Each video may have its own biases. Watch them at your own discretion.
- Low Level Learning: why rust libraries may never exist.
- RustConf 2023: The Art and Science of Teaching Rust
- Coding with John: Never Write a Getter or Setter in Java Again
- Coding with John: Lambda Expressions in Java - Full Simple Tutorial
- Coding with John: Generics In Java - Full Simple Tutorial
- Coding with John: Multithreading in Java Explained in 10 Minutes
- Will Tollefson: The Synchronized Keyword in Java Multithreading
- Geekific: The Singleton Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Creational Design Patterns
- LaurieWired: "Mastering Memory: Allocation Techniques in C, C++, and ARM Assembly
- Playlist: LaurieWired: Practical ARM Assembly Tutorial Series
- VoxelRifts: Making a Chip-8 Emulator
- Reference(Document): Cowgod's Chip-8 Technical Reference v1.0
- Fireship: Build a Mindblowing 3D Portfolio Website (Three.js Beginner’s Tutorial)
- Eric Murphy: How Google's Chromium Took Over the Browser World
- Eric Murphy: Why does every personal website look like this now?
- Theo: Pretty much every website uses the wrong font size…
- Reference (Article): The Ultimate Ideal Bestest Base Font Size That Everyone Is Keeping a Secret, Especially Chet
- Reference (CSS Snippet): Complete Reference of All the Styles Applied by Tailwind Preflight
- Eric Murphy: Why I Stopped Using Sass
- Eric Murphy: Do We STILL Need to Use Vendor Prefixes in CSS?
- Reference (Website): Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
- Pessimistic: Theo: My Final Flutter Video
- Optimistic: typecraft: What is happening with Flutter
- freeCodeCamp: How does the internet work?
- Playlist: NetworkChuck: FREE CCNA 200-301 - Complete Course
- Kevin Fang: How This Missing Shell Option Took Down Cloudflare
- TechWorld with Nana: Docker Crash Course for Absolute Beginners [NEW]
- Playlist: Caleb Curry: Kubernetes and Docker
- ThePrimeTime: Flappy Bird in TypeScript Types
- Low Level Learning: do you know how "return" works under the hood? (are you SURE?)
- Nathan Baggs: BestJS 1.0 is here
- A semi-satirical look at what it takes to make a semi-decent js runtime.
- NetworkChuck: SQL Injections are scary!!
- Low Level Learning: secret backdoor found in open source software (xz situation breakdown)
- Playlist: Google: HACKING GOOGLE Series
- GiannhsNt: How Hackers Crack Software
- LaurieWired: Deciphering Obfuscated JavaScript Malware
- freeCodeCamp.org: JavaScript Security Vulnerabilities Tutorial – With Code Examples
- LaurieWired: How a Clever 1960s Memory Trick Changed Computing
- ArrynDoesTech: How to make an operating system in rust on aarch64
- ArrynDoesTech: How to write a unix shell in rust
- Engineer Man: Understanding Fork Bombs in 5 Minutes or Less
- Low Level Learning: these characters will crash your computer
- Dave's Garage: MS-DOS has been Open-Sourced! We Build and Run it!
- Reference (Repository): https://github.com/microsoft/MS-DOS
- Fireship: Binary Explained in 01100100 Seconds
- Max's Tech: Read and Write in Hexadecimal, The Easy Way!
- Tren Black: Data Structures and Algorithms in 15 Minutes
- BK Binary: Storing Files in the Walmart Chip Aisle
- Back To Back SWE: Asymptotic Notations 101: Big O, Big Omega, & Theta (Asymptotic Analysis Bootcamp)
- Back To Back SWE: Add Two Numbers Without The "+" Sign (Bit Shifting Basics)
- Theo: The Reality Of Betting On New Technologies
- Eric Murphy: Can You REALLY Trust Proton Mail?
- RustConf 2023: Rust Foundation: Demystified
- aaltouniversityace: Aalto Talk with Linus Torvalds [Full-length]
- Theo: Fine, I'll talk about frontend versus backend
- NeetCodeIO: What I Hated about working at Google
- Quick Tutorials: Is 8GB of RAM Enough? MacBook Air Torture Test
- Alex Ziskind: Stack Overflow Survey 2023
- Reference (Website): Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023
- NeetCode: Hype is a Mind Virus... a sobering perspective
- Coco Code: Start Your Game Creation Journey Today! (Godot beginner tutorial)
- Coco Code: LEVEL UP Your Game Design Toolkit (Godot for Beginners)
- Apple WWDC2018: Designing Fluid Interfaces
- Juxtopposed: I Redesigned the ENTIRE Steam UI from Scratch
- Juxtopposed: I Redesigned Wikipedia JUST to MAKE IT MONEY
- Reference (YouTube): Margins: Should You Donate to Wikipedia?
- jerry woo hu: "Apple Design Part 1: Skeuomorphism"
- jerry woo hu: "Apple Design Part 2: Beyond Flat"
- twin fettuccine: I Tried to Become Literate with Duolingo ABC!
- Juxtopposed: The Identity Crisis of Nothing’s UI - My Review & Redesign