ -2753,15 +2754,15 @@ "aa7e35ee": "لم يتم تحديد حسابك", "c984cc62": "لم يتم تحديد حسابك هذه المرة. ترقّب الفرص القادمة للمشاركة.", "gd115e64": "التقدم بطلب للحصول على الاشتراكات", - "a9f08d5c": "Your answers to the questions below are for our review and will not be shown on your profile.", - "c3f8d650": "Describe your content", - "j89dd344": "Please provide an example of the content that would be included in your subscription, the more specific the better.", - "d19cc490": "Add an example content", - "c737c1b2": "Tell us about your experience", - "f98e5fd4": "Do you create paid content on other platforms? Why do you think users will subscribe?", - "c41b01be": "Add a pitch", - "e2aad0fe": "I will not post graphic or adult subscriber content", - "d1b983ef": "Must be at least {count} characters long", + "a9f08d5c": "إجاباتك على الأسئلة أدناه مخصصة لمراجعتنا ولن تظهر في ملفك الشخصي.", + "c3f8d650": "وصف محتواك", + "j89dd344": "يُرجى تقديم مثال للمحتوى الذي سيتم تضمينه في اشتراكك، وكلما كان أكثر تحديدًا كان ذلك أفضل.", + "d19cc490": "إضافة مثال على المحتوى", + "c737c1b2": "أخبرنا عن تجربتك", + "f98e5fd4": "هل تنشأ محتوى مدفوع على منصات أخرى؟ لماذا تري أن المستخدمين سيشتركون؟", + "c41b01be": "إضافة مجموعة", + "e2aad0fe": "لن أنشر محتوى رسومي أو محتوى خاص بالمشتركين البالغين", + "d1b983ef": "يجب أن يبلغ طوله {count} من الأحرف على الأقل", "eb4bf9a1": "ولن تتمكن من تغيير السعر لاحقًا.", "d3d6c52c": "تم إرسال طلبك", "cb27c0ba": "لقد أكدنا التسعير الذي حددته. سيخضع تطبيقك للمراجعة وفي حال حصولك على الموافقة، سنرسل إليك تنبيهًا بمجرد إتاحته.", @@ -2816,8 +2817,7 @@ "e110a46c": "حذف سجل المحادثات", "ebc4fda0": "أنت على وشك حذف سجل محادثاتك على grok. لن تتمكن من الوصول إلى هذه المحادثات مرة أخرى.", "c90fe716": "هل ترغب في حذف محادثاتك؟", - "b2053226": "السماح باستخدام منشوراتك بالإضافة إلى تفاعلاتك ومدخلاتك ونتائجك باستخدام Grok للتدريب والتطوير", - "h6fbad2c": "لتحسين تجربتك باستمرار، قد نستخدم منشورات X الخاصة بك بالإضافة إلى تفاعُلات المستخدم ومدخلاته ونتائجه مع Grok لأغراض متعلقة بالتدريب والتطوير؛ ما يعني أنه يمكننا أيضًا مشاركة تفاعُلاتك ومدخلاتك ونتائجك مع مزود الخدمة xAI لدينا لهذه الأغراض.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "لقد سجلت في برنامج العملات بنجاح.", "db3f0bbe": "نساعد منشئي المحتوى على كسب المال من خلال محتواهم.", "a1f40cf8": "أوافق", @@ -4754,7 +4754,7 @@ "db28b535": "حذف \"{name}\"", "a4f5e431": "تمّ حذف \"{name}\"", "bcf89b8a": "تعديل استعلامك", - "ia7dce48": "Failed to generate query. Please try again.", + "ia7dce48": "فشل إنشاء الاستعلام. يُرجى إعادة المحاولة.", "f0002e72": "استكشاف النتائج", "b0924d7a": "فشل إنشاء استعلام. يُرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى.", "cfd731ee": "فشل حذف الاستعلام. يُرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى.", @@ -4763,7 +4763,7 @@ "c0799860": "يوم", "b43679d2": "الساعة", "f1fce85e": "الدقيقة", - "ea3e0ec4": "Market", + "ea3e0ec4": "السوق", "d8d9aec2": "لقد وصلت إلى الحد الأقصى لعدد الاستعلامات", "c9aa246e": "استعلام جديد", "b9b7a50e": "اضبط معايير البحث في أي وقت لتبقى على اطّلاع دائم", @@ -4772,8 +4772,8 @@ "e78ca8c6": "تُرجى إعادة المحاولة لاحقًا", "ce3216ec": "استعلام", "d92ec304": "لم يتم العثور على الاستعلام", - "ef609bb8": "What’s happening on X?", - "a636a738": "Ask a follow-up...", + "ef609bb8": "ما يحدث على X؟", + "a636a738": "جارٍ طلب متابعة...", "bbf29e20": "إعادة تعيين الاختيار", "ie3321ea": "$NVDA (بيع أو شراء)", "cf223996": "الملخص", @@ -4972,7 +4972,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "حذف التكامل", "eef1ae76": "متصل حاليًا", "a915f5c1": "{ats} متصل", - "e4512021": "وفر {percentage}% على اشتراك Premium!", + "af7286b7": "خصم بنسبة {percentage}% على اشتراك سنة من Premium", "fb5e2c14": "إبراز المنشورات من خلال الاشتراك في X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "عرض أفضل منشوراتك على ملفك الشخصيّ", "h59250bc": "رسائل مشفرة من خلال الاشتراك في X Premium", @@ -5071,6 +5071,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "غير متوفر حاليًا", "jd8b2e66": "الاشتراك والدفع", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "التبديل بين مستويات الاشتراك المتاحة", "c9cc122b": "تم تضمين {feature} في {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} غير متوفر لـ {title}", @@ -5615,7 +5616,7 @@ "ec251f36": "عندما يتابعه شخص ما تعرفه، سيتم إدراجه هنا.", "f8af4f48": "بمجرد قيامهم بمتابعة الحسابات، سيظهرون هنا.", "fd0aad94": "عندما يتابع شخص موّثق هذا الحساب، سيظهر هنا.", - "b84f6df1": "Gift Premium at a {percentage}% discount for a limited time", + "b84f6df1": "إهداء اشتراك Premium بخصم {percentage}% لفترة محدودة", "cfcac293": "الإهداء ودفع {price}", "d7a73450": "الفئة", "hbd2c24e": "هذا الحساب غير مؤهَّل للحصول على هدايا في الوقت الحالي.", @@ -6194,7 +6195,7 @@ "bacd7195": "{fullName} (@{screenName}) على X", "e5b4aafa": "انقطع اتصالك بالإنترنت.", "g43c3b36": "تُرجى إعادة الاتصال بالإنترنت للمتابعة.", - "hafe83ec": "Press close to exit the application.", + "hafe83ec": "اضغط إغلاق للخروج من التطبيق.", "b2ec74fe": "إغلاق", "hf836e5f": "{tweetText} {username} {screenName} {views} مشاهدات {timeAgo}", "a7a90902": "اضغط على تحديد للعرض", @@ -7179,6 +7180,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "من خلال الاشتراك، فإنك توافق على {0} المتبعة لدينا. يتم تجديد الاشتراكات تلقائيًا إلى أن يتم إلغاؤها، كما هو موضح في {1}. {2}. يُنصَح بالإلغاء قبل 24 ساعة على الأقل من التجديد لتجنب الرسوم الإضافية. عند الرجوع إلى مستوى أقل، سيتحول كلٌّ من اشتراكك الحالي والميزات المرتبطة به إلى مستوى الاشتراك الجديد على الفور. لن تسترد أي جزء من مبلغ اشتراكك السابق، ما لم يقتضِ القانون ذلك. كما ستُحاسب بسعر المستوى الجديد فورًا. يجب أن يكون رقم هاتفك مُوثّقًا للاشتراك.", "db638a21": "من خلال الاشتراك، فإنك توافق على {0} المتبعة لدينا. يتم تجديد الاشتراكات تلقائيًا إلى أن يتم إلغاؤها، كما هو موضح في {1}. {2}. يُنصَح بالإلغاء قبل 24 ساعة على الأقل من التجديد لتجنب الرسوم الإضافية. بمجرد تبديل خطتك، سيبدأ اشتراكك الجديد على الفور. وسيتحول رصيدك المتبقي من اشتراكك السابق إلى حسابك ويُستخدم تلقائيًا لسداد المدفوعات المستقبلية. يجب أن يكون رقم هاتفك مُوثّقًا للاشتراك.", "db11f87d": "الاشتراك مقابل {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} يُدفع سنويًا", "eeb5fb11": "تتم مشاركة معلومات العنوان مع Google. راجع {0} و{1} لمعرفة المزيد.", "f9b1387f": "لا يمكن إبراز مزايا المجتمعات إلا من قِبَل المسؤولين والمشرفين على ملفاتهم الشخصيّة. هل تود {0} خاص بك؟", "ef72b01b": "للعثور على مركز أزمات بالقرب منك، قم بزيارة ", From cb8364c95f2a39238eb2ed5d1efabd8df453ad0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:41 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 16/62] Update docs/json/MetaData.json on develop branch --- docs/json/MetaData.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/MetaData.json b/docs/json/MetaData.json index f1beaae24c..8a287685d9 100644 --- a/docs/json/MetaData.json +++ b/docs/json/MetaData.json @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "env": "prod", "isCanary": "false", - 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"a8b4b878": "Experience the best of X this Thanksgiving.", - "c3e60460": "Get 40% off Premium this Thanksgiving.", - "ca8cbf78": "Get 40% off Premium and Premium+", - "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", - "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", + "a8b4b878": "สัมผัสประสบการณ์ที่ดีที่สุดของ X ในวันขอบคุณพระเจ้านี้", + "c3e60460": "รับส่วนลด 40% สำหรับ Premium ในวันขอบคุณพระเจ้านี้", + "ca8cbf78": "รับส่วนลด 40% สำหรับ Premium และ Premium+", + "j88ba18e": "รับข้อเสนอ", + "h1860ab2": "นี่เป็นวันเกิดของ Premium! เพลิดเพลินไปกับสิ่งที่ดีที่สุดของ X", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce99bdae": "วันครบรอบของ Premium!", "efeec34d": "ส่วนลด {percentage}% ในระยะเวลาจำกัด", @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "ติดต่อเรา", "dd6012f8": "ศูนย์ความเป็นส่วนตัว", "f644b748": "จัดการว่าใครสามารถตอบกลับโพสต์และการตอบกลับที่กรองแล้วของคุณ", - "i0844f5c": "อนุญาตให้ใช้โพสต์ของคุณตลอดจนการโต้ตอบ ข้อมูลที่ป้อน และผลลัพธ์กับ Grok สำหรับการฝึกอบรมและการปรับแต่ง", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "เมื่อเลือกแล้ว โพสต์ของคุณและข้อมูลบัญชีอื่นจะแสดงให้เห็นแต่กับผู้ที่ติดตามคุณเท่านั้น", "if050fae": "ปกป้องวิดีโอของคุณ", "b7ed5f6e": "หากเลือก วิดีโอในโพสต์ของคุณจะไม่สามารถดาวน์โหลดได้ตามค่าเริ่มต้น การตั้งค่านี้จะมีผลกับโพสต์ในอนาคตและจะไม่มีผลย้อนหลัง", @@ -2750,7 +2751,7 @@ "d9588ae6": "โปรดทราบว่าแม้ในขณะที่ปิดการตั้งค่านี้ ทุกคนจะมองเห็นคุณได้เมื่อคุณอยู่ในพื้นที่สนทนา ผู้ติดตามของคุณสามารถเห็นพื้นที่สนทนาที่คุณกำลังโฮสต์ โฮสต์ร่วม หรือพูดในพื้นที่สนทนาได้ตลอดเวลา", "i84c5de8": "แอพพลิเคชั่นผู้สร้างจะมีขึ้นในเร็วๆ นี้", "b8922f7e": "กลับมาตรวจสอบเร็วๆ นี้เพื่อให้สามารถสมัครเข้าร่วมโปรแกรมระบบสมาชิกได้", - "ad588be6": "You are eligible!", + "ad588be6": "คุณมีสิทธิ์!", "feb54b40": "ร่วมเป็นหนึ่งในคนกลุ่มแรกที่สมัคร", "f6443bd2": "ข่าวดีคือคุณมีคุณสมบัติตรงตามข้อกำหนดการมีสิทธิ์ของเราสำหรับระบบสมาชิก พร้อมที่จะสมัครแล้วหรือยัง", "a3a20a10": "โปรดตรวจสอบอีกครั้งในภายหลัง", @@ -2761,7 +2762,7 @@ "fdd95737": "ผู้ติดตาม {minFollowersCount} คน", "b747ce3a": "ใช้งานในช่วง 30 วันที่ผ่านมา", "c27f57ac": "อายุอย่างน้อย 18 ปี", - "h63d2973": "{count} organic impressions in the past 3 months", + "h63d2973": "จำนวนผู้เข้าชมทั่วไป {count} รายในช่วง 3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา", "ef606fca": "การสมัครสมาชิกแบบจ่ายเงินสำหรับผู้ติดตามที่มีส่วนร่วมกับคุณมากที่สุด", "e533715e": "ตรวจสอบคุณสมบัติ", "d8671da2": "สร้างรายได้บน X", @@ -2775,15 +2776,15 @@ "aa7e35ee": "บัญชีของคุณไม่ได้ถูกเลือก", "c984cc62": "บัญชีของคุณไม่ได้ถูกเลือกในครั้งนี้ คอยติดตามโอกาสในการเข้าร่วมในอนาคต", "gd115e64": "สมัครระบบสมาชิก", - "a9f08d5c": "Your answers to the questions below are for our review and will not be shown on your profile.", - "c3f8d650": "Describe your content", - "j89dd344": "Please provide an example of the content that would be included in your subscription, the more specific the better.", - "d19cc490": "Add an example content", - "c737c1b2": "Tell us about your experience", - "f98e5fd4": "Do you create paid content on other platforms? Why do you think users will subscribe?", - "c41b01be": "Add a pitch", - "e2aad0fe": "I will not post graphic or adult subscriber content", - "d1b983ef": "Must be at least {count} characters long", + "a9f08d5c": "คำตอบของคุณสำหรับคำถามด้านล่างนี้มีไว้สำหรับการตรวจสอบของเราและจะไม่ปรากฏในข้อมูลส่วนตัวของคุณ", + "c3f8d650": "อธิบายเนื้อหาของคุณ", + "j89dd344": "โปรดระบุตัวอย่างเนื้อหาที่จะรวมอยู่ในระบบสมาชิกของคุณ ยิ่งเจาะจงมากเท่าไร ก็ยิ่งดีเท่านั้น", + "d19cc490": "เพิ่มเนื้อหาตัวอย่าง", + "c737c1b2": "บอกเราเกี่ยวกับประสบการณ์ของคุณ", + "f98e5fd4": "คุณสร้างเนื้อหาที่ต้องชำระเงินบนแพลตฟอร์มอื่นหรือไม่ ทำไมคุณถึงคิดว่าผู้ใช้จะสมัครสมาชิก", + "c41b01be": "เพิ่มการนำเสนอ", + "e2aad0fe": "ฉันจะไม่โพสต์เนื้อหาที่มีภาพกราฟิกหรือเนื้อหาสำหรับผู้ใหญ่", + "d1b983ef": "ต้องมีความยาวอย่างน้อย {count} ตัวอักษร", "eb4bf9a1": "คุณจะไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนแปลงได้ในภายหลัง", "d3d6c52c": "ส่งการสมัครของคุณแล้ว", "cb27c0ba": "เรายืนยันราคาของคุณแล้ว การสมัครของคุณจะได้รับการตรวจสอบและหากคุณได้รับการอนุมัติ เราจะส่งการแจ้งเตือนถึงคุณทันทีที่ใช้งานได้", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "ลบประวัติบทสนทนา", "ebc4fda0": "คุณกำลังจะลบประวัติบทสนทนา Grok ของคุณ คุณจะไม่สามารถเข้าถึงบทสนทนาเหล่านี้ได้อีก", "c90fe716": "คุณต้องการลบบทสนทนาของคุณหรือไม่", - "b2053226": "อนุญาตให้ใช้โพสต์ของคุณตลอดจนการโต้ตอบ ข้อมูลที่ป้อน และผลลัพธ์กับ Grok สำหรับการฝึกอบรมและการปรับแต่ง", - "h6fbad2c": "เราอาจใช้โพสต์ X ของคุณ เช่นเดียวกับการโต้ตอบ การป้อนข้อมูล และผลลัพธ์ของผู้ใช้กับ Grok เพื่อการฝึกอบรมและการปรับแต่ง นอกจากนี้ยังหมายความว่าการโต้ตอบ การป้อนข้อมูล และผลลัพธ์ของคุณอาจถูกแชร์กับผู้ให้บริการ xAI ของเราเพื่อวัตถุประสงค์เหล่านี้เพื่อปรับปรุงประสบการณ์ของคุณอย่างต่อเนื่อง", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "คุณลงทะเบียนเข้าร่วมโปรแกรมเหรียญเรียบร้อยแล้ว", "db3f0bbe": "ช่วยให้ผู้สร้างสามารถสร้างรายได้จากเนื้อหาของพวกเขา", "a1f40cf8": "ยอมรับ", @@ -4822,7 +4822,7 @@ "db28b535": "ลบ ’{name}’", "a4f5e431": "ลบ ’{name}’ แล้ว", "bcf89b8a": "แก้ไขคำค้นหาของคุณ", - "ia7dce48": "Failed to generate query. Please try again.", + "ia7dce48": "ไม่สามารถสร้างแบบสอบถามได้ โปรดลองอีกครั้ง", "f0002e72": "สำรวจผลลัพธ์", "b0924d7a": "ไม่สามารถสร้างคำค้นหาได้ โปรดลองอีกครั้ง", "cfd731ee": "ลบคำค้นหาไม่สำเร็จ โปรดลองอีกครั้ง", @@ -4831,7 +4831,7 @@ "c0799860": "วัน", "b43679d2": "ชั่วโมง", "f1fce85e": "นาที", - "ea3e0ec4": "Market", + "ea3e0ec4": "ตลาด", "d8d9aec2": "คุณมีคำค้นหาถึงจำนวนสูงสุดแล้ว", "c9aa246e": "คำค้นหาใหม่", "b9b7a50e": "ปรับเกณฑ์การค้นหาของคุณได้ทุกเมื่อเพื่อรับทราบข้อมูลล่าสุด", @@ -4840,8 +4840,8 @@ "e78ca8c6": "โปรดลองใหม่อีกครั้งในภายหลัง", "ce3216ec": "คำค้นหา", "d92ec304": "ไม่พบคำค้นหา", - "ef609bb8": "What’s happening on X?", - "a636a738": "Ask a follow-up...", + "ef609bb8": "มีอะไรเกิดขึ้นบ้างบน X", + "a636a738": "สอบถามการติดตามผล...", "bbf29e20": "รีเซ็ตการเลือก", "ie3321ea": "$NVDA (ขายหรือซื้อ)", "cf223996": "สรุป", @@ -5045,7 +5045,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "ลบการผสานรวม", "eef1ae76": "เชื่อมต่ออยู่ในขณะนี้", "a915f5c1": "เชื่อมต่อ {ats} แล้ว", - "e4512021": "ประหยัด {percentage}% สำหรับ Premium!", + "af7286b7": "ส่วนลด {percentage}% หนึ่งปีสำหรับ Premium", "fb5e2c14": "ไฮไลต์โพสต์ด้วย X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "แสดงโพสต์ที่ดีที่สุดบนข้อมูลส่วนตัวของคุณ", "h59250bc": "ข้อความแบบเข้ารหัสลับด้วย X Premium", @@ -5146,6 +5146,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "ไม่สามารถใช้งานได้ในขณะนี้", "jd8b2e66": "สมัครสมาชิกและชำระเงิน", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "สลับระหว่างระดับของระบบสมัครสมาชิกที่มีอยู่", "c9cc122b": "{feature} รวมอยู่ใน {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} ไม่สามารถใช้ได้สำหรับ {title}", @@ -5695,7 +5696,7 @@ "ec251f36": "เมื่อมีคนที่คุณรู้จักติดตามพวกเขา รายชื่อของพวกเขาจะแสดงที่นี่", "f8af4f48": "เมื่อพวกเขาติดตามบัญชี ข้อมูลจะแสดงที่นี่", "fd0aad94": "เมื่อคนที่ได้รับการยืนยันตัวตนติดตามบัญชีนี้ พวกเขาจะปรากฏที่นี่", - "b84f6df1": "Gift Premium at a {percentage}% discount for a limited time", + "b84f6df1": "มอบ Premium พร้อมส่วนลด {percentage}% ในระยะเวลาจำกัด", "cfcac293": "ของขวัญและการชำระเงิน {price}", "d7a73450": "ระดับ", "hbd2c24e": "บัญชีนี้ไม่มีสิทธิ์รับของขวัญในขณะนี้", @@ -6278,7 +6279,7 @@ "bacd7195": "{fullName} (@{screenName}) บน X", "e5b4aafa": "การเชื่อมต่ออินเทอร์เน็ตของคุณถูกขัดจังหวะ", "g43c3b36": "โปรดเชื่อมต่ออินเทอร์เน็ตอีกครั้งเพื่อดำเนินการต่อ", - "hafe83ec": "Press close to exit the application.", + "hafe83ec": "กดปิดเพื่อออกจากแอพพลิเคชั่น", "b2ec74fe": "ปิด", "hf836e5f": "{tweetText} {username} {screenName} {views} ยอดดู {timeAgo}", "a7a90902": "กดเลือกเพื่อแสดง", @@ -7265,6 +7266,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "การสมัครสมาชิกจะถือว่าคุณยอมรับ{0}ของเรา ระบบสมาชิกจะต่ออายุอัตโนมัติจนกว่าจะยกเลิกตามที่อธิบายไว้ใน{1} {2} ยกเลิกอย่างน้อย 24 ชั่วโมงก่อนการต่ออายุเพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงค่าใช้จ่ายเพิ่มเติม เมื่อดาวน์เกรด ระบบสมาชิกปัจจุบันของคุณและฟีเจอร์ที่เกี่ยวข้องจะเปลี่ยนเป็นระดับระบบสมาชิกใหม่ทันที คุณจะไม่ได้รับเงินคืนสำหรับส่วนหนึ่งส่วนใดของระบบสมาชิกครั้งก่อนของคุณ เว้นแต่กฎหมายจะกำหนดไว้ คุณจะถูกเรียกเก็บเงินตามราคาของระดับใหม่ทันที จำเป็นต้องมีหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ที่ยืนยันแล้วเพื่อสมัครสมาชิก", "db638a21": "การสมัครสมาชิกจะถือว่าคุณยอมรับ{0} ระบบสมาชิกจะต่ออายุอัตโนมัติจนกว่าจะยกเลิกตามที่อธิบายไว้ใน{1} {2} ยกเลิกอย่างน้อย 24 ชั่วโมงก่อนการต่ออายุเพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงค่าใช้จ่ายเพิ่มเติม เมื่อคุณเปลี่ยนแผน ระบบสมาชิกใหม่ของคุณจะเริ่มต้นขึ้นทันที เครดิตสำหรับส่วนที่เหลือของระบบสมาชิกครั้งก่อนจะเข้าสู่บัญชีของคุณและจะถูกนำไปใช้กับการชำระเงินในอนาคตโดยอัตโนมัติ จำเป็นต้องมีหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ที่ยืนยันแล้วเพื่อสมัครสมาชิก", "db11f87d": "สมัครสมาชิกในราคา {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "เรียกเก็บเงิน {0} {newPrice}/{interval} ต่อปี", "eeb5fb11": "มีการแบ่งปันข้อมูลที่อยู่กับ Google ดู{0} และ{1} เพื่อเรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม", "f9b1387f": "เฉพาะผู้ดูแลระบบและผู้ดูแลของชุมชนเท่านั้นที่สามารถเพิ่มสปอตไลต์ให้พวกเขาบนข้อมูลส่วนตัว ต้องการ{0}ของคุณเองหรือไม่", "ef72b01b": "หากต้องการค้นหาศูนย์วิกฤตใกล้ตัวคุณ โปรดไปที่ ", From 907bce951b489c18bfd9b62cb5179e9d929cc8db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:43 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 18/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ga.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ga.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ga.json b/docs/json/i18n/ga.json index d67fe5007d..710c299b0e 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ga.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ga.json @@ -992,7 +992,8 @@ "g5925628": "Sonraí teagmhála", "dd6012f8": "Ionad príobháideachta", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2838,8 +2839,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -5046,7 +5046,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connected", - "e4512021": "Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5147,6 +5147,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7265,6 +7266,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Address info is shared with Google. See {0} and {1} to learn more.", "f9b1387f": "Only admins and moderators of Communities can Spotlight them on their profiles. Want to {0} of your own?", "ef72b01b": "Chun ionad géarchéime a aimsiú in aice leat, tabhair cuairt ar an ", From 2d60d144518b1f11cc0016d948e4be7f9599ec3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:44 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 19/62] Update docs/json/InitialState.json on develop branch --- docs/json/InitialState.json | 18 ++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/InitialState.json b/docs/json/InitialState.json index 46fb670e5b..678d7a777a 100644 --- a/docs/json/InitialState.json +++ b/docs/json/InitialState.json @@ -1655,11 +1655,14 @@ "value": "false" }, "responsive_web_grok_search_first": { - "value": "false" + "value": "true" }, "responsive_web_grok_share_rendering_enabled": { "value": "true" }, + "responsive_web_grok_show_citations": { + "value": "false" + }, "responsive_web_grok_text_selection_enabled": { "value": "false" }, @@ -1673,7 +1676,7 @@ "value": "true" }, "responsive_web_grok_web_results": { - "value": "false" + "value": "true" }, "responsive_web_grok_webview_file_actions_enabled": { "value": "false" @@ -2626,7 +2629,7 @@ "value": "" }, "subscriptions_upsells_get_verified_profile": { - "value": "false" + "value": "true" }, "subscriptions_upsells_longform_sidebar_variant": { "value": "" @@ -4689,6 +4692,9 @@ "responsive_web_grok_share_rendering_enabled": { "value": "true" }, + "responsive_web_grok_show_citations": { + "value": "false" + }, "responsive_web_grok_text_selection_enabled": { "value": "false" }, @@ -6163,10 +6169,10 @@ "impression_pointers": {}, "impressions": {}, "keysRead": {}, - "settingsVersion": "28af2cd53f75e5a079f332095a887491" + "settingsVersion": "a5bd481adc35539b92c781ebaeed105a" }, "debug": {}, - "featureSetToken": "bdf13a8e969ef672ea716588fe417d88eedfa8c8", + "featureSetToken": "8405e17cdb2a4d7101a9c79f283dcc0f8d8ab518", "isLoaded": "true", "isLoading": "false", "customOverrides": {} @@ -6236,7 +6242,7 @@ "country": "XX", "isActiveCreator": "false", "isRestrictedSession": "false", - "guestId": "173179131107498076", + "guestId": "173187774523420041", "hasCommunityMemberships": "false", "language": "en", "ssoInitTokens": {}, From 8e26afcc360450b3d021c06e9f85996a0ba69364 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:45 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 20/62] Update docs/json/i18n/mr.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/mr.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/mr.json b/docs/json/i18n/mr.json index 906b3018e8..5319404397 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/mr.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/mr.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "आमच्याशी संपर्क साधा", "dd6012f8": "गोपनीयता केंद्र", "f644b748": "आपल्या पोस्ट्सना आणि आपण फिल्टर केलेल्या प्रत्युत्तरांना कोण प्रत्युत्तर देऊ शकेल हे व्यवस्थापित करा.", - "i0844f5c": "Grok सह आपल्या पोस्ट्स त्याचबरोबर परस्परसंवाद, इनपुट्स आणि परिणाम हे प्रशिक्षण आणि फाइन-ट्यूनिंगसाठीसाठी वापरू देण्यास परवानगी द्या.=", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "हा पर्याय निवडला की, आपले पोस्ट्स आणि इतर खाते माहिती केवळ आपणास फॉलो करणाऱ्या लोकांनाच दिसते.", "if050fae": "आपले व्हिडिओज संंरक्षित करा", "b7ed5f6e": "जर हा पर्याय निवडला असेल, तर आपल्या पोस्ट्समधील व्हिडिओज डीफॉल्टनुसार डाउनलोड होणार नाहीत. ही सेटिंग पोस्ट्सवर लागू होते आणि मागील काळात लागू होत नाही", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "कॉन्व्हर्सशन हटवायची आहे", "ebc4fda0": "तुम्ही तुमची Grok संभाषण हिस्टरी हटविण्याच्या जवळ आहात. तुम्ही या संभाषणांमध्ये पुन्हा प्रवेश करू शकणार नाही.", "c90fe716": "तुम्हाला तुमचे संभाषण हटवायचे आहे का?", - "b2053226": "Grok सह आपल्या पोस्ट्स त्याचबरोबर परस्परसंवाद, इनपुट्स आणि परिणाम हे प्रशिक्षण आणि फाइन-ट्यूनिंगसाठीसाठी वापरू देण्यास परवानगी द्या.", - "h6fbad2c": "आपला अनुभव सतत सुधारण्यासाठी, आम्ही प्रशिक्षण आणि फाइन-ट्यूनिंग हेतूंसाठी आपले X पोस्ट्स, तसेच आपल्या उपभोक्ता परस्परसंवादाचा, Grok सह इनपुटचा आणि परिणामांचा वापर करू शकतो. याचा अर्थ असा आहे की या हेतूंसाठी आपले परस्परसंवाद, इनपुट आणि परिणाम आमच्या सेवा प्रदात्या xAI सोबत शेअर केले जाऊ शकतात.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "आपल्याला कॉइन्स प्रोग्राममध्ये यशस्वीरित्या नोंदणीकृत केले आहे.", "db3f0bbe": "क्रिएटर्सना त्यांच्या सामग्रीमधून पैसे कमावण्यास मदत करणे", "a1f40cf8": "मान्य आहे", @@ -5045,7 +5045,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "इंटिग्रेशन हटवा", "eef1ae76": "सध्या कनेक्ट केलेले", "a915f5c1": "{ats} कनेक्ट केले", - "e4512021": "Premium वर {percentage}% ची बचत करा!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "X Premium सह पोस्टस हायलाइट करा", "gd1f4cfa": "आपल्या प्रोफाइलवर आपले सर्वोत्तम पोस्ट्सचे प्रदर्शन करा", "h59250bc": "X Premium सह एन्क्रिप्टेड संदेश", @@ -5146,6 +5146,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "सध्या उपलब्ध नाही", "jd8b2e66": "सबस्क्राईब करा आणि पैसे द्या", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "उपलब्ध सबस्क्रिप्शन स्तरांमध्ये स्विच करा", "c9cc122b": "{title} मध्ये {feature} समाविष्ट आहे", "bff35771": "{title} साठी {feature} उपलब्ध नाही", @@ -7262,6 +7263,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "सदस्यता घेऊन, आपण आमच्या {0} सहमत आहात. {1} वर्णन केल्याप्रमाणे सबस्क्रीप्शन रद्द होईपर्यंत स्वयंचलितपणे नूतनीकरण होते. {2}. अतिरिक्त शुल्क टाळण्यासाठी नूतनीकरणाच्या किमान 24 तास आधी रद्द करा. डाउनग्रेड करताना, आपले सध्याचे सबस्क्रीप्शन आणि संबंधित वैशिष्ट्ये नवीन सबस्क्रीप्शन स्तरावर त्वरित स्विच होतील. कायद्याने आवश्यक नसल्यास, आपल्या पूर्वीच्या सबस्क्रीप्शनच्या कोणत्याही भागासाठी आपल्याला परतावा मिळणार नाही. नवीन स्तराची किंमतही आपल्याकडून तात्काळ आकारली जाईल. सबस्क्रीप्शन घेण्यासाठी सत्यापित फोन नंबर आवश्यक आहे.", "db638a21": "सदस्यता घेऊन, आपण आमच्या {0} सहमत आहात. {1} वर्णन केल्याप्रमाणे सबस्क्रीप्शन रद्द होईपर्यंत स्वयंचलितपणे नूतनीकरण होते. {2}. अतिरिक्त शुल्क टाळण्यासाठी नूतनीकरणाच्या किमान 24 तास आधी रद्द करा. जेव्हा आपण आपला प्लॅन बदलता, तेव्हा आपले नवीन सबस्क्रीप्शन त्वरित सुरू होते. आपल्या आधीच्या सबस्क्रीप्शनची उर्वरित रक्कम आपल्या खात्यावर जमा होईल आणि भविष्यातील पेमेंटसाठी स्वयंचलितपणे वापरली जाईल. सबस्क्रीप्शन घेण्यासाठी सत्यापित फोन नंबर आवश्यक आहे.", "db11f87d": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} साठी सबस्क्राइब करा", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "पत्त्याची माहिती Google वर शेअर केली आहे. अधिक जाणून घेण्यासाठी {0} आणि {1} पहा.", "f9b1387f": "केवळ समुदायांचे प्रशासक आणि नियंत्रक त्यांना त्यांच्या प्रोफाइलवर स्पॉटलाइट करू शकतात. आपला स्वतःचा {0} आहे?", "ef72b01b": "आपल्या जवळचे आपत्कालीन केंद्र शोधण्यासाठी, {0} येथे भेट द्या.", From 2263e3567bd894505094a6d5dc03f60148205f63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:47 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 21/62] Update docs/json/i18n/kn.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/kn.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/kn.json b/docs/json/i18n/kn.json index 7fe3d43b92..bd97d16e22 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/kn.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/kn.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "ನಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ", "dd6012f8": "ಗೌಪ್ಯತೆ ಕೇಂದ್ರ", "f644b748": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳಿಗೆ ಯಾರು ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯಿಸಬಹುದು ಮತ್ತು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಿದ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸಿ", - "i0844f5c": "Grok ನೊಂದಿಗಿನ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳು ಹಾಗೆಯೇ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂವಹನಗಳು, ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್‌ಗಳು, ಮತ್ತು ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳನ್ನು ತರಬೇತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಉತ್ತಮ-ಟ್ಯೂನಿಂಗ್‌ಗಾಗಿ ಬಳಸಲು ಅನುಮತಿಸಿ.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿದಾಗ, ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಹಿಂಬಾಲಿಸುವವರಿಗೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಇತರ ಖಾತೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿ ಮಾತ್ರ ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತಿರುತ್ತದೆ.", "if050fae": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ವೀಡಿಯೊಗಳನ್ನು ಸ೦ರಕ್ಷಿಸಿ", "b7ed5f6e": "ಆಯ್ಕೆಮಾಡಿದರೆ, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ವೀಡಿಯೊಗಳನ್ನು ಡಿಫಾಲ್ಟ್ ಆಗಿ ಡೌನ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ. ಈ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್ ಮುಂದೆ ಹೋಗುತ್ತಿರುವ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳಿಗೆ ಅನ್ವಯಿಸುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಇದು ಹಿಂದೆ ಸರಿಯುವುದಿಲ್ಲ", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "ಸಂವಾದ ಇತಿಹಾಸವನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಿ", "ebc4fda0": "ನಿಮ್ಮ Grok ಸಂವಾದ ಇತಿಹಾಸವನ್ನು ನೀವು ಅಳಿಸಲಿರುವಿರಿ. ಈ ಸಂವಾದಗಳನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೆ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಲು ನಿಮಗೆ ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ.", "c90fe716": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂವಾದಗಳನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಬಯಸುವಿರಾ?", - "b2053226": "Grok ನೊಂದಿಗಿನ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳು ಹಾಗೆಯೇ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂವಹನಗಳು, ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್‌ಗಳು, ಮತ್ತು ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳನ್ನು ತರಬೇತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಉತ್ತಮ-ಟ್ಯೂನಿಂಗ್‌ಗಾಗಿ ಬಳಸಲು ಅನುಮತಿಸಿ", - "h6fbad2c": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅನುಭವವನ್ನು ನಿರಂತರವಾಗಿ ಸುಧಾರಿಸಲು, ನಿಮ್ಮ X ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳು ಹಾಗೂ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಸಂವಹನಗಳು, ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್‌ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳನ್ನು Grok ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ತರಬೇತಿ ಮತ್ತು ಉತ್ತಮ-ಟ್ಯೂನಿಂಗ್ ಉದ್ದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ನಾವು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು. ಇದರರ್ಥ ಈ ಉದ್ದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂವಹನಗಳು, ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್‌ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳನ್ನು ನಮ್ಮ ಸೇವಾ ಪೂರೈಕೆದಾರರಾದ xAI ಜೊತೆಗೆ ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು ಎಂದರ್ಥ.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "ನೀವು ಕಾಯಿನ್‌ಗಳ ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮಕ್ಕೆ ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ದಾಖಲಾಗಿದ್ದೀರಿ.", "db3f0bbe": "ಕ್ರಿಯೇಟರ್ಸ್ ತಮ್ಮ ವಿಷಯದಿಂದ ಹಣವನ್ನು ಗಳಿಸಲು ಸಹಾಯ ಮಾಡುವುದು.", "a1f40cf8": "ಒಪ್ಪುತ್ತೇನೆ", @@ -5045,7 +5045,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "ಏಕೀಕರಣವನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಿ", "eef1ae76": "ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗೊಂಡಿದೆ", "a915f5c1": "{ats} ಅನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ", - "e4512021": "Premium ನಲ್ಲಿ {percentage}% ಉಳಿಸಿ!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "X Premium ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಹೈಲೈಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ", "gd1f4cfa": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರೊಫೈಲ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಉತ್ತಮ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರದರ್ಶಿಸಿ", "h59250bc": "X Premium ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಎನ್‌ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿದ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು", @@ -5146,6 +5146,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ", "jd8b2e66": "ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರೈಬ್ ಮಾಡಿ ಮತ್ತು ಪಾವತಿಸಿ", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "ಲಭ್ಯವಿರುವ ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಷನ್ ಶ್ರೇಣಿಗಳ ನಡುವೆ ಬದಲಿಸಿ", "c9cc122b": "{feature} ಅನ್ನು {title} ರಲ್ಲಿ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ", "bff35771": "{feature} {title} ಗಾಗಿ ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ", @@ -7266,6 +7267,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರೈಬ್ ಮಾಡುವ ಮೂಲಕ, ನೀವು ನಮ್ಮ {0} ಒಪ್ಪುತ್ತೀರಿ. {1} ವಿವರಿಸಿದಂತೆ ರದ್ದುಗೊಳ್ಳುವವರೆಗೆ ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಷನ್ಸ್‌ ಸ್ವಯಂ-ನವೀಕರಣಗೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತವೆ. {2}. ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ಶುಲ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ತಪ್ಪಿಸಲು ನವೀಕರಣಕ್ಕೆ ಕನಿಷ್ಠ 24 ಗಂಟೆಗಳ ಮೊದಲು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಿ. ಡೌನ್‌ಗ್ರೇಡ್ ಮಾಡುವಾಗ, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಷನ್‌ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಬಂಧಿತ ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯಗಳು ತಕ್ಷಣವೇ ಹೊಸ ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಷನ್‌ ಶ್ರೇಣಿಗೆ ಬದಲಾಗುತ್ತವೆ. ಕಾನೂನಿನ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಷನ್‌ನ ಯಾವುದೇ ಭಾಗಕ್ಕೆ ನೀವು ಮರುಪಾವತಿಯನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಹೊಸ ಶ್ರೇಣಿಯ ಬೆಲೆಯನ್ನು ತಕ್ಷಣವೇ ನಿಮಗೆ ವಿಧಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರೈಬ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿದ ಫೋನ್ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ.", "db638a21": "ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರೈಬ್ ಮಾಡುವ ಮೂಲಕ, ನೀವು ನಮ್ಮ {0} ಒಪ್ಪುತ್ತೀರಿ. {1} ವಿವರಿಸಿದಂತೆ ರದ್ದುಗೊಳ್ಳುವವರೆಗೆ ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಷನ್ಸ್ ಸ್ವಯಂ-ನವೀಕರಣಗೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತವೆ. {2}. ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ಶುಲ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ತಪ್ಪಿಸಲು ನವೀಕರಣಕ್ಕೆ ಕನಿಷ್ಠ 24 ಗಂಟೆಗಳ ಮೊದಲು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಿ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಯೋಜನೆಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿದಾಗ, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹೊಸ ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಷನ್ ತಕ್ಷಣವೇ ಪ್ರಾರಂಭವಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಷನ್‌ನ ಉಳಿದ ಮೊತ್ತಕ್ಕೆ ಕ್ರೆಡಿಟ್ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಗೆ ಹೋಗುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಭವಿಷ್ಯದ ಪಾವತಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ಅನ್ವಯಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರೈಬ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿದ ಫೋನ್ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ.", "db11f87d": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} ಗಾಗಿ ಸಬ್‌ಸ್ಕ್ರೈಬ್ ಮಾಡಿ", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "ವಿಳಾಸ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು Google ಜೊತೆಗೆ ಹಂಚಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ತಿಳಿಯಲು {0} ಮತ್ತು {1} ನೋಡಿ.", "f9b1387f": "ಕೇವಲ ಸಮುದಾಯಗಳ ಅಡ್ಮಿನ್‌ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮಾಡರೇಟರ್‌ಗಳು ತಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರೊಫೈಲ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಅವರನ್ನು ಸ್ಪಾಟ್‌ಲೈಟ್ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು. ನಿಮ್ಮದೇ {0} ಬಯಸಿದ್ದೀರಾ?", "ef72b01b": "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಮೀಪದಲ್ಲಿನ ವಿಪತ್ತು ಕೇಂದ್ರವನ್ನು ಹುಡುಕಲು, {0} ಗೆ ಭೇಟಿ ನೀಡಿ.", From 5ba69d5e9f5d7f3d2151b06152872cb3bf6030a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:48 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 22/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ru.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ru.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ru.json b/docs/json/i18n/ru.json index d86c74e6e5..b57f8bb010 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ru.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ru.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Свяжитесь с нами", "dd6012f8": "Центр конфиденциальности", "f644b748": "Выберите, кто может отвечать на ваши посты и отфильтрованные ответы.", - "i0844f5c": "Разрешить использовать ваши посты, а также взаимодействия, вводные данные и результаты Grok для обучения и доработки", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Если выбрать этот параметр, ваши посты и другие сведения об учетной записи будут видны только вашим читателям.", "if050fae": "Защитить видео", "b7ed5f6e": "Если включить эту настройку, по умолчанию видео в ваших постах будут недоступны для скачивания. Это коснется только будущих постов и не повлияет на уже опубликованные.", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Удалить историю переписки", "ebc4fda0": "Вы собираетесь удалить свою историю переписки с Grok. У вас больше не будет доступа к этим разговорам.", "c90fe716": "Удалить переписку?", - "b2053226": "Разрешить использовать ваши посты, а также взаимодействия, вводные данные и результаты Grok для обучения и доработки", - "h6fbad2c": "Чтобы постоянно улучшать пользовательский опыт, мы можем использовать ваши посты в X, а также ваши взаимодействия, вводные данные и результаты в целях обучения и доработки Grok. Это значит, что ваши взаимодействия, вводные данные и результаты также могут передаваться в этих целях нашему поставщику услуг xAI.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Вы приняты в программу «Монеты».", "db3f0bbe": "Помогаем создателям контента зарабатывать на нем", "a1f40cf8": "Принять", @@ -5061,7 +5061,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Удалить интеграцию", "eef1ae76": "В настоящее время подключено", "a915f5c1": "Подключено: {ats}", - "e4512021": "Сэкономьте {percentage}% на Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Добавляйте посты в избранное с X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Демонстрируйте свои лучшие посты в профиле", "h59250bc": "Зашифрованные сообщения с X Premium", @@ -5162,6 +5162,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "В настоящее время недоступно", "jd8b2e66": "Подписаться и заплатить", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Перейти на другой план", "c9cc122b": "{feature} входит в план {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} не входит в {title}", @@ -7283,6 +7284,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Оформляя подписку, вы принимаете наши {0}. Подписка будет продлеваться автоматически, пока вы ее не отмените, как описано в {1}. {2}. Чтобы избежать дополнительных трат, отмените подписку как минимум за 24 часа до ее продления. При переходе на более простой план ваша подписка и все связанные с ней функции будут переведены на новый план сразу же. Вам не будут возвращены средства, уплаченные за какую-либо часть предыдущей подписки, если этого не требует закон. С вас также будет незамедлительно списана плата за новый план. Для оформления подписки необходим подтвержденный номер телефона.", "db638a21": "Оформляя подписку, вы принимаете наши {0}. Подписка будет продлеваться автоматически, пока вы ее не отмените, как описано в {1}. {2}. Чтобы избежать дополнительных трат, отмените подписку как минимум за 24 часа до ее продления. При переходе на другой план новая подписка начнет действовать сразу же. Средства, уплаченные за предыдущую подписку, поступят на ваш счет и будут автоматически использоваться для будущих платежей. Для оформления подписки необходим подтвержденный номер телефона.", "db11f87d": "Оформите подписку за {0} {newPrice} в {interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Информация об адресе передается компании Google. Подробнее см. в {0} и {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Добавлять сообщества в фокус профиля могут только их администраторы и модераторы. Хотите {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Чтобы найти ближайший центр предотвращения кризисов, посетите сайт ", From 52d0ebcc3203717eb2328e27da188b9a513ef02f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:49 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 23/62] Update docs/json/i18n/pt.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/pt.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/pt.json b/docs/json/i18n/pt.json index d35d6dedf8..40f681d403 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/pt.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/pt.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Fale conosco", "dd6012f8": "Central de privacidade", "f644b748": "Gerencie quem pode responder aos seus posts e suas respostas filtradas.", - "i0844f5c": "Permitir que seus posts e suas interações, entradas e resultados do Grok sejam usados para treinamento e ajuste fino.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Quando esta opção está ativada, seus posts e outras informações sobre a sua conta só estão visísveis para as pessoas que seguem você.", "if050fae": "Proteja seus vídeos", "b7ed5f6e": "Se selecionado, os vídeos em seus posts não poderão ser baixados por padrão. Esta configuração se aplica a posts daqui por diante e não é retroativa", @@ -2837,8 +2838,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Excluir histórico da conversa", "ebc4fda0": "Você está prestes a excluir seu histórico de conversas do Grok. Você não poderá acessar essas conversas novamente.", "c90fe716": "Deseja excluir suas conversas?", - "b2053226": "Permitir que seus posts e suas interações, entradas e resultados do Grok sejam usados para treinamento e ajuste fino", - "h6fbad2c": "Para melhorar continuamente a sua experiência, podemos utilizar seus posts no X e também suas interações com usuários, informações e resultados com o Grok para fins de treinamento e ajuste fino. Isso também significa que suas interações, perguntas e respostas também podem ser compartilhadas com nosso prestador de serviços de xAI para esse fim.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Você se inscreveu no programa Moedas.", "db3f0bbe": "Ajudando os criadores a ganhar dinheiro com o conteúdo que fazem.", "a1f40cf8": "Concordar", @@ -5039,7 +5039,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Excluir integração", "eef1ae76": "Atualmente conectado", "a915f5c1": "{ats} conectado", - "e4512021": "Economize {percentage}% no Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Destaque posts com o X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Exiba seus melhores posts no seu perfil", "h59250bc": "Mensagens criptografadas com o X Premium", @@ -5140,6 +5140,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Atualmente indisponível", "jd8b2e66": "Assinar e pagar", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Alternar entre os níveis de assinatura disponíveis", "c9cc122b": "{feature} está incluído em {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} não está disponível para {title}", @@ -7254,6 +7255,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Ao clicar em \"Assinar\", você concorda com os {0}. As Assinaturas são renovadas automaticamente até serem canceladas, conforme descrito nos {1}. {2}. Cancele pelo menos 24 horas antes da renovação para evitar cobranças adicionais. Ao fazer downgrade, a assinatura atual e os recursos associados mudarão imediatamente para o novo nível de assinatura. Você não receberá reembolso por nenhuma porção da assinatura anterior, a não quer que exigido por lei. Será cobrado também imediatamente o preço do novo nível. Você precisa ter um celular verificado para a assinatura.", "db638a21": "Ao clicar em \"Assinar\", você concorda com os {0}. As Assinaturas são renovadas automaticamente até serem canceladas, conforme descrito nos {1}. {2}. Cancele pelo menos 24 horas antes da renovação para evitar cobranças adicionais. Ao trocar de plano, a nova assinatura será iniciada imediatamente. O crédito do restante da assinatura anterior irá para sua conta e será usado automaticamente para os pagamentos futuros. Você precisa ter um celular verificado para a assinatura. ", "db11f87d": "Assine por {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "As informações do endereço são compartilhadas com o Google. Veja os {0} e a {1} para obter mais informações.", "f9b1387f": "Apenas administradores e moderadores das Comunidades podem usar o recurso Destaque em seus perfis. Quer {0} para chamar de sua? ", "ef72b01b": "Para encontrar uma central especializada em crises próxima de você, acesse {0}.", From 445dfc03e6a132275f6f9b4ad035aa0e3cf43c49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:50 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 24/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ta.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ta.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ta.json b/docs/json/i18n/ta.json index ed78e8f526..3a5b2ad51d 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ta.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ta.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "எங்களை தொடர்புகொள்ளவும்", "dd6012f8": "தனியுரிமை மையம்", "f644b748": "உங்கள் இடுகைகள் மற்றும் வடிகட்டப்பட்ட பதில்களுக்கு யார் பதிலளிக்கலாம் என்பதை நிர்வகிக்கவும்.", - "i0844f5c": "உங்கள் இடுகைகளுடன், Grok உடனான உங்கள் ஊடாடல்கள், உள்ளீடுகள் மற்றும் முடிவுகள் ஆகியவற்றைப் பயிற்சிக்காகவும், நன்றாக டியூன் செய்வதற்கும் பயன்படுத்த அனுமதிக்கவும்.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டால், உங்களைப் பின்தொடர்பவர்களுக்கு மட்டுமே உங்கள் இடுகைகள் மற்றும் பிற கணக்குத் தகவல் தெரியும்.", "if050fae": "உங்கள் வீடியோக்களைப் பாதுகாக்கவும்", "b7ed5f6e": "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டால், உங்கள் இடுகைகளில் உள்ள வீடியோக்களை இயல்பாகப் பதிவிறக்க முடியாது. இந்த அமைப்பு இனி வரும் இடுகைகளுக்குப் பொருந்தும் மற்றும் பழைய இடுகைகளுக்கு அல்ல", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "உரையாடல் வரலாற்றை நீக்கு", "ebc4fda0": "உங்கள் grok உரையாடல் வரலாற்றை நீக்க உள்ளீர்கள். இந்த உரையாடல்களை நீங்கள் மீண்டும் அணுக முடியாது.", "c90fe716": "உங்கள் உரையாடல்களை நீக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா?", - "b2053226": "உங்கள் இடுகைகளுடன், Grok உடனான உங்கள் ஊடாடல்கள், உள்ளீடுகள் மற்றும் முடிவுகள் ஆகியவற்றைப் பயிற்சிக்காகவும், நன்றாக டியூன் செய்வதற்கும் பயன்படுத்த அனுமதிக்கவும்", - "h6fbad2c": "உங்கள் அனுபவத்தைத் தொடர்ந்து மேம்படுத்த, பயிற்சி மற்றும் நன்றாக டியூன் செய்யும் நோக்கங்களுக்காக உங்கள் X இடுகைகளுடன், பயனர் உரையாடல்கள், உள்ளீடுகள் மற்றும் Grok உடனான முடிவுகளைப் பயன்படுத்துகிறோம். இந்த நோக்கங்களுக்காக உங்கள் உரையாடல்கள், உள்ளீடுகள் மற்றும் முடிவுகள் எங்கள் சேவை வழங்குநரான xAI உடன் பகிரப்படலாம் என்பதையும் இது குறிக்கிறது.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "காயின்கள் திட்டத்தில் வெற்றிகரமாகச் சேர்ந்துள்ளீர்கள்.", "db3f0bbe": "படைப்பாளர்கள் தங்கள் உள்ளடக்கத்திலிருந்து பணம் சம்பாதிக்க உதவுதல்.", "a1f40cf8": "ஏற்கிறேன்", @@ -5050,7 +5050,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "ஒருங்கிணைப்பை நீக்கு", "eef1ae76": "தற்போது இணைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது", "a915f5c1": "{ats} இணைக்கப்பட்டது", - "e4512021": "Premium -இல் {percentage}% சேமிப்பு!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "X Premium மூலம் இடுகைகளை ஹைலைட் செய்யவும்", "gd1f4cfa": "உங்கள் சுயவிவரத்தில் உங்கள் சிறந்த இடுகைகளைக் காண்பிக்கவும்", "h59250bc": "X Premium மூலம் கிடைக்கும் குறியாக்கப்பட்ட செய்திகள்", @@ -5151,6 +5151,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "தற்சமயம் கிடைக்கவில்லை", "jd8b2e66": "சப்ஸ்கிரைப் செய்து, பணம் செலுத்துக", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "கிடைக்கக்கூடிய சப்ஸ்கிர்ப்ஷன் அடுக்குகளுக்கு இடையில் மாறவும்", "c9cc122b": "{feature}, {title} -இல் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது", "bff35771": "{feature}, {title}-க்காகக் கிடைக்கவில்லை", @@ -7271,6 +7272,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "சப்ஸ்கிரைப் செய்வதன் மூலம், எங்கள் {0} ஏற்கிறீர்கள். {1} விவரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளபடி, ரத்து செய்யப்படும் வரை சப்ஸ்கிர்ப்ஷன்கள் தானாகப் புதுப்பிக்கப்படும். {2} ரத்து செய்யலாம். கூடுதல் கட்டணங்களைத் தவிர்க்க, புதுப்பிப்பதற்குக் குறைந்தபட்சம் 24 மணிநேரத்திற்கு முன்பே ரத்துசெய்யவும். தரமிறக்கும்போது, உங்கள் தற்போதைய சப்ஸ்கிர்ப்ஷன் மற்றும் தொடர்புடைய அம்சங்கள் உடனடியாகப் புதிய சப்ஸ்கிர்ப்ஷன் திட்டத்திற்கு மாறும். உங்கள் முந்தைய சப்ஸ்கிர்ப்ஷனின் எந்தப் பகுதிக்கும், சட்டப்படி தேவைப்படாவிட்டால், ரீஃபண்ட் பெறமாட்டீர்கள். புதிய திட்டத்திற்கான கட்டணமும் உடனடியாக வசூலிக்கப்படும். சப்ஸ்கிரைப் செய்ய சரிபார்க்கப்பட்ட ஃபோன் எண் தேவை.", "db638a21": "சப்ஸ்கிரைப் செய்வதன் மூலம், எங்கள் {0} ஏற்கிறீர்கள். {1} விவரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளபடி, ரத்து செய்யப்படும் வரை சப்ஸ்கிர்ப்ஷன்கள் தானாகப் புதுப்பிக்கப்படும். {2} ரத்து செய்யலாம். கூடுதல் கட்டணங்களைத் தவிர்க்க, புதுப்பிப்பதற்குக் குறைந்தபட்சம் 24 மணிநேரத்திற்கு முன்பே ரத்துசெய்யவும். உங்கள் திட்டத்தை மாற்றினால், உங்கள் புதிய சப்ஸ்கிர்ப்ஷன் உடனடியாகத் தொடங்கும். உங்களின் முந்தைய சப்ஸ்கிர்ப்ஷனின் மீதிக்கான கிரெடிட் உங்கள் கணக்கில் சேர்க்கப்படும், எதிர்காலப் பேமெண்ட்களுக்குத் தானாகவே பயன்படுத்தப்படும். சப்ஸ்கிரைப் செய்ய சரிபார்க்கப்பட்ட ஃபோன் எண் தேவை.", "db11f87d": "சப்ஸ்கிரைப் செய்க\" {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "முகவரி தகவல் Google உடன் பகிரப்பட்டது. மேலும் அறிய, {0} {1} பார்க்கவும்.", "f9b1387f": "கம்யூனிட்டீஸின் நிர்வாகிகள் மற்றும் மதிப்பீட்டாளர்கள் மட்டுமே அவர்களின் சுயவிவரங்களில் அவர்களை ஸ்பாட்லைட் செய்ய முடியும். உங்களுக்கென ஒரு {0} விரும்புகிறீர்களா?", "ef72b01b": "உங்களுக்கு அருகிலுள்ள, நெருக்கடி தடுப்பு மையத்தைக் கண்டறிய, {0} பார்வையிடவும்.", From f419b79ef8c8fff7ed98a006e4c1dbe3f421f75b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:51 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 25/62] Update docs/json/i18n/es.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/es.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/es.json b/docs/json/i18n/es.json index 44a64efbbf..f03f312860 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/es.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/es.json @@ -992,7 +992,8 @@ "g5925628": "Contacto", "dd6012f8": "Centro de privacidad", "f644b748": "Administra quién puede responder a tus posts y tus respuestas filtradas.", - "i0844f5c": "Permite que tus posts, así como tus interacciones, entradas y resultados con Grok, se utilicen para entrenamiento y perfeccionamiento.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Cuando se selecciona esta opción, tus posts y demás información de tu cuenta solo son visibles para las personas que te siguen.", "if050fae": "Protege tus videos", "b7ed5f6e": "Si se selecciona, los videos de tus posts no se podrán descargar de forma predeterminada. Esta configuración se aplica a los posts futuros y no es retroactiva.", @@ -2833,8 +2834,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Eliminar historial de conversaciones", "ebc4fda0": "Estás a punto de eliminar tu historial de conversaciones con Grok. No podrás volver a acceder a estas conversaciones.", "c90fe716": "¿Quieres eliminar tus conversaciones?", - "b2053226": "Permite que tus posts, así como tus interacciones, entradas y resultados con Grok, se utilicen para entrenamiento y perfeccionamiento", - "h6fbad2c": "Para mejorar continuamente tu experiencia, podemos utilizar tus posts en X, así como tus interacciones, entradas y resultados como usuario con Grok para fines de entrenamiento y perfeccionamiento. Esto también significa que tus interacciones, entradas y resultados pueden compartirse con nuestro proveedor de servicio xAI con dichos fines.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Te has inscrito correctamente en el programa Monedas.", "db3f0bbe": "Ayudamos a los creadores a ganar dinero con sus contenidos.", "a1f40cf8": "De acuerdo", @@ -5040,7 +5040,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Eliminar integración", "eef1ae76": "Conectado actualmente", "a915f5c1": "{ats} conectado", - "e4512021": "¡Ahorra un {percentage} % en Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Destaca los posts con X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Resalta tus mejores posts en tu perfil", "h59250bc": "Mensajes encriptados con X Premium", @@ -5141,6 +5141,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "No disponible en este momento", "jd8b2e66": "Suscribirse y pagar", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Cambiar entre los niveles de suscripción disponibles", "c9cc122b": "{feature} se incluye en {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} no está disponible para {title}", @@ -7261,6 +7262,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Al suscribirte, aceptas nuestros {0}. Las suscripciones se renuevan automáticamente hasta que se cancelan, tal como se describe en los {1}. {2}. Cancélala al menos 24 horas antes de la renovación para evitar cargos adicionales. Si eliges un nivel de suscripción inferior, tu suscripción actual y las funciones asociadas cambiarán inmediatamente de acuerdo con el nuevo nivel de suscripción. No recibirás un reembolso por tu suscripción anterior, a menos que lo exija la ley. Además, se te cobrará de inmediato el precio del nivel nuevo. Para suscribirte, necesitas un número de teléfono verificado.", "db638a21": "Al suscribirte, aceptas nuestros {0}. Las suscripciones se renuevan automáticamente hasta que se cancelan, tal como se describe en los {1}. {2}. Cancélala al menos 24 horas antes de la renovación para evitar cargos adicionales. Si cambias tu plan, tu suscripción nueva comenzará inmediatamente. El crédito correspondiente a lo que queda de tu suscripción anterior se acreditará en tu cuenta y se utilizará automáticamente en los pagos posteriores. Para suscribirte, necesitas un número de teléfono verificado. ", "db11f87d": "Suscríbete por {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "La información de la dirección se comparte con Google. Consulta los {0} y la {1} para obtener más información.", "f9b1387f": "Solo los administradores y los moderadores de las Comunidades pueden incluirlas como Spotlight en sus perfiles. ¿Quieres {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Para encontrar un centro de ayuda cerca de ti, ve a la ", From 21377632d5f68fd0feacd3f5231ec46317fb8f27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:52 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 26/62] Update docs/markdown/ on develop branch --- docs/markdown/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/markdown/ b/docs/markdown/ index ca0e471ff0..2216e7b691 100644 --- a/docs/markdown/ +++ b/docs/markdown/ @@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ This document is entirely auto-generated and may contain errors.
```internal process # Error -{[ka.onlyInvited]:"0",[ka.peopleYouFollow]:"1",[ka.everyone]:"2"} +{[wa.onlyInvited]:"0",[wa.peopleYouFollow]:"1",[wa.everyone]:"2"} ``` | constant | value | |:-----------|:------------------| @@ -2184,7 +2184,7 @@ This document is entirely auto-generated and may contain errors.
```internal process # Error -{[]:{"title":"W.hostTitle","maybePluralFormatter":"$"},[M.Q.cohost]:{"title":"W.cohostTitle","maybePluralFormatter":"K"},[M.Q.speaker]:{"title":"W.speakerTitle","maybePluralFormatter":"G"},[M.Q.listener]:{"title":"W.listenerTitle","maybePluralFormatter":"J"}} +{[]:{"title":"W.hostTitle","maybePluralFormatter":"$"},[L.Q.cohost]:{"title":"W.cohostTitle","maybePluralFormatter":"G"},[L.Q.speaker]:{"title":"W.speakerTitle","maybePluralFormatter":"K"},[L.Q.listener]:{"title":"W.listenerTitle","maybePluralFormatter":"J"}} ``` | constant | value | |:------------|:-------------| @@ -4493,6 +4493,10 @@ This document is entirely auto-generated and may contain errors.
| single_line | singleline | | format_inline | format-inline | +```internal process +# Error +{"₊":"+","₋":"-","₌":"=","₍":"()","₀":"0","₁":"1","₂":"2","₃":"3","₄":"4","₅":"5","₆":"6","₇":"7","₈":"8","₉":"9",ₐ:"a",ₑ:"e",ₕ:"h",ᵢ:"i",ⱼ:"j",ₖ:"k",ₗ:"l",ₘ:"m",ₙ:"n",ₒ:"o",ₚ:"p",ᵣ:"r",ₛ:"s",ₜ:"t",ᵤ:"u",ᵥ:"v",ₓ:"x",ᵦ:"β",ᵧ:"γ",ᵨ:"ρ",ᵩ:"ϕ",ᵪ:"χ","⁺":"+","⁻":"-","⁼":"=","⁽":"(\",\"₎\":\")","⁰":"0","¹... +``` | constant | value | |:------------|:------------| | Pinnable | Pinnable | @@ -5004,7 +5008,7 @@ This document is entirely auto-generated and may contain errors.
```internal process # Error -{[p]:"E",[f]:"_",[b]:"y"} +{[p]:"E",[f]:"y",[b]:"_"} ``` | constant | value | |:---------------------|:----------| @@ -5241,10 +5245,6 @@ This document is entirely auto-generated and may contain errors.
| Code | Code | | LaTeX | LaTeX | -```internal process -# Error -{"₊":"+","₋":"-","₌":"=","₍":"()","₀":"0","₁":"1","₂":"2","₃":"3","₄":"4","₅":"5","₆":"6","₇":"7","₈":"8","₉":"9",ₐ:"a",ₑ:"e",ₕ:"h",ᵢ:"i",ⱼ:"j",ₖ:"k",ₗ:"l",ₘ:"m",ₙ:"n",ₒ:"o",ₚ:"p",ᵣ:"r",ₛ:"s",ₜ:"t",ᵤ:"u",ᵥ:"v",ₓ:"x",ᵦ:"β",ᵧ:"γ",ᵨ:"ρ",ᵩ:"ϕ",ᵪ:"χ","⁺":"+","⁻":"-","⁼":"=","⁽":"(\",\"₎\":\")","⁰":"0","¹... -``` | constant | value | |:-----------|:------------------------------------| | reset | {'_type': 'reset', 'type': 'reset'} | From b49643d9b7eb080a675d0da422f13593ad322752 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:53 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 27/62] Update docs/json/i18n/nb.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/nb.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/nb.json b/docs/json/i18n/nb.json index f18e81ed24..8beebe9e82 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/nb.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/nb.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kontakt oss", "dd6012f8": "Personvernsenter", "f644b748": "Bestem hvem som kan svare på innleggene dine, og administrer filtrerte svar.", - "i0844f5c": "Tillat at innleggene dine samt Grok-interaksjonene, -inndataene og -resultatene dine brukes til opptrening og finjustering.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Når dette er valgt, er innleggene dine og annen kontoinformasjon bare synlig for følgerne dine.", "if050fae": "Beskytt videoene dine", "b7ed5f6e": "Hvis dette velges, kan videoer i innleggene dine ikke lastes ned som standard. Denne innstillingen gjelder for innlegg fra nå av og har ikke tilbakevirkende kraft.", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Slett samtalehistorikken", "ebc4fda0": "Du er i ferd med å slette samtalene du har hatt med Grok. Du vil ikke kunne få tilgang til disse samtalene igjen.", "c90fe716": "Vil du slette samtalene dine?", - "b2053226": "Tillat at innleggene dine samt Grok-interaksjonene, -inndataene og -resultatene dine brukes til opptrening og finjustering", - "h6fbad2c": "For kontinuerlig å forbedre brukeropplevelsen kan vi benytte innleggene dine på X samt Grok-interaksjoner, -inndata og -resultater til opptrening og finjustering. Dette betyr også at interaksjonene, inndataene og svarene dine kan deles med og brukes av vår tjenesteleverandør xAI til disse formålene.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Du er påmeldt på myntprogrammet.", "db3f0bbe": "Hjelpe innholdsskapere tjene penger på innholdet sitt.", "a1f40cf8": "Enig", @@ -5059,7 +5059,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Slett integrasjon", "eef1ae76": "Tilkoblet for øyeblikket", "a915f5c1": "{ats} er tilkoblet", - "e4512021": "Spar {percentage} % på Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Legg til innlegg i Høydepunkter med X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Vis frem de beste innleggene dine i profilen din", "h59250bc": "Krypterte meldinger med X Premium", @@ -5160,6 +5160,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Ikke tilgjengelig nå", "jd8b2e66": "Abonner og betal", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Bytt mellom de tilgjengelige abonnementsnivåene", "c9cc122b": "{feature} er inkludert i {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} er ikke tilgjengelig med {title}", @@ -7281,6 +7282,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Ved å abonnere samtykker du i {0} våre. Abonnementer fornyes automatisk inntil de kanselleres, slik det er beskrevet i {1}. {2}. Kanselleringen må skje minst 24 timer før fornyelse for å unngå ytterligere debiteringer. Når du nedgraderer, endres nåværende abonnement og tilknyttede funksjoner umiddelbart til det nye abonnementsnivået. Du får ikke refundert noen del av det tidligere abonnementet med mindre dette er lovpålagt. Du blir også debitert prisen på det nye nivået umiddelbart. For å abonnere kreves det et verifisert telefonnummer.", "db638a21": "Ved å abonnere samtykker du i {0} våre. Abonnementer fornyes automatisk inntil de kanselleres, slik det er beskrevet i {1}. {2}. Kanselleringen må skje minst 24 timer før fornyelse for å unngå ytterligere debiteringer. Når du bytter abonnement, starter det nye abonnementet umiddelbart. Kreditt for den resterende perioden av det tidligere abonnementet godskrives kontoen din og brukes automatisk til fremtidige betalinger. For å abonnere kreves det et verifisert telefonnummer.", "db11f87d": "Abonner for {0} {newPrice} per {interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Adresseopplysninger deles med Google. Du finner mer informasjon i {0} og {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Bare administratorer og moderatorer av fellesskaper kan fremheve dem i profilene sine. Vil du {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Gå til {0} for å finne et krisesenter nær deg.", From 8f90b5d6d62edb4845680ab717301f9db2e859b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:56 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 28/62] Update docs/json/i18n/uk.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/uk.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/uk.json b/docs/json/i18n/uk.json index 4eb83e853e..b67303614d 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/uk.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/uk.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Зв'язатися з нами", "dd6012f8": "Центр конфіденційності", "f644b748": "Керуйте тим, хто може відповідати на ваші пости та відфільтровані відповіді.", - "i0844f5c": "Дозволити використовувати ваші пости, а також взаємодії, вхідні дані й результати Grok для навчання й доопрацювання.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Коли встановлено цей прапорець, ваші пости та інші відомості профілю видимі лише для ваших читачів.", "if050fae": "Захистити відео", "b7ed5f6e": "Якщо ввімкнути цей параметр, за умовчанням відео з ваших постів не можна буде завантажувати. Це стосуватиметься тільки майбутніх постів і не вплине на вже опубліковані.", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Видалити історію розмов", "ebc4fda0": "Ви збираєтеся видалити історію своїх розмов із Grok. Ви більше не матимете до них доступу.", "c90fe716": "Видалити розмови?", - "b2053226": "Дозволити використовувати ваші пости, а також взаємодії, вхідні дані й результати Grok для навчання й доопрацювання", - "h6fbad2c": "Щоб постійно покращувати користувацький досвід, ми можемо використовувати ваші пости в X, а також взаємодії, вхідні дані й результати з метою навчання й доопрацювання Grok. Це означає, що ваші взаємодії, вхідні дані й результати також можуть надсилатися з цією метою нашому постачальнику послуг xAI.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Вас зареєстровано в програмі «Монети».", "db3f0bbe": "Допомагаємо творцям заробляти на вмісті", "a1f40cf8": "Погоджуюсь", @@ -5061,7 +5061,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Видалити інтеграцію", "eef1ae76": "Наразі підключено", "a915f5c1": "Підключено: {ats}", - "e4512021": "Заощадьте {percentage}% на Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Додавайте пости у вибране з X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Демонструйте свої найкращі пости в профілі", "h59250bc": "Зашифровані повідомлення з X Premium", @@ -5162,6 +5162,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Наразі недоступно", "jd8b2e66": "Передплатити", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Перейти на інший план", "c9cc122b": "{feature} входить у план {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} не входить у план {title}", @@ -7283,6 +7284,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Оформлюючи передплату, ви приймаєте наші {0}. Передплата продовжуватиметься автоматично, поки ви її не скасуєте, як описано в {1}. {2}. Щоб уникнути додаткових витрат, скасуйте передплату щонайменше за 24 години до її продовження. У разі переходу на дешевший план ваша передплата й усі пов’язані з нею функції будуть переведені на новий план одразу. Вам не буде повернуто кошти, сплачені за будь-які частини попередньої передплати, якщо цього не вимагає закон. Із вас також буде негайно списано плату за новий план. Для оформлення передплати потрібен підтверджений номер телефону.", "db638a21": "Оформлюючи передплату, ви приймаєте наші {0}. Передплата продовжуватиметься автоматично, поки ви її не скасуєте, як описано в {1}. {2}. Щоб уникнути додаткових витрат, скасуйте передплату щонайменше за 24 години до її продовження. У разі переходу на інший план нова передплата почне діяти одразу. Кошти, сплачені за попередню передплату, повернуться на ваш рахунок і автоматично використовуватимуться для майбутніх платежів. Для оформлення передплати потрібен підтверджений номер телефону.", "db11f87d": "Оформте передплату за {0} {newPrice} на {interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Відомості про адресу передаються в Google. Щоб дізнатися більше, див. {0} і {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Лише адміністратори та модератори спільнот можуть виставляти їх у своїх профілях. Хочете {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Щоб знайти кризовий центр поблизу, відвідайте вебсайт {0}.", From e5a853ac8a331892f60c2b3b676c04c8c44ddf8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:57 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 29/62] Update docs/json/i18n/tr.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/tr.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/tr.json b/docs/json/i18n/tr.json index d802569fbc..dc89de7ae4 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/tr.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/tr.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Bize ulaşın", "dd6012f8": "Gizlilik merkezi", "f644b748": "Gönderilerini ve filtrelenmiş yanıtlarını kimin yanıtlayabileceğini yönet.", - "i0844f5c": "Gönderilerinin yanı sıra Grok ile etkileşimlerinin, girişlerinin ve sonuçlarının eğitim ve ince ayar için kullanılmasına izin ver.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Seçildiğinde, gönderilerin ve diğer hesap bilgilerin yalnızca seni takip eden kişilere görünür olur.", "if050fae": "Videolarını koru", "b7ed5f6e": "Seçilmesi durumunda, gönderilerindeki videolar varsayılan olarak indirilebilir olmayacak. Bu ayar, ileriye dönük gönderiler için geçerli olup geriye dönük geçerli değildir", @@ -2835,8 +2836,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Sohbet geçmişini sil", "ebc4fda0": "Grok sohbet geçmişini silmek üzeresin. Bu sohbetlere daha sonra erişemeyeceksin.", "c90fe716": "Sohbetlerini silmek istiyor musun?", - "b2053226": "Gönderilerinin yanı sıra Grok ile etkileşimlerinin, girişlerinin ve sonuçlarının eğitim ve ince ayar için kullanılmasına izin ver", - "h6fbad2c": "Deneyimini sürekli iyileştirmek için eğitim ve ince ayar amacıyla kullanmak üzere X gönderilerin ve kullanıcı etkileşimlerinin yanı sıra Grok'taki giriş ve sonuçlarından yararlanabiliriz. Bu durum etkileşimlerinin, girişlerinin ve sonuçlarının da bu amaçlarla hizmet sağlayıcımız xAI ile paylaşılabileceği anlamına gelir.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Jetonlar programına başarıyla kaydoldun.", "db3f0bbe": "Bu program, içerik üreticilerinin içeriklerinden para kazanmalarına yardımcı olur.", "a1f40cf8": "Kabul ediyorum", @@ -4999,7 +4999,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Entegrasyonu sil", "eef1ae76": "Şu anda bağlı", "a915f5c1": "{ats} bağlandı", - "e4512021": "Premium'dan %{percentage} tasarruf et.", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "X Premium ile gönderileri öne çıkar", "gd1f4cfa": "En iyi gönderilerini profilinde göster", "h59250bc": "X Premium ile şifreli mesajlar", @@ -5100,6 +5100,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Şu anda kullanılamıyor", "jd8b2e66": "Abone ol ve ödeme yap", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Kullanılabilir abonelik katmanları arasında geçiş yap", "c9cc122b": "{feature}, {title} kapsamına dahildir", "bff35771": "{feature}, {title} kapsamına dahil değildir", @@ -7217,6 +7218,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Abone olarak {0} kabul etmiş olursun. Abonelikler, {1}'da açıklandığı gibi, iptal edilene kadar otomatik olarak yenilenir. {2}. Ek ücretleri önlemek için yenileme zamanından en az 24 saat önce iptal et. Alt sürüme geçiş yaptığında, mevcut aboneliğin ve ilgili özellikler hemen yeni abonelik kademesine geçer. Yasalarca zorunlu olmadığı sürece, önceki aboneliğinin hiçbir kısmı için geri ödeme yapılmaz. Ayrıca yeni kademenin ücreti de hemen tahsil edilir. Abone olmak için onaylanmış bir telefon numarası gereklidir.", "db638a21": "Abone olarak {0} kabul etmiş olursun. Abonelikler, {1}'da açıklandığı gibi, iptal edilene kadar otomatik olarak yenilenir. {2}. Ek ücretleri önlemek için yenileme zamanından en az 24 saat önce iptal et. Planını değiştirdiğinde, yeni aboneliğin hemen başlar. Önceki aboneliğinden kalan kredi hesabına aktarılır ve gelecekteki ödemeler için otomatik olarak uygulanır. Abone olmak için onaylanmış bir telefon numarası gereklidir.", "db11f87d": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} karşılığında abone ol", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Adres bilgileri Google ile paylaşıldı. Daha fazla bilgi almak için bkz. {0} ve {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Yalnızca Topluluk yöneticileri ve moderatörleri Toplulukları profillerinde Spotlight'a ekleyebilir. Kendi {0} ister misin?", "ef72b01b": "Yakınlarında bir kriz merkezi bulmak için {0} bağlantısını ziyaret et.", From abff33a913bdae78dc918fd3c1d28c007fb299ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:13:58 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 30/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ja.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ja.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ja.json b/docs/json/i18n/ja.json index 7da187b94d..826cd8d2e4 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ja.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ja.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "お問い合わせ", "dd6012f8": "プライバシーセンター", "f644b748": "ポストに返信できるユーザーやフィルタリング済みの返信を管理します。", - "i0844f5c": "ポストに加えて、Grokでのやり取り、インプット、結果をトレーニングと調整に利用することを許可します。", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "オンにすると、ポストと他のアカウント情報があなたをフォローしているアカウントにのみ表示されます。", "if050fae": "動画を保護する", "b7ed5f6e": "選択した場合、ポストの動画がデフォルトでダウンロード不可になります。この設定は、将来のポストに適用され、さかのぼって適用されることはありません", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "会話履歴を削除", "ebc4fda0": "Grokの会話履歴を削除しようとしています。削除すると、これらの会話にはアクセスできなくなります。", "c90fe716": "会話を削除しますか?", - "b2053226": "ポストに加えて、Grokでのやり取り、インプット、結果をトレーニングと調整に利用することを許可する", - "h6fbad2c": "継続的なサービス向上のため、XではXのポストに加えて、Grokでのユーザーのやり取り、インプット、結果をトレーニングと調整の目的で利用することがあります。これは、やり取り、インプット、結果が、サービスプロバイダーのxAIとこの目的で共有される可能性があることも意味しています。", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "コインプログラムに登録しました。", "db3f0bbe": "クリエイターがコンテンツから収益を得られるようにしましょう。", "a1f40cf8": "同意する", @@ -5061,7 +5061,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "統合を削除", "eef1ae76": "現在連携中", "a915f5c1": "{ats}と連携中", - "e4512021": "プレミアムが{percentage}%オフ", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Xプレミアムでポストをハイライトする", "gd1f4cfa": "プロフィールでベストなポストをアピールする", "h59250bc": "Xプレミアムでメッセージを暗号化する", @@ -5162,6 +5162,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "現在ご利用いただけません", "jd8b2e66": "サブスクライブして支払う", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "サブスクリプションレベルを切り替える", "c9cc122b": "{feature}は{title}に含まれています", "bff35771": "{feature}は{title}では利用できません", @@ -7283,6 +7284,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "サブスクライブすることにより、{0}に同意したものとみなされます。{1}に記載されているとおり、サブスクリプションはキャンセルするまで自動更新されます。{2}。更新の24時間前までにキャンセルすれば、追加の請求は発生しません。ダウングレードすると、現在のサブスクリプションと関連する機能がすぐに新しいサブスクリプションレベルに切り替わります。法律により義務付けられている場合を除き、それまでのサブスクリプションのいかなる期間への返金も行いません。新しいレベルの料金の課金もすぐに行われます。サブスクライブするには認証済みの電話番号が必要となります。", "db638a21": "サブスクライブすることにより、{0}に同意したものとみなされます。{1}に記載されているとおり、サブスクリプションはキャンセルするまで自動更新されます。{2}。更新の24時間前までにキャンセルすれば、追加の請求は発生しません。プランを切り替えると、新しいサブスクリプションがすぐに開始されます。それまでのサブスクリプションのクレジット残額がアカウントに追加され、将来のお支払いに自動的に適用されます。サブスクライブするには認証済みの電話番号が必要となります。", "db11f87d": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval}でサブスクライブ", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "所在地情報はGoogleと共有されます。詳細は、{0}と{1}をご覧ください。", "f9b1387f": "コミュニティの管理者とモデレーターだけがプロフィールにスポットライトを表示できます。{0}しますか?", "ef72b01b": "お近くのカウンセリングセンターについては、{0}のウェブサイトをご覧ください。", From ee1e0921e8b0499f64784696c453ed34d250424e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:00 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 31/62] Update docs/json/i18n/fa.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/fa.json | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/fa.json b/docs/json/i18n/fa.json index f485191ff2..36a45f897b 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/fa.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/fa.json @@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ "g4bb7ea8": "تا ۵۰٪ تخفیف برای X Premium دریافت کنید", "b748499c": "پیشنهاد تمدید شد!", "b81135bc": "امروز تمام می‌شود!", - "a8b4b878": "Experience the best of X this Thanksgiving.", - "c3e60460": "Get 40% off Premium this Thanksgiving.", - "ca8cbf78": "Get 40% off Premium and Premium+", - "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", - "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", + "a8b4b878": "در این عید شکرگزاری بهترین‌های X را تجربه کنید.", + "c3e60460": "‫در این عید شکرگزاری ۴۰٪‎ تخفیف برای Premium دریافت کنید.‬", + "ca8cbf78": "‫۴۰٪‎ تخفیف برای Premium و Premium+‎ دریافت کنید‬", + "j88ba18e": "استفاده از پیشنهاد", + "h1860ab2": "سالروز تولد Premium‌ است! از بهترین‌های X لذت ببرید.", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce99bdae": "It’s Premium’s Anniversary!", "efeec34d": "{percentage}% off for a limited time.", @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "تماس با ما", "dd6012f8": "مرکز حریم خصوصی", "f644b748": "افرادی را که می‌توانند به پست‌های شما پاسخ دهند و پاسخ‌های فیلترشده‌تان را مدیریت کنید.", - "i0844f5c": "اجازه دهید پست‌ها و نیز تعامل‌ها، ورودی‌ها، و نتایج شما در Grok برای آموزش و بهینه‌سازی استفاده شود.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "درصورت انتخاب، پست‌ها و اطلاعات دیگر حساب کاربری‌تان فقط برای افرادی که شما را دنبال می‌کنند قابل دیدن خواهد بود.", "if050fae": "محافظت از ویدئوها", "b7ed5f6e": "چنانچه انتخاب شود، ویدئوهای پست‌های شما به‌طور پیش‌فرض قابل بارگیری نخواهد بود. این تنظیمات در پست‌های آینده اعمال می‌شود و برای موارد قبلی کاربرد ندارد", @@ -2750,7 +2751,7 @@ "d9588ae6": "به‌خاطر داشته باشید حتی اگر این تنظیمات غیرفعال باشد وقتی در «اتاق گفت‌وگویی» باشید همه می‌توانند شما را ببینند. دنبال‌کننده‌های شما همیشه می‌توانند ببینند کدام «اتاق‌های گفت‌وگو» را میزبانی می‌کنید، در میزبانی آن‌ها همکاری می‌کنید، یا در آن‌ها صحبت می‌کنید.", "i84c5de8": "به‌زودی: درخواست‌های آفرینندگان آثار", "b8922f7e": "زود برگردید تا بتوانید برای پیوستن به برنامه «اشتراک‌ها» درخواست کنید.", - "ad588be6": "You are eligible!", + "ad588be6": "واجدشرایط هستید!", "feb54b40": "یکی از نخستین درخواست‌کنندگان باشید", "f6443bd2": "خبر خوب - شما برای «اشتراک‌ها» ازنظر الزامات ما واجد شرایط هستید. آماده‌اید درخواست کنید؟", "a3a20a10": "بعداً دوباره بررسی کنید", @@ -2761,7 +2762,7 @@ "fdd95737": "{minFollowersCount} دنبال‌کننده", "b747ce3a": "فعال در ۳۰ روز گذشته", "c27f57ac": "دست‌کم ۱۸ سال سن داشته باشد", - "h63d2973": "{count} organic impressions in the past 3 months", + "h63d2973": "‫{count} اثرگذاری ارگانیک در سه ماه گذشته‬", "ef606fca": "اشتراک‌های پولی برای پرتعامل‌ترین دنبال‌کنندگان شما", "e533715e": "بررسی واجد شرایط بودن", "d8671da2": "کسب درآمد در X", @@ -2775,15 +2776,15 @@ "aa7e35ee": "حساب کاربری شما انتخاب نشد", "c984cc62": "حساب کاربری شما این بار انتخاب نشد. منتظر فرصت‌های آینده برای مشارکت باشید.", "gd115e64": "درخواست برای «اشتراک‌ها»", - "a9f08d5c": "Your answers to the questions below are for our review and will not be shown on your profile.", - "c3f8d650": "Describe your content", - "j89dd344": "Please provide an example of the content that would be included in your subscription, the more specific the better.", - "d19cc490": "Add an example content", - "c737c1b2": "Tell us about your experience", - "f98e5fd4": "Do you create paid content on other platforms? Why do you think users will subscribe?", - "c41b01be": "Add a pitch", - "e2aad0fe": "I will not post graphic or adult subscriber content", - "d1b983ef": "Must be at least {count} characters long", + "a9f08d5c": "پاسخ‌های شما به پرسش‌های زیر برای بازبینی ما است و در نمایه‌تان نشان داده نخواهد شد.", + "c3f8d650": "شرح محتوای شما", + "j89dd344": "لطفاً نمونه‌ای از محتواهایی که در اشتراک شما گنجانده خواهد شد ارائه کنید، هرچه خاص‌تر، بهتر.", + "d19cc490": "افزودن نمونه محتوا", + "c737c1b2": "اطلاعاتی درباره تجربه شما", + "f98e5fd4": "آیا در پلاتفرم‌های دیگر محتوای پولی ایجاد می‌کنید؟ چرا فکر می‌کنید کاربران مشترک می‌شوند؟", + "c41b01be": "افزودن توجیه", + "e2aad0fe": "محتوای گرافیکی یا بزرگسالان مخصوص مشترکان پست نخواهم کرد", + "d1b983ef": "باید حداقل {count} نویسه باشد", "eb4bf9a1": "بعداً نمی‌توانید آن را تغییر دهید.", "d3d6c52c": "درخواست شما ارسال شد", "cb27c0ba": "قیمت‌گذاری شما را تأیید کرده‌ایم. درخواست شما بازبینی خواهد شد و اگر تأیید شوید، به‌محض فعال شدن برای شما آگاه‌سازی می‌فرستیم.", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "حذف سابقه گفت‌وگو", "ebc4fda0": "به‌زودی سابقه گفت‌وگوی شما را در Grok حذف می‌کنیم. دیگر نخواهید توانست به این گفت‌وگوها دسترسی پیدا کنید.", "c90fe716": "می‌خواهید گفت‌وگویتان را حذف کنید؟", - "b2053226": "اجازه دهید پست‌ها و نیز تعامل‌ها، ورودی‌ها، و نتایج شما در Grok برای آموزش و بهینه‌سازی استفاده شود", - "h6fbad2c": "ما برای اینکه تجربه شما را به‌طور پیوسته بهبود دهیم از پست‌های X و نیز تعامل‌ها، ورودی‌ها، و نتایج کاربری شما در Grok برای اهداف آموزش و بهینه‌سازی استفاده می‌کنیم. بنابراین تعامل‌ها، ورودی‌ها، و نتایج شما هم ممکن است برای این اهداف با ارائه‌دهنده خدمات ما xAI هم‌رسانی شود.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "شما با موفقیت در برنامه «سکه‌ها» ثبت‌نام شدید.", "db3f0bbe": "کمک به آفرینندگان آثار برای کسب درآمد از محتوای خودشان.", "a1f40cf8": "موافقم", @@ -4836,7 +4836,7 @@ "db28b535": "حذف «{name}»", "a4f5e431": "«{name}» حذف شد", "bcf89b8a": "ویرایش پرسمان", - "ia7dce48": "Failed to generate query. Please try again.", + "ia7dce48": "پرسمان تولید نشد. لطفاً دوباره امتحان کنید.", "f0002e72": "کاوش در نتایج", "b0924d7a": "پرسمان ایجاد نشد. لطفاً دوباره امتحان کنید.", "cfd731ee": "پرسمان حذف نشد. لطفاً دوباره امتحان کنید.", @@ -4845,7 +4845,7 @@ "c0799860": "روز", "b43679d2": "ساعت", "f1fce85e": "دقیقه", - "ea3e0ec4": "Market", + "ea3e0ec4": "بازار", "d8d9aec2": "به حداکثر تعداد پرسمان رسیده‌اید", "c9aa246e": "پرسمان جدید", "b9b7a50e": "برای به‌روز ماندن هروقت خواستید معیارهای جست‌وجویتان را اصلاح کنید", @@ -4854,8 +4854,8 @@ "e78ca8c6": "لطفاً بعداً دوباره امتحان کنید", "ce3216ec": "پرسمان", "d92ec304": "پرسمان یافت نشد", - "ef609bb8": "What’s happening on X?", - "a636a738": "Ask a follow-up...", + "ef609bb8": "در X چه خبر است؟", + "a636a738": "درخواست پیگیری…", "bbf29e20": "بازنشانی انتخاب", "ie3321ea": "‫‎$NVDA (فروش یا خرید)", "cf223996": "خلاصه", @@ -5059,7 +5059,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "حذف یکپارچه‌سازی", "eef1ae76": "فعلاً متصل است", "a915f5c1": "{ats} متصل شد", - "e4512021": "‫‎٪{percentage} تخفیف برای Premium!‬", + "af7286b7": "‫{percentage}٪‎ تخفیف در سال برای Premium‬", "fb5e2c14": "برجسته‌سازی پست‌ها با X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "به‌نمایش گذاشتن بهترین پست‌هایتان در نمایه", "h59250bc": "پیام‌های رمزگذاری‌شده با X Premium", @@ -5160,6 +5160,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "فعلاً دردسترس نیست", "jd8b2e66": "مشترک شدن و پرداخت هزینه", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "تعویض به یکی‌از سطوح اشتراک موجود", "c9cc122b": "{feature} در {title} وجود دارد", "bff35771": "{feature} برای {title} دردسترس نیست", @@ -5709,7 +5710,7 @@ "ec251f36": "وقتی کسی که می‌شناسید او را دنبال کند، اینجا فهرست می‌شود.", "f8af4f48": "وقتی حساب‌های کاربری را دنبال کند، اینحا نشان داده خواهد شد.", "fd0aad94": "وقتی فردی تأییدشده این حساب را دنبال می‌کند، اینجا نشان داده می‌شود.", - "b84f6df1": "Gift Premium at a {percentage}% discount for a limited time", + "b84f6df1": "‫{percentage}٪‎ تخفیف در Premium برای مدتی محدود‬", "cfcac293": "اهدا و پرداخت {price}", "d7a73450": "سطح اشتراک", "hbd2c24e": "این حساب کاربری فعلاً برای هدیه واجدشرایط نیست.", @@ -6293,7 +6294,7 @@ "bacd7195": "{fullName} (@{screenName}) در X", "e5b4aafa": "اتصال اینترنت شما قطع شده است.", "g43c3b36": "برای ادامه، لطفاً دوباره به اینترنت متصل شوید.", - "hafe83ec": "Press close to exit the application.", + "hafe83ec": "برای خارج شدن از برنامه، «بستن» را فشار دهید.", "b2ec74fe": "بستن", "hf836e5f": "‫{tweetText} {username} {screenName} {views} بازدید {timeAgo}‬", "a7a90902": "برای نشان دادن انتخاب را فشار دهید", @@ -7281,6 +7282,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "مشترک شدن به‌معنای موافقت شما با {0} است. همان‌طور که در {1} شرح داده شده است، اشتراک‌ها تا وقتی لغو نشده باشند به‌طور خودکار تمدید می‌شوند. {2}. برای پرهیز از هزینه‌های اضافی اشتراکتان را تا ۲۴ ساعت پیش‌از تمدید لغو کنید. هنگام کاهش سطح اشتراک، اشتراک فعلی شما و ویژگی‌های مربوطه بلافاصله به سطح اشتراک جدید تغییر می‌کند. برای هیچ بخشی از اشتراک قبلی‌تان بازپرداختی دریافت نخواهید کرد، مگر اینکه قانون الزام‌آوری وجود داشته باشد. هزینه سطح اشتراک جدید نیز بلافاصله از شما دریافت خواهد شد. برای مشترک شدن شماره تلفن تأییدشده لازم است.", "db638a21": "مشترک شدن به‌معنای موافقت شما با {0} است. همان‌طور که در {1} شرح داده شده است، اشتراک‌ها تا وقتی لغو نشده باشند به‌طور خودکار تمدید می‌شوند. {2}. برای پرهیز از هزینه‌های اضافی اشتراکتان را تا ۲۴ ساعت پیش‌از تمدید لغو کنید. هنگام تغییر طرح، اشتراک جدید شما بلافاصله شروع خواهد شد. اعتبار باقی‌مانده اشتراک قبلی شما به حساب کاربری شما منتقل و به‌طور خودکار در پرداخت‌های آینده اعمال می‌شود. برای مشترک شدن شماره تلفن تأییدشده لازم است.", "db11f87d": "‫اشتراک با {0} {newPrice}/{interval}‬", + "e4219e13": "‫{0} {newPrice}/{interval} با صورت‌حساب سالانه‬", "eeb5fb11": "اطلاعات نشانی با Google هم‌رسانی می‌شود. برای اطلاعات بیشتر به {0} و {1} مراجعه کنید.", "f9b1387f": "فقط مدیران و ناظم‌های «انجمن‌ها» می‌توانند آن‌ها را در نمایه‌هایشان در «کانون» قرار دهند. می‌خواهید ", "ef72b01b": "برای یافتن مرکز بحرانی نزدیک شما، به {0} مراجعه کنید.", From 63116bb7e0ea725f4810a435837876818178fbfa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:01 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 32/62] Update docs/json/i18n/eu.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/eu.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/eu.json b/docs/json/i18n/eu.json index 5cd2f45e6e..4fdb971f1a 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/eu.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/eu.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Jarri gurekin harremanetan", "dd6012f8": "Pribatutasun-zentroa", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -5048,7 +5048,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connected", - "e4512021": "Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5149,6 +5149,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7268,6 +7269,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Address info is shared with Google. See {0} and {1} to learn more.", "f9b1387f": "Only admins and moderators of Communities can Spotlight them on their profiles. Want to {0} of your own?", "ef72b01b": "Zure inguruko krisi zentro bat aurkitzeko, bisitatu ", From bc0cb7afb5db3bd5e9839fc1bc545dc3348c0493 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:02 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 33/62] Update docs/json/i18n/yo.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/yo.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/yo.json b/docs/json/i18n/yo.json index bb609a9c2c..5c8a9876ce 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/yo.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/yo.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kàn sí wa", "dd6012f8": "Ibi ìpamọ́", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -5048,7 +5048,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connected", - "e4512021": "Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5149,6 +5149,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7265,6 +7266,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Àlàyé àdírẹ́sì ni a pín pẹ̀lú Google. Wo àwọn {0} àti {1} láti kọ́ síi.", "f9b1387f": "Àwọn olú àti àwọn olùdarí àwọn Àwùjọ nìkan ni wọ́n lè gbé wọn Sójútáyé lóri prófáìlì wọn. O fẹ́ {0} tìrẹ bí?", "ef72b01b": "Láti ṣàwárí ibùdó làásìgbò ní tòsí rẹ, kàn sí ", From e9ff1490b912ae4eec8768930735bb02fdf1b43b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:03 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 34/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ha.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ha.json | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ha.json b/docs/json/i18n/ha.json index 8865aee53f..5d6c7e893b 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ha.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ha.json @@ -939,7 +939,8 @@ "g5925628": "Tuntuɓe mu", "dd6012f8": "Cibiyar sirri", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2534,8 +2535,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -6386,6 +6386,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Ana yaɗa bayanin adireshin da Google. Duba {0} da kuma {1} don ƙarin bayani.", "f9b1387f": "Kawai jagoran dandali da kuma masu daidaitawa na Al'ummai ske iya Hasaka su a kan furofayilolinsu. Kana son ka {0} ta kanka ne?", "ef72b01b": "Domin gane cibiyar rikici kusa da kai, ziyarci ", From 280daa85b0f08dc5b24b002f0fe497a489cb782a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:04 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 35/62] Update docs/json/i18n/fr.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/fr.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/fr.json b/docs/json/i18n/fr.json index ce61e00088..2b1c604254 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/fr.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/fr.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Nous contacter", "dd6012f8": "Centre de confidentialité", "f644b748": "Déterminez qui peut répondre à vos posts et à vos réponses filtrées.", - "i0844f5c": "Autorisez l'utilisation de vos posts ainsi que de vos interactions, saisies dans Grok et résultats associés à des fins de formation et d'ajustement.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Quand cette option est sélectionnée, seuls vos abonnés peuvent voir vos posts et les autres informations de votre compte.", "if050fae": "Protéger mes vidéos", "b7ed5f6e": "Si cette option est sélectionnée, les vidéos figurant dans vos posts ne seront pas téléchargeables par défaut. Ce paramètre s'applique aux posts à venir et n'est pas rétroactif.", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Supprimer l'historique des conversations", "ebc4fda0": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer l'historique de vos conversations Grok. Vous ne pourrez plus accéder à ces conversations.", "c90fe716": "Voulez-vous supprimer vos conversations ?", - "b2053226": "Autoriser l'utilisation de mes posts ainsi que de mes interactions, saisies dans Grok et résultats associés à des fins de formation et d'ajustement", - "h6fbad2c": "Pour améliorer continuellement votre expérience, nous pouvons utiliser vos posts sur X ainsi que vos interactions avec les utilisateurs, et vos saisies dans Grok et les résultats associés à des fins de formation et d'ajustement. Cela signifie également que vos interactions, vos saisies et vos résultats sont aussi susceptibles d'être partagés avec notre prestataire de services xAI à ces fins.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Votre inscription au programme Pièces a bien été effectuée.", "db3f0bbe": "Aidez les créateurs à gagner plus d'argent avec leurs contenus.", "a1f40cf8": "Accepter", @@ -5052,7 +5052,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Supprimer l'intégration", "eef1ae76": "Actuellement connecté", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connecté", - "e4512021": "Économisez {percentage} % sur Premium !", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Mettez des posts en avant avec X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Mettez vos meilleurs posts en avant sur votre profil", "h59250bc": "Messages cryptés avec X Premium", @@ -5153,6 +5153,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Actuellement indisponible", "jd8b2e66": "S'abonner et payer", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Changer de type d'abonnement", "c9cc122b": "La fonctionnalité {feature} est comprise dans {title}.", "bff35771": "La fonctionnalité {feature} n'est pas disponible dans {title}.", @@ -7270,6 +7271,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "En vous abonnant, vous acceptez nos {0}. Les abonnements sont renouvelés automatiquement jusqu'à leur résiliation, comme indiqué dans les {1}. {2}. Annulez au moins 24 heures avant le renouvellement afin d'éviter des frais supplémentaires. Quand vous passez à un abonnement inférieur, votre abonnement actuel et les fonctionnalités associées sont instantanément modifiés. Vous ne recevrez pas de remboursement pour votre abonnement précédent, sauf si la loi l'exige. Le nouvel abonnement vous sera par ailleurs immédiatement facturé. Un numéro de téléphone vérifié est requis pour s'abonner.", "db638a21": "En vous abonnant, vous acceptez nos {0}. Les abonnements sont renouvelés automatiquement jusqu'à leur résiliation, comme indiqué dans les {1}. {2}. Annulez au moins 24 heures avant le renouvellement afin d'éviter des frais supplémentaires. Quand vous changez de type d'abonnement, votre nouvel abonnement commence immédiatement. Le crédit restant sur votre abonnement précédent est automatiquement utilisé pour les futurs règlements de votre compte. Un numéro de téléphone vérifié est requis pour s'abonner.", "db11f87d": "S'abonner pour {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Les informations relatives à l'adresse sont partagées avec Google. Consultez les {0} et les {1} pour en savoir plus.", "f9b1387f": "Seuls les administrateurs et modérateurs de Communautés peuvent les intégrer dans un Spotlight sur leurs profils. Vous voulez {0} ?", "ef72b01b": "Pour trouver un centre d'aide près de chez vous, consultez le site de l'{0}.", From 02c6fe74c8fc99e520c1772f8de174e994bdf3b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:05 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 36/62] Update docs/json/i18n/hr.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/hr.json | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/hr.json b/docs/json/i18n/hr.json index d7f86eb996..358edbae2f 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/hr.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/hr.json @@ -938,7 +938,8 @@ "g5925628": "Javite nam se", "dd6012f8": "Centar za zaštitu privatnosti", "f644b748": "Upravljajte korisnicima koji mogu odgovarati na vaše odgovore i filtriranim odgovorima.", - "i0844f5c": "Dopustite da se vaše objave, kao i vaše interakcije, unosi i rezultati značajke Grok upotrebljavaju u svrhe obuke i finog ugođavanja.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Kada to odaberete, vaše objave i drugi podaci o računu bit će vidljivi samo osobama koje vas prate.", "if050fae": "Zaštitite svoje videozapise", "b7ed5f6e": "Ako to odaberete, videozapisi u vašim objavama neće se moći preuzimati prema zadanim postavkama. Ova se postavka primjenjuje na buduće objave i nije retroaktivna", @@ -2532,8 +2533,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Izbriši povijest razgovora", "ebc4fda0": "Upravo ćete izbrisati povijesti razgovora značajke Grok. Više nećete moći pristupiti tim razgovorima.", "c90fe716": "Želite li izbrisati svoje razgovore?", - "b2053226": "Dopustite da se vaše objave, kao i vaše interakcije, unosi i rezultati značajke Grok upotrebljavaju u svrhe obuke i finog ugođavanja", - "h6fbad2c": "Da bismo neprestano poboljšavali vaše iskustvo, možemo upotrebljavati vaše objave na platformi X, kao i interakcije korisnika, unose i rezultate značajke Grok u svrhe obuke i finog ugođavanja. To također znači da se vaše interakcije, unosi i rezultati mogu dijeliti i s našim pružateljem usluge xAI u te svrhe.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Uspješno ste se prijavili u program Novčići.", "db3f0bbe": "Pomaganje autorima sadržaja da ostvare zaradu od svog sadržaja.", "a1f40cf8": "Slažem se", @@ -6394,6 +6394,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Pretplatom pristajete na naše {0}. Pretplate se automatski obnavljaju do otkazivanja, kao što je opisano u {1}. {2}. Ako želite otkazati pretplatu, to učinite najmanje 24 sata prije obnove kako biste izbjegli dodatne naplate. Kada prelazite na nižu razinu, vaša će se trenutna pretplata i povezane značajke odmah prebaciti na novu razinu pretplate. Nećete dobiti povrat sredstava ni za koji dio prethodne pretplate, osim ako to nije zakonski obvezno. Nadalje, odmah će vam se naplatiti cijena nove razine. Za pretplatu je potreban provjeren telefonski broj.", "db638a21": "Pretplatom pristajete na naše {0}. Pretplate se automatski obnavljaju do otkazivanja, kao što je opisano u {1}. {2}. Ako želite otkazati pretplatu, to učinite najmanje 24 sata prije obnove kako biste izbjegli dodatne naplate. Kada mijenjate plan, vaša će nova pretplata odmah započeti. Kredit ostatka prethodne pretplate prebacuje se na vaš račun i automatski upotrebljava za daljnja plaćanja. Za pretplatu je potreban provjeren telefonski broj.", "db11f87d": "Pretplatite se po cijeni od {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Podaci o adresi šalju se Googleu. Da biste saznali više, pogledajte {0} i {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Samo administratori i moderatori Zajednica mogu ih postaviti u pojedinosti na svom profilu. Želite {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Da biste pronašli krizni centar u svojoj blizini, posjetite ", From 2aa112ef1e0c7ffa57426de6fee8c8f925c54767 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:06 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 37/62] Update docs/json/i18n/hi.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/hi.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/hi.json b/docs/json/i18n/hi.json index ea3e33ae09..db07d14607 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/hi.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/hi.json @@ -992,7 +992,8 @@ "g5925628": "हमसे संपर्क करें", "dd6012f8": "गोपनीयता केंद्र", "f644b748": "प्रबंधित करें कि आपके पोस्ट्स और आपके फ़िल्टर किए गए जवाबों का जवाब कौन से सकता है.", - "i0844f5c": " Grok के साथ अपनी पोस्ट सहित अपनी बातचीत, इनपुट और परिणामों को प्रशिक्षण और फ़ाइन-ट्यूनिंग के लिए उपयोग करने की अनुमति दें.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "इसके चयनित होने पर, आपके पोस्ट्स और अन्य खाता जानकारी केवल उन लोगों को दिखाई देती है, जो आपको फ़ॉलो करते हैं.", "if050fae": "अपने वीडियोज़ सुरक्षित करें", "b7ed5f6e": "अगर चुना गया है, तो आपके पोस्ट्स में मौजूद वीडियो डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से डाउनलोड करने योग्य नहीं होंगे. यह सेटिंग आगे बढ़ रहे पोस्ट्स पर लागू होती है और पूर्व प्रभावी नहीं है", @@ -2838,8 +2839,7 @@ "e110a46c": "बातचीत इतिहास मिटायें", "ebc4fda0": "आप अपना Grok बातचीत इतिहास हटाने वाले हैं. आप इन बातचीत तक दोबारा नहीं पहुंच पाएंगे.", "c90fe716": "क्या आप अपनी बातचीत हटाना चाहते हैं?", - "b2053226": " Grok के साथ अपनी पोस्ट सहित अपनी बातचीत, इनपुट और परिणामों को प्रशिक्षण और फ़ाइन-ट्यूनिंग के लिए उपयोग करने की अनुमति दें", - "h6fbad2c": "आपके अनुभव को लगातार बेहतर बनाने के लिए, हम प्रशिक्षण और सुधार संबंधी उद्देश्यों के लिए आपके X पोस्ट सहित Grok के साथ आपकी उपयोगकर्ता बातचीत, इनपुट और परिणामों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं. इसका अर्थ यह भी है कि इन उद्देश्यों के लिए आपकी बातचीत, इनपुट और परिणाम हमारे सेवा प्रदाता xAI के साथ भी साझा किए जा सकते हैं.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "आपको सिक्के प्रोग्राम में सफलतापूर्वक नामांकित किया गया है.", "db3f0bbe": "क्रिएटर्स को उनकी सामग्री से पैसे कमाने में मदद करना.", "a1f40cf8": "सहमत", @@ -5038,7 +5038,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "डेटा एकीकरण", "eef1ae76": "वर्तमान में कनेक्ट है", "a915f5c1": "{ats} कनेक्ट हो गया", - "e4512021": "Premium पर {percentage}% बचाएं!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "X Premium से पोस्ट हाइलाइट करें", "gd1f4cfa": "अपनी प्रोफ़ाइल पर अपनी सर्वश्रेष्ठ पोस्ट प्रदर्शित करें", "h59250bc": "X Premium के साथ एन्क्रिप्टेड संदेश", @@ -5139,6 +5139,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "फ़िलहाल उपलब्ध नहीं है", "jd8b2e66": "सब्सक्राइब करें और भुगतान करें", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "उपलब्ध सब्सक्रिप्शन स्तरों के बीच स्विच करें", "c9cc122b": "{feature} {title} में शामिल है", "bff35771": "{feature} {title} के लिए उपलब्ध नहीं है", @@ -7255,6 +7256,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "सब्सक्राइब करके, आप हमारी {0} से सहमत होते हैं. जैसा कि {1} में बताया गया है, रद्द होने तक सब्सक्रिप्शन अपने आप नवीनीकृत होते हैं. {2}. अतिरिक्त शुल्क से बचने के लिए नवीनीकरण से कम से कम 24 घंटे पहले रद्द करें. डाउनग्रेड करते समय, आपके वर्तमान सब्सक्रिप्शन और संबंधित फ़ीचर तुरंत नए सब्सक्रिप्शन स्तर पर स्विच हो जाएगे. जब तक कानून द्वारा आवश्यक न हो, आपको अपने पिछले सब्सक्रिप्शन के किसी भी भाग के लिए धनवापसी नहीं मिलेगी. आपसे तुरंत नए स्तर की कीमत का शुल्क भी लिया जाएगा. सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए सत्यापित फ़ोन नंबर आवश्यक है.", "db638a21": "सब्सक्राइब करके, आप हमारी {0} से सहमत होते हैं. जैसा कि {1} में बताया गया है, रद्द होने तक सब्सक्रिप्शन अपने आप नवीनीकृत होते हैं. {2}. अतिरिक्त शुल्क से बचने के लिए नवीनीकरण से कम से कम 24 घंटे पहले रद्द करें. जब आप अपना प्लान बदलते हैं, तो आपका नया सब्सक्रिप्शन तुरंत शुरू हो जाएगा. आपके पिछले सब्सक्रिप्शन का शेष का क्रेडिट आपके खाते में चला जाएगा और अपने आप भविष्य के भुगतानों पर लागू हो जाएगा. सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए सत्यापित फ़ोन नंबर आवश्यक है.", "db11f87d": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} में सब्सक्राइब करें", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "पता जानकारी को Google के साथ शेयर किया गया है. अधिक जानकारी के लिए {0} और {1} देखें.", "f9b1387f": "केवल कम्यूनिटिज़ के एडमिन और मॉडरेटर ही उन्हें अपनी प्रोफ़ाइल पर स्पॉटलाइट कर सकते हैं. अपनी खुद की {0} चाहते हैं?", "ef72b01b": "अपने पास का संकट केंद्र खोजने के लिए, {0} पर जाएं.", From 1923876c54bb899fd81840e9b12e3710b9c143b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:07 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 38/62] Update docs/json/i18n/it.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/it.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/it.json b/docs/json/i18n/it.json index 57993ac7b1..5b788e5af2 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/it.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/it.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Contattaci", "dd6012f8": "Centro privacy", "f644b748": "Gestisci le risposte filtrate e chi può rispondere ai tuoi post.", - "i0844f5c": "Consenti l'utilizzo dei tuoi post, delle tue interazioni, delle informazioni che inserisci e dei risultati per Grok a scopi di addestramento e ottimizzazione.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Quando l'opzione è abilitata, i tuoi post e le altre informazioni dell'account saranno visibili solo a chi ti segue.", "if050fae": "Proteggi i tuoi video", "b7ed5f6e": "Se selezionata, i video nei tuoi post non saranno scaricabili per impostazione predefinita. L'impostazione è valida per i nuovi post e non è retroattiva.", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Elimina cronologia di conversazione", "ebc4fda0": "Stai per eliminare la cronologia di conversazione con Grok. Non potrai più accedere a queste conversazioni.", "c90fe716": "Vuoi eliminare le conversazioni?", - "b2053226": "Consenti l'utilizzo dei tuoi post, delle tue interazioni, delle informazioni che inserisci e dei risultati per Grok a scopi di addestramento e ottimizzazione", - "h6fbad2c": "Per migliorare continuamente l'esperienza, potremmo utilizzare i tuoi post di X, le interazioni utente, le informazioni inserite e i risultati per Grok a scopi di addestramento e ottimizzazione. Ciò significa inoltre che potremmo condividere le tue interazioni, le informazioni che inserisci e i risultati con il fornitore del servizio, xAI.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Adesso fai parte del programma relativo ai gettoni.", "db3f0bbe": "Un modo per consentire ai creator di generare guadagni con i propri contenuti.", "a1f40cf8": "Accetto", @@ -5048,7 +5048,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Elimina integrazione", "eef1ae76": "Collegamento attivo", "a915f5c1": "Collegamento a {ats} attivo", - "e4512021": "Risparmia il {percentage}% su Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Aggiungi i post agli highlight con X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Metti in evidenza i tuoi post migliori sul profilo", "h59250bc": "Messaggi crittografati con X Premium", @@ -5149,6 +5149,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Attualmente non disponibile", "jd8b2e66": "Abbonati e paga", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Passa a uno degli altri abbonamenti", "c9cc122b": "{feature}: disponibile con {title}", "bff35771": "{feature}: non disponibile con {title}", @@ -7266,6 +7267,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Abbonandoti, accetti i {0}. Come indicato nei {1}, gli abbonamenti si rinnovano in automatico fino alla disdetta. {2}. Per evitare costi aggiuntivi, disdici entro 24 ore dal rinnovo. Quando esegui il downgrade, l'abbonamento attuale e le funzioni associate passeranno subito al nuovo piano di abbonamento. Non riceverai alcun rimborso per nessuna parte dell'abbonamento precedente (salvo obblighi di legge). Ti verrà anche addebitato istantaneamente il prezzo del nuovo piano. Per abbonarti devi disporre di un numero di telefono convalidato.", "db638a21": "Abbonandoti, accetti i {0}. Come indicato nei {1}, gli abbonamenti si rinnovano in automatico fino alla disdetta. {2}. Per evitare costi aggiuntivi, disdici entro 24 ore dal rinnovo. Quando passi a un altro piano, il nuovo piano avrà validità immediata. Il credito per il resto dell'abbonamento precedente sarà aggiunto al tuo account e applicato automaticamente ai pagamenti futuri. Per abbonarti devi disporre di un numero di telefono convalidato.", "db11f87d": "Abbonati per {0} {newPrice} ogni {interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Le informazioni relative all'indirizzo vengono condivise con Google. Per saperne di più, consulta i {0} e le {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Solo gli amministratori e i moderatori delle community possono metterle in evidenza sul proprio profilo. Vuoi {0} tutta tua?", "ef72b01b": "Per trovare un centro di crisi nelle vicinanze, consulta l'{0}.", From 1a4ed79595a1a889a522105903f61ddb4fa1829e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:09 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 39/62] Update docs/json/i18n/el.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/el.json | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/el.json b/docs/json/i18n/el.json index 30b4da774f..34e5703969 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/el.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/el.json @@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ "g4bb7ea8": "Αποκτήστε έως και 50% έκπτωση στο X Premium", "b748499c": "Η προσφορά παρατείνεται!", "b81135bc": "Τερματίζεται σήμερα!", - "a8b4b878": "Experience the best of X this Thanksgiving.", - "c3e60460": "Get 40% off Premium this Thanksgiving.", - "ca8cbf78": "Get 40% off Premium and Premium+", - "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", - "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", + "a8b4b878": "Ζήστε την καλύτερη εμπειρία του Χ αυτή την Ημέρα των Ευχαριστιών.", + "c3e60460": "Αποκτήστε 40% έκπτωση στο Premium αυτή την Ημέρα των Ευχαριστιών.", + "ca8cbf78": "Αποκτήστε 40% έκπτωση στα Premium και Premium+", + "j88ba18e": "Αξιοποίηση προσφοράς", + "h1860ab2": "Είναι τα γενέθλια του Premium! Απολαύστε τα καλύτερα του X.", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce99bdae": "Είναι η επέτειος του Premium!", "efeec34d": "{percentage}% έκπτωση για περιορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα.", @@ -989,7 +989,8 @@ "g5925628": "Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας", "dd6012f8": "Κέντρο απορρήτου", "f644b748": "Διαχειριστείτε ποιος μπορεί να απαντήσει στις αναρτήσεις σας και στις φιλτραρισμένες απαντήσεις σας.", - "i0844f5c": "Επιτρέψτε στις αναρτήσεις σας καθώς και στις αλληλεπιδράσεις, τις καταχωρήσεις και τα αποτελέσματά σας με το Grok να χρησιμοποιηθούν για εκπαίδευση και τελειοποίηση.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Όταν επιλεγεί, οι αναρτήσεις σας και άλλα στοιχεία του λογαριασμού σας θα είναι ορατά μόνο στα άτομα που σας ακολουθούν.", "if050fae": "Προστατέψτε τα βίντεό σας", "b7ed5f6e": "Εάν επιλεγεί, τα βίντεο στις αναρτήσεις σας δεν θα είναι δυνατό να ληφθούν από προεπιλογή. Αυτή η ρύθμιση ισχύει για τις αναρτήσεις που θα γίνουν στο μέλλον και δεν έχει αναδρομική ισχύ.", @@ -2738,7 +2739,7 @@ "d9588ae6": "Λάβετε υπόψη ότι ακόμη και όταν είναι απενεργοποιημένη αυτή η ρύθμιση, θα είστε ορατοί σε οποιονδήποτε όταν βρίσκεστε σε έναν Χώρο. Οι ακόλουθοί σας μπορούν πάντα να βλέπουν τους Χώρους στους οποίους είστε διοργανωτής, συνδιοργανωτής ή ομιλητής.", "i84c5de8": "Οι αιτήσεις δημιουργών θα είναι σύντομα διαθέσιμες.", "b8922f7e": "Ελέγξτε ξανά σύντομα για να υποβάλετε αίτηση για συμμετοχή στο πρόγραμμα Σούπερ ακόλουθων.", - "ad588be6": "You are eligible!", + "ad588be6": "Είστε επιλέξιμοι!", "feb54b40": "Γίνετε ένα από τα πρώτα άτομα που θα υποβάλουν αίτηση", "f6443bd2": "Εκπληκτικά νέα — πληροίτε τις απαιτήσεις καταλληλότητας για τους Σούπερ ακόλουθους. Έτοιμοι να υποβάλετε αίτηση;", "a3a20a10": "Ελέγξτε ξανά αργότερα.", @@ -2749,7 +2750,7 @@ "fdd95737": "{minFollowersCount} ακόλουθοι", "b747ce3a": "Ενεργός τις τελευταίες 30 ημέρες", "c27f57ac": "Να είστε τουλάχιστον 18 ετών", - "h63d2973": "{count} organic impressions in the past 3 months", + "h63d2973": "{count} οργανικές προβολές τους τελευταίους 3 μήνες", "ef606fca": "Συνδρομές επί πληρωμή για τους πιο αφοσιωμένους ακόλουθούς σας", "e533715e": "Έλεγχος καταλληλότητας", "d8671da2": "Βγάλτε τα προς το ζην με το X", @@ -2763,15 +2764,15 @@ "aa7e35ee": "Ο λογαριασμός σας δεν επιλέχθηκε", "c984cc62": "Ο λογαριασμός σας δεν επιλέχθηκε αυτή τη φορά. Μείνετε συντονισμένοι για μελλοντικές ευκαιρίες συμμετοχής.", "gd115e64": "Υποβάλετε αίτηση για τους Σούπερ ακόλουθους", - "a9f08d5c": "Your answers to the questions below are for our review and will not be shown on your profile.", - "c3f8d650": "Describe your content", - "j89dd344": "Please provide an example of the content that would be included in your subscription, the more specific the better.", - "d19cc490": "Add an example content", - "c737c1b2": "Tell us about your experience", - "f98e5fd4": "Do you create paid content on other platforms? Why do you think users will subscribe?", - "c41b01be": "Add a pitch", - "e2aad0fe": "I will not post graphic or adult subscriber content", - "d1b983ef": "Must be at least {count} characters long", + "a9f08d5c": "Οι απαντήσεις σας στις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις προορίζονται για τον έλεγχό μας και δεν θα εμφανιστούν στο προφίλ σας.", + "c3f8d650": "Περιγράψτε το περιεχόμενό σας", + "j89dd344": "Παρακαλείστε να δώσετε ένα παράδειγμα του περιεχομένου που θα περιλαμβάνεται στη συνδρομή σας, όσο πιο συγκεκριμένο τόσο το καλύτερο.", + "d19cc490": "Προσθέστε ένα παράδειγμα περιεχομένου", + "c737c1b2": "Πείτε μας για την εμπειρία σας", + "f98e5fd4": "Δημιουργείτε πληρωμένο περιεχόμενο σε άλλες πλατφόρμες; Γιατί πιστεύετε ότι οι χρήστες θα εγγραφούν;", + "c41b01be": "Προσθέστε μια πρόταση πωλήσεων", + "e2aad0fe": "Δεν θα δημοσιεύσω βίαιο ή περιεχόμενο για ενήλικες συνδρομητές", + "d1b983ef": "Πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον {count} χαρακτήρες σε μέγεθος", "eb4bf9a1": "δεν θα μπορείτε να την αλλάξετε αργότερα.", "d3d6c52c": "Η αίτησή σας υποβλήθηκε", "cb27c0ba": "Επιβεβαιώσαμε τις τιμές σας. Θα ελέγξουμε την αίτησή σας και, εάν λάβετε έγκριση, θα σας στείλουμε μια ειδοποίηση μόλις κυκλοφορήσει ζωντανά.", @@ -2828,8 +2829,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Διαγραφή ιστορικού συνομιλιών", "ebc4fda0": "Πρόκειται να διαγράψετε το ιστορικό των συνομιλιών σας στο grok. Δεν θα έχετε ξανά πρόσβαση σε αυτές τις συνομιλίες.", "c90fe716": "Θέλετε να διαγράψετε τις συνομιλίες σας;", - "b2053226": "Επιτρέψτε τις αναρτήσεις σας καθώς και τις αλληλεπιδράσεις, τις καταχωρήσεις και τα αποτελέσματά σας με το Grok να χρησιμοποιηθούν για εκπαίδευση και τελειοποίηση.", - "h6fbad2c": "Για τη συνεχή βελτίωση της εμπειρίας σας, ενδέχεται να χρησιμοποιήσουμε τις αναρτήσεις σας στο X, καθώς και τις αλληλεπιδράσεις, τις εισροές και τα αποτελέσματά σας με το Grok για σκοπούς εκπαίδευσης και τελειοποίησης. Αυτό σημαίνει επίσης ότι οι αλληλεπιδράσεις, οι καταχωρήσεις και τα αποτελέσματά σας ενδέχεται επίσης να κοινοποιηθούν στον πάροχο υπηρεσιών μας xAI για τους σκοπούς αυτούς.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Έχετε εγγραφεί με επιτυχία στο πρόγραμμα Νομισμάτων.", "db3f0bbe": "Βοηθώντας τους δημιουργούς να κερδίσουν χρήματα από το περιεχόμενό τους.", "a1f40cf8": "Συμφωνώ", @@ -4808,7 +4808,7 @@ "db28b535": "Διαγραφή ’{name}’", "a4f5e431": "Διαγράφηκε '{name}'", "bcf89b8a": "Επεξεργαστείτε το ερώτημά σας", - "ia7dce48": "Failed to generate query. Please try again.", + "ia7dce48": "Απέτυχε η δημιουργία ερωτήματος. Προσπαθήστε ξανά.", "f0002e72": "Διερεύνηση αποτελεσμάτων", "b0924d7a": "Απέτυχε η δημιουργία ερωτήματος. Προσπαθήστε ξανά.", "cfd731ee": "Απέτυχε η διαγραφή ερωτήματος. Προσπαθήστε ξανά.", @@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ "c0799860": "Ημέρα", "b43679d2": "Ώρα", "f1fce85e": "Λεπτό", - "ea3e0ec4": "Market", + "ea3e0ec4": "Αγορά", "d8d9aec2": "Έχετε φτάσει στο μέγιστο αριθμό ερωτημάτων", "c9aa246e": "Νέο ερώτημα", "b9b7a50e": "Προσαρμόστε τα κριτήρια αναζήτησής σας ανά πάσα στιγμή για να παραμένετε ενημερωμένοι", @@ -4826,8 +4826,8 @@ "e78ca8c6": "Δοκιμάστε ξανά αργότερα", "ce3216ec": "Ερώτημα", "d92ec304": "Το ερώτημα δεν βρέθηκε", - "ef609bb8": "What’s happening on X?", - "a636a738": "Ask a follow-up...", + "ef609bb8": "Τι συμβαίνει στο Χ;", + "a636a738": "Ρωτήστε για συνέχεια...", "bbf29e20": "Επαναφορά επιλογής", "ie3321ea": "$NVDA (πώληση Ή αγορά)", "cf223996": "Σύνοψη", @@ -5031,7 +5031,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Διαγραφή ενσωμάτωσης", "eef1ae76": "Αυτή τη στιγμή συνδεδεμένο", "a915f5c1": "{ats} συνδεδεμένο", - "e4512021": "Εξοικονομήστε {percentage}% στο Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% από ένα έτος Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Επισημάνετε αναρτήσεις με το X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Παρουσιάστε τις καλύτερες αναρτήσεις σας στο προφίλ σας", "h59250bc": "Κρυπτογραφημένα μηνύματα με το X Premium", @@ -5132,6 +5132,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Προς το παρόν μη διαθέσιμο", "jd8b2e66": "Εγγραφή & πληρωμή", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Εναλλαγή μεταξύ των διαθέσιμων επιπέδων συνδρομής", "c9cc122b": "{feature} περιλαμβάνεται στο {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} δεν είναι διαθέσιμο για {title}", @@ -5674,7 +5675,7 @@ "ec251f36": "Όταν κάποιος χρήστης που γνωρίζετε τον ακολουθήσει, θα εμφανιστεί εδώ.", "f8af4f48": "Όταν ακολουθούν λογαριασμούς, θα εμφανίζονται εδώ.", "fd0aad94": "Όταν κάποιος επαληθευμένος χρήστης ακολουθεί αυτόν τον λογαριασμό, θα εμφανίζεται εδώ", - "b84f6df1": "Gift Premium at a {percentage}% discount for a limited time", + "b84f6df1": "Δώρο Premium με έκπτωση {percentage}% για περιορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα", "cfcac293": "Δώρο και πληρωμή {price}", "d7a73450": "Βαθμίδα", "hbd2c24e": "Αυτός ο λογαριασμός δεν είναι επιλέξιμος για δώρα αυτή τη στιγμή.", @@ -6257,7 +6258,7 @@ "bacd7195": "{fullName} (@{screenName}) στο X", "e5b4aafa": "Η σύνδεσή σας στο διαδίκτυο έχει διακοπεί.", "g43c3b36": "Παρακαλούμε επανασυνδεθείτε στο διαδίκτυο για να συνεχίσετε.", - "hafe83ec": "Press close to exit the application.", + "hafe83ec": "Πατήστε κλείσιμο για να βγείτε από την εφαρμογή.", "b2ec74fe": "κλείσιμο", "hf836e5f": "{tweetText} {username} {screenName} {views} προβολές {timeAgo}", "a7a90902": "Πατήστε επιλογή για να εμφανιστεί", @@ -7240,6 +7241,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Με την εγγραφή σας, συμφωνείτε με τους {0}. Οι συνδρομές ανανεώνονται αυτόματα μέχρι να ακυρωθούν, όπως περιγράφεται στους {1}. {2}. Ακυρώστε τουλάχιστον 24 ώρες πριν από την ανανέωση για να αποφύγετε επιπλέον χρεώσεις. Κατά την υποβάθμιση, η τρέχουσα συνδρομή σας και οι σχετικές λειτουργίες θα μεταβούν αμέσως στο νέο επίπεδο συνδρομής. Δεν θα λάβετε επιστροφή χρημάτων για οποιοδήποτε τμήμα της προηγούμενης συνδρομής σας, εκτός εάν απαιτείται από τον νόμο. Θα χρεωθείτε επίσης αμέσως για την τιμή του νέου επιπέδου. Για την εγγραφή απαιτείται επαληθευμένος αριθμός τηλεφώνου.", "db638a21": "Με την εγγραφή σας, συμφωνείτε με τους {0}. Οι συνδρομές ανανεώνονται αυτόματα μέχρι να ακυρωθούν, όπως περιγράφεται στους {1}. {2}. Ακυρώστε τουλάχιστον 24 ώρες πριν από την ανανέωση για να αποφύγετε επιπλέον χρεώσεις. Όταν αλλάζετε το πρόγραμμά σας, η νέα συνδρομή σας θα ξεκινήσει αμέσως. Η πίστωση για το υπόλοιπο της προηγούμενης συνδρομής σας θα μεταφερθεί στον λογαριασμό σας και θα εφαρμοστεί αυτόματα σε μελλοντικές πληρωμές. Για την εγγραφή απαιτείται επαληθευμένος αριθμός τηλεφώνου.", "db11f87d": "Εγγραφείτε συνδρομητής για / {0} {newPrice}{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} χρεώνεται ετησίως", "eeb5fb11": "Οι πληροφορίες διεύθυνσης κοινοποιούνται στην Google. Δείτε τους {0} και την {1} για να μάθετε περισσότερα.", "f9b1387f": "Μόνο οι διαχειριστές και οι επόπτες Κοινοτήτων μπορούν να τις αναδείξουν στο προφίλ τους. Θέλετε να {0};", "ef72b01b": "Για να βρείτε ένα κέντρο πρόληψης κρίσεων κοντά σας, επισκεφθείτε τη {0}.", From a2c6dc3995c62b7cec026d372e1fe4230af7c805 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:10 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 40/62] Update docs/json/i18n/hu.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/hu.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/hu.json b/docs/json/i18n/hu.json index 7a0bb6a37b..fe5e87c672 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/hu.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/hu.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kapcsolatfelvétel", "dd6012f8": "Adatvédelmi központ", "f644b748": "Kezeld, hogy ki válaszolhat a bejegyzéseidre és a szűrt válaszaidra.", - "i0844f5c": "Engedélyezd, hogy a bejegyzéseidet és az interakcióidat, beviteleidet és a Grok által adott eredményeidet felhasználhassuk képzési célokra és a rendszer finomhangolására.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Ha kiválasztod, a bejegyzéseidet és az egyéb fiókadataidat csak azok láthatják, akik követnek téged.", "if050fae": "A videóid védelme", "b7ed5f6e": "Ha kiválasztod, a bejegyzéseidben lévő videók nem lesznek alapértelmezésben letölthetők. Ez a beállítás a jövőbeni bejegyzésekre vonatkozik, és nem visszamenőleges hatályú", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Beszélgetési előzmények törlése", "ebc4fda0": "Törölni fogod a Grokkal folytatott beszélgetéseid előzményeit. A törlést követően nem férhetsz hozzá többé ezekhez a beszélgetésekhez.", "c90fe716": "Törölni szeretnéd a beszélgetési előzményeket?", - "b2053226": "Engedélyezd, hogy a bejegyzéseidet és az interakcióidat, beviteleidet és a Grok által adott eredményeidet felhasználhassuk képzési célokra és a rendszer finomhangolására", - "h6fbad2c": "A felhasználói élmény folyamatos javítása érdekében felhasználhatjuk az X-en közzétett bejegyzéseidet, valamint a felhasználói interakciókat, beviteleket és a Grok által adott eredményeket betanítási célokra és a rendszer finomhangolására. Ez azt is jelenti, hogy az interakcióid, a bevitelek és az eredmények ebből a célból megoszthatók az xAI nevű szolgáltatóval.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Sikeresen regisztráltál az Érmék programra.", "db3f0bbe": "Segítünk az alkotóknak pénzt keresni a tartalmaikkal.", "a1f40cf8": "Elfogadom", @@ -5062,7 +5062,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Integráció törlése", "eef1ae76": "Jelenleg csatlakoztatva", "a915f5c1": "{ats} csatlakoztatva", - "e4512021": "Spórolj {percentage}%-ot a Premium előfizetésen!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Emelj ki bejegyzéseket X Premium előfizetéssel!", "gd1f4cfa": "Emeld ki a legjobb bejegyzéseidet a profilodban!", "h59250bc": "Küldj titkosított üzeneteket X Premium előfizetéssel!", @@ -5163,6 +5163,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Jelenleg nem elérhető", "jd8b2e66": "Előfizetés és fizetés", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Válts az elérhető előfizetési csomag között", "c9cc122b": "A(z) {feature} a(z) {title} előfizetés része", "bff35771": "A(z) {feature} nem elérhető a(z) {title} előfizetésben", @@ -7284,6 +7285,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Az előfizetéssel elfogadod a {0}. Az előfizetés a lemondásig automatikusan megújul a {1} leírtak szerint. {2}. Az előfizetést legalább 24 órával a megújítás előtt le kell mondanod, hogy ne számítsunk fel további díjakat. Alacsonyabb csomagra váltás esetén az aktuális előfizetés és a kapcsolódó funkciók azonnal átváltanak az új előfizetési csomagra. Az előző előfizetésre nem fizetünk visszatérítést, kivéve, ha arra jogszabály kötelez. Az új előfizetési csomag díját azonnal felszámítjuk. Az előfizetéshez ellenőrzött telefonszám szükséges.", "db638a21": "Az előfizetéssel elfogadod a {0}. Az előfizetés a lemondásig automatikusan megújul a {1} leírtak szerint. {2}. Az előfizetést legalább 24 órával a megújítás előtt le kell mondanod, hogy ne számítsunk fel további díjakat. Előfizetési csomag váltásakor az új előfizetésed azonnal életbe lép. A korábbi előfizetéshez kapcsolódó jóváírások átkerülnek a felhasználói fiókodba, és automatikusan felhasználásra kerülnek az új kifizetésekhez. Az előfizetéshez ellenőrzött telefonszám szükséges.", "db11f87d": "Fizess elő {0} {newPrice}/{interval} összegért", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "A címadatokat megosztjuk a Google-lel. További információért lásd: {0} és {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Csak a Közösségi adminok és moderátorok emelhetik ki a Közösségeket a profiljaikban. Szeretnél {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Egy hozzád közeli krízisközpont kereséséhez látogass el a következő oldalra: ", From 997642f219572b386f1ad40bf6d8f86d796758ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:11 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 41/62] Update docs/json/i18n/gu.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/gu.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/gu.json b/docs/json/i18n/gu.json index 2817c4bd6a..57296234e5 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/gu.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/gu.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "અમારો સંપર્ક કરો", "dd6012f8": "ગોપનીયતા કેન્દ્ર", "f644b748": "તમારી પોસ્ટ્સનો કોણ પ્રત્યુતર આપી શકે તે અને તમારા ફિલ્ટર કરેલા પ્રત્યુતરોને મેનેજ કરો.", - "i0844f5c": "Grok સાથેની તમારી પોસ્ટ્સ તેમજ તમારી ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયાઓ, ઇનપુટ્સ અને પરિણામોને પ્રશિક્ષણ અને ફાઇન-ટ્યૂનિંગ માટે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાશે. ", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "જ્યારે પસંદ કર્યું હોય ત્યારે, તમને અનુસરતાં લોકોને જ તમારી પોસ્ટ્સ અને અન્ય એકાઉન્ટ માહિતી દૃશ્યક્ષમ થાય છે.", "if050fae": "તમારા વિડિયોઝને સુરક્ષિત કરો", "b7ed5f6e": "જો પસંદ કરવામાં આવે, તો તમારી પોસ્ટ્સમાંના વિડિયો ડિફૉલ્ટ રૂપે ડાઉનલોડ કરી શકાશે નહીં. આ સેટિંગ હવે પછીની પોસ્ટ્સ પર લાગુ થાય છે અને તે પૂર્વવર્તી નથી", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "વાર્તાલાપનો ઇતિહાસ કાઢી નાખો", "ebc4fda0": "તમે તમારો Grok વાર્તાલાપ ઇતિહાસ કાઢી નાખવા જઈ રહ્યા છો. તમે આ વાર્તાલાપોને ફરીથી ઍક્સેસ નહીં કરી શકો.", "c90fe716": "તમારે તમારા વાર્તાલાપો કાઢી નાખવા છે?", - "b2053226": "Grok સાથેની તમારી પોસ્ટ્સ તેમજ તમારી ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયાઓ, ઇનપુટ્સ અને પરિણામોને પ્રશિક્ષણ અને ફાઇન-ટ્યૂનિંગ માટે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાશે", - "h6fbad2c": "તમારા અનુભવને નિરંતર બહેતર બનાવવા માટે, અમે તાલીમ અને ફાઇન-ટ્યુનિંગ હેતુઓ માટે Grok સાથે તમારી X પોસ્ટ્સ તેમજ તમારી વપરાશકર્તા ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયાઓ, ઇનપુટ્સ અને પરિણામોનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકીએ છીએ. આનો અર્થ એ પણ છે કે તમારી ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયાઓ, ઇનપુટ્સ અને પરિણામો આ હેતુઓ માટે અમારા સેવા પ્રદાતા xAI સાથે શેર પણ થઈ શકે છે.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "કૉઇન્સ કાર્યક્રમમાં તમારી સફળતાપૂર્વક નોંધણી કરવામાં આવી.", "db3f0bbe": "નિર્માતાઓને તેમની સામગ્રીમાંથી કમાણી કરવામાં સહાય કરવી.", "a1f40cf8": "સંમત છું", @@ -5043,7 +5043,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "એકીકરણ કાઢી નાખો", "eef1ae76": "હાલમાં જોડેલી", "a915f5c1": "{ats} જોડાયેલ", - "e4512021": "Premium પર {percentage}%ની બચત કરો!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "X Premium વડે પોસ્ટ્સને હાઇલાઇટ કરો", "gd1f4cfa": "તમારા પ્રોફાઇલમાં તમારી સર્વશ્રેષ્ઠ પોસ્ટ બતાવો", "h59250bc": "X Premium દ્વારા એન્ક્રિપ્ટ કરેલા સંદેશા", @@ -5144,6 +5144,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "હાલમાં ઉપલબ્ધ નથી", "jd8b2e66": "સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરો અને ચૂકવો", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શનના ઉપલબ્ધ ટિઅરો વચ્ચે ફેરબદલ કરો", "c9cc122b": "{title}માં {feature}નો સમાવેશ છે", "bff35771": "{title} માટે {feature} ઉપલબ્ધ નથી", @@ -7260,6 +7261,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરીને, તમે અમારી {0} સાથે સંમત થાઓ છો. રદ કરવામાં ન આવે ત્યાં સુધી, {1}માં જણાવવામાં આવ્યા મુજબ સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શનો આપમેળે રિન્યૂ થશે. {2}. વધારાના શુલ્કને ટાળવા માટે રિન્યુઅલના ઓછામાં ઓછા 24 કલાક પહેલાં રદ કરો. ડાઉનગ્રેડ કરતી વખતે, તમારું હાલનું સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન અને સંકળાયેલી સુવિધાઓ તાત્કાલિક સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શનના નવા ટિઅર પર સ્વિચ થઈ જશે. તમને તમારા અગાઉના સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શનના કોઈ પણ ભાગ માટે રિફંડ નહીં મળે, સિવાય કે તે કાયદા દ્વારા જરૂરી હોય. તમને નવા ટિઅરની કિંમત પ્રમાણે તાત્કાલિક શુલ્ક પણ લાગુ કરવામાં આવશે. સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરવા માટે ચકાસાયેલો ફોન નંબર જરૂરી છે.", "db638a21": "સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરીને, તમે અમારી {0} સાથે સંમત થાઓ છો. રદ કરવામાં ન આવે ત્યાં સુધી, {1}માં જણાવવામાં આવ્યા મુજબ સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શનો આપમેળે રિન્યૂ થશે. {2}. વધારાના શુલ્કને ટાળવા માટે રિન્યુઅલના ઓછામાં ઓછા 24 કલાક પહેલાં રદ કરો. જ્યારે તમે તમારો પ્લાન સ્વિચ કરો ત્યારે, તમારું નવું સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન તાત્કાલિક શરૂ થશે. તમારા અગાઉના સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શનના બાકીના ભાગ માટેની ક્રેડિટ તમારા એકાઉન્ટમાં જશે અને ભવિષ્યની ચુકવણીઓ પર આપમેળે લાગુ થશે. સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરવા માટે ચકાસાયેલો ફોન નંબર જરૂરી છે.", "db11f87d": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} ચૂકવી સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરો", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Googleની સાથે સરનામાની માહિતી શેર કરવામાં આવી છે. વધુ જાણવા માટે {0} અને {1} જુઓ.", "f9b1387f": "ફક્ત કોમ્યુનિટીના એડમિન્સ અને મોડરેટર્સ તેમને તેમની પ્રોફાઈલ્સ પર સ્પોટલાઈટ કરી શકે છે. તમારી પોતાની {0} માંગો છો?", "ef72b01b": "તમારી નજીકમાં રહેલા કોઈ કટોકટી કેન્દ્રને શોધવા માટે, {0}ની મુલાકાત લો.", From c63c61aa01888e24b020371974eac3b5327956f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 42/62] Update docs/json/FreezeObject.json on develop branch --- docs/json/FreezeObject.json | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/FreezeObject.json b/docs/json/FreezeObject.json index e26f3e0f24..5d37b6621f 100644 --- a/docs/json/FreezeObject.json +++ b/docs/json/FreezeObject.json @@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@ 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dipilih, siaran anda dan maklumat akaun yang lain hanya dapat dilihat oleh orang yang mengikuti anda.", "if050fae": "Lindungi video anda", "b7ed5f6e": "Jika dipilih, video dalam siaran anda tidak akan dimuat turun secara lalai. Tetapan ini digunakan untuk semua siaran selepas ini dan tidak bersifat retroaktif", @@ -2535,8 +2536,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Padam sejarah perbualan", "ebc4fda0": "Anda akan memadamkan sejarah perbualan Grok anda. Anda tidak akan dapat mengakses perbualan ini lagi.", "c90fe716": "Adakah anda ingin memadamkan perbualan anda?", - "b2053226": "Benarkan siaran anda serta interaksi, input dan hasil anda dengan Grok digunakan untuk latihan dan perincian", - "h6fbad2c": "Untuk terus menambah baik pengalaman anda, kami mungkin akan memanfaatkan siaran X anda serta interaksi, input dan hasil pengguna anda bagi tujuan latihan dan perincian. Ini juga bermakna, interaksi, input dan hasil anda dengan Grok juga mungkin akan dikongsi dengan penyedia perkhidmatan kami xAI bagi tujuan tersebut.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Anda telah berjaya didaftarkan ke dalam program Syiling.", "db3f0bbe": "Membantu pencipta memperoleh wang daripada kandungan mereka.", "a1f40cf8": "Setuju", @@ -6388,6 +6388,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Dengan melanggan, anda bersetuju dengan {0} kami. Langganan akan dibaharui secara automatik sehingga dibatalkan, seperti yang diterangkan dalam {1}. {2}. Buat pembatalan sekurang-kurangnya 24 jam sebelum pembaharuan untuk mengelakkan bayaran tambahan. Apabila menurun taraf, langganan semasa anda dan ciri yang berkaitan akan bertukar kepada tahap langganan baharu dengan serta-merta. Anda tidak akan menerima bayaran balik untuk mana-mana bahagian langganan anda yang sebelumnya, kecuali diperlukan oleh undang-undang. Anda juga akan dikenakan bayaran untuk harga tahap baharu dengan serta-merta. Nombor telefon yang disahkan adalah diperlukan untuk melanggan.", "db638a21": "Dengan melanggan, anda bersetuju dengan {0} kami. Langganan akan dibaharui secara automatik sehingga dibatalkan, seperti yang diterangkan dalam {1}. {2}. Buat pembatalan sekurang-kurangnya 24 jam sebelum pembaharuan untuk mengelakkan bayaran tambahan. Apabila anda menukar pelan anda, langganan baharu anda akan bermula dengan serta-merta. Kredit untuk baki langganan anda yang sebelumnya akan dimasukkan ke akaun anda dan digunakan untuk pembayaran pada masa akan datang secara automatik. Nombor telefon yang disahkan adalah diperlukan untuk melanggan.", "db11f87d": "Langgan pada harga {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Maklumat alamat dikongsi dengan Google. Lihat {0} dan {1} untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut.", "f9b1387f": "Hanya pentadbir dan moderator sesuatu Komuniti boleh membuat Sorotan bagi Komuniti tersebut pada profil mereka. Ingin {0} anda sendiri?", "ef72b01b": "Untuk mencari pusat krisis yang berdekatan dengan anda, lawati ", From 839ef63031c09a7b6b409c9c657d7edbf3791c1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:15 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 44/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ar-x-fm.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ar-x-fm.json | 54 +++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ar-x-fm.json b/docs/json/i18n/ar-x-fm.json index d38f25b8db..aabec0d564 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ar-x-fm.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ar-x-fm.json @@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ "g4bb7ea8": "احصلي على خصم بنسبة 50% على X Premium", "b748499c": "تم تمديد العرض!", "b81135bc": "ينتهي اليوم!", - "a8b4b878": "Experience the best of X this Thanksgiving.", - "c3e60460": "Get 40% off Premium this Thanksgiving.", - "ca8cbf78": "Get 40% off Premium and Premium+", - "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", - "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", + "a8b4b878": "استمتعي بأفضل ميزات X في عيد الشكر هذا.", + "c3e60460": "احصلي على خصم بنسبة 40% على اشتراك Premium في عيد الشكر هذا.", + "ca8cbf78": "احصلي على خصم بنسبة 40% على Premium وPremium+", + "j88ba18e": "المطالبة بالعرض", + "h1860ab2": "إنه عيد ميلاد Premium! استمتعي بأفضل ميزات X.", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce99bdae": "إنها الذكرى السنوية لاشتراك Premium!", "efeec34d": "خصم بنسبة {percentage}% لفترة محدودة.", @@ -990,7 +990,8 @@ "g5925628": "تواصَل معنا", "dd6012f8": "مركز الخصوصية", "f644b748": "حدِّدي مَن يمكنه الردّ على منشوراتكِ وردودكِ التي تمت تصفيتها.", - "i0844f5c": "اسمحي باستخدام منشوراتكِ بالإضافة إلى تفاعلاتكِ ومدخلاتكِ ونتائجكِ باستخدام Grok للتدريب والتطوير.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "عند تحديده، تظهر منشوراتكِ ومعلومات الحساب الأخرى للأشخاص الذين يتابعونكِ فقط.", "if050fae": "حماية فيديوهاتكِ", "b7ed5f6e": "في حال التحديد، لن تكون مقاطع الفيديو في منشوراتكِ قابلة للتنزيل افتراضيًا. وينطبق هذا الإعداد على المنشورات التي ستُنشر مستقبلًا وليس بأثر رجعي", @@ -2727,7 +2728,7 @@ "d9588ae6": "ضع في اعتبارك أنه حتى مع إيقاف تشغيل هذا الإعداد، ستكون مرئيًا للجميع عندما تتواجد داخل مساحةٍ ما. ويمكن لمتابعيك دائمًا مشاهدة المساحات التي تستضيفها، أو تشارك في استضافتها، أو تتحدث فيها.", "i84c5de8": "ستتوفر طلبات منشئات المحتوى قريبًا", "b8922f7e": "تحققي مرة أخرى قريبًا كي تتمكني من تقديم طلب الانضمام إلى برنامج الاشتراكات.", - "ad588be6": "You are eligible!", + "ad588be6": "أنتِ مؤهلة!", "feb54b40": "كن واحدًا من أوائل المتقدمين", "f6443bd2": "يُسعدنا إعلامكِ بأنكِ قد استوفيتِ متطلبات الأهلية المتبعة لدينا للحصول على الاشتراكات. هل أنتِ مستعدة للتقديم؟", "a3a20a10": "تحقق مرة أخرى لاحقًا", @@ -2738,7 +2739,7 @@ "fdd95737": "{minFollowersCount} مُتابِع", "b747ce3a": "نشط في آخر 30 يومًا", "c27f57ac": "يجب ألا يقل عمرك عن 18 عامًا", - "h63d2973": "{count} organic impressions in the past 3 months", + "h63d2973": "{count} مرات الظهور المجانية في الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية", "ef606fca": "اشتراكات مدفوعة لمتابِعيكِ الأكثر تفاعُلًا", "e533715e": "التحقق من الأهلية", "d8671da2": "كسب المال على X", @@ -2752,15 +2753,15 @@ "aa7e35ee": "لم يتم تحديد حسابك", "c984cc62": "لم يتم تحديد حسابكِ هذه المرة. ترقّبي الفرص القادمة للمشاركة. ", "gd115e64": "التقدم بطلب للحصول على الاشتراكات", - "a9f08d5c": "Your answers to the questions below are for our review and will not be shown on your profile.", - "c3f8d650": "Describe your content", - "j89dd344": "Please provide an example of the content that would be included in your subscription, the more specific the better.", - "d19cc490": "Add an example content", - "c737c1b2": "Tell us about your experience", - "f98e5fd4": "Do you create paid content on other platforms? Why do you think users will subscribe?", - "c41b01be": "Add a pitch", - "e2aad0fe": "I will not post graphic or adult subscriber content", - "d1b983ef": "Must be at least {count} characters long", + "a9f08d5c": "إجاباتكِ على الأسئلة أدناه مخصصة لمراجعتنا ولن تظهر في ملفكِ الشخصي.", + "c3f8d650": "وصف محتواكي", + "j89dd344": "يُرجى تقديم مثال للمحتوى الذي سيتم تضمينه في اشتراككِ، وكلما كان أكثر تحديدًا كان ذلك أفضل.", + "d19cc490": "إضافة مثال على المحتوى", + "c737c1b2": "أخبرينا عن تجربتك", + "f98e5fd4": "هل تنشئين محتوى مدفوع على منصات أخرى؟ لماذا ترين أن المستخدمين سيشتركون؟", + "c41b01be": "إضافة مجموعة", + "e2aad0fe": "لن أنشر محتوى رسومي أو محتوى خاص بالمشتركين البالغين", + "d1b983ef": "يجب أن يبلغ طوله {count} من الأحرف على الأقل", "eb4bf9a1": "ولن تتمكني من تغيير السعر لاحقًا.", "d3d6c52c": "تم إرسال طلبك", "cb27c0ba": "لقد أكدنا التسعير الذي حددتِه. سيخضع تطبيقكِ للمراجعة وفي حال حصولكِ على الموافقة، سنرسل إليكِ تنبيهًا بمجرد إتاحته.", @@ -2815,8 +2816,7 @@ "e110a46c": "حذف سجل المحادثات", "ebc4fda0": "أنتِ على وشك حذف سجل محادثاتكِ على grok. لن تتمكني من الوصول إلى هذه المحادثات مرة أخرى.", "c90fe716": "هل ترغبين في حذف محادثاتكِ؟", - "b2053226": "السماح باستخدام منشوراتكِ بالإضافة إلى تفاعلاتكِ ومدخلاتكِ ونتائجكِ باستخدام Grok للتدريب والتطوير", - "h6fbad2c": "لتحسين تجربتكِ باستمرار، قد نستخدم منشورات X الخاصة بكِ بالإضافة إلى تفاعُلات المستخدم ومدخلاته ونتائجه مع Grok لأغراض متعلقة بالتدريب والتطوير؛ ما يعني أنه يمكننا أيضًا مشاركة تفاعُلاتكِ ومدخلاتكِ ونتائجكِ مع مزود الخدمة xAI لدينا لهذه الأغراض.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "لقد سجلتِ في برنامج العملات بنجاح.", "db3f0bbe": "نساعد منشئي المحتوى على كسب المال من خلال محتواهم.", "a1f40cf8": "أوافق", @@ -4753,7 +4753,7 @@ "db28b535": "حذف \"{name}\"", "a4f5e431": "تمّ حذف \"{name}\"", "bcf89b8a": "تعديل استعلامكِ", - "ia7dce48": "Failed to generate query. Please try again.", + "ia7dce48": "فشل إنشاء الاستعلام. تُرجى إعادة المحاولة.", "f0002e72": "استكشاف النتائج", "b0924d7a": "فشل إنشاء استعلام. يُرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى.", "cfd731ee": "فشل حذف الاستعلام. يُرجى المحاولة مرة أخرى.", @@ -4762,7 +4762,7 @@ "c0799860": "يوم", "b43679d2": "الساعة", "f1fce85e": "الدقيقة", - "ea3e0ec4": "Market", + "ea3e0ec4": "السوق", "d8d9aec2": "لقد وصلتِ إلى الحد الأقصى لعدد الاستعلامات", "c9aa246e": "استعلام جديد", "b9b7a50e": "اضبطي معايير البحث في أي وقت لتبقي على اطّلاع دائم", @@ -4771,8 +4771,8 @@ "e78ca8c6": "تُرجى إعادة المحاولة لاحقًا", "ce3216ec": "استعلام", "d92ec304": "لم يتم العثور على الاستعلام", - "ef609bb8": "What’s happening on X?", - "a636a738": "Ask a follow-up...", + "ef609bb8": "ما يحدث على X؟", + "a636a738": "جارٍ طلب متابعة...", "bbf29e20": "إعادة تعيين الاختيار", "ie3321ea": "$NVDA (بيع أو شراء)", "cf223996": "ملخّص", @@ -4971,7 +4971,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "حذف التكامل", "eef1ae76": "متصل حاليًا", "a915f5c1": "{ats} متصل", - "e4512021": "وفري {percentage}% على اشتراك Premium!", + "af7286b7": "خصم بنسبة {percentage}% على اشتراك سنة من Premium", "fb5e2c14": "إبراز المنشورات من خلال الاشتراك في X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "عرض أفضل منشوراتكِ على ملفكِ الشخصيّ", "h59250bc": "رسائل مشفرة من خلال الاشتراك في X Premium", @@ -5070,6 +5070,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "غير متوفر حاليًا", "jd8b2e66": "الاشتراك والدفع", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "التبديل بين مستويات الاشتراك المتاحة", "c9cc122b": "تم تضمين {feature} في {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} غير متوفر لـ {title}", @@ -5614,7 +5615,7 @@ "ec251f36": "عندما يتابعه شخص ما تعرفينه، سيتم إدراجه هنا.", "f8af4f48": "بمجرد قيامهم بمتابعة الحسابات، سيظهرون هنا.", "fd0aad94": "عندما يتابع شخص موّثق هذا الحساب، سيظهر هنا.", - "b84f6df1": "Gift Premium at a {percentage}% discount for a limited time", + "b84f6df1": "إهداء اشتراك Premium بخصم {percentage}% لفترة محدودة", "cfcac293": "الإهداء ودفع {price}", "d7a73450": "الفئة", "hbd2c24e": "هذا الحساب غير مؤهَّل للحصول على هدايا في الوقت الحالي.", @@ -6193,7 +6194,7 @@ "bacd7195": "{fullName} (@{screenName}) على X", "e5b4aafa": "انقطع اتصالك بالإنترنت.", "g43c3b36": "تُرجى إعادة الاتصال بالإنترنت للمتابعة.", - "hafe83ec": "Press close to exit the application.", + "hafe83ec": "اضغطِ إغلاق للخروج من التطبيق.", "b2ec74fe": "إغلاق", "hf836e5f": "{tweetText} {username} {screenName} {views} مشاهدات {timeAgo}", "a7a90902": "اضغطي على تحديد للعرض", @@ -7178,6 +7179,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "من خلال الاشتراك، فإنكِ توافقين على {0} المتبعة لدينا. يتم تجديد الاشتراكات تلقائيًا إلى أن يتم إلغاؤها، كما هو موضح في {1}. {2}. يُنصَح بالإلغاء قبل 24 ساعة على الأقل من التجديد لتجنب الرسوم الإضافية. عند الرجوع إلى مستوى أقل، سيتحول كلٌّ من اشتراككِ الحالي والميزات المرتبطة به إلى مستوى الاشتراك الجديد على الفور. لن تستردي أي جزء من مبلغ اشتراككِ السابق، ما لم يقتضِ القانون ذلك. كما ستُحاسبين بسعر المستوى الجديد فورًا. يجب أن يكون رقم هاتفكِ مُوثّقًا للاشتراك.", "db638a21": "من خلال الاشتراك، فإنكِ توافقين على {0} المتبعة لدينا. يتم تجديد الاشتراكات تلقائيًا إلى أن يتم إلغاؤها، كما هو موضح في {1}. {2}. يُنصَح بالإلغاء قبل 24 ساعة على الأقل من التجديد لتجنب الرسوم الإضافية. وبمجرد تبديل خطتكِ، سيبدأ اشتراككِ الجديد على الفور. وسيتحول رصيدكِ المتبقي من اشتراككِ السابق إلى حسابكِ ويُستخدم تلقائيًا لسداد المدفوعات المستقبلية. يجب أن يكون رقم هاتفكِ مُوثّقًا للاشتراك.", "db11f87d": "الاشتراك مقابل {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} يُدفع سنويًا", "eeb5fb11": "تتم مشاركة معلومات العنوان مع Google. راجعي {0} و{1} لمعرفة المزيد.", "f9b1387f": "لا يمكن إبراز مزايا المجتمعات إلا من قِبَل المسؤولات والمشرفات على ملفاتهن الشخصيّة. هل تودين {0} خاص بكِ؟", "ef72b01b": "للعثور على مركز أزمات بالقرب منكِ، قومي بزيارة ", From 88a1f734444b13446843c3cf765052372a0a418f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:16 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 45/62] Update docs/json/i18n/vi.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/vi.json | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/vi.json b/docs/json/i18n/vi.json index 7f776f1beb..2420cd09c0 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/vi.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/vi.json @@ -939,7 +939,8 @@ "g5925628": "Liên hệ với chúng tôi", "dd6012f8": "Trung tâm bảo mật", "f644b748": "Quản lý những người có thể trả lời bài đăng của bạn và các câu trả lời đã lọc.", - "i0844f5c": "Cho phép sử dụng bài đăng, các tương tác, nội dung nhập và kết quả của bạn với Grok cho hoạt động huấn luyện và tinh chỉnh.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Khi chọn, bài đăng và thông tin về tài khoản khác của bạn chỉ hiển thị với những người theo dõi bạn.", "if050fae": "Bảo vệ video của bạn", "b7ed5f6e": "Nếu bạn chọn cài đặt này, các video trong bài đăng của bạn sẽ không thể tải xuống theo mặc định. Cài đặt này áp dụng cho các bài đăng từ nay về sau và không có hiệu lực cho các bài đăng trở về trước", @@ -2533,8 +2534,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Xóa nhật ký cuộc trò chuyện", "ebc4fda0": "Bạn sắp xóa nhật ký cuộc trò chuyện với grok. Bạn sẽ không truy cập được các cuộc trò chuyện này nữa.", "c90fe716": "Bạn có muốn xóa các cuộc trò chuyện của mình không?", - "b2053226": "Cho phép sử dụng bài đăng, các tương tác, nội dung nhập và kết quả của bạn với Grok cho hoạt động huấn luyện và tinh chỉnh", - "h6fbad2c": "Để liên tục cải thiện trải nghiệm của bạn, chúng tôi có thể sử dụng các bài đăng trên X cũng như các tương tác của người dùng, nội dung nhập và kết quả của bạn với Grok cho mục đích huấn luyện và tinh chỉnh. Điều này cũng có nghĩa là các tương tác, nội dung nhập và kết quả của bạn cũng có thể được chia sẻ với nhà cung cấp dịch vụ xAI để phục vụ các mục đích này.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Bạn đã đăng ký thành công để tham gia chương trình Xu.", "db3f0bbe": "Giúp người sáng tạo nội dung kiếm tiền từ nội dung của họ.", "a1f40cf8": "Đồng ý", @@ -6380,6 +6380,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Bằng việc đăng ký, bạn đồng ý với {0} của chúng tôi. Gói thuê bao sẽ tự động gia hạn cho đến khi bị hủy, như được nêu trong {1}. {2}. Bạn phải hủy ít nhất 24 giờ trước khi gia hạn để tránh mọi khoản phí phát sinh. Khi bạn hạ cấp, gói thuê bao hiện tại của bạn và các tính năng liên kết sẽ được chuyển ngay sang cấp gói thuê bao mới. Bạn sẽ không nhận được khoản hoàn tiền cho bất kỳ phần nào của gói thuê bao trước, trừ phi luật pháp yêu cầu. Bạn cũng sẽ bị tính phí ngay mức giá của cấp gói thuê bao mới. Bạn cần có số điện thoại đã xác nhận để đăng ký.", "db638a21": "Bằng việc đăng ký, bạn đồng ý với {0} của chúng tôi. Gói thuê bao sẽ tự động gia hạn cho đến khi bị hủy, như được nêu trong {1}. {2}. Bạn phải hủy ít nhất 24 giờ trước khi gia hạn để tránh mọi khoản phí phát sinh. Khi bạn chuyển đổi gói thuê bao, gói thuê bao mới của bạn sẽ bắt đầu ngay. Tín dụng cho số dư của gói thuê bao trước sẽ được chuyển vào tài khoản và tự động được dùng cho các khoản thanh toán trong tương lai. Bạn cần có số điện thoại đã xác nhận để đăng ký.", "db11f87d": "Đăng ký chỉ với giá {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Thông tin địa chỉ được chia sẻ với Google. Xem {0} của Google Maps và {1} để tìm hiểu thêm.", "f9b1387f": "Chỉ quản trị viên và người kiểm duyệt của Cộng đồng mới có thể tạo Tiêu điểm cho cộng đồng trên hồ sơ của cộng đồng. Bạn muốn {0} của riêng mình?", "ef72b01b": "Để tìm trung tâm hỗ trợ khi gặp khủng hoảng ở gần bạn, truy cập ", From 40a005375b0e4a43f28b9d9aad1c217e7847fec1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:17 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 46/62] Update docs/json/i18n/zh.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/zh.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/zh.json b/docs/json/i18n/zh.json index 34a9474146..ac324f62fc 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/zh.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/zh.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "联系我们", "dd6012f8": "隐私中心", "f644b748": "管理谁可以回复你的帖子以及过滤后的回复。", - "i0844f5c": "允许将你的帖子以及你与 Grok 的互动、输入和结果用于训练和微调。", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "选择后,只有关注你的人才能看到你的帖子和其他账号信息。", "if050fae": "保护你的视频", "b7ed5f6e": "如果选中,帖子中的视频默认将不可下载。此设置适用于将来的帖子,但不溯及过去的帖子", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "删除对话历史记录", "ebc4fda0": "你即将删除自己的 grok 对话历史记录。你将无法再访问这些对话。", "c90fe716": "你要删除对话吗?", - "b2053226": "允许将你的帖子以及你与 Grok 的互动、输入和结果用于训练和微调", - "h6fbad2c": "为了不断改善你的体验,我们可能会利用你的 X 帖子以及与 Grok 的用户互动、输入和结果进行来进行训练和微调。这也意味着,出于这些目的,你的互动、输入和结果也可能会与我们的服务提供商 xAI 共享。", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "你已成功加入了“金币”计划。", "db3f0bbe": "帮助创作者通过自己的内容来赚钱。", "a1f40cf8": "同意", @@ -5053,7 +5053,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "删除集成", "eef1ae76": "当前已连接", "a915f5c1": "{ats} 已连接", - "e4512021": "Premium 可节约 {percentage}%!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "升级 X Premium 将帖子设为亮点", "gd1f4cfa": "在个人资料中展示最佳帖子", "h59250bc": "升级 X Premium 为私信加密", @@ -5154,6 +5154,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "当前不可用", "jd8b2e66": "订阅并支付", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "在可选订购级别之间切换", "c9cc122b": "{feature} 包括在 {title} 中", "bff35771": "{feature} 不可用于 {title}", @@ -7274,6 +7275,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "订阅即表示你同意我们的{0}。如{1}中所述,除非提前取消,否则订阅服务将自动续订。{2}。请在续订前至少 24 小时取消订阅,以免产生额外费用。在降级时,你当前的订阅和相关功能都将立即切换为新的订阅级别。除非法律要求,否则你不会收到之前订阅的任何部分的退款。我们还将立即向你收取新级别的费用。订阅需提供一个经认证的手机号码。", "db638a21": "订阅即表示你同意我们的{0}。如{1}中所述,除非提前取消,否则订阅服务将自动续订。{2}。请在续订前至少 24 小时取消订阅,以免产生额外费用。在切换计划后,你的新套餐将立即开始。之前订阅的剩余款项将计入你的账号,并会自动用于今后的付款。订阅需提供一个经认证的手机号码。", "db11f87d": "订阅 {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "地址信息会与 Google 共享。请参见 {0}和 {1}以了解更多。", "f9b1387f": "只有社群的管理员和版主才能在他们的个人资料中聚焦它们。想要{0}吗?", "ef72b01b": "要查找你附近的危机中心,请访问{0}。", From 35707d80f18d8957dbd9be6a792cff573e64417c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:18 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 47/62] Update docs/json/i18n/cs.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/cs.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/cs.json b/docs/json/i18n/cs.json index 2742c6ea7b..19011e2c91 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/cs.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/cs.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kontakt", "dd6012f8": "Centrum soukromí", "f644b748": "Spravujte, kdo může odpovídat na vaše posty a jaké odpovědi chcete odfiltrovat.", - "i0844f5c": "Povolte použití vašich postů i interakcí, vstupů a výsledků práce s Grokem pro školení a vyladění.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Při výběru této možnosti budou vaše posty a další informace o účtu viditelné pouze lidem, kteří vás sledují.", "if050fae": "Chraňte svá videa", "b7ed5f6e": "Pokud je tato možnost vybraná, videa ve vašich postech nebudou ve výchozím nastavení k dispozici ke stažení. Toto nastavení platí pro budoucí posty a není platné zpětně", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Smazat historii konverzace", "ebc4fda0": "Chystáte se smazat historii konverzace s Grokem. K těmto konverzacím již nebudete mít přístup.", "c90fe716": "Chcete smazat své konverzace?", - "b2053226": "Povolte použití vašich postů i interakcí, vstupů a výsledků práce s Grokem pro školení a vyladění", - "h6fbad2c": "Abychom neustále zlepšovali vaši zkušenost, můžeme vaše posty na X a také vaše uživatelské interakce, vstupy a výsledky práce s Grokem využívat pro účely školení a vyladění. To také znamená, že vaše interakce, vstupy a výsledky mohou být pro tyto účely sdíleny s naším poskytovatelem služeb xAI.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Byli jste úspěšně zařazeni do programu Mince.", "db3f0bbe": "Pomáháme tvůrcům vydělávat peníze díky jejich obsahu.", "a1f40cf8": "Souhlasím", @@ -5062,7 +5062,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Smazat integraci", "eef1ae76": "Aktuálně připojeno", "a915f5c1": "{ats} připojeno", - "e4512021": "Ušetřete {percentage} % na Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Zvýrazněte posty s X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Předveďte své nejlepší posty na svém profilu", "h59250bc": "Šifrujte zprávy s X Premium", @@ -5163,6 +5163,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Aktuálně nedostupné", "jd8b2e66": "Odebírat a zaplatit", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Přepínejte mezi dostupnými úrovněmi předplatného", "c9cc122b": "{feature} je zahrnut v {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} není dostupný pro {title}", @@ -7284,6 +7285,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Zakoupením předplatného souhlasíte s našimi {0}. Předplatná se automaticky prodlužují, dokud obnovení nezrušíte (viz ). {1}. Zrušte ho alespoň 24 hodin před obnovením, abyste předešli dalším poplatkům. Při downgradu budou vaše stávající předplatné a související funkce okamžitě převedeny na novou úroveň předplatného. Pokud to není vyžadováno zákonem, za žádnou část předchozího předplatného vám nebudou vráceny peníze. Dále vám bude okamžitě naúčtována cena nové úrovně. K zakoupení předplatného je nutné mít ověřené telefonní číslo.", "db638a21": "Zakoupením předplatného souhlasíte s našimi {0}. Předplatná se automaticky prodlužují, dokud obnovení nezrušíte (viz ). {1}. Zrušte ho alespoň 24 hodin před obnovením, abyste předešli dalším poplatkům. Při přechodu na jiný plán bude vaše nové předplatné zahájeno okamžitě. Kredit za zbývající dobu předchozího předplatného se převede na váš účet a automaticky použije na budoucí platby. K zakoupení předplatného je nutné mít ověřené telefonní číslo.", "db11f87d": "Přihlaste se k odběru za {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Informace o adrese se sdílejí s Googlem. Další informace najdete ve {0} a {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Komunity si do Zvýraznění v profilu můžou přidat jenom správci a moderátoři. Chcete si {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Pokud chcete najít nejbližší krizové centrum, navštivte stránky organizace {0}.", From 097077a3d4e8a0ee71a07e3a28135cf6e011ee39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:19 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 48/62] Update docs/json/i18n/fil.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/fil.json | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/fil.json b/docs/json/i18n/fil.json index 489cbab9e4..c7fb2ff687 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/fil.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/fil.json @@ -939,7 +939,8 @@ "g5925628": "Makipag-ugnayan sa amin", "dd6012f8": "Privacy center", "f644b748": "Pamahalaan kung sino ang puwedeng mag-reply sa mga post mo at sa mga naka-filter mong reply.", - "i0844f5c": "Payagan ang mga post pati na rin ang mga interaksyon, input, at resulta mo sa Grok na magamit para sa pagsasanay at pag-fine tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Kapag napili, ang mga tao lang na nagpa-follow sa iyo ang makakakita sa iyong mga post at iba pang impormasyon ng account.", "if050fae": "Protektahan ang mga video mo", "b7ed5f6e": "Kapag pinili, hindi magiging downloadable ang mga video sa mga post mo bilang default. Ilalapat ang setting na ito sa mga post mula ngayon at hindi retroactive", @@ -2534,8 +2535,7 @@ "e110a46c": "I-delete ang history ng usapan", "ebc4fda0": "Ide-delete mo ang history ng pakikipag-usap mo sa grok. Hindi mo na ulit maa-access ang mga usapan na ito.", "c90fe716": "Gusto mo bang i-delete ang mga usapan mo?", - "b2053226": "Payagan ang mga post pati na rin ang mga interaksyon, input, at resulta mo sa Grok na magamit para sa pagsasanay at pag-fine tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "Para patuloy na mapaganda ang karanasan mo, posible naming gamitin ang mga post mo sa X, pati na rin ang mga interaksyon, input, at resulta ng user sa Grok para sa mga layunin ng pagsasanay at pag-fine tuning. Ibig sabihin nito, posible ring ibahagi namin ang mga interaksyon, input, at resulta mo sa aming provider ng serbisyo na xAI para sa mga layuning ito.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Matagumpay kang na-enroll sa Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Tinutulungan ang mga creator na kumita ng pera mula sa kanilang content.", "a1f40cf8": "Sang-ayon", @@ -6381,6 +6381,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Sa pag-subscribe, sumasang-ayon ka sa aming {0}. Awtomatikong nagre-renew ang mga subscription hanggang sa kanselahin mo ito, gaya ng inilarawan sa {1}. {2}. Magkansela kahit 24 na oras bago ang pag-renew para iwasan ang mga karagdagang singil. Kapag nagda-downgrade, lilipat kaagad sa bagong subscription tier ang kasalukuyan mong subscription at mga nauugnay na feature. Hindi ka makakatanggap ng refund para sa anumang bahagi na nakaraan mong subscription, maliban kung iniaatas ng batas. Kaagad ka ring sisingilin ng presyo ng bagong tier. Kailangan ng na-verify na numero ng telepono para mag-subscribe.", "db638a21": "Sa pag-subscribe, sumasang-ayon ka sa aming {0}. Awtomatikong nagre-renew ang mga subscription hanggang sa kanselahin mo ito, gaya ng inilarawan sa {1}. {2} Magkansela kahit 24 na oras bago ang pag-renew para iwasan ang mga karagdagang singil. Kapag nagpalit ka ng plan, magsisimula kaagad ang bago mong subscription. Mapupunta sa account mo ang credit sa natitirang panahon ng nakaraan mong subscription at awtomatikong gagamitin para sa mga susunod na pagbabayad. Kailangan ng na-verify na numero ng telepono para mag-subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Mag-subscribe sa halagang {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Ibinabahagi sa Google ang impormasyon ng address. Basahin ang {0} at {1} para matuto pa.", "f9b1387f": "Mga admin at moderator ng Mga Komunidad lang ang makakapag-spotlight sa mga ito sa kanilang mga profile. Gusto mo bang {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Para humanap ng crisis center malapit sa iyo, bisitahin ang ", From 09c4cdaba06c8a73a21cf9c2c5ba3ab08be9cb86 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 49/62] Update docs/json/i18n/sr.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/sr.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/sr.json b/docs/json/i18n/sr.json index a1b6769a78..dd10b5f13b 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/sr.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/sr.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Контактирај са нама", "dd6012f8": "Центар за приватност", "f644b748": "Управљај тиме ко може да одговара на твоје објаве и филтрираним одговоримима.", - "i0844f5c": "Дозволи да се твоје објаве и интеракције са асистентом Grok, уноси и резултати користе за обуку и прецизно подешавање.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Када је ово подешавање изабрано, твоје објаве и друге информације о налогу видљиви су само људима који те прате.", "if050fae": "Заштити своје видео снимке", "b7ed5f6e": "Ако се изаберу, видео записи у твојим објавама неће подразумевано моћи да се преузима. Ова поставка важи за будуће објаве и не примењује се ретроактивно.", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Избриши историју разговора", "ebc4fda0": "Ускоро ћеш избрисати историју Grok разговора. Нећеш моћи поново да им приступиш.", "c90fe716": "Желиш ли да избришеш своје разговоре?", - "b2053226": "Дозволи да се твоје објаве и интеракције са асистентом Grok, уноси и резултати користе за обуку и прецизно подешавање.", - "h6fbad2c": "У циљу сталног побољшања твог искуства, ми објаве на мрежи X, као и интеракције корисника са асистентом Grok , уносе и резултате користимо за обуку и прецизно подешавање. То значи да твоје интеракције, питања и одговори могу да се деле са xAI нашег добављача услуге у те сврхе.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Успешан упис у програм новчића.", "db3f0bbe": "Помажемо ауторима да зараде новац од свог садржаја.", "a1f40cf8": "Слажем се", @@ -5062,7 +5062,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Избришите интеграцију", "eef1ae76": "Тренутно повезано", "a915f5c1": "{ats} повезано", - "e4512021": "Уштеди {percentage}% за Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Истичи објаве уз X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Прикажи своје најбоље објаве на профилу", "h59250bc": "Шифроване поруке уз X Premium", @@ -5163,6 +5163,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Тренутно недоступно", "jd8b2e66": "Претплати се и плати", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Пребацуј се између доступних нивоа услуге", "c9cc122b": "Функција {feature} је укључена у {title}", "bff35771": "Функција {feature} није доступна за {title}", @@ -7284,6 +7285,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Када се претплатиш, пристајеш на {0}. Претплате се аутоматски обнављају док се не откажу, као што је описано у {1}. {2}. Откажи најмање 24 сата пре обнове и избегни додатне трошкове. Приликом враћања на претходну верзију, твоја тренутна претплата и повезане функције одмах се пребацују на ниво нове претплате. Нећеш добити рефундирање ни за један део претходне претплате, осим ако то није обавезно у складу са законом. Биће ти одмах наплаћена цена за нови ниво. Потврђени број телефона је обавезан за претплату.", "db638a21": "Када се претплатиш, пристајеш на {0}. Претплате се аутоматски обнављају док се не откажу, као што је описано у {1}. {2} Откажи најмање 24 сата пре обнове и избегни додатне трошкове. Када промениш план, нова претплата почиње одмах. Кредит за преосталу претходну претплату ће се пренети на твој рачун и аутоматски ће се користити за будућа плаћања. Потврђени број телефона је обавезан за претплату.", "db11f87d": "Претплати се за {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Подаци о адреси се деле са Google-ом. Сазнај више у {0} и {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Само админи и модератори Заједница могу да их поставе у фокус на својим профилима. Желиш ли да {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Ако желиш да пронађеш кризни центар у близини, посети ", From 3e3c9e5a03ff918bbae4b55fbeaf648d0f872748 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:22 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 50/62] Update docs/json/i18n/sk.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/sk.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/sk.json b/docs/json/i18n/sk.json index aa8bb2f059..b6a10395cb 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/sk.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/sk.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kontaktujte nás", "dd6012f8": "Centrum súkromia", "f644b748": "Spravujte, kto môže odpovedať na vaše príspevky a filtrované odpovede.", - "i0844f5c": "Umožnite, aby sa vaše príspevky, ako aj interakcie, vstupy a výsledky súvisiace s Grokom používali na účely optimalizácie a dolaďovania.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Keď je táto možnosť vybratá, vaše príspevky a ďalšie informácie o účte sa zobrazujú len ľuďom, ktorí vás sledujú.", "if050fae": "Chráňte svoje videá", "b7ed5f6e": "Ak zvolíte toto nastavenie, videá vo vašich príspevkoch nebudú predvolene k dispozícii na stiahnutie. Toto nastavenie sa vzťahuje na budúce príspevky a neplatí spätne.", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Odstrániť históriu konverzácií", "ebc4fda0": "Chystáte sa odstrániť svoju históriu konverzácií s Grokom. K týmto konverzáciám už nebudete mať prístup.", "c90fe716": "Chcete odstrániť svoje konverzácie?", - "b2053226": "Umožniť, aby sa moje príspevky, ako aj interakcie, vstupy a výsledky súvisiace s Grokom používali na účely optimalizácie a dolaďovania", - "h6fbad2c": "V záujme neustáleho zlepšovania vášho dojmu môžeme využívať vaše príspevky na X, ako aj vaše používateľské interakcie, vstupy a výsledky súvisiace s Grokom na účely optimalizácie a dolaďovania. To tiež znamená, že na tieto účely môžeme vaše interakcie, vstupy a výsledky zdieľať aj s naším poskytovateľom služieb xAI.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Úspešne ste sa zaregistrovali v programe Mince.", "db3f0bbe": "Pomáhame tvorcom zarábať na ich obsahu.", "a1f40cf8": "Súhlasím", @@ -5058,7 +5058,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Odstrániť integráciu", "eef1ae76": "Momentálne prepojené", "a915f5c1": "{ats} – prepojené", - "e4512021": "Ušetrite {percentage} % na predplatnom Premium.", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Pridávajte si príspevky do výberu s predplatným X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Zvýraznite v profile svoje najlepšie príspevky", "h59250bc": "Šifrované správy s predplatným X Premium", @@ -5159,6 +5159,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Momentálne nedostupné", "jd8b2e66": "Predplatiť a zaplatiť", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Prepínanie medzi dostupnými úrovňami predplatného", "c9cc122b": "Funkcia {feature} je zahrnutá v predplatnom {title}", "bff35771": "Funkcia {feature} nie je zahrnutá v predplatnom {title}", @@ -7280,6 +7281,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Aktiváciou predplatného súhlasíte s {0}. Predplatné sa obnovujú automaticky, až kým ich nezrušíte, ako je uvedené v {1}. {2}. Ak chcete predísť dodatočným poplatkom, zrušte predplatné aspoň 24 hodín pred jeho obnovením. Pri znížení úrovne predplatného sa vaše aktuálne predplatné a súvisiace funkcie okamžite prepnú na novú úroveň predplatného. Za žiadnu časť predchádzajúce predplatného vám nebudú vrátené peniaze, pokiaľ to nevyžaduje zákon. Okrem toho vám bude okamžite zaúčtovaný poplatok za novú úroveň. Na aktiváciu predplatného je potrebné overené telefónne číslo.", "db638a21": "Aktiváciou predplatného súhlasíte s našimi {0}. Predplatné sa obnovujú automaticky, až kým ich nezrušíte, ako je uvedené v {1}. {2}. Ak chcete predísť dodatočným poplatkom, zrušte predplatné aspoň 24 hodín pred jeho obnovením. Pri zmene tarify sa vaše nové predplatné začne okamžite. Kredit za zvyšok predchádzajúceho predplatného sa pripíše na váš účet a automaticky sa použije na budúce platby. Na aktiváciu predplatného je potrebné overené telefónne číslo.", "db11f87d": "Získať predplatné za {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Informácie o adrese sa zdieľajú s Googlom. Viac informácií nájdete v {0} a {1}.", "f9b1387f": "Zvýrazniť Komunity vo svojich profiloch môžu len ich správcovia a moderátori. Chcete si {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Ak chcete nájsť krízové centrum vo svojom okolí, prejdite na stránku {0}.", From 7760b9340238ead6c83d29560fdfe53aedeff08a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:23 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 51/62] Update docs/json/i18n/zh-Hant.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/zh-Hant.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/zh-Hant.json b/docs/json/i18n/zh-Hant.json index 1738b8d3c8..c7368cf068 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/zh-Hant.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/zh-Hant.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "聯絡我們", "dd6012f8": "隱私中心", "f644b748": "管理哪些人可以回覆你的貼文和篩選掉的回覆。", - "i0844f5c": "允許將你的貼文以及你與 Grok 的互動、輸入和結果用於訓練和微調。", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "選取此選項後,只有跟隨你的人才能看到你的貼文和其他帳戶資訊。", "if050fae": "保護你的影片", "b7ed5f6e": "如果選取,你貼文中的影片將預設為無法下載。此設定適用於未來的貼文,不溯及既往", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "刪除對話記錄", "ebc4fda0": "你即將刪除 Grok 對話記錄。你將無法再存取這些對話。", "c90fe716": "你想要刪除對話嗎?", - "b2053226": "允許將你的貼文以及你與 Grok 的互動、輸入和結果用於訓練和微調", - "h6fbad2c": "為了持續改善你的體驗,我們可能會將你的 X 貼文以及你與 Grok 的使用者互動、輸入和結果用於訓練和微調用途。這也意味著你的互動、輸入和結果也可能與我們的服務供應商 xAI 分享以用於這些用途。", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "你已成功註冊代幣計劃。", "db3f0bbe": "幫助創作者從他們的內容賺取收益。", "a1f40cf8": "同意", @@ -5054,7 +5054,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "刪除整合", "eef1ae76": "目前已連線", "a915f5c1": "{ats} 已連線", - "e4512021": "取得 Premium 可享 {percentage}% 折扣!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "透過 X Premium 將貼文列入精選", "gd1f4cfa": "在個人資料上展示你的最佳貼文", "h59250bc": "透過 X Premium 存取加密訊息", @@ -5155,6 +5155,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "目前無法使用", "jd8b2e66": "訂閱並付費", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "在可用的訂閱等級之間切換", "c9cc122b": "{feature} 已包含在 {title} 中", "bff35771": "{feature} 無法透過 {title} 取得", @@ -7276,6 +7277,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "如果訂閱,即表示你同意我們的{0}。如{1}中所述,訂閱服務會自動續訂,直到取消為止。{2}。若要取消,請至少在續訂前 24 小時進行,以免產生額外費用。降級時,你目前的訂閱和相關功能將立即切換到新的訂閱等級。除非法律要求,否則你將不會收到先前訂閱的任何退款。你還將立即支付新等級的價格。你必須有通過驗證的電話號碼才能訂閱。", "db638a21": "如果訂閱,即表示你同意我們的{0}。如{1}中所述,訂閱服務會自動續訂,直到取消為止。{2}。若要取消,請至少在續訂前 24 小時進行,以免產生額外費用。當你切換方案時,你的新訂閱將立即開始。先前訂閱的剩餘金額將轉入你的帳戶,並自動用於未來的付款。你必須有通過驗證的電話號碼才能訂閱。", "db11f87d": "訂閱只需 {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "地址資訊已與 Google 分享。若要了解更多資訊,請參閱 {0}和 {1}。", "f9b1387f": "只有社群的管理員和版主才能在用戶檔案中將社群設為焦點。想要{0}嗎?", "ef72b01b": "若要尋找你附近的危機處理中心,請造訪{0}。", From 8adbb0dbd4823c6ce8fe50c5dc2b8b5fb539a00f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:24 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 52/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ko.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ko.json | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ko.json b/docs/json/i18n/ko.json index 402bcc5ac3..df36f24227 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ko.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ko.json @@ -203,11 +203,11 @@ "g4bb7ea8": "X Premium 최대 50% 할인", "b748499c": "혜택 제공 기간 연장되었습니다", "b81135bc": "오늘까지 입니다", - "a8b4b878": "Experience the best of X this Thanksgiving.", - "c3e60460": "Get 40% off Premium this Thanksgiving.", - "ca8cbf78": "Get 40% off Premium and Premium+", - "j88ba18e": "Claim offer", - "h1860ab2": "It’s Premium’s birthday! Enjoy the best of X.", + "a8b4b878": "이번 추수감사절에 X에서 최고의 경험을 누리세요", + "c3e60460": "이번 추수감사절 기념 Premium 40% 할인", + "ca8cbf78": "Premium과 Premium+ 40% 할인받기", + "j88ba18e": "혜택 받기", + "h1860ab2": "Premium이 1주년을 맞이했습니다. X에서 최고의 경험을 누리세요.", "ce819d7e": "It’s Premium’s birithday! Enjoy the best of X.", "ce99bdae": "Premium 기념일을 축하해 주세요", "efeec34d": "한정 기간 동안 {percentage}% 할인.", @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "문의하기", "dd6012f8": "개인정보 보호 센터", "f644b748": "내 게시물에 답글을 쓸 수 있는 사람과 필터링된 답글을 관리합니다.", - "i0844f5c": "내 게시물을 비롯해 Grok에 대한 내 반응과 입력 및 결과를 학습 및 미세 조정에 사용하도록 허용합니다.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "선택하면 나를 팔로우하는 사람들만 내 게시물 및 기타 계정 정보를 볼 수 있게 됩니다.", "if050fae": "동영상 보호하기", "b7ed5f6e": "이 설정을 선택하면 기본적으로 게시물의 동영상을 다운로드할 수 없게 됩니다. 이 설정은 앞으로 작성하는 게시물에 적용되며 소급 적용되지 않습니다.", @@ -2750,7 +2751,7 @@ "d9588ae6": "이 설정을 해제해도 스페이스에 참여하는 동안에는 누구나 나를 볼 수 있습니다. 내 팔로워들은 내가 어떤 스페이스에서 진행자, 공동 진행자 또는 발표자로 참여하는지 볼 수 있습니다.", "i84c5de8": "곧 크리에이터도 신청 가능합니다", "b8922f7e": "나중에 다시 방문해 구독 프로그램에 가입 신청이 가능한지 확인해 주세요.", - "ad588be6": "You are eligible!", + "ad588be6": "자격 요건을 충족합니다", "feb54b40": "첫 신청자가 되어 보세요", "f6443bd2": "좋은 소식입니다. 구독 자격 요건을 충족합니다. 신청할 준비가 되셨나요?", "a3a20a10": "나중에 다시 확인해보세요", @@ -2761,7 +2762,7 @@ "fdd95737": "팔로워 {minFollowersCount}명", "b747ce3a": "최근 30일간 활성 상태", "c27f57ac": "18세 이상", - "h63d2973": "{count} organic impressions in the past 3 months", + "h63d2973": "지난 3개월간 유기적 노출수 {count}회", "ef606fca": "가장 열렬한 팔로워를 위한 유료 구독", "e533715e": "자격 여부 확인하기", "d8671da2": "X에서 수익을 거두세요", @@ -2775,15 +2776,15 @@ "aa7e35ee": "이 계정은 선정되지 않았습니다", "c984cc62": "회원님의 계정은 이번에 선정되지 않았습니다. 향후 참여 기회를 기다려 주세요.", "gd115e64": "구독 신청", - "a9f08d5c": "Your answers to the questions below are for our review and will not be shown on your profile.", - "c3f8d650": "Describe your content", - "j89dd344": "Please provide an example of the content that would be included in your subscription, the more specific the better.", - "d19cc490": "Add an example content", - "c737c1b2": "Tell us about your experience", - "f98e5fd4": "Do you create paid content on other platforms? Why do you think users will subscribe?", - "c41b01be": "Add a pitch", - "e2aad0fe": "I will not post graphic or adult subscriber content", - "d1b983ef": "Must be at least {count} characters long", + "a9f08d5c": "아래 질문에 대한 답변은 검토용이며 프로필에 표시되지 않습니다.", + "c3f8d650": "콘텐츠를 설명해 주세요", + "j89dd344": "구독에 포함될 콘텐츠의 예를 제시해 주세요(구체적일수록 좋습니다).", + "d19cc490": "예시 콘텐츠 추가하기", + "c737c1b2": "내 경험에 대해 알려주세요", + "f98e5fd4": "다른 플랫폼에서도 유료 콘텐츠를 제작하시나요? 사용자가 구독하는 이유는 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?", + "c41b01be": "피치 추가하기", + "e2aad0fe": "선정적인 콘텐츠나 성인용 구독자 콘텐츠를 게시하지 않을 것입니다.", + "d1b983ef": "최소 {count}자 이상이어야 합니다", "eb4bf9a1": "이후에는 구독료를 변경할 수 없습니다.", "d3d6c52c": "신청서가 제출되었습니다", "cb27c0ba": "구독료를 확정했습니다. 신청서를 검토한 후 승인되면 바로 알림을 보내드리겠습니다.", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "대화 내역 삭제하기", "ebc4fda0": "Grok 대화 내역을 삭제하려 합니다. 이 대화에 다시 액세스할 수 없게 됩니다.", "c90fe716": "대화를 삭제하시겠어요?", - "b2053226": "내 게시물을 비롯해 Grok에 대한 내 반응과 입력 및 결과를 학습 및 미세 조정에 사용하도록 허용", - "h6fbad2c": "X에서는 사용자 경험을 지속적으로 개선하기 위해 X 게시물을 비롯해 사용자의 반응, Grok에 대한 질문과 답변을 학습 및 미세 조정 목적으로 활용할 수 있습니다. 즉, 내 반응, 질문 및 답변을 상기 목적으로 당사의 서비스 제공업체 xAI와 공유할 수 있습니다.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "코인 프로그램에 가입하셨습니다.", "db3f0bbe": "크리에이터가 콘텐츠를 통해 수익을 거둘 수 있도록 지원합니다.", "a1f40cf8": "동의합니다", @@ -4830,7 +4830,7 @@ "db28b535": "’{name}’ 삭제", "a4f5e431": "’{name}’ 삭제함", "bcf89b8a": "쿼리를 수정하세요", - "ia7dce48": "Failed to generate query. Please try again.", + "ia7dce48": "쿼리를 생성하지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하세요.", "f0002e72": "결과 살펴보기", "b0924d7a": "검색어를 생성하지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하세요.", "cfd731ee": "쿼리를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 다시 시도하세요.", @@ -4839,7 +4839,7 @@ "c0799860": "일", "b43679d2": "시", "f1fce85e": "분", - "ea3e0ec4": "Market", + "ea3e0ec4": "마켓", "d8d9aec2": "최대 검색어 수에 도달했습니다", "c9aa246e": "새 검색어", "b9b7a50e": "언제든지 검색 기준을 조정하여 최신 정보를 받으세요", @@ -4848,8 +4848,8 @@ "e78ca8c6": "나중에 다시 시도해주세요", "ce3216ec": "검색어", "d92ec304": "쿼리를 찾을 수 없음", - "ef609bb8": "What’s happening on X?", - "a636a738": "Ask a follow-up...", + "ef609bb8": "X에서 무슨 일이 화제가 되고 있나요?", + "a636a738": "이어지는 질문을 해 보세요", "bbf29e20": "선택 항목 초기화", "ie3321ea": "$NVDA (매도 OR 매수)", "cf223996": "요약", @@ -5053,7 +5053,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "통합 삭제", "eef1ae76": "현재 연결됨", "a915f5c1": "{ats} 연결됨", - "e4512021": "{percentage}% 할인된 구독료로 Premium을 즐기세요", + "af7286b7": "Premium 1주년 기념 {percentage}% 할인", "fb5e2c14": "X Premium으로 게시물을 눈에 띄게 표시하세요", "gd1f4cfa": "가장 마음에 드는 게시물을 프로필에 게시하세요", "h59250bc": "X Premium으로 암호화된 쪽지를 보내세요", @@ -5154,6 +5154,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "현재 이용할 수 없음", "jd8b2e66": "구독 및 결제", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "이용 가능한 구독 등급 간에 전환하기", "c9cc122b": "{title}에는 {feature} 기능이 포함되어 있습니다", "bff35771": "{title}에서는 {feature} 기능을 이용할 수 없습니다", @@ -5703,7 +5704,7 @@ "ec251f36": "내가 아는 사람이 이 사용자들을 팔로우하면 여기에 표시됩니다.", "f8af4f48": "계정을 팔로우하면 여기에 표시됩니다.", "fd0aad94": "인증된 사용자가 이 계정을 팔로우하면 여기에 표시됩니다.", - "b84f6df1": "Gift Premium at a {percentage}% discount for a limited time", + "b84f6df1": "Premium을 {percentage}% 할인된 가격에 선물하세요(기간 한정).", "cfcac293": "{price} 결제 및 선물하기", "d7a73450": "등급", "hbd2c24e": "이 계정은 현재 선물을 받을 자격을 충족하지 않습니다.", @@ -6287,7 +6288,7 @@ "bacd7195": "X의 {fullName}님(@{screenName}) ", "e5b4aafa": "인터넷 연결이 중단되었습니다.", "g43c3b36": "계속하려면 인터넷에 다시 연결하세요.", - "hafe83ec": "Press close to exit the application.", + "hafe83ec": "닫기를 눌러 애플리케이션을 종료합니다.", "b2ec74fe": "닫기", "hf836e5f": "{tweetText} {username} {screenName} {views}회 조회 {timeAgo}", "a7a90902": "내용을 보려면 선택을 누르세요", @@ -7275,6 +7276,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "구독하면 X의 {0}에 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다. {1}에 명시된 것처럼 구독은 취소하기 전까지 자동 갱신됩니다. {2}. 구독을 갱신하기 최소 24시간 이전에 취소하면 추가 요금이 부과되지 않습니다. 다운그레이드 시 현재의 구독 및 관련 기능은 즉시 새로운 구독 등급으로 전환됩니다. 법적으로 요구되지 않는 한 이전 구독의 어떤 부분도 환불되지 않습니다. 또한 새 등급의 구독료가 즉시 청구됩니다. 구독하려면 전화번호를 인증해야 합니다.", "db638a21": "구독하면 X의 {0}에 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다. {1}에 명시된 것처럼 구독은 취소하기 전까지 자동 갱신됩니다. {2}. 구독을 갱신하기 최소 24시간 이전에 취소하면 추가 요금이 부과되지 않습니다. 요금제 전환 시 새로운 구독 등급이 즉시 적용됩니다. 계정에 이전 구독의 잔여 기간에 대한 크레딧이 적립되며 향후 결제 시 자동으로 사용됩니다. 구독하려면 전화번호를 인증해야 합니다.", "db11f87d": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval}(으)로 구독하기", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} 연간 청구", "eeb5fb11": "주소 정보를 Google과 공유합니다. 자세한 정보는 {0} 및 {1}을 확인하세요.", "f9b1387f": "관리자와 중재자만 프로필에 커뮤니티를 스포트라이트로 게시할 수 있습니다. 직접 ", "ef72b01b": "거주 국가의 위기대응 센터를 찾으려면 {0}를 방문해 주세요.", From f5c72bc0b1817784cc94bc1b497f1712a4714b7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:25 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 53/62] Update docs/markdown/ on develop branch --- docs/markdown/ | 11 +++++++++++ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/markdown/ b/docs/markdown/ index 6a8d5d43ab..c952ea6378 100644 --- a/docs/markdown/ +++ b/docs/markdown/ @@ -4658,3 +4658,14 @@ - subscriptions_upsells_get_verified_button_variant
#### remove
- responsive_web_follower_count_reduction_copy_enabled
+## 2024/11/17
+### API
+#### add
+- None
+#### remove
+- None
+### Feature Switch
+#### add
+- responsive_web_grok_show_citations
+#### remove
+- None
From f4ca9f720b474576bf025ce61d5ffd0acb7f38a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:26 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 54/62] Update docs/json/i18n/en-xx.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/en-xx.json | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/en-xx.json b/docs/json/i18n/en-xx.json index 475b064371..0c7117858f 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/en-xx.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/en-xx.json @@ -939,7 +939,8 @@ "g5925628": "[Cöøntåäct üs]", "dd6012f8": "[Prïívåäcy céêntéêr]", "f644b748": "[Måänåägéê whöø cåän réêply töø yöøür pöøsts åänd yöøür fïíltéêréêd réêplïíéês.]", - "i0844f5c": "[Allöøw yöøür pöøsts åäs wéêll åäs yöøür ïíntéêråäctïíöøns, ïínpüts, åänd réêsülts wïíth Gröøk töø béê üséêd föør tråäïínïíng åänd fïínéê-tünïíng.]", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "[Whéên séêléêctéêd, yöøür pöøsts åänd öøthéêr åäccöøünt ïínföørmåätïíöøn åäréê öønly vïísïíbléê töø péêöøpléê whöø föøllöøw yöøü.]", "if050fae": "[Pröøtéêct yöøür vïídéêöøs]", "b7ed5f6e": "[If séêléêctéêd, vïídéêöøs ïín yöøür pöøsts wïíll nöøt béê döøwnlöøåädåäbléê by déêfåäült. Thïís séêttïíng åäpplïíéês töø pöøsts göøïíng föørwåärd åänd ïís nöøt réêtröøåäctïívéê]", @@ -2535,8 +2536,7 @@ "e110a46c": "[Déêléêtéê cöønvéêrsåätïíöøn hïístöøry]", "ebc4fda0": "[Yöøü’réê åäböøüt töø déêléêtéê yöøür gröøk cöønvéêrsåätïíöøn hïístöøry. Yöøü wïíll nöøt béê åäbléê töø åäccéêss théêséê cöønvéêrsåätïíöøns åägåäïín.]", "c90fe716": "[Döø yöøü wåänt töø déêléêtéê yöøür cöønvéêrsåätïíöøns?]", - "b2053226": "[Allöøw yöøür pöøsts åäs wéêll åäs yöøür ïíntéêråäctïíöøns, ïínpüts, åänd réêsülts wïíth Gröøk töø béê üséêd föør tråäïínïíng åänd fïínéê-tünïíng]", - "h6fbad2c": "[Töø cöøntïínüöøüsly ïímpröøvéê yöøür éêxpéêrïíéêncéê, wéê måäy ütïílïízéê yöøür X pöøsts åäs wéêll åäs yöøür üséêr ïíntéêråäctïíöøns, ïínpüts åänd réêsülts wïíth Gröøk föør tråäïínïíng åänd fïínéê-tünïíng pürpöøséês. Thïís åälsöø méêåäns thåät yöøür ïíntéêråäctïíöøns, ïínpüts, åänd réêsülts måäy åälsöø béê shåäréêd wïíth öøür séêrvïícéê pröøvïídéêr xAI föør théêséê pürpöøséês.]", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "[Yöøü håävéê béêéên süccéêssfülly éênröølléêd ïíntöø théê Cöøïíns pröøgråäm.]", "db3f0bbe": "[Héêlpïíng créêåätöørs éêåärn möønéêy fröøm théêïír cöøntéênt.]", "a1f40cf8": "[Agréêéê]", @@ -6388,6 +6388,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "[By sübscrïíbïíng, yöøü åägréêéê töø öøür {0}. Sübscrïíptïíöøns åäütöø-réênéêw üntïíl cåäncéêléêd, åäs déêscrïíbéêd ïín théê {1}. {2}. Cåäncéêl åät léêåäst 24 höøürs prïíöør töø réênéêwåäl töø åävöøïíd åäddïítïíöønåäl chåärgéês. Whéên döøwngråädïíng, yöøür cürréênt sübscrïíptïíöøn åänd théê åässöøcïíåätéêd féêåätüréês wïíll swïítch töø théê néêw sübscrïíptïíöøn tïíéêr ïímméêdïíåätéêly. Yöøü wïíll nöøt réêcéêïívéê åä réêfünd föør åäny pöørtïíöøn öøf yöøür préêvïíöøüs sübscrïíptïíöøn, ünléêss réêqüïíréêd by låäw. Yöøü wïíll åälsöø béê chåärgéêd föør théê prïícéê öøf théê néêw tïíéêr ïímméêdïíåätéêly. A véêrïífïíéêd phöønéê nümbéêr ïís réêqüïíréêd töø sübscrïíbéê.]", "db638a21": "[By sübscrïíbïíng, yöøü åägréêéê töø öøür {0}. Sübscrïíptïíöøns åäütöø-réênéêw üntïíl cåäncéêléêd, åäs déêscrïíbéêd ïín théê {1}. {2}. Cåäncéêl åät léêåäst 24 höøürs prïíöør töø réênéêwåäl töø åävöøïíd åäddïítïíöønåäl chåärgéês. Whéên yöøü swïítch yöøür plåän, yöøür néêw sübscrïíptïíöøn wïíll ståärt ïímméêdïíåätéêly. Créêdïít föør théê réêmåäïíndéêr öøf yöøür préêvïíöøüs sübscrïíptïíöøn wïíll göø töøwåärds yöøür åäccöøünt åänd åäütöømåätïícåälly béê åäpplïíéêd töø fütüréê påäyméênts. A véêrïífïíéêd phöønéê nümbéêr ïís réêqüïíréêd töø sübscrïíbéê.]", "db11f87d": "[Sübscrïíbéê föør {0} {newPrice}/{interval}]", + "e4219e13": "[{0} {newPrice}/{interval} bïílléêd åännüåälly]", "eeb5fb11": "[Addréêss ïínföø ïís shåäréêd wïíth Göøöøgléê. Séêéê {0} åänd {1} töø léêåärn möøréê.]", "f9b1387f": "[Only åädmïíns åänd möødéêråätöørs öøf Cöømmünïítïíéês cåän Spöøtlïíght théêm öøn théêïír pröøfïíléês. Wåänt töø {0} öøf yöøür öøwn?]", "ef72b01b": "[Töø fïínd åä crïísïís céêntéêr néêåär yöøü, vïísïít {0}]", From b7add87162d972cfc4fae8d0878f0a5c17bbf544 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:27 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 55/62] Update docs/json/i18n/da.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/da.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/da.json b/docs/json/i18n/da.json index 7770a85a8c..348b8a0701 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/da.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/da.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kontakt os", "dd6012f8": "Privatlivscenter", "f644b748": "Administrer, hvem der kan svare på dine posts og dine filtrerede svar.", - "i0844f5c": "Giv tilladelse til, at dine posts samt dine interaktioner, input og resultater med Grok må bruges til træning og finjustering.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "Når denne er valgt, kan dine posts og andre kontooplysninger kun ses af personer, der følger dig.", "if050fae": "Beskyt dine videoer", "b7ed5f6e": "Hvis denne indstilling er valgt, vil videoer i dine posts ikke kunne downloades som standard. Denne indstilling gælder fremadrettet for posts og har ikke tilbagevirkende kraft", @@ -2838,8 +2839,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Slet samtalehistorik", "ebc4fda0": "Du er ved at slette din Grok-samtalehistorik. Du vil ikke kunne få adgang til disse samtaler igen.", "c90fe716": "Vil du slette dine samtaler?", - "b2053226": "Giv tilladelse til, at dine posts samt dine interaktioner, input og resultater med Grok må bruges til træning og finjustering", - "h6fbad2c": "For løbende at forbedre din oplevelse kan vi bruge dine X-posts samt dine brugerinteraktioner, input og resultater med Grok til trænings- og finjusteringsformål. Det betyder også, at dine interaktioner, input og resultater også kan blive delt med vores tjenesteudbyder xAI til disse formål.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "Du er blevet tilmeldt Mønter-programmet.", "db3f0bbe": "Hjælper skabere med at tjene penge på deres indhold.", "a1f40cf8": "Enig", @@ -5040,7 +5040,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Slet integration", "eef1ae76": "I øjeblikket tilsluttet", "a915f5c1": "{ats} tilknyttet", - "e4512021": "Spar {percentage} % på Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Fremhæv posts med X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Vis dine bedste posts frem på din profil", "h59250bc": "Krypterede beskeder med X Premium", @@ -5141,6 +5141,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Ikke tilgængelig i øjeblikket", "jd8b2e66": "Abonner og betal", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Skift mellem de tilgængelige abonnementsniveauer", "c9cc122b": "{feature} er inkluderet i {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} er ikke tilgængelig i {title}", @@ -7258,6 +7259,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "Ved at abonnere accepterer du vores {0}. Abonnementer fornys automatisk, indtil de opsiges, som beskrevet i {1}. {2}. Annuller mindst 24 timer før fornyelse for at undgå ekstra gebyrer. Når du nedgraderer, skifter dit nuværende abonnement og de tilknyttede funktioner omgående til det nye abonnementsniveau. Du vil ikke modtage refusion for dit tidligere abonnement, medmindre loven kræver det. Du vil også blive opkrævet prisen for det nye niveau med det samme. Et verificeret telefonnummer er påkrævet for at abonnere.", "db638a21": "Ved at abonnere accepterer du vores {0}. Abonnementer fornys automatisk, indtil de opsiges, som beskrevet i {1}. {2}. Annuller mindst 24 timer før fornyelse for at undgå ekstra gebyrer. Når du skifter abonnement, starter dit nye abonnement med det samme. Kreditten for resten af dit tidligere abonnement overføres til din konto og bruges automatisk til fremtidige betalinger. Et verificeret telefonnummer er påkrævet for at abonnere.", "db11f87d": "Abonner for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Adresseoplysninger deles med Google. Se {0} og {1} for at lære mere.", "f9b1387f": "Kun administratorer og moderatorer af Fællesskaber kan sætte spotlight på dem på deres profiler. Vil du {0}?", "ef72b01b": "Du kan finde et krisecenter i nærheden af dig på denne side ", From 872611d97158dfa460f4164d40f67ecbc5c761c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:28 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 56/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ur.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ur.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ur.json b/docs/json/i18n/ur.json index ffddbf4e58..da6c26e639 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ur.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ur.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "ہم سے رابطہ کریں", "dd6012f8": "رازداری سینٹر", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2839,8 +2840,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -5048,7 +5048,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connected", - "e4512021": "Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5149,6 +5149,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7265,6 +7266,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "ایڈریس کی معلومات Google کے ساتھ شیئر کی گئی ہے۔ مزید جاننے کے لیے {0} اور {1} دیکھیں۔", "f9b1387f": "صرف کمیونٹیز کے منتظمین اور ناطمین اپنی پروفائلز پر کمیونٹیز کو اسپاٹ لائٹ کر سکتے ہیں۔ کیا آپ اپنی خود کی {0} چاہتے ہیں؟", "ef72b01b": "اپنے آس پاس بحرانی مرکز تلاش کرنے کے لیے، ", From bb4e06e8c694a508db373e793598e78ffe26e23d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:29 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 57/62] Update docs/json/i18n/en-GB.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/en-GB.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/en-GB.json b/docs/json/i18n/en-GB.json index 3ce02cb5ca..c3ef8c0ed2 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/en-GB.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/en-GB.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Contact us", "dd6012f8": "Privacy center", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forwards and is not retroactive", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilise your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins programme.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -5050,7 +5050,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connected", - "e4512021": "Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5151,6 +5151,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7271,6 +7272,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until cancelled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until cancelled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Address info is shared with Google. See {0} and {1} to learn more.", "f9b1387f": "Only admins and moderators of Communities can Spotlight them on their profiles. Want to {0} of your own?", "ef72b01b": "To find a crisis centre near you, visit ", From e1b0c6cb768bb12acfae38cd8fbad8166a1c283b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:30 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 58/62] Update docs/json/i18n/bn.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/bn.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/bn.json b/docs/json/i18n/bn.json index 47ac7c1481..d3c6134800 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/bn.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/bn.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "আমাদের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করুন", "dd6012f8": "প্রাইভেসি সেন্টার", "f644b748": "আপনার পোস্টে এবং আপনার ফিল্টার করা উত্তরগুলিতে কারা উত্তর দিতে পারবেন, তা পরিচালনা করুন।", - "i0844f5c": "আপনার পোস্ট তাছাড়াও যোগাযোগ, ইনপুট এবং ফলাফলগুলি ট্রেনিং এবং উন্নতকরণের কাজে ব্যবহার করা হবে।", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "নির্বাচন করার সময়ে, পোস্ট এবং অন্য অ্যাকাউন্টের তথ্য শুধুমাত্র আপনি যাদের অনুসরণ করেন তারাই দেখতে পাবেন।", "if050fae": "আপনার ভিডিওগুলি সুরক্ষিত রাখুন", "b7ed5f6e": "নির্বাচন করা হলে আপনার পোস্টে থাকা ভিডিওগুলি ডিফল্টভাবে ডাউনলোড করা যাবে। এই সেটিং এর পরবর্তী পোস্টগুলিতে প্রযোজ্য হবে, এটি ভূতাপেক্ষাভাবে প্রযোজ্য হবে না।", @@ -2838,8 +2839,7 @@ "e110a46c": "কথা-বার্তার ইতিহাস মুছুন", "ebc4fda0": "আপনি আপনার Grok কথাবার্তার ইতিহাস মুছতে চলেছেন। আপনি আর এই কথা-বার্তাগুলিতে অ্যাক্সেস করতে পারবেন না।", "c90fe716": "আপনি কী আপনার কথা-বার্তা মুছতে চান?", - "b2053226": "আপনার পোস্ট তাছাড়াও যোগাযোগ, ইনপুট এবং ফলাফলগুলি ট্রেনিং এবং উন্নতকরণের কাজে ব্যবহার করা হবে", - "h6fbad2c": "আপনার অভিজ্ঞতা ক্রমাগত উন্নত করতে আমরা আপনার X পোস্ট, এছাড়াও আপনার ব্যবহারকারীর যোগাযোগ, ইনপুট এবং ফলাফলগুলি ট্রেনিং এবং উন্নত করণের প্রক্রিয়ার উদ্দেশ্যে Grok-এর সাথে ব্যবহার করতে পারি। এর অর্থ হলো যে আপনার যোগাযোগ, ইনপুট এবং ফলাফলগুলিও আমাদের পরিষেবা প্রদানকারী xAI-এর সাথে এই উদ্দেশ্যতে শেয়ার করা হবে।", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "আপনি সফলভাবে কয়েন প্রোগ্রামে যোগদান করেছেন।", "db3f0bbe": "নির্মাতাদের তাদের অ্যাকাউন্ট থেকে অর্থ উপার্জনে সহায়তা করা।", "a1f40cf8": "সম্মত", @@ -5040,7 +5040,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "ইন্টিগ্রেশন মুছুন", "eef1ae76": "বতমানে সংযুক্ত আছে", "a915f5c1": "{ats} সংযুক্ত হয়েছে", - "e4512021": "Premium-এ {percentage}% সাশ্রয় করুন!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "X Premium ব্যবহার করে পোস্ট হাইলাইট করুন", "gd1f4cfa": "আপনার প্রোফাইলে আপনার সর্বোত্তম পোস্টগুলি প্রদর্শন করুন", "h59250bc": "X Premium-এর সাথে এনক্রিপ্ট করা বার্তা", @@ -5141,6 +5141,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "বর্তমানে অনুপলব্ধ", "jd8b2e66": "সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন এবং পেমেন্ট করুন", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "উপলব্ধ সাবস্ক্রিপশনের টায়ারের মধ্যে পরিবর্তন করুন", "c9cc122b": "{feature}-কে {title}-তে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা হয়েছে", "bff35771": "{feature}, {title}-এর জন্য উপলব্ধ নেই", @@ -7260,6 +7261,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "সাবস্ক্রাইব করে, আপনি আমাদের {0} সম্মত হচ্ছেন। ডাউনগ্রেড করার সময়, আপনার বর্তমান সাবস্ক্রিপশন এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলি অবিলম্বে নতুন সাবস্ক্রিপশন স্তরে পরিবর্তন করবে, যেমন {1} বর্ণনা করা আছে। {2}। রিনিউ করার অন্তত 24 ঘন্টা আগে বাতিল করুন যাতে কোনও ধরনের অতিরিক্ত চার্জ এড়িয়ে চলা যায়। আপনি আপনার পূর্ববর্তী সাবস্ক্রিপশনের কোনো অংশের জন্য অর্থ ফেরত পাবেন না, যদি না আইন দ্বারা প্রয়োজন হয়। আপনাকে অবিলম্বে নতুন স্তরের মূল্যের জন্য চার্জ করা হবে। সাবস্ক্রাইব করতে একটি যাচাইকৃত ফোন নম্বর প্রয়োজন।", "db638a21": "সাবস্ক্রাইব করে, আপনি আমাদের {0} সম্মত হন। সাবস্ক্রিপশনগুলি বাতিল না হওয়া পর্যন্ত স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে পুনর্নবীকরণ হয়, যেমন {1} বর্ণনা করা হয়েছে। {2}। রিনিউ করার অন্তত 24 ঘন্টা আগে বাতিল করুন যাতে কোনও ধরনের অতিরিক্ত চার্জ এড়িয়ে চলা যায়। আপনি যখন আপনার প্ল্যানটি স্যুইচ করবেন, আপনার নতুন সাবস্ক্রিপশন অবিলম্বে শুরু হবে৷ আপনার আগের সাবস্ক্রিপশনের অবশিষ্টাংশের ক্রেডিট আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টে যাবে এবং ভবিষ্যতের অর্থপ্রদানে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে প্রয়োগ করা হবে। সাবস্ক্রাইব করতে একটি যাচাইকৃত ফোন নম্বর প্রয়োজন।", "db11f87d": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval}-এ সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "ঠিকানার তথ্য Google-এ শেয়ার করা হয়েছে। আরও জানতে {0} এবং {1} দেখুন।", "f9b1387f": "শুধুমাত্র কমিউনিটির মডারেটর এবং অ্যাডমিনরাই নিজেদের প্রোফাইলে কমিউনিটিগুলি স্পটলাইট করতে পারেন। নিজস্ব কোনো {0}?", "ef72b01b": "আপনার নিকটবর্তী কোনো সংকটকালীন কেন্দ্র খুঁজে পেতে ", From 2d04aadea48d441cce99dfcff8a59e05576e4a0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:31 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 59/62] Update docs/json/i18n/ig.json on develop branch --- docs/json/i18n/ig.json | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/i18n/ig.json b/docs/json/i18n/ig.json index 194dad1a5c..00ef703736 100644 --- a/docs/json/i18n/ig.json +++ b/docs/json/i18n/ig.json @@ -993,7 +993,8 @@ "g5925628": "Kpọtụrụ anyị", "dd6012f8": "Ebe nzuzo", "f644b748": "Manage who can reply to your posts and your filtered replies.", - "i0844f5c": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning.", + "ff4b3818": "Grok & Third-party Collaborators", + "i586f3e0": "Allow your public data as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok and xAI to be used for training and fine-tuning", "d8492604": "When selected, your posts and other account information are only visible to people who follow you.", "if050fae": "Protect your videos", "b7ed5f6e": "If selected, videos in your posts will not be downloadable by default. This setting applies to posts going forward and is not retroactive", @@ -2840,8 +2841,7 @@ "e110a46c": "Delete conversation history", "ebc4fda0": "You’re about to delete your grok conversation history. You will not be able to access these conversations again.", "c90fe716": "Do you want to delete your conversations?", - "b2053226": "Allow your posts as well as your interactions, inputs, and results with Grok to be used for training and fine-tuning", - "h6fbad2c": "To continuously improve your experience, we may utilize your X posts as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok for training and fine-tuning purposes. This also means that your interactions, inputs, and results may also be shared with our service provider xAI for these purposes.", + "a8d516a4": "X may share with xAI your X public data as well as your user interactions, inputs and results with Grok on X to train and fine-tune Grok and other AI models developed by xAI. This helps us continuously improve your user experience.", "ecdbece0": "You have been successfully enrolled into the Coins program.", "db3f0bbe": "Helping creators earn money from their content.", "a1f40cf8": "Agree", @@ -5049,7 +5049,7 @@ "h99f11fa": "Delete integration", "eef1ae76": "Currently connected", "a915f5c1": "{ats} connected", - "e4512021": "Save {percentage}% on Premium!", + "af7286b7": "{percentage}% off a year of Premium", "fb5e2c14": "Highlight posts with X Premium", "gd1f4cfa": "Showcase your best posts on your profile", "h59250bc": "Encrypted messages with X Premium", @@ -5150,6 +5150,7 @@ "a0dc6e4c": "Currently unavailable", "jd8b2e66": "Subscribe & pay", "aa5df29f": "{oldPrice}", + "g1c4f7a1": "{oldPrice}", "i7fbacc4": "Switch between the available subscription tiers", "c9cc122b": "{feature} is included in {title}", "bff35771": "{feature} is not available for {title}", @@ -7269,6 +7270,7 @@ "ed2a6ba9": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When downgrading, your current subscription and the associated features will switch to the new subscription tier immediately. You will not receive a refund for any portion of your previous subscription, unless required by law. You will also be charged for the price of the new tier immediately. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db638a21": "By subscribing, you agree to our {0}. Subscriptions auto-renew until canceled, as described in the {1}. {2}. Cancel at least 24 hours prior to renewal to avoid additional charges. When you switch your plan, your new subscription will start immediately. Credit for the remainder of your previous subscription will go towards your account and automatically be applied to future payments. A verified phone number is required to subscribe.", "db11f87d": "Subscribe for {0} {newPrice}/{interval}", + "e4219e13": "{0} {newPrice}/{interval} billed annually", "eeb5fb11": "Ekerịtara Google ihe ọmụma adreesi. Lee {0} na {1} iji mụtakwuọ.", "f9b1387f": "Naanị ndị nchịkwa na ndị nhazi Ogbe gasị nwere ike ime Ihuọha na profaịlụ ha. Ị chọrọ {0} nke gị?", "ef72b01b": "Iji hụ ogbe nsogbu nọketere gị gàa na ", From 78ddba6b1f3eab80604677b5fd19f47e756a3929 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "github-actions[bot]" <41898282+github-actions[bot]> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 21:14:32 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 60/62] Update docs/json/ScriptLoadJson.json on develop branch --- docs/json/ScriptLoadJson.json | 159 +++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 79 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/json/ScriptLoadJson.json b/docs/json/ScriptLoadJson.json index a933d89795..e376a481dd 100644 --- a/docs/json/ScriptLoadJson.json +++ b/docs/json/ScriptLoadJson.json @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { - "i18n/ar": "", - "i18n/ar-x-fm": "", - "i18n/bg": "", - "i18n/bn": "", - "i18n/ca": "", - "i18n/cs": "", - "i18n/da": "", - "i18n/de": "", - "i18n/el": "", + "i18n/ar": "", + "i18n/ar-x-fm": "", + "i18n/bg": "", + "i18n/bn": "", + "i18n/ca": "", + "i18n/cs": "", + "i18n/da": "", + "i18n/de": "", + "i18n/el": "", "i18n/emoji-ar": "", "i18n/emoji-ar-x-fm": "", "i18n/emoji-bg": "", @@ -61,55 +61,55 @@ "i18n/emoji-yo": "", "i18n/emoji-zh": "", "i18n/emoji-zh-Hant": "", - 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