QuantiFood is an early-stage, work in progress app I am working on to help people track their food intake and make better food choices. It is currently very difficult to be able to tabulate and include even a fraction of the micronutrients in your diet. QuantiFood aims to make this easier by providing a database of foods and their micronutrients, along with clever ways of converting between arbitrary units of measurement.
QuantiFood is currently a command line app (although see the roadmap below). Here is an example of the format of the rules it is able to parse:
From those rules, it is able deduce answers to queries such as:
- Create a text format, and a parser for defining foods and their micronutrients, as well as the conversion factors between different units of measurement.
- Add some scripts to scrape the USDA database.
- Allow for import/export with spreadsheets (.csv, .xlsx, etc.)
- Create a GUI for the app.
- Be able to track food intake over time.
- Specify daily/weekly/monthly goals for intake.
- Numerically handle uncertainty in the data.
- Consider LLM integrations?