Base unit of work with repository pattern in .NET 6
The project contains model, data and business layers to show the implementation. Even include an Api project for testing purpose.
Install as global vars the ef command for easy life.
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Restore project dependencies. Running the following command at Solution's folder.
dotnet restore
C:\Repositories\NetUnitOfWorkRepository> dotnet restore
Apply migration to create the data base. At solution's folder just execute the following command.
dotnet ef database update -p .\Fnunez.UnitOfWork.Data\ -s .\Fnunez.UnitOfWork.Api\ -c UnitOfWorkDbContext -v
C:\Repositories\NetUnitOfWorkRepository> dotnet ef database update -p .\Fnunez.UnitOfWork.Data\ -s .\Fnunez.UnitOfWork.Api\ -c UnitOfWorkDbContext -v
At APi folder run the following command to test the CRUD methods through Swagger.
dotnet watch run
C:\Repositories\NetUnitOfWorkRepository\Fnunez.UnitOfWork.Api> dotnet watch run