Don’t know how good it may be, but I could check it out:
Seems to be a new way to navigate code. Shoud test this guide, although it might be a bit outdated: Double down on Emacs and get the damn book? (might lead to more, rather than less study time)
Make sure installation is automatic. Config should be in a single file (ideally .emacs.base.el). See `(setq treesit-language-source-alist…` in
BAD: need to run `M-x treesit-install-language-grammar` once before the language files are available to emacs.
Alternative would be to use `add-to-list` to spread the language sources between the configs (and, therefore, between the envs)
Now that the language sources are specified in the base config, remove it from .emacs.rust.el
…but still don’t know how to use treesite to effectively navigate. I use `M-h` and `M-S-h` but it’s normal mark-paragraph.
I’m getting used to using it, specially for large projects. I really like the screenshot in: (but there’s no link or reference to how it’s achieved XD) Adds support for “search across project”, which is the find-all-references I want :) Seems to be the backend and the preferred option. I’m installing it in my react configs, but don’t know how to use it. One of several implementations. Supports themes, which (according to the docs) makes it look a lot like the screenshot referenced in Project directory tree navigator.
Noted on 2024-10-01 that `M-x flymake-mode` hangs my emacs session. Why?! Doesn’t hang for all my envs, though (it’s not hanging for .emacs.react.el)
See barchar/bin/barchar:L85
The bulb and other non-alphanumerical symbols doesn’t render. I think this is a system problem :/