All the necessary libraries to run the code were already available in Anaconda distribution of Python. This script was written using Python version 3.*.
This project was build up over my personal curiosity on how differently Covid-19 was spreading in different areas of Brazilian territory. I wanted to understand some main aspects:
- Which major cities are suffering the most from the disease?
- Are there cities that could show up as role models on fighting the virus?
- Is it possible to predict future deaths using only date as the predictive feature?
- Notebooks - Jupyter Notebook both in Portuguese and English versions with the script developed for answering the previous questions.
- Csv files - a copy of the three .csv files used in the project:
- 'brazil_covid19_cities.csv': for daily cases and deaths reported for each city in Brazil;
- 'brazil_poppulation_2019.csv': containing the population related to each city;
- 'covid_predict.csv': with the following future dates used for predicting deaths.
The result is a study on the virus spread in Brazil, pointing up cities' situation under a few aspects along with some predictive models for specific cities that stood out during the analysis process.
Credits must give credit to Raphael Fontes who made the updated data available in Kaggle platform. This project is under MIT License.