This is my little corner where i get to learn assembly and some really low level concepts
1 Data Representation
- Binary Integers
- Binary Addition
- Integer Storage Sizes
- Hexadecimal Integers
- Hexadecimal Addition
- Signed Binary Integers
- Binary Subtraction
- Character Storage
2 x86 Processor Architecture
- Basic Microcomputer Design
- Instruction Execution Cycle
- Reading From Memory
- Loading and Excuting a Program
3 32-Bit x86 Processors
- Modes of Operation
- Basic Execution Environment
- x86 Memory Management
4 64-Bit x86-64 Processors
- Modes of Operation
- Basic Execution Environment
5 Input/Output System
- Levels of I/O Access
6 Assembly Language Fundamentals(Intel Syntax)
- Basic Language Elements
- Adding and Subtracting Integers
- Assembling,Linking and Running Programs
- Defining Data
- Symbolic Constants
- 64-bit Programming(x86-64) 7 Data Transfers, Addressing and Arithmetic
- Data Transfer Instructions
- Addition and Subtraction
- Data-Related Operators and Directives
- Indirect Addressing
- JMP and LOOP Instructions
- 64-bit programming 8 Procedures
- Stack operations
- Defining and Using Procedures
- Linking to an External Library
- Subroutines and the Calling Convention(64 bit) 9 Conditional Processing
- Conditional Branching
- Boolean and Comparison Instructions
- Conditional jumps
- Conditional loop instructions
- Conditional structures
- Conditional Flow Directives 10 Integer Arithmetic
- Shift and Rotate Instructions
- Shift and Rotate Applications
- Multiplication and Division Instructions
- Extended Addition and Subtraction
- ASCII and Unpacked Decimal Arithmetic
- Packed Decimal Arithmetic 11 Advanced Procedures
- Stack Frames
- Recursion
- Creating Multimodule Programs 12 String and Arrays
- String primitive instructions
- Selected String Procedures
- Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Searching and Sorting Integer Arrays 13 Structures and Macros
- Structures
- Macros 14 Conditional Assembly Directives
- Checking For missing Arguments
- Default Argument Initializers
- Boolean Expressions
- Special Operators
- Macro Functions 15 Defining Repeat Blocks
- WHILE directive
- REPEAT directive
- FOR Directive
- FORC Directive
The above list is not a definitive list but a rough guide on the major concepts to grasp while trying to understand or master assembly (x86).Syntax(Intel/AT&T) really doesn't matter,the concepts is of much importance though.