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Goalign: toolkit and api for alignment manipulation



This command samples sites or sequences from an input alignment (fasta by default or phylip with -p):

  1. goalign sample sites: take a random subalignment from the input alignment. If --consecutive is true, then a start position is randomly chosen, and the next "length" positions are extracted. Otherwise, if consecutive is false, then "length" positions are sampled without replacement from the original alignment (any order);
  2. goalign sample seqs: take a random subset of the sequences from an input alignment;
  3. goalign sample rarefy: Take a new sample taking into accounts counts. Each sequence in the alignment has associated counts. The sum s of the counts represents the number of sequences in the underlying initial dataset. The goal is to downsample (rarefy) the initial dataset, by sampling n sequences from s (n<s), and taking the alignment corresponding to this new sample, i.e by taking only unique (different) sequences from it.

If the input alignment contains several alignments (phylip), will process all of them.


  • general command:
Available Commands:
  rarefy      Takes a new sample taking into accounts weights
  seqs        Samples a subset of sequences from the input alignment
  sites       Takes a random subalignment

  -h, --help   help for sample

Global Flags:
  -i, --align string          Alignment input file (default "stdin")
      --auto-detect           Auto detects input format (overrides -p, -x and -u)
  -u, --clustal               Alignment is in clustal? default fasta
      --ignore-identical int  Ignore duplicated sequences that have the same name and same sequences
      --input-strict          Strict phylip input format (only used with -p)
  -x, --nexus                 Alignment is in nexus? default fasta
      --no-block              Write Phylip sequences without space separated blocks (only used with -p)
      --one-line              Write Phylip sequences on 1 line (only used with -p)
      --output-strict         Strict phylip output format (only used with -p)
  -p, --phylip                Alignment is in phylip? default fasta
      --seed int              Random Seed: -1 = nano seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 (default -1)
  • seqs command
  goalign sample seqs [flags]

  -h, --help             help for seqs
  -s, --nb-samples int   Number of samples to generate (default 1)
  -n, --nb-seq int       Number of sequences to sample from the alignment (default 1)
  -o, --output string    Sampled alignment output file (default "stdout")
      --unaligned        Considers sequences as unaligned and format fasta (phylip, nexus,... options are ignored)

Global Flags:
  -i, --align string          Alignment input file (default "stdin")
      --auto-detect           Auto detects input format (overrides -p, -x and -u)
  -u, --clustal               Alignment is in clustal? default fasta
      --ignore-identical  int Ignore duplicated sequences that have the same name and same sequences
      --input-strict          Strict phylip input format (only used with -p)
  -x, --nexus                 Alignment is in nexus? default fasta
      --no-block              Write Phylip sequences without space separated blocks (only used with -p)
      --one-line              Write Phylip sequences on 1 line (only used with -p)
      --output-strict         Strict phylip output format (only used with -p)
  -p, --phylip                Alignment is in phylip? default fasta
      --seed int              Random Seed: -1 = nano seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 (default -1)
  • sites command
  goalign sample sites [flags]

      --consecutive     If sampled sites are consecutive (inactivate with --consecutive=false) (default true)
  -h, --help            help for sites
  -l, --length int      Length of the random sub alignment (default 10)
  -n, --nsamples int    Number of samples to generate (default 1)
  -o, --output string   Alignment output file (default "stdout")

Global Flags:
  -i, --align string          Alignment input file (default "stdin")
      --auto-detect           Auto detects input format (overrides -p, -x and -u)
  -u, --clustal               Alignment is in clustal? default fasta
      --ignore-identical int  Ignore duplicated sequences that have the same name and same sequences
      --input-strict          Strict phylip input format (only used with -p)
  -x, --nexus                 Alignment is in nexus? default fasta
      --no-block              Write Phylip sequences without space separated blocks (only used with -p)
      --one-line              Write Phylip sequences on 1 line (only used with -p)
      --output-strict         Strict phylip output format (only used with -p)
  -p, --phylip                Alignment is in phylip? default fasta
      --seed int              Random Seed: -1 = nano seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 (default -1)
  • rarefy command
  goalign sample rarefy [flags]

  -c, --counts string    Count file (tab separated), one line per sequence: seqname\tcount (default "stdin")
  -h, --help             help for rarefy
  -n, --nb-seq int       Number of sequences to sample from the repeated dataset (from counts) (default 1)
  -o, --output string    Rarefied alignment output file (default "stdout")
  -r, --replicates int   Number of replicates to generate (default 1)
      --unaligned        Considers sequences as unaligned and format fasta (phylip, nexus,... options are ignored)

Global Flags:
  -i, --align string          Alignment input file (default "stdin")
      --auto-detect           Auto detects input format (overrides -p, -x and -u)
  -u, --clustal               Alignment is in clustal? default fasta
      --ignore-identical int Ignore duplicated sequences that have the same name and same sequences
      --input-strict          Strict phylip input format (only used with -p)
  -x, --nexus                 Alignment is in nexus? default fasta
      --no-block              Write Phylip sequences without space separated blocks (only used with -p)
      --one-line              Write Phylip sequences on 1 line (only used with -p)
      --output-strict         Strict phylip output format (only used with -p)
  -p, --phylip                Alignment is in phylip? default fasta
      --seed int              Random Seed: -1 = nano seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 (default -1)


  • Generating a random alignment and taking a subset of the sequences
goalign random -l 10 --seed 10 | goalign sample seqs -n 3 --seed 10

Should give the following alignment:

  • Generating a random alignment and taking a subsequence from it
goalign random -l 10 --seed 10 | goalign sample sites -l 5 --seed 10

Should give the following alignment:
