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# Isomorphic-Table-Cards · [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/evoluteur/meet-the-fans)](https://github.com/evoluteur/isomorphic-table-cards/blob/master/LICENSE)
-Isomorphic Table and Cards views with animated transitions on sorting, changing view, and browser resizing.
+Isomorphic-Table-Cards is a Javascript class for Table and Cards views with animated transitions on sorting, view toggle, and browser resizing.
Check out the [live demo](https://evoluteur.github.io/isomorphic-table-cards/index.html).
+## Usage
The [code](https://github.com/evoluteur/isomorphic-table-cards) is just Vanilla Javascript, CSS, and HTML.
-It could also be done [using D3.js](https://evoluteur.github.io/d3-table-cards/).
+### Importing the code
+In the "head" section your html page, import the Javascript and CSS:
+### Config options
+Isomorphic-Table-Cards is a Javascript class with configuration options for re-use.
+**data**: data to display (JSON array).
+**selector**: CSS selector for the root element which will hold the cards or table.
+**rowHeight**: Row height (in pixels).
+**cardHeight**: Card height (in pixels).
+**cardWidth**: Card width (in pixels).
+**itemTemplate**: HTML template to display an item. It is the same for both table and cards views, only the CSS changes.
+**sort**: Function for sorting the data (arguments: data, key, direction).
+### Methods
+**render()**: Initial rendering method.
+**redraw(style)**: Redraw method (style="table" or "cards").
+**sort(key)**: Sort method (key=data attribute to sort by).
+### Example
+const tableCards = new IsomorphicTableCards({
+ data: ,
+ selector: ".holder",
+ // row and card dimensions
+ rowHeight: 30,
+ cardHeight: 100,
+ cardWidth: 250,
+ // item template
+ itemTemplate: d => `
+ ${d.name}
+ ${d.descriptionn}
+ `,
+ // sort function
+ sort: (data, key, direction) => data.sort((a, b) => direction*a[key].localeCompare(b[key])) }
+The same animations can also be done [using D3.js](https://evoluteur.github.io/d3-table-cards/).
+## License
+Isomorphic-Table-Cards is open source at [GitHub](https://github.com/evoluteur/isomorphic-table-cards) with MIT license.
(c) 2024 [Olivier Giulieri](https://evoluteur.github.io/).
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let itc
const render = () => {
itc = new IsomorphicTableCards({
- // row and card dimensions
- rowHeight: 31,
- cardHeight: 94,
- cardWidth: 210,
- // item template
- itemTemplate: d => `