Releases: europeana/corelib
Version 2.9.3
Updated and fixed several issues
Added europeana_id to default sorting
Updated the attribution snippet (as part of work on embedding)
Fixed "ebucoreDuration" bug in JSON generation
Fixed error that prevented rdf:type FullTextResource from being shown in the record output
Fixed exceptions occurring in and attribution
Fixed "gray" vs "grayscale" colour space mismatch in WebResourceMetaInfo
Version 2.9.2
IMPROVED error reporting throughout Corelib & Api
IMPROVED detection of references for RDF/XML output
UPDATED content of email sent to users who created an apikey
FIXED bug that caused contentTier to not always appear in the search results
FIXED record retrieval issue with Mongo driver 3.7.x
FIXED warning from MongoQueryValidator
REMOVED old org.codehaus Jackson v1. dependencies
Version 2.9.0
This version introduces metadata tier information
- ADD tiers quality information fields
- ADD support for randomization of search results
- ADD records now also return mimetype for 'edmIsShownAt' webresources
- ADD description in Concept serialization
- FIX allow search qf field to have double quotes when specifying TYPE
- REFACTOR thumbnail url generation for search results is now similar to that of records (added edmPreview as first field to try)
- REFACTOR update license information in (and remove it from Java classes)
- REFACTOR cleanup error logging (facets processing and hierarchical requests that return 404)
Version 2.8.7
- Fixed missing Object-type field
- Moved edmIsShownBy to 'minimal' profile
- Moved dc:description & dc:descriptionLangAware to the 'minimal' profile
- Fixed the 'uncategorised' category of the reusability facet
- Fixed the 'not cumulative with other facets' problem with the 'permission' category of the reusability facet
- Fixed the Cache-control header
- Fixed the problem that caused incorrect edmPreview values when manually setting the API base url
- Fixed the issue when trying to highlight unsupported fields in the Newspapers Search API
Version 2.8.6
- ADD support more types of color spaces (other than grayscale or sRGB)
- ADD serialization for Entity API (Places, Agents, Organizations and Concepts)
- ADD range facets for dates (for newspapers only!)
- REFACTOR neo4j migrated to new version (v3.5.2 community edition)
- FIX bug in rights attribution label
Version 2.8.5
- ADD hit highlighting
- ADD multi-value-field sorting
- ADD foafDepiction field to Solr entity classes
- ADD vcardHasGeo field to Address Solr entity class
- ADD retrieve record fulltext in RichBean (temporary for debug purposes)
- FIX image aspectratio accidentally switched portrait and landscape in Metis migration
- FIX potential nullpointer for DocType
- REMOVE Facet extractor classes and CRF & ImageHarvester dependencies (required classes are now part of Search API project)
- REMOVE NoBaseUrl option in EdmUtils class
Version 2.8.4
First official release for Metis backend
- ADD CountryUtils class
- ADD snappy dependency to allow compression for Mongo connections
- CHANGE make loading fullbean 2-step process (loading WebResourceMetaInfo is now done in second step)
- CHANGE upgrade spring-core, spring-security and mongo-driver dependencies
Version 2.8.3
This is a special preview release for the Europeana OAI-PMH2 project (Metis edition).
Note that there is no accompanying API2 version
- ADD secondary object storage (IBM Cloud)
- FIX 3D objects now have type "3D" instead of "_3D"
- FIX nullpointer in WebResourceImpl when colorpalette is not present
- CHANGE generated urls are now based on hard-coded values instead of configuration (these urls may be overriden in the API to use different base urls)
- CHANGE edmPreview field now returns value as stored in Mongo (and empty value from Solr)
- CHANGE general cleanup of MediaFile class (removed unused fields and methods)
- CHANGE make neo4j lazy-loaded
- CHANGE upgraded spring dependencies to latest version
- REMOVE corelib-media-storage module (with MediaStorageService class moved to corelib-web)
- REMOVE old and deprecated apilog functionality
Version 2.8.2
This is a special preview release for the new Europeana Metis ingestion system
- ADD support (alpha state)
- ADD dcTermsIsPartOf in WebResources
- ADD getRdfType in TextMetaInfo
- ADD Realizes field in Proxy
- ADD placeOfBirth and placeOfDeath now has maxOccures unbounded (instead of 1)
- ADD make distinction between Resource or Literal in WebResource dcTermsIsReferencedBy field
- FIX edmLandingPage is (once again) generated by the API instead of retrieved from Mongo
- FIX RDF serialization issues (handle Vatican City set as country + language-maps with null values)
- CHANGE deprecate apiv1-url generation in EuropeanaUrlService
- CHANGE deprecate Search suggestions functionality
- REMOVE checking for string "/item" in ProvidedCHO, AggregatedCHO and ProxyFor values (moved to API2 project)
- REMOVE SugarCrm functionality
Version 2.7.1
- ADD EDM completeness
- FIX Problem where not all Webresource technical metadata was loaded
- CHANGE EDM rdaGr2:biographicalInformation can now have multiple values
- CHANGE Added 'has_media' as first sort field for default search result order
- CHANGE Move all namespace definitions to RDF tag (instead of restating them everywhere) in RDF responses
- CHANGE Retrieving all a record's WebResources MetaInfo data in 1 go from Mongo (significant performance improvement!)
- CHANGE Renamed 'metis' spring profile for connecting to a single Solr server to 'single-solr'
- REMOVE Dereference module
- REMOVE All FieldInput, Creator and Updater classes in Corelib-storage module (among others)