Releases: europeana/corelib
Releases · europeana/corelib
Version 2.8.1
This is a special preview release for the new Europeana Metis ingestion system
ADD - created and modified dates in Record RDF responses
Version 2.8.0
This is a special preview release for the new Europeana Metis ingestion system
- ADD Option to retrieve record data without '' as base url for various fields
- ADD Make sure ProvidedCHOs, AggregatedCHO and ProxyFor values start with "/item"
- ADD EDM completeness
- FIX Problem where Webresource technical metadata was not always loaded
- CHANGE EDM rdaGr2:biographicalInformation can now have multiple values
- CHANGE Added 'has_media' as first sort field for default search result order
- CHANGE Move all namespace definitions to RDF tag (instead of restating them everywhere) in RDF responses
- CHANGE Retrieving all a record's WebResources MetaInfo data in 1 go from Mongo (significant performance improvement!)
- CHANGE Upgrade to Solr and Lucene version 6.6.2
- CHANGE Mongo access to record and recordId databases is now read-only
- CHANGE Renamed 'metis' spring profile for connecting to a single Solr server to 'single-solr'
- CHANGE Deprecated all SugarCrm functionality and SimpleAnalyzer class
- REMOVE Dereference module
- REMOVE All FieldInput, Creator and Updater classes in Corelib-storage module (and others)
Version 2.7.0
- ADD Change default search result sorting logic (it now uses score, timestamp_update and completeness)
- ADD Allow users to set multiple sort fields for search
- ADD Ebucore:bitRate, ebucore.sampleSize and ebucore.audiochannel in webresource technical metadata
- ADD Doap:implements in record services information
- FIX Unwanted 'id' output in record services and licenses information
- CHANGE Edm:collectionName renamed to edm:datasetName in record information for RDF record data
- CHANGE Deprecated Corelib dereference module
- REMOVE Disabled use of apilog Mongo database (code was deprecated earlier)
- REMOVE Disabled use of VocabularyMongoServer
Version 2.6.7
This release includes:
- ADD Search requests can use a 'theme' parameter
- ADD Redirects check if the redirect url is known in Europeana
- ADD Can now return record RDF object directly
- FIX Offset parameter works for following- and preceding-siblings.json hierarchical queries
- CHANGE Deprecated various functionality (MyEuropeana, SimilarItems)
- CHANGE Dependency management no longer in parent pom
- CHANGE Various changes to Organizations for Metis system
Version 2.6.6
- 'HasPart' webresources are not longer filtered out of record data
- Support for using a single Solr instance without Zookeeper (with Metis profile)
- Upgrade log4j to v2
- Upgrade httpclient to v4.5
- Removed obsolete MediaService functionality (including Soundcloud, Vimeo, AudioBoo, etc.)
Version 2.6.5
This release includes:
- possibility to configure SOCKS proxy with authentication
- new and faster version of object storage
Version 2.6.4
This release includes various changes in the EDM model
Version 2.6.3
This release includes:
- Refactored mongo and postgres database connections to use a connection url (instead of separate host and port properties)
- MediaFiles now hava a proper lastModified date
- All hierarchy queries now have a timeout parameter
- Fix bug where webresource metadata would always be retrieved from the 'europeana' database (instead of the one specified in
- Deprecated the 'description' field in EDM (replaced by dcDescription)
Version 2.6.2
This release includes:
- Faster thumbnail retrieval
- Maximum time limit when checking if record has hierarchy
- Debug option to output Solr query information
Version 2.6.1
This release includes:
- update of the mongo and morphia drivers
- revision of the mongo login procedure
- a few small EDM schema changes