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Daniel Baetz edited this page Jun 20, 2019 · 9 revisions


A configuration base.

public abstract class Exomia.Configuration.ConfigBase
    : IConfig


Type Name Summary
String _comment The comment.
IConfigSource _configSource The configuration source.
String _name The name.


Type Name Summary
String Comment return the comment of the config section.
IConfigSource ConfigSource return the IConfigSource parent.
String Item get or set a value with the key in the config.
IEnumerable<String> Keys get all keys in the config.
String Name return the name of the config section.
Dictionary<String, ValueCommentPair> VcPairs Gets the vc pairs.


Type Name Summary
ConfigKeyEventHandler KeyRemoved Occurs when Key Removed.
ConfigKeyEventHandler KeySet Occurs when Key Set.


Type Name Summary
Boolean Contains(String key) checks if the config contains the given key.
String ExpandValue(String value) ExpandValue.
T Get(String key) get a value from the given key in the config.
T GetExpanded(String key) get a value from the given key in the config.
void OnKeyRemove(IConfig sender, String key, String value, String comment) called than IConfig removes a key.
void OnKeySet(IConfig sender, String key, String value, String comment) called than IConfig set a key.
Boolean Remove(String key) removes a given key from the config.
void Set(String key, T value, String comment = ) set a key - value pair in the config if a key already exists it will be overwritten.
void SetExpanded(String key, String format, String comment, String[] keys) set a key - value pair in the config if a key already exists it will be overwritten.
String ToString()
Boolean TryGet(String key, T& outValue) try to get a value from the given key in the config if the key does not exists false will be returned.
Boolean TryGetExpanded(String key, T& outValue) try to get a value from the given key in the config if the key does not exists false will be returned.
Boolean TryRemove(String key) tries to removes a given key from the config.
Boolean TrySet(String key, T value, String comment = ) try to set a new key - value pair in the config if a key all ready exists nothing happen and false will be returned.
Boolean TrySetExpanded(String key, String format, String comment, String[] keys) try to set a new key - value pair in the config if a key all ready exists nothing happen and false will be returned.


A configuration source base.

public abstract class Exomia.Configuration.ConfigSourceBase
    : IConfigSource


Type Name Summary
Dictionary<String, IConfig> _configs The configs.


Type Name Summary
IConfig Item returns a IConfig from a given section.


Type Name Summary
ConfigSourceEventHandler Reloaded Occurs when Reloaded.
ConfigSourceEventHandler Saved Occurs when Saved.


Type Name Summary
IConfig Add(String section, String comment = ) adds a new config to the config source.
IConfig CreateConfig(String section, String comment) creates a new IConfig.
IConfig Get(String section) returns a IConfig from a given section.
IEnumerable<IConfig> GetConfigs() gets all configs in the config source.
void Merge(IConfigSource source) merge all configs from the given config source into current one.
void OnReload() called than IConfigSource reloaded.
void OnSave() called than IConfigSource saved.
void Reload() reloads the config source Merged config sources will be lost.
void Save() saves the current config source.
Boolean TryGet(String section, IConfig& config) try to get a config from the given section in the config source if the section does not exists false will be returned.


Interface for configuration.

public interface Exomia.Configuration.IConfig


Type Name Summary
String Comment return the comment of the config section.
IConfigSource ConfigSource return the IConfigSource parent.
String Item get or set a value with the key in the config.
IEnumerable<String> Keys get all keys in the config.
String Name return the name of the config section.


Type Name Summary
ConfigKeyEventHandler KeyRemoved called than the IConfig remove a key.
ConfigKeyEventHandler KeySet called than the IConfig set a key.


Type Name Summary
Boolean Contains(String key) checks if the config contains the given key.
T Get(String key) get a value from the given key in the config.
T GetExpanded(String key) get a value from the given key in the config.
Boolean Remove(String key) removes a given key from the config.
void Set(String key, T value, String comment = ) set a key - value pair in the config if a key already exists it will be overwritten.
void SetExpanded(String key, String format, String comment, String[] keys) set a key - value pair in the config if a key already exists it will be overwritten.
Boolean TryGet(String key, T& outValue) try to get a value from the given key in the config if the key does not exists false will be returned.
Boolean TryGetExpanded(String key, T& outValue) try to get a value from the given key in the config if the key does not exists false will be returned.
Boolean TryRemove(String key) tries to removes a given key from the config.
Boolean TrySet(String key, T value, String comment = ) try to set a new key - value pair in the config if a key all ready exists nothing happen and false will be returned.
Boolean TrySetExpanded(String key, String format, String comment, String[] keys) try to set a new key - value pair in the config if a key all ready exists nothing happen and false will be returned.


Interface for configuration source.

public interface Exomia.Configuration.IConfigSource


Type Name Summary
IConfig Item returns a IConfig from a given section.


Type Name Summary
ConfigSourceEventHandler Reloaded called than the IConfigSource is reloaded.
ConfigSourceEventHandler Saved called than the IConfigSource is saved.


Type Name Summary
IConfig Add(String section, String comment = ) adds a new config to the config source.
IConfig Get(String section) returns a IConfig from a given section.
IEnumerable<IConfig> GetConfigs() gets all configs in the config source.
void Merge(IConfigSource source) merge all configs from the given config source into current one.
void Reload() reloads the config source Merged config sources will be lost.
void Save() saves the current config source.
Boolean TryGet(String section, IConfig& config) try to get a config from the given section in the config source if the section does not exists false will be returned.