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Eureka! Clinical User Agreement Service

Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance (Georgia CTSA), Emory University, Atlanta, GA

What does it do?

It provides RESTful APIs for managing user agreements.

Latest release: Latest release

Version 4.0

Add user template support. If turned on, when a user accesses any of this service's APIs, a user record with default privileges is created.

Version 3.0.1

Fix 500 errors when the user has no record in the USERS table.

Version 3.0

Mainly updates dependencies.

Version 2.0

Mainly updates dependencies.

Version 1.1

Provides REST APIs for users to sign a user agreement and check their most recent user agreement signature. It also provides APIs for admins to manage user agreements.

Build requirements

Runtime requirements

REST endpoints


Manages registering a user with this service for authorization purposes.

Role-based authorization


Requires successful authentication


User object


  • id: unique number identifying the user (set by the server on object creation, and required thereafter).
  • username: required username string.
  • roles: array of numerical ids of roles.


All calls use standard names, return values and status codes as specified in the Eureka! Clinical microservice specification

GET /api/protected/users

Returns an array of all User objects. Requires the admin role.

GET /api/protected/users/{id}

Returns a specified User object by the value of its id property, which is unique. Requires the admin role to return any user record. Otherwise, it will only return the user's own record.

GET /api/protected/users/byname/{username}

Returns a specified User object by its username, which is unique. Requires the admin role to return any user record. Otherwise, it will only return the user's own record.

GET /api/protected/users/me

Returns the User object for the currently authenticated user.

POST /api/protected/users/

Creates a new user. The User object is passed in as the body of the request. Returns the URI of the created User object. Requires the admin role.

PUT /api/protected/users/{id}

Updates the user object with the specified id. The User object is passed in as the body of the request. Requires the admin role.


Manages roles for this service. It is read-only.

Role-based authorization


Requires successful authentication


Role object


  • id: unique number identifying the role.
  • name: the role's name string.


All calls use standard names, return values and status codes as specified in the Eureka! Clinical microservice specification

GET /api/protected/roles

Returns an array of all User objects.

GET /api/protected/roles/{id}

Returns a specified Role object by the value of its id property, which is unique.

GET /api/protected/roles/byname/{name}

Returns a specified Role object by its name, which is unique.


Manages user agreements. There is one active user agreement at a time, though the system maintains a history of older user agreements to link to what each user actually signed.

Role-based authorization


Requires successful authentication


UserAgreement object


  • id: unique number identifying the user (set by the server on object creation, and required thereafter).
  • text: the text of the user agreement, in Markdown format.
  • effectiveAt: a timestamp, in milliseconds since the epoch, indicating when this user agreement became current.
  • expiredAt: a timestamp, in milliseconds since the epoch, indicating when this user agreement was superceded by a newer one.


All calls use standard names, return values and status codes as specified in the Eureka! Clinical microservice specification

GET /api/protected/useragreements

Returns an array of all UserAgreement objects. Requires the admin role.

GET /api/protected/useragreements/{id}

Returns a specified UserAgreement object by the value of its id property, which is unique.

GET /api/protected/useragreements/current

Returns the currently active UserAgreement.

POST /api/protected/useragreements/

Creates a new user agreement. The UserAgreement object is passed in as the body of the request. Returns the URI of the created UserAgreement object. Requires the admin role. If there is an existing user agreement, the old one will be expired, and this one will become effective.


Manages user agreement statuses, i.e., signatures. Each user has at most one user agreement status. If a user signs a user agreement and already has a user agreement status record, the old record will be replaced.

Role-based authorization


Requires successful authentication


UserAgreementStatus object


  • id: unique number identifying the user agreement status record (set by the server on object creation, and required thereafter).
  • username: the username string of the signing user.
  • fullname: the full name that the user put in the signature field.
  • expiry: a timestamp, in milliseconds since the epoch, indicating when the agreement expires and the user has to sign another one.
  • status: ACTIVE or EXPIRED. Normally, it has the value ACTIVE. Set to EXPIRED to expire a user agreement prior to the expiry timestamp.
  • userAgreement: the unique numerical id of the user agreement that was presented to the user.


All calls use standard names, return values and status codes as specified in the Eureka! Clinical microservice specification

GET /api/protected/useragreementstatuses

Returns an array of all UserAgreementStatus objects. Requires the admin role.

GET /api/protected/useragreementstatuses/{id}

Returns a specified UserAgreementStatus object by the value of its id property, which is unique. Will only return a UserAgreementStatus object if it was signed by the current user.

GET /api/protected/useragreementstatuses/me[?status=ACTIVE|EXPIRED]

Returns the current user's active UserAgreementStatus, if there is one. If the status query parameter is used, it will only get a UserAgreementStatus for the user if one exists and it has the specified status value.

POST /api/protected/useragreementstatuses/

Creates a new user agreement status for the current user. The UserAgreementStatus object is passed in as the body of the request. Returns the URI of the created UserAgreementStatus object.

Building it

The project uses the maven build tool. Typically, you build it by invoking mvn clean install at the command line. For simple file changes, not additions or deletions, you can usually use mvn install. See!-Clinical-projects for more details.

Performing system tests

You can run this project in an embedded tomcat by executing mvn process-resources cargo:run -Ptomcat after you have built it. It will be accessible in your web browser at https://localhost:8443/eurekaclinical-user-agreement-service/. Your username will be superuser.


Database schema creation

A Liquibase changelog is provided in src/main/resources/dbmigration/ for creating the schema and objects. Liquibase 3.3 or greater is required.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Create a schema in your database and a user account for accessing that schema.
  2. Get a JDBC driver for your database and put it the liquibase lib directory.
  3. Run the following:
./liquibase \
      --driver=JDBC_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME \
      --classpath=/path/to/jdbcdriver.jar:/path/to/eurekaclinical-user-agreement-service.war \
      --changeLogFile=dbmigration/changelog-master.xml \
      --url="JDBC_CONNECTION_URL" \
      --username=DB_USER \
      --password=DB_PASS \
  1. Add the following Resource tag to Tomcat's context.xml file:
    <Resource name="jdbc/EurekaClinicalUserAgreementService" auth="Container"
            username="DB_USER" password="DB_PASS"
            initialSize="3" maxActive="20" maxIdle="3" minIdle="1"
            maxWait="-1" validationQuery="SELECT 1" testOnBorrow="true"/>

The validation query above is suitable for PostgreSQL. For Oracle and H2, use SELECT 1 FROM DUAL.


This service is configured using a properties file located at /etc/ec-user-agreement/ It supports the following properties:

A Tomcat restart is required to detect any changes to the configuration file.

WAR installation

  1. Stop Tomcat.
  2. Remove any old copies of the unpacked war from Tomcat's webapps directory.
  3. Copy the warfile into the tomcat webapps directory, renaming it to remove the version. For example, rename eurekaclinical-user-agreement-webapp-1.0.war to eurekaclinical-user-agreement-webapp.war.
  4. Start Tomcat.

Maven dependency


Developer documentation

Getting help

Feel free to contact us at