Releases: eulyderg/E-FamiTracker
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
The SID here is very incomplete, use with caution.
SID export will be a while from now.
- Added incomplete 6581 SID implementation.
- Replaced SID emulation core with ReSIDfp.
If you find any bugs or errors, contact me on discord at Eulous#3210.
All help is appreciated.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
The SID here is very incomplete, use with caution.
SID export will be a while from now.
Note: the volume column sets global volume only if that channel is unmuted. For now, set the volume on all columns.
- Added incomplete 6581 SID implementation.
- Added SID filter effects.
- Fixed SID filter H00 effect bug.
- Made SID filter effects and global volume apply even when a channel is muted.
If you find any bugs or errors, contact me on discord at Eulous#3210.
All help is appreciated.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
The SID here is very incomplete, use with caution.
SID export will be a while from now.
Note: the volume column sets global volume only if that channel is unmuted. For now, set the volume on all columns.
- Added incomplete 6581 SID implementation.
- Added SID filter effects.
- Fixed SID filter H00 effect bug.
If you find any bugs or errors, contact me on discord at Eulous#3210.
All help is appreciated.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
The SID here is very incomplete, use with caution.
SID export will be a while from now.
Note: the volume column sets global volume only if that channel is unmuted. For now, set the volume on all columns.
- Added incomplete 6581 SID implementation.
- Added SID filter effects.
If you find any bugs or errors, contact me on discord at Eulous#3210.
All help is appreciated.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
The SID here is very incomplete, use with caution.
SID export will be a while from now.
Note: the volume column sets global volume only if that channel is unmuted. For now, set the volume on all columns.
- Added incomplete 6581 SID implementation.
- Added further SAA1099 implementation.
- Added a few graphical changes.
If you find any bugs or errors, contact me on discord at Eulous#3210.
All help is appreciated.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
The scale dialog can be accessed under the View tab.
Not all of the modes are complete on the dialog, but the most common ones are complete.
- Added a scale dialog for adjusting sharps/flats.
If you find any bugs or errors, contact me on discord at Eulous#3210.
All help is appreciated.
SAA1099 emulation is neither accurate nor complete. Please do not use it.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
This is more of a bugfix build, sorry for the wait.
- Fixed detune dialog crash.
- Fixed scheme arpeggio macros.
- AY8930 now responds to other instruments' pulse width.
SAA1099 emulation is neither accurate nor complete. Please do not use it.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
- Fixed display bug in 5E01 registers.
SAA1099 emulation is neither accurate nor complete. Please do not use it.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
- Touched up UI.
SAA1099 emulation is neither accurate nor complete. Please do not use it.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.
E-FamiTracker (v0. [Alpha Build]
- Added more to the SAA1099 emulation.
- Added 5E01 as an expansion chip.
- Some bugfixes.
- Up to date with Dn-FT.
This is an alpha build, so use with caution; I am not responsible for any loss of data on your part.
Make sure to always back up any .0cc modules you open with this.