- Flutter web app with LangChain framework for chatting with youtube videos
- The app is a a solution for chatting on english youtube video content. The app uses youtube video subtitles, splits them into chunks and saves to Pinecone vector store
- LangChain Framework
- Pinecone vector store
- OpenAI gpt-3.5-turbo model
- Tavily search engine for generating fallback results
- Add Credentials and Youtube link
- Chat on video content
1. Clone this repo to your folder:
git clone https://github.com/extrawest/Chat-with-YouTube-Videos.git
2. Change current directory to the cloned folder:
cd chat-with-youtube-videos/mobile
3. Get packages
flutter pub get
1. Open server folder:
cd chat-with-youtube-videos/server
2. Change server path in flutter project: Go to app/lib/services/api_service.dart and change the baseUrl to your server path
3. run flutter web and fill in credentials on the homepage
Created by Oleksandr Samoilenko
Extrawest.com, 2024