An interactive app including first generation Pokemon. app provides details of each Pokemon, including:
Objective To build a small web application with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that loads data from an external API and enables the viewing of data points in detail.
- User Goals Your users should be able to view a list of data and see more details for a given data item on demand. It’s up to you to come up with a type of data you want to display (see this list of public APIs for an example); however, if you don’t have any special preferences, you can write a small Pokédex app to display a list of Pokémon. ** Key Features
- Load data from an external source (API)
- View a list of items
- On user action (e.g., by clicking on a list item), view details for that item ** Technical Requirements Required:
- The app must load data from an external API; for instance, the Pokémon API.
- The app must display a list of items loaded from that API after the page is loaded.
- The app must enable the viewing of more details for a given list item (like a Pokémon) on demand, such as when clicking on a list item.
- The app must have CSS styling.
- The JavaScript code must be formatted according to ESLint rules.
- The JavaScript code may be formatted via Prettier.
- The JavaScript code may be manually formatted.
- The app must use at least one additional complex UI pattern, such as a modal, for details or touch interactions.
- The app may allow searching for items (e.g., searching for Pokémon).
- The app must not throw any errors when being used.
- The app should be deployed to a publicly accessible platform like GitHub Pages (you can review how to do this in Intro to Frontend Development's Exercise 10: Code Quality, Testing, & Web Hosting).
- The app must work in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer 11.