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Textual Entailment for Effective Triple Validation in Object Prediction

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Code developed with 💛 at Research Lab for the paper Textual Entailment for Effective Triple Validation in Object Prediction.


The whole project is handled with make, go to a terminal an issue:

git clone
cd Textual-Entailment-for-Effective-Triple-Validation-in-Object-Prediction
make setup
conda activate lm_kbc
make install-as-pkg


Important note: For each experiment we will generate a predictions file that will be use to get the final evaluation results. To get the results we have to run:

python lm_kbc/evaluating/ -g data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl -p $PREDICTIONS_FILE

Where $PREDICTIONS_FILE is the path to the predictions.

Pretrained models experiments

Language model baseline

We can run the language model baseline using a BERT large with:

python lm_kbc/modeling/ --is_baseline --candidates_generation from_lm --lm_candidates bert-large-cased --filter_before --calculate_lm_threshold --input_path_dev_2 data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/train.jsonl --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl  --output_path lm_baseline.jsonl

Question answering baseline

To run the question answering baseline, we need the passages to find the answers for the questions generated with the development set and training set, we can obtain them using the script:

python scripts/ --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --contexts_path ./contexts.json
python scripts/ --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/train.jsonl --contexts_path ./contexts_train.json

However, we can download the already created contexts with:


Now we can run the question answering baseline using a DeBERTa large model fine-tuned on SQuAD v2 with:

python lm_kbc/modeling/ --model deepset/deberta-v3-large-squad2 --contexts_path contexts.json --calculate_qa_threshold --contexts_train_path contexts_train.json  --input_path_dev_2 ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/train.jsonl --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --output_path qa_baseline.jsonl

Relation extraction baseline

We can run the relation extraction baseline using a REBEL large with:

python lm_kbc/modeling/ --model Babelscape/rebel-large --input_path data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --contexts_path contexts.json --output_path rebel_baseline.jsonl


We can use SATORI (Seek and enTail for Object pRedIction) with different pretrained entailment models (we have tried with DeBERTa xsmall, BERT large, and a DeBERTa xlarge fine-tuned on NLI/MNLI datasets), but also with different object sources:

  • Like a BERT large as object source:

    python lm_kbc/modeling/ --candidates_generation from_lm --lm_candidates bert-large-cased --calculate_lm_threshold --input_path_dev_2 ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/train.jsonl --contexts_train_path contexts_train.json --filter_before --filter_fixed_candidates --model cross-encoder/nli-deberta-v3-xsmall --contexts_path contexts.json --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --output_path satori-deberta-xsmall-from_lm-calculate-thresholds.jsonl
  • A combination of objects from contexts (NER) and fixed candidates (KG):

    python lm_kbc/modeling/ --candidates_generation from_contexts --use_candidates_fixed --calculate_entailment_threshold --input_path_dev_2 ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/train.jsonl --contexts_train_path contexts_train.json --filter_fixed_candidates --model cross-encoder/nli-deberta-v3-xsmall --contexts_path contexts.json --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --output_path satori-deberta-xsmall-from_contexts_and_fixed-calculate_entailment_threshold.jsonl
  • Or we can use as object source a merge of all the sources (from LM, from contexts (NER), and using fixed candidates (KG)):

    python lm_kbc/modeling/ --candidates_generation merge --lm_candidates bert-large-cased --filter_before --calculate_lm_threshold --input_path_dev_2 ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/train.jsonl --contexts_train_path contexts_train.json --use_candidates_fixed --filter_fixed_candidates --model cross-encoder/nli-deberta-v3-xsmall --contexts_path contexts.json --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --output_path satori-deberta-xsmall-merge-calculate_thresholds.jsonl

We can change the --model parameter to use other entailment model, such as BERT large fine-tuned on MNLI (boychaboy/MNLI_bert-large-cased) or DeBERTa xlarge fine-tuned on MNLI (microsoft/deberta-v2-xlarge-mnli)

Additional training experiments

For the additional training experiments, we split the training set using 80% for "train2" set and 20% for "dev2" set. This can be done with (This is not required as we already provide these splits):

python scripts/

This will create the splits train2.jsonl and dev2.jsonl and will be at "data/processed/train/". Now we get samples of these splits using the few-shot percentages: 5, 10, 20. We can do this with (again, this is not required as we provide the samples):

python scripts/

This will create the files train2-$PERCENTAGE-$SAMPLE.jsonl and dev2-$PERCENTAGE-$SAMPLE.jsonl at "data/processed/train/". There will be 10 samples per each percentage.

Language model baseline

Here we detail how to further pre-train BERT large using Masked Language Model (MLM) task in a few-shot regime. The following are the steps to train de LM with 5% of the dataset using one of the 10 samples, this can be adapted to train the LM with other percentage or sample.

cd ..
git clone
cd LMKBC-Track1/
conda create -n lmkbc_track1 python=3.10
conda activate lmkbc_track1
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir data
ln -s $(dirname $(pwd))/lm-kbc/data/processed/train/train2-5-0.jsonl data/train.jsonl
mkdir thresholds
mkdir outputs
cp ../Textual-Entailment-for-Effective-Triple-Validation-in-Object-Prediction/scripts/ .
python -m bert-large-cased --version baseline --job_name search_thres --subset train --comments _withsoftmax_multilm --use_softmax 1 --gpu 0 --prompt_esb_mode cmb
ln -s $(dirname $(pwd))/Textual-Entailment-for-Effective-Triple-Validation-in-Object-Prediction/data/processed/train/dev2-5-0.jsonl data/dev.jsonl
cp ../Textual-Entailment-for-Effective-Triple-Validation-in-Object-Prediction/scripts/ .
python --job_name collect_data --model_name bert-large-cased --top_k 100 --collect_data_gpu_id 0 --prompt_style trial --use_softmax --thresholds_fn_feat baseline_withsoftmax_multilm
python --job_name train --model_name bert-large-cased --data_mode submission --lr 5e-6 --num_epochs 10 --extend_len 0 --comment _lr5e-6_10_0 --data_suffix _baseline_withsoftmax_multilm --ckpt_dir ./models/lmkbc_checkpoints/mlm_checkpoints-005-0%s

Further pre-trained model will be stored at "./models/lmkbc_checkpoints/mlm_checkpoints-005-0_baseline_withsoftmax_multilm_lr5e-6_10_0_submission/best_ckpt/"

Once we have further pre-trained the LM, we can run the LM baseline using a 5% of the training set with:

conda activate lm_kbc
cd ../Textual-Entailment-for-Effective-Triple-Validation-in-Object-Prediction
python lm_kbc/modeling/ --is_baseline --candidates_generation from_lm --lm_candidates $(dirname $(pwd))/LMKBC-Track1/models/lmkbc_checkpoints/mlm_checkpoints-005-0_baseline_withsoftmax_multilm_lr5e-6_10_0_submission/best_ckpt/ --filter_before --calculate_lm_threshold --input_path_dev_2 ./data/processed/train/train-5-0.jsonl --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl  --output_path dev-few_shot-baseline-5-0-from_lm-calculate_lm_threshold_with_train-stopwords.jsonl

Question answering baseline

The steps to run the question answering baseline are the following:

  1. (Optional, since we provide the additional training dataset samples in SQuAD format) To further fine-tune a question answering model, we need to create a question answering dataset from the LM KBC dataset. We have prepared the script for this. The script needs the LM KBC dataset few-shot and full training samples, and the contexts to find the answers to the questions in the training set. The question answering conversion script expects the contexts to be in "data/processed/train/contexts/contexts_train.json", so we copy the contexts there:

    mkdir data/processed/train/contexts/
    cp contexts_train.json data/processed/train/contexts/

    Now we can convert the dataset to a question answering format using the contexts with:

    python lm_kbc/processing/

    The converted files will be at "data/processed/train/lm_kbc_train2_squad_$PERCENTAGE-$SAMPLE.json"

  2. We further fine-tune the question answering model using the SQuAD version of our dataset, in this this example we use one of the samples of the 5% training set split:

    conda create -n transformers python=3.10
    conda activate transformers
    conda install -c huggingface transformers==4.24.0
    conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
    pip install datasets evaluate
    wget -P scripts
    wget -P scripts
    python scripts/ --model_name_or_path deepset/deberta-v3-large-squad2 --do_train --per_device_train_batch_size 1 --gradient_accumulation_steps 12 --learning_rate 3e-5 --num_train_epochs 2 --max_seq_length 384 --doc_stride 128 --version_2_with_negative --train_file data/processed/train/lm_kbc_train2_squad_5-0.json --output_dir ./models/lm_kbc_train2_squad_5-0
  3. And we can evaluate the question answering baseline with additional training:

    conda activate lm_kbc
    python lm_kbc/modeling/ --model $(pwd)/models/lm_kbc_train2_squad_5-0/ --contexts_path contexts.json --calculate_qa_threshold --contexts_train_path contexts_train.json --input_path_dev_2 data/processed/train/train-5-0.jsonl --output_path dev-few_shot-deberta-v3-large-lmkbc-5-0-qa-calculate_qa_threshold_with_train.jsonl
    python lm_kbc/evaluating/ -g data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl -p dev-few_shot-deberta-v3-large-lmkbc-5-0-qa-calculate_qa_threshold_with_train.jsonl

Relation extraction baseline

The steps to run the relation extraction baseline are the following:

  1. (Optional, since we provide the additional training dataset samples in REBEL format) To further fine-tune a relation extraction model, we need to create a relation extraction dataset from the LM KBC dataset. We have prepared the script for this. The script needs the LM KBC dataset additional training samples, and the contexts to find the to find the relations in the training set. Now we can convert the dataset to a relation extraction format using the contexts with:

    python lm_kbc/processing/

    The converted files will be at "data/processed/train/lm_kbc_$DATASET_SPLIT-v2_rebel_$PERCENTAGE-$SAMPLE.json"

  2. We further fine-tune the relation extraction model using the REBEL version of our dataset, in this this example we use one of the samples of the 5% training set split:

    cd ..
    git clone
    cd rebel
    conda create -n rebel python=3.7
    conda activate rebel
    conda install pytorch==1.13.0 torchvision==0.14.0 torchaudio==0.13.0 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    mkdir model
    cd model
    wget -O
    unzip -x -d rebel
    cd ..
    cp conf/data/default_data.yaml conf/data/default_data_lmkbc.yaml
    echo "dataset_name: '$(pwd)/datasets/'" >> ../conf/data/default_data_lmkbc.yaml
    echo "train_file: '`dirname $(pwd)`/Textual-Entailment-for-Effective-Triple-Validation-in-Object-Prediction/data/processed/train/lm_kbc_train2-v2_rebel_5-0.json'" >> conf/data/default_data_lmkbc.yaml
    echo "validation_file: '`dirname $(pwd)`/Textual-Entailment-for-Effective-Triple-Validation-in-Object-Prediction/data/processed/train/lm_kbc_dev2-v2_rebel_5-0.json'" >> conf/data/default_data_lmkbc.yaml
    echo "test_file: '`dirname $(pwd)`/Textual-Entailment-for-Effective-Triple-Validation-in-Object-Prediction/data/processed/train/lm_kbc_dev2-v2_rebel_5-0.json'" >> conf/data/default_data_lmkbc.yaml
    echo "model_name_or_path: '$(pwd)/model/rebel/model/Rebel-large'" >> conf/model/rebel_model.yaml
    echo "config_name: '$(pwd)/model/rebel/model/Rebel-large'" >> conf/model/rebel_model.yaml
    echo "tokenizer_name: '$(pwd)/model/rebel/model/Rebel-large'" >> conf/model/rebel_model.yaml
    cd src
    python model=rebel_model data=default_data_lmkbc train=default_train

    When the training ends, there will be a checkpoint in the folder outputs/($date)/($starting_time)/, like for example "outputs/2023-05-08/14-14-11", we need to convert the checkpoint to a HuggingFace model, in order to be able to use it as a baseline. We can convert it with the script in the rebel repository. We can run it with:

    python $PATH "-5_0"

    Where $PATH is the whole path to the outputs folder, like for example "/content/rebel/src/outputs/2023-05-08/14-14-11". In this case we use "-5_0" to know which pertentage of the training set was used (5%) and with sample it was (sample #0). You will probably get an error while loading the trained checkpoint, please check the issue to know how to proceed. Once you solve the issue and run again, the model will be saved at "../model/rebel-large-5-0", we will need the whole path of this folder to evaluate the rebel baseline.

  3. And we can evaluate the relation extraction baseline with additional training (from the "Textual-Entailment-for-Effective-Triple-Validation-in-Object-Prediction" folder):

    conda activate lm_kbc
    python lm_kbc/modeling/ --input_path data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --contexts_path contexts.json --model $TRAINED_REBEL_PATH --output_path dev-few_shot-rebel-lmbkc-5-0.jsonl

    Where $TRAINED_REBEL_PATH is the whole path where we stored the trained rebel model, for example "/content/rebel/model/rebel-large-5-0".


The stept to run SATORI in few-shot and full training regime are the following:

  1. (Optional if we want the fine-tuned language model as source of objects) To further fine-tune the language model, see the language model baseline section in the additional training experiments.

  2. (Optional, since we provide the few shot and full training dataset samples for entailment fine-tuning). As well as with the question answering fine-tuning, we have prepared a script ( to convert the LMKBC dataset to an entailment dataset using the retrieved contexts. The script expects the contexts to be at "data/processed/train/contexts/contexts_train.json" (see step 1 of question answering baseline how to get the file). We can run the script with:

    python lm_kbc/processing/
  3. We need to further fine-tune the entailment models using trainig data. We use the "transformers" conda environment created for the question answering baseline in few-shot (see step 2). In this environment, we need to install two additional packages:

    conda activate transformers
    pip install sentencepiece==0.1.97
    pip install scikit-learn==1.1.3

    Depending on the entailment model that we want to fine-tune, we use a different script (They are basically the same, but they take into account the entailment label order of each model):

    • To fine-tune DeBERTa xsmall entailment model:

      python scripts/ --model_name_or_path cross-encoder/nli-deberta-v3-xsmall --do_train --do_eval --max_seq_length 128 --per_device_train_batch_size 8 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 --learning_rate 2e-5 --num_train_epochs 3 --train_file ./data/processed/train/lm_kbc_train2_mnli_5-0-v2.json --validation_file ./data/processed/train/lm_kbc_dev2_mnli_5-0-v2.json --output_dir ./models/lm_kbc/lm_kbc_5_0-deberta-v3-xsmall
    • BERT large:

      python scripts/ --model_name_or_path boychaboy/MNLI_bert-large-cased --do_train --do_eval --max_seq_length 128 --per_device_train_batch_size 8 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 --learning_rate 2e-5 --num_train_epochs 3 --train_file ./data/processed/train/lm_kbc_train2_mnli_5-0-v2.json --validation_file ./data/processed/train/lm_kbc_dev2_mnli_5-0-v2.json --output_dir ./models/lm_kbc/lm_kbc_5_0-bert-large-cased
    • Or we can further fine-tune a DeBERTa xlarge model with (Please note that we are using some sightly different parameters in order to fit the training in a 12 GB GPU):

      python scripts/ --model_name_or_path microsoft/deberta-v2-xlarge-mnli --do_train --do_eval --max_seq_length 128 --per_device_train_batch_size 1 --gradient_accumulation_steps 32 --gradient_checkpointing --optim adafactor --learning_rate 2e-5 --num_train_epochs 3  --train_file ./data/processed/train/lm_kbc_train2_mnli_5-0-v2.json --validation_file ./data/processed/train/lm_kbc_dev2_mnli_5-0-v2.json --output_dir ./models/lm_kbc/lm_kbc_5_0-deberta-v2-xlarge
  4. Now we can run SATORI, here we can use different object sources:

    • The further pre-trained language model as object source with, for this example, a further fine-tuned DeBERTa xsmall:

      conda activate lm_kbc
      python lm_kbc/modeling/ --candidates_generation from_lm --lm_candidates $(dirname $(pwd))/LMKBC-Track1/models/lmkbc_checkpoints/mlm_checkpoints-005-0_baseline_withsoftmax_multilm_lr5e-6_10_0_submission/best_ckpt/ --calculate_lm_threshold --input_path_dev_2 data/processed/train/train-5-0.jsonl --contexts_train_path contexts_train.json --filter_before --filter_fixed_candidates --model $(pwd)/models/lm_kbc/lm_kbc_5_0-deberta-v3-xsmall --contexts_path contexts.json --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --output_path dev-few_shot-deberta-v3-xsmall-lmkbc-5-0-from_lm-calculate_lm_threshold-stopwords-filtered.jsonl
    • The combination of objects from contexts (NER) and using fixed candidates (KG):

      python lm_kbc/modeling/ --candidates_generation from_contexts --use_candidates_fixed --calculate_entailment_threshold --input_path_dev_2 data/processed/train/train-5-0.jsonl --contexts_train_path contexts_train.json --filter_fixed_candidates --model $(pwd)/models/lm_kbc/lm_kbc_5_0-deberta-v3-xsmall --contexts_path contexts.json --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --output_path dev-few_shot-deberta-v3-xsmall-lmkbc-5-0-from_contexts_and_fixed-calculate_entailment_threshold-filtered.jsonl
    • The combination of the three object sources (from LM, from contexts (NER), and using fixed candidates (KG)):

      python lm_kbc/modeling/ --candidates_generation merge --lm_candidates $(dirname $(pwd))/LMKBC-Track1/models/lmkbc_checkpoints/mlm_checkpoints-005-0_baseline_withsoftmax_multilm_lr5e-6_10_0_submission/best_ckpt/ --filter_before --use_candidates_fixed --calculate_lm_threshold --input_path_dev_2 data/processed/train/train-5-0.jsonl --contexts_train_path contexts_train.json --filter_fixed_candidates --model $(pwd)/models/lm_kbc/lm_kbc_5_0-deberta-v3-xsmall --contexts_path contexts.json --input_path ./data/raw/lm-kbc/dataset/data/dev.jsonl --output_path dev-few_shot-deberta-v3-xsmall-lmkbc-5-0-merge-calculate_lm_threshold-filtered.jsonl


Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

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How to cite

To cite this research, please use the following:

author="Garc{\'i}a-Silva, Andr{\'e}s
and Berr{\'i}o, Cristian
and G{\'o}mez-P{\'e}rez, Jose Manuel",
editor="Payne, Terry R.
and Presutti, Valentina
and Qi, Guilin
and Poveda-Villal{\'o}n, Mar{\'i}a
and Stoilos, Giorgos
and Hollink, Laura
and Kaoudi, Zoi
and Cheng, Gong
and Li, Juanzi",
title="Textual Entailment for Effective Triple Validation in Object Prediction",
booktitle="The Semantic Web -- ISWC 2023",
publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland",
abstract="Knowledge base population seeks to expand knowledge graphs with facts that are typically extracted from a text corpus. Recently, language models pretrained on large corpora have been shown to contain factual knowledge that can be retrieved using cloze-style strategies. Such approach enables zero-shot recall of facts, showing competitive results in object prediction compared to supervised baselines. However, prompt-based fact retrieval can be brittle and heavily depend on the prompts and context used, which may produce results that are unintended or hallucinatory. We propose to use textual entailment to validate facts extracted from language models through cloze statements. Our results show that triple validation based on textual entailment improves language model predictions in different training regimes. Furthermore, we show that entailment-based triple validation is also effective to validate candidate facts extracted from other sources including existing knowledge graphs and text passages where named entities are recognized.",
} favicon

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