Zodiac sign built with html select option, css and JavaScript. Testing out knowledge of JavaScript by building zodiac sign generator based on user selected option.
Users should be able to:
- Get a message about their zodiac sign just from selecting the range their birth date falls in.
Solution URL: [https://github.com/f-lajoc/Zodiac-sign]
Live Site URL: [https://f-lajoc.github.io/Zodiac-sign/]
Semantic HTML5 markup
HTML select option
From the knowledge I've gained over a week now, i used some JavaScript I've learnt like
variable declaration
if else conditional statement
fetching DOM
I would love to have used array buh i haven't grasped it yet
Start using 'picture element'(srcset) for Responsiveness in my coming projects
[https://www.google.com]- Random search when I thought of how i want the page to look like
Twitter - @lajoc__
Instagram - @lajoc_devs
Codepen - @lajoc__
Cereal, my accountability partner
[https://github.com/SHAKUURR] - His [https://shakuurr.github.io/loveGuide/] inspired me to build this