This applicatiion utilizes Cryptowatch API to fetch currency pair prices on 1 minute intervals. The price historical data is then stored, and used to retrive the history of price changes in the last 24 hours along with the standard deviation for the same period of time. Crypowatch supports 23 markets, so to simplify the project supported markets have to be configured int the .env
The app runs on port 80, and the endpoint to view the currency pair's 24-hr history is GET http://localhost:80/prices/<exchange>/<symbol>
Sample request & response
GET http://localhost:80/prices/binance-us/1inchusd
"prices": [
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 7062,
"price": 0.632,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 23:05:08 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 6755,
"price": 0.632,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 23:04:08 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 6448,
"price": 0.632,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 23:02:25 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 6141,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:56:16 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 5834,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:55:16 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 5527,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:54:16 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 5220,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:50:19 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 4913,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:49:18 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 4606,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:48:19 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 4299,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:47:19 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 3992,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:46:19 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 3685,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:43:33 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 3378,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:42:34 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 3071,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:41:34 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 2764,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:40:34 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 2457,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:39:33 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 2150,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:38:33 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 1843,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:37:33 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 1536,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:36:33 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 1229,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:35:33 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 922,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:34:33 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 615,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:33:33 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 308,
"price": 0.631,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:32:33 GMT"
"exchange": "binance-us",
"id": 1,
"price": 0.63,
"symbol": "1inchusd",
"updated_at": "Mon, 07 Nov 2022 22:31:33 GMT"
"stdv": 0.0004082482904638634
Install docker, the [desktop application] ( will install docker and provide a GUI to manage your containers
Get an API key from
Fill in the
value with the key retrieve previsouly -
Specify a comma-separated list of currency markets of interests in the
variable. The entire list of possible values can be found here: -
Run the database service locally with
docker compose up -d db
Build and run the application locally with
docker compose up --build datatracker
A job to update currency prices will start running every minute
After a couple of minute you can query the data for a given exchange market nd symbol via
GET http://localhost:80/prices/<exchange>/<symbol>
- A background job that is scheduled for every minute pulls data from and only stores the info associated with configured currency markets in
. This process uses the cursor to go through all the results GET http://localhost:80/prices/<exchange>/<symbol>
endpoint exposes the historical currency price for the last 24 hours in a chronological order. It also surfaces the standard deviation of the price.
- Metrics other than last price such as open price, close price, volume
- Ranking currency pairs
- Unit tests
function fetches for latest price updates and inserts them into the DB one by one. There are 23 markets (exchanges) without thousands of currency pairs which makes this design impracticable in production. Given that the job runs every minute, it's guaranteed that the second, third, etc instance will be kicked off before the first one completes -
database table is going to grow exponentially, and making the insertions even slower due to re-indexing and chekcing for constraints. API will definitely be lagging while filtering and ordering by date
- Price updates: instead of pulling and inserting in the same function, we can separate the pull into its own process (Lambda) which then broadcast each update into a message topic to be picked up and processed by an instance of a separate process. Lambda would be a good candidate as they can scale up depending on the input.
- Data store: Now that the update service is scaled up the relational DB will be a bottleneck. It makes sense to use store that can scale horizontally on-demand such as Dynamo DB
- API performance: We can cache the most recent data into in-memory store like Redis to minimize latency when a user attempts to view the last 24-hr info
To help the user identify opportunities in real-time, the app will send an alert whenever a metric exceeds 3x the value of its average in the last 1 hour. For example, if the volume of GOLD/BTC averaged 100 in the last hour, the app would send an alert in case a new volume data point exceeds 300. Please write a short proposal on how you would implement this feature request.
- By following the architecture in the diagram above, we can add a table in DYnamo DB that contains notification threshold.
- Then add a "Notification Service", that subscribes to Ranking Input topic. The service would look up into the Redis cache for data matching the specified interval, and find applicable notification rules in DynamoDB, and create a notification
- The users may have different notification delivery method, so we would neeed to dispatch those notifications into different queues per delivery method
- Notification delivery processes would be pulling or subscribing to the queue to deliver notification content.
- flask: Python framework
- psycopg2-binary: To Create Postgres Database connection
- Flask-SQLAlchemy: Generate SQL queries automatically
- Flask-APScheduler: Schedule a job
- python-dotenv: To read and process environment variables file
- Sample project for Python/Flask:
- Flask/SQL Alchemy:
- API Documentation:
- Scheduling a function with Flask: