It is Homebrew tap for simple and convenient distribution of software for work and development on the Free TON network.
Homebrew — The Missing Package Manager for macOS or Linux or Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux, see more on the project website
Binary bottles are currently available only for:
You can ask a question in any language (do not limit yourself, for example use Esperanto).
Tap a formula repository:
brew tap EverscaleGuild/stable
Install software:
brew install everos-cli
brew install tvm-solc
brew install tvm-linker
brew upgrade
For help see brew create --help
and Formula Cookbook.
brew create --tap EverscaleGuild/stable --set-name new-formula-name URL
code $(brew --repository EverscaleGuild/stable)/Formula/new-formula-name.rb
brew test-bot --tap=EverscaleGuild/stable --only-tap-syntax
brew install --verbose ton-compiler
cd $(brew --repository EverscaleGuild/stable)
git remote add self fork
git checkout -b add-new-formula-name
git add Formula/new-formula-name.rb
git commit -m "feat: add new-formula-name"
git push self add-new-formula-name