This is the elmlite storage reference implementation that will store strings for a given object type and ID (GUID).
The reference implementation stores in flat files. Values stored are unencrypted are are named based on the object type and ID.
The reference implementation will run on Windows, Linux, or any platform supported by .NET 8. Download and install the .NET 8 SDK to run the code.
To run the reference implementation, clone this repo from GitHub and do the following:
~$ cd elmlitestorage/src/elmstoragerefimpl
~/elmlitestorage/src/elmstoragerefimpl$ dotnet run -c debug -- --Urls "http://*:5000"
This will build and run the server on port 5000. You can connect using [http://localhost:5000/]
You code will need to implement the API specification for this reference implementation. To get the API spec, go to http://localhost:5000/swagger. The Open API JSON can be downloaded from http://localhost:5000/swagger/v1/swagger.json.
There are tools that can be used to generate the API code in various languages. See Swagger API Generator