A compound type combining Date and Time into one. Some DateTime types have timezone information.
The difference between two times may be representable by a Duration.
- Language-specific implementation: is it a single type with time and date components, or are the time and date components separate types?
- Create a date/time: how can one create a DateTime representing a specific date and time.
- Get the current date/time: how can one get a DateTime representing the current date and time.
- Comparing DateTimes: how to compare two DateTimes instances, for example to see if a date is in the past. Are there special (or standard) operators one can use?
- Convert a string to a DateTime: how to parse a string to a DateTime? Are there convenience functions/methods to do so? Any particular caveats, for example being culture-dependent?
- Convert a DateTime to a string: how can a DateTime be converted to a string representation? Are there convenience functions/methods to do so?
This exercise handles scheduled appointments. The reference implementation (C#) teaches:
- Creating a DateTime for a fixed date.
- Parsing a DateTime from a string
- Getting the current DateTime
- Comparing a DateTime to another DateTime
- Getting the time from a DateTime
- Converting a DateTime to a string
Track | Exercise | Changes |
C# | booking-up-for-beauty | None |
F# | booking-up-for-beauty | None |