This is a fork of AvalonEdit.
- Added "Hiding" feature
- It enables hiding of lines or group of lines
- It shares some logic with "Folding" feature, but with some important differences/notes:
- Hiding is used as a one-time application (can be toggled on or off), and not periodically checked like folding
- Hiding sections should not overlap with each other or with folding sections
- With folding sections, the first line is never collapsed and there is a corresponding visual line - with hiding this is not the case. This has several consequences:
- Multiple places in code need to be adjusted to overcome that limit
- It can cause the whole document to be hidden - we need to disable the editor in such case
- Text removal - multiple actions can lead to text removal and some of them lead to
Editing\EditingCommandHandler.cs -> static ExecutedRoutedEventHandler OnDelete(CaretMovementType caretMovement)
method- Current logic for text removal is based on old and new visual positions of the caret, which is fine for folding but not for hiding.
- Progress:
- Currently, when we switch to filtered view (where some lines are hidden) we make it read-only, since there are some noticed bugs with text removal (adding lines or modifying parts of lines seems fine - what is tested so far)
- To enable editing, we need to:
- Probably differentiate between folding and hiding
- partially implemented (see alsoHeightTree
- it does not directly holdCollapsedLineSections
). - Adjust text removal logic (and potentially some other places) to accommodate this:
- Removal without selection
- Removal with selection
- Here we also need to split removal into multiple removals in some cases
- ...
- Probably differentiate between folding and hiding
- Added the
option- This option allows the longest line width to be used as the scrollable width, similar to behavior seen in VS Code and several other editors.
- Example:
textEditor.Options.UseLongestLineWidthAsScrollableWidth = true; ... textView.ShouldUpdateLongestLineWidth = true; textView.InvalidateMeasure(); Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new System.Action(() => { textView.ShouldUpdateLongestLineWidth = false; }));