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Application Description

The ETH-TON swap is a web service that allows users to swap fungible tokens between the Ethereum (ERC-20) and the TON (Jetton) blockchains in both directions. It exposes a REST API to frontend clients and contains background jobs to perform management tasks in the blockchains.

Engine & Package Manager Requirements

  • Node >= 17
  • NPM >= 8

External Service Dependencies

The swap serivce depends on the following external services:

  • PostgreSQL >= 14
  • Redis >= 6
  • Nginx >= 1.2 (for production only)
  • Certbot >= 1.2 (for production only)


# install app dependencies
$ npm install

Database Migrations

# run all migrations
$ npm run migration:up

# revert all migrations
$ npm run migration:down

# create a new empty migration
$ npm run migration:new

# generate a migration automatically based on a schema's difference
$ npm run migration:auto

Application Startup

# run in development mode
$ npm run start

# run in development watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# run in production mode
$ npm run start:prod

Format, Lint & Test

# format the code
$ npm run format

# lint the code
$ npm run lint

# run unit tests
$ npm run test

# run test coverage
$ npm run test:cov

Docker Deployment

# run the app and external services
$ npm run service:up

# stop the app and external services
$ npm run service:down

# connect with the database service
$ npm run service:psql

# create a dump from the database service
$ npm run service:pgdump

API Methods Description

Swaps processing

  • POST /swaps - Create a swap between the ERC20 token (in Ethereum and the jetton in TON
  • DELETE /swaps/{id} - Cancel the swap
  • GET /swaps/{id} - Get the swap
  • GET /swaps/{id-prefix}/search - Search all swaps matched by their id prefix

Ethereum management

  • PUT /eth/wallets/transfer-ethers - Transfer ethers between accounts
  • PUT /eth/wallets/transer-tokens - Transfer the tokens between accounts
  • GET /eth/wallets/token-data - Get a list of tokens' data for the given account

TON management

  • POST /ton/wallets - Deploy a wallet contract
  • PUT /ton/wallets/transfer-toncoins - Transfer toncoins between wallets
  • PUT /ton/wallets/transfer-jettons - Transfer jettons between wallets
  • PUT /ton/wallets/burn-jettons - Burn jettons from the wallet
  • GET /ton/wallets/data - Get wallet data for the given account
  • GET /ton/wallets/jetton-data - Get wallet's jetton data for the given account
  • POST /ton/minters - Deploy a minter contract
  • PUT /ton/minters/mint - Mint jettons on the minter contract
  • GET /ton/minters/data - Get minter contract's data for the given account

Wallets management

  • POST /wallets/create - Create a wallet (in TON) or an account (in Ethereum) and transfer toncoins (ethers) to it
  • POST /wallets/attach - Attach the already existing wallet (in TON) or the account (in Ethereum) to the swap service
  • PUT /wallets/{id} - Update the wallet's/account's data at the swap service
  • DELETE /wallets/{id} - Detach the wallet/account from the swap service
  • GET /wallets - Get a list of wallets/accounts from the swap service
  • GET /wallets/{id} - Get a list of wallets/accounts from the swap service

Tokens management

  • POST /tokens - Register the ERC20 token or the jetton at the swap service
  • PUT /tokens - Update the ERC20 token or the jetton registered at the swap service
  • GET /tokens - Get all ERC20 tokens and jettons registered at the swap service
  • GET /token/{id} - Get the given ERC20 token or the jetton registered at the swap service


  • POST /settings - Add the settings for the Ethereum or TON blockchain
  • GET /settings - Get the settings for the Ethereum or TON blockchain


  • GET /stats - Get the current swap statistics at the swap service


  • POST /tasks/deposit-wallet-balances - Deposit balances of wallets (in TON) or accounts (in Ethereum)
  • POST /tasks/sync-wallets-token-balance - Synchronize balances of wallets/accounts with the corresponding blockchain
  • POST /tasks/sync-tokens-price - Synchronize the price of ERC20 tokens (for Ethereum only)
  • POST /tasks/sync-settings-gas-fee - Synchronize the gas price (for Ethereum only)


  • POST /auth/login - Login the admin user