A port of the Facebook gorilla time-series data compression algorithm to Zig.
ℹ️ This was done as part of my time at Recurse Center.
const std = @import("std");
const gorilla = @import("gorilla");
const GorillaEncoder = gorilla.GorillaEncoder;
const GorillaDecoder = gorilla.GorillaDecoder;
const DataPoint = gorilla.DataPoint;
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
const dataset = [_]DataPoint{
.{ .timestamp = 1482892270, .value = 1.76},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892280, .value = 7.78},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892288, .value = 7.95},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892292, .value = 5.53},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892310, .value = 4.41},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892323, .value = 5.30},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892334, .value = 5.30},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892341, .value = 2.92},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892350, .value = 0.73},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892360, .value = -1.33},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892390, .value = -12.45},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892390, .value = -12.45},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892401, .value = -34.76},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892490, .value = 78.9},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892500, .value = 335.67},
.{ .timestamp = 1482892800, .value = 12908.12},
var encoder = try GorillaEncoder.init(allocator, 1482892270);
defer encoder.deinit();
for(dataset)|point| {
try encoder.encode(point);
const data = try encoder.finish();
var decoder = try GorillaDecoder.init(data[0], data[1]);
var actual_points = [_]DataPoint{ DataPoint{ .timestamp = 0, .value = 0 } } ** 16;
for(&actual_points) |*dp| {
dp.* = (try decoder.next()).?;
const testing = @import("std").testing;
try testing.expectEqual(@as(?DataPoint, null), (try decoder.next()));
try testing.expectEqualSlices(DataPoint, dataset[0..], actual_points[0..]);