Monorepo for all the Ethlete frontend SDKs
branch: Styleguide:
Below is a list of all current Ethlete SDKs. An up-to-date list of current todo's can be found inside the issues tab.
Core functionalities and utils.
yarn add @ethlete/core
Fetch wrapper with caching, request templates, GQL support and Angular helpers
yarn add @ethlete/query
Component development kit for Ethlete with a11y and performance in mind.
yarn add @ethlete/cdk
Themeable components based on the Ethlete design system.
yarn add @ethlete/components
Utilities for creating and managing design systems.
yarn add @ethlete/dsp
CLI helper functions.
yarn add @ethlete/cli
Utilities to make component theming easier.
yarn add @ethlete/theming
Helpers for usage with Contentful (e.g. rich text rendering).
yarn add @ethlete/contentful
Up to date typescript definitions for the Ethlete REST API as well as other types shared across SDKs.
yarn add -D @ethlete/types
This mono repository uses:
- Yarn as a package manager.
- Conventional commits for commit messages.
- Changesets for version management and automated releases.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
yarn install
Create a feat, fix or other branch:
git checkout -B feat/example
Commit your changes:
git add .
git commit -m "feat: add example"
If the changes made should result in a version bump, create a changeset and commit the generated file. All SDKs adhere to the semantic versioning guidelines.
yarn changeset
Now all that's left is to create a PR and make sure that all workflows pass.
Script | Description |
change |
Run the changeset assistant |
start |
Run the playground (test) app in serve mode |
storybook |
Run the storybook instance |
nx:update |
Run nx update |
nx:migrate |
Apply migrations created by nx:update |