Scale one of the pictures so it fits better on the page.
Scale one of the pictures so it fits better on the page.
Add a note about using codesandbox - safe to just experiment without …
Add a note about using codesandbox - safe to just experiment without …
Add some notes for 2023 on jQuery is still very popular - from Stacko…
Add some notes for 2023 on jQuery is still very popular - from Stacko…
Fix typo, double quote not a single quote in the slide example.
Fix typo, double quote not a single quote in the slide example.
Note 'https' - extra security (cross domain/level access).
Note 'https' - extra security (cross domain/level access).
Update the example in the slides, include 'jquery' path so it can be …
Update the example in the slides, include 'jquery' path so it can be …
Use RSS 2 JSON instead of google's, due to distcontinued - works the …
Use RSS 2 JSON instead of google's, due to distcontinued - works the …
Add details about JS built in XML parser for RSS feeds.
Add details about JS built in XML parser for RSS feeds.
Add a note about XML complementing HTML (similar but different).
Add a note about XML complementing HTML (similar but different).
Fix some typos and spacing in slides.
Fix some typos and spacing in slides.
Add extra revision questions to the start of the slides.
Add extra revision questions to the start of the slides.
Fix some formatting typos (e.g., spaces/alignment).
Fix some formatting typos (e.g., spaces/alignment).
Include a small test example to show standards work vs non-standard a…
Include a small test example to show standards work vs non-standard a…
Add information on 'non-standard' attributes - browser specific bug i…
Add information on 'non-standard' attributes - browser specific bug i…
Fix typos and size of image fits better on page.
Fix typos and size of image fits better on page.
Add some revision sheets/cheatsheets to the reading (summary pages)
Add some revision sheets/cheatsheets to the reading (summary pages)
Update scaling on one slide so it fits.
Update scaling on one slide so it fits.
Modify the working on group work (important aspect).
Modify the working on group work (important aspect).
Scale some of the images so they fit better on the reveal slides.
Scale some of the images so they fit better on the reveal slides.
Remove unsupported validation tools (no longer updated).
Remove unsupported validation tools (no longer updated).
Add range of reading examples (both online and text based to support …
Add range of reading examples (both online and text based to support …