This is an old game prototype that runs on Godot v3.2. I don't plan on revisiting it, so thought I'd make the code public.
Click the image below to view a video demo.
- Added some UI that displays information about triangles on hover, such as temperature.
- Added support for different temperature modes including celsius, fahrenheit, and kelvin.
- Added two input modes: inspection and plant mode. In inspection mode you can inspect triangles to obtain certain information about their properties, and in plant mode you can plant and harvest trees.
- Added ability to grow multiple trees at once in plant mode.
- Added mesh highlighting which makes the triangle that your mouse is over a different colour.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where you could zoom inside the planet and zoom away from the planet forever. Zoom distances are now capped to prevent this.
- Reverted changes with MultiMeshes.
- A bit of project refactoring has been done, i.e. renaming and such.
- Implemented an script that handles input.
- Trees no longer spread freely, instead they must be planted.
- Trees can now be removed from the planet.
- Once fully grown trees will not die. They have to be removed manually.
- Working on making the project feel more like a game and less like a simulation.
Made large changes to how crops work. They're not fully re-implemented yet. There include:
- Utilising MultiMeshes for better runtime performance.
- Instead of calculating adjacent triangles at runtime they're now calculated for all triangles upon game launch. This massively improves performance.
- Refactored a lot in the script, namely how crop attributes work.
- Triangles can now have unique "attributes" that affect crop success.
- Crop and triangle attributes now use a normal distribution instead of pure random assignment.
- Triangles are now coloured based on their temperature.
- Added some crop colours (no longer created 100s of SpatialMaterials, should speed up performance a little).
- Fixed bug where crop children couldn't go on their parent's children (wasn't actually fixed in v0.07a).
- Multiple crops can no longer grow on a single triangle.
- Fixed issue with child crops not being able to grow on triangle their parent was previously on.
- Created a Planet scene for more organised project management.
- Switched from using vertex indices to triangle indices in some scripts (tri_idx / 3 = v_idx)
- Other small refactoring changes.
- Crop children can now grow on the adjacent triangles to their parent.
- Fixed an issue with normals on crop children. They now can now grow properly on irregular terrain.
- Created a LineDrawer spatial that allows to draw 3D lines for debug purposes.
- Refactored some of the class.
- Renamed to
- Renamed the project from 'farm' to 'shizen'.
- Removed some empty/unused classes from the project.
- Added a Materials folder to the project.
- Implemented functionality to locate the neighbouring triangles of a given triangle in the icosphere mesh.
- Planet mesh's triangles can now be painted.
- Colour is now a cosmetic property (i.e. it doesn't affect a crop's growing properties).
- Fixed problem with camera not actually rotating around the planet.
- Planet is now an icosphere, so individual mesh triangles can have varying colours.
- Added some simplistic UI to display properties about the world, e.g. the global temperature and number of entities.
- Planet now changes colour based on the temperature (redder with warmer temperatures, bluer with colder ones).
- Beginning to work on better proper crop property implementation.
- Started developing a wiki explaining aspects of the game, mainly for my own sake.