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- Duolingo French Course, Section 2
- Unit 1: Use gender and number agreement, Discuss destinations
- Unit 2: Describe your home, Describe where you work
- Unit 3: Talk about food, Use gender and number agreement
- Unit 4: Use the present tense, Shop for clothes
- Unit 5: Exchange personal information, Use the infinitive
- Unit 6: Ask people about themselves, Ask questions
- Unit 7: Tell time, form the present tense
- Unit 8: Talk to someone formally, talk about hobbies
- Unit 9: Describe your breakfast, discuss travel plans
- Unit 10: Talk about school, share work schedules
Use gender and number agreement, Discuss destinations
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
Le Vacance | Vacation | |
Un pays | A country | |
Je visite | I am visiting | |
Les États-Unis | the United States | |
Pedro aime beaucoup voyager | Pedro really likes traveling | |
Musée | Museum | |
La plage | The beach | |
L'église | The church | |
Le château | The castle | |
Il aime beaucoup voyager | He really like travelling |
Possessive Adjectives:
Take a look at possessive adjectives one more time.
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
La femme et ses bébés | The woman and her babies |
French adjectives usually come after the noun they're describing.
French | English |
un vélo vert | a green bike |
le thé vert | the green tea |
Tu aimes les restaurants français | Do you like French restaurants? |
Tu aimes les restaurants Mexicains | Do you like Mexican restaurants? |
In French, adjectives must agree in gender and number with the nouns they describe. The "français" is used as an adjective to describe the noun "restaurants", which is plural. So "français" agrees with the plural noun "restaurants", but it remains in the singular form because it is a singular masculine adjective. In the other sentence, "mexicain" comes as its plural form for restaurants.
When talking about countries in French, the preposition "à" is used to indicate someone's residence or location. However, when a masculine singular country name is preceded by the preposition "à," it combines with the definite article "le" to form the contraction "au"
When talking about a feminine singular noun like "maison" (house), the preposition "à" is followed by the feminine singular definite article "la".
When referring to a city of a country, the preposition "à" is used without any contraction.
French | English |
Elle habit au Japon, à Tokyo | She lives in Japon, in Tokyo. |
Elle est à la maison | She is in at home |
Elle travaille au bureau | She works at office |
Elle habit aux États-Unis | She lives in United States. |
Describe your home, Describe where you work
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
également | too (aussi) | |
Toilette | Restroom | |
Aujourd'hui et demain | Today and tomorrow | |
Fermé | Close (not open) | |
Ouvert | Open (not close) | |
Le parc est petit | The park is small | |
Quatre piéces | Four rooms | |
Il y a des fleurs dans le jardin | There are flowers in the garden | |
Tes voisins sont gentils | Your neighbors are kind | |
Un arbre | A tree | |
Une lettre | A letter | |
L'usine | The factory | |
Elles travaillent à l'usine | They work at the factory | |
Un métier | An occupation | |
Ma collègue | My colleague | |
Le bureau | /byuh-roh/ | The office |
Un chauffeur | /shoh-feur/ | A driver |
Tu es au travail? | Are you at (the) work? | |
Elle habite aux États-unis | She lives in the United States | |
Un stylo | A pen | |
L`ordinateur | The computer | |
Le portable | The cell phone | |
Le téléphone | The telephone | |
Le numéro de portable | The cell phone number | |
Venir | To come | |
Utilise | To use |
Subject | (Aller) (to go) |
(Visiter) (to visit) |
(écris) (to write) |
(Travailler) (to work) |
Je | vais | visite | écris | travaille |
Tu | vas | visites | écris | travailles |
Il/elle | va | visite | écrit | travaille |
Nous | allons | visitons | écrivons | travaillons |
Vous | allez | visitez | écrivez | travaillez |
Ils/elles | vont | visitent | écrivent | travaillent |
Un and une become des when you are talking about more than one thing:
Singular | Plural | English |
Un arbre | Des arbres | Tress |
Une lettre | Des lettres | Letters |
Talk about food, Use gender and number agreement
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
Une pizza pour moi aussi | A pizza for me too | |
Le déjeuner | The lunch | |
Le dîner | The dinner | |
L'œuf | /uhf/ | The egg |
Ce matin | This morning | |
Ce gâteau | /ga-toh/ | This cake |
Ce repas | /ruh-pah/ | This meal |
Le fruit | The fruit | |
Le légume | /leh-gyoom/ | The vegetable |
La vache | /vahsh/ | The cow |
Le petit déjeuner | /puh-tee day-zhuh-nay/ | The breakfast |
Le croissant est bon | The croissant is good | |
Les croissants est bons | The croissants are good | |
La banane est bonne | The banana is good | |
Les bananes est bonnes | The bananas are good |
Demonstrative adjective |
Type | Meaning | Example |
Ce | Masculine singular | This/that | Ce livre Ce homme |
Cet | Masculine singular being with (a, e, i, o, u) | This/that | Cet hôtel |
Cette | Femenine singular | This/that | Cette maison |
Ces | Masculine/Femenine plural | These/those | Ces livres |
Ces bananes et cette orange sont bonnes.
Use the present tense, Shop for clothes
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
Je dors beaucoup. | I sleep a lot. | |
La maison du voisin | The home of the neighbour | |
Le soir et la nuit | The evening and the night | |
Ce soir | Tonight | |
Vendredi soir | Friday evening | |
La télé | The TV | |
Chaque matin | Every morning | |
Chaque jour | Every day | |
Un après midi | An afternoon | |
L'enfant | The child | |
Le journal | The newspaper | |
Trés souvent | Very often | |
Le lit | The bed | |
Parfois | Sometimes | |
Parfois il écoute la radio. | Sometimes he listens to the radio. | |
Je écoute la radio. | I listen to the radio. | |
Ma femme lit toute la nuit. | My wife reads all night. | |
Le week-end | The weekend | |
Une robe | A dress | |
Une jope | A skirt | |
Coûte | /koot/ | To cost |
Ça coûte combien? | How much does it cost? | |
C'est combien? | How much is it? | |
Combien coûte cette veste? | How much does this jacket cost? | |
Ce sac coûte sept euros. | This bag costs seven euros. | |
La robe coûte cinq euros | The dess costs five euros | |
Tu achétes des vêtements? | Are you buying clothes? |
In French, make sure you include the le, la , or l' when talking about the time of day or meals!
French | English |
C'est l'après‑midi | It's afternoon |
Après le dessert | After dessert |
Après le dîner | After dinner |
French | Example | Meaning |
à + l' = à + l' | ||
à + la = à + la | ||
à + le = au | ||
de + le = du | le prix du sac | The price of the bag |
de + les = des | le prix des oranges | The price of the oranges |
à + l = à + l (it does not follow the above rule): Example: Il travaille à l'usine
des could be used to indicate some quantity of something: Example: Paul écrit des messages: Paul is writing some messages
Subject | (Prendre) (to have/to take) |
(Lire) (to read) |
(Écouter) (to listen) |
Je | prends | lis | écoute |
Tu | prends | lis | écoutes |
Il/elle | prend | lit | écoute |
Nous | prenons | lisons | écoutons |
Vous | prenez | lisez | écoutez |
Ils/elles | prennent | lisent | écoutent |
Exchange personal information, Use the infinitive
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
Tu dois rentrer chez toi | You have to go back to your place | |
Tu dois rentrer | I have to go home |
Subject | (Achéte) (to buy) |
(Coûte) (to cost) |
(Dormir) (to sleep) |
Je | achéte | coûte | dors |
Tu | achétes | coûtes | dors |
Il/elle | achéte | coûte | dort |
Nous | achétons | coûtons | dormons |
Vous | achétez | coûtez | dormez |
Ils/elles | achétent | coûtent | dorment |
Use infinit verbs:
- J'aime habiter à Paris
- Je veux visiter ce lieu
- Je dois tourner à gauche
Subject | (Rentrer) (to go back) |
(Venir) (to come) |
(Sortir) (to go out/leave) |
(Trouver) (to find) |
(Tourner) (to turn) |
Je | rentre | viens | sors | trouve | tourne |
Tu | rentres | viens | sors | trouves | tournes |
Il/elle | rentre | vient | sort | trouve | tourne |
Nous | rentreons | venons | sortons | trouvons | tournons |
Vous | rentrez | venez | sortez | trouvez | tournez |
Ils/elles | rentrent | viennent | sortent | trouvent | tournent |
Ask people about themselves, Ask questions
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
Il sont jeune | They are young | |
Blond | Blond | |
Elle est Brune | Brown (hair color) | |
Il vient du Canada | He comes from the Canada | |
autre magasin | Another store | |
C'est près de la maison | It's close to the house | |
C'est loin d'ici | It's far from here | |
Tu ne peux pas tourner ici | You cannot turn here. | |
La troisième rue | The third street | |
Tu marches sur la route | Do you walk on the road? | |
Le chat est sur le lit. | The cat is on the bed. | |
Le pont de Paris | The bridge of Paris | |
L'immeuble | The apartment building | |
C'est très un immeuble intéressant | This is a very interesting apartment building. | |
La première rue à gauche | The first streen on the left | |
à droite | to the right | |
Un homme mariè | A married man | |
Tu as onze ans | You are eleven years old | |
Quel âge as-tu? | How old are you? | |
Ce lieu | This place | |
Je suis devant l'hôtel | I am in front of the hotel | |
Une route dangereuse | A dangerous route | |
Un lieu dangereux | A dangerous place | |
Je sors de chez moi | I am leaving of my place | |
Je veux sortir | I want to leave | |
Deux chambres | Two bedrooms | |
Un problème | A problem |
Subject |
Je |
Tu |
Il/elle |
Nous |
Vous |
Ils/elles |
- Quel âge as-tu?
- How old are you?
- Anna et Martin, vous cuisinez?
- Anna and Martin, do you cook?
- Alice et Paul, vous dansez?
- Qui tu es cette semaine?
- Where are you this week?
- Qui êtes-vous?
- Who are you?
- Est-ce que tu as un chat?
- Do you have a cat?
- Est-ce que vous êtes prêts?
- Are you ready?
- Est-ce que c'est ton valise?
- Is this your car?
- Qu est-ce que tu habites?
- Where do you live?
- Qu est-tu?
- Where are you?
- Avec qui parlent-ils?
- Whom are they speaking with?
- Pourquoi est-il dans notre lit?
- Why is he in our bed?
- Comment vas-tu?
- How are you?
- Quand vas-tu à New York?
- When do you go to the New York?
- Wuand travaillez-vous?
- When do you work?
- Travaillez-vo us ensemble?
- Do you work together?
In English we say I underestand you. In French, we say I you underestand.
- Vous me comprenez?
- Il lui écrit
Note: me and lui are indirect object pronouns.
Indirect object pronouns
The indirect object pronouns are used to replace the indirect object of a verb, which indicates the person or thing to whom/what an action is done indirectly.
Person | Singular | Plural |
First Person | me (to me) | nous (to us) |
Second Person | te (to you) | vous (to you) |
Third Person | lui (to him/her) | leur (to them) |
Leur livre: Their book Leurs livres: Their books
Tell time, form the present tense
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
Avant ou après? | Before or after? | |
Il est dix heures du soir. | It's ten o'clock at night. | |
l'horloge | The clock | |
Je sors três tôt. | I am leaving very early. | |
Je rentre tard. | I am going home late. | |
Tu puex sortir. | You can leave. | |
Avant dix heures. | Before ten o'clock. | |
Il rentre à sept heures du matin. | He goes home at seven o'clock in the morning |
Talk to someone formally, talk about hobbies
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
Faire de la plongée | to go scuba diving? |
To do something
Faire du vélo: To go biking Faire la cuisine: To go cooking Faire un gàteau: To go make a cake Faire du sport: To do sports Faire de la plongée: To go scuba diving
Describe your breakfast, discuss travel plans
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
Le frigo | The fridge | |
Le lait | The milk | |
Le sucre | The sugar | |
Un peu de café | A little coffee | |
Beaucoup de café | A lot of coffee | |
Sel | Salt | |
Trop de sel | Too much salt | |
La salle de bain | The bathroom | |
Le cuisine | The kitchen | |
Le beurre | The butter | |
Le miel | The honey | |
Le baguette | The baguette | |
La semaine prochaine | The next week | |
Le mois prochaine | The next month | |
Cet été | This summer |
Going to + Infinit:
Je vais voyager: I am going to travel Tu vas visiter Paris?: Are you going to visit Paris? Il va partir la semaine prochaine: He is going to leave next week Nous n'allons pas partir: We are not going to leave Ils vont aller à une plage près d'ici: They are going to go the a beach near here
Subject | (Cuisiner) (to cook) |
Je | cuisine |
Tu | cuisine |
Il/elle | cuisine |
Nous | Cuisinons |
Vous | Cuisinez |
Ils/elles | Cuisinez |
Talk about school, share work schedules
Verbs and Words | Pronunciation | English |
Tu dois comprendre. | You have to underestand | |
Je dois apprendre l'anglais. | I have to learn English | |
Les leçons sont difficiles | These lessons are difficult | |
Septembre | September | |
Une matière | a subject | |
Tout est facile | Everything is easy | |
Les examens | The exams | |
Je dois prendre des cours d'anglais | I have to take English class | |
Disctionnaire | Dictionary | |
Est-ce que tu aimes le français? | Do you like French? | |
Est-ce qu'elle étudie à l'université? | Is she studying at the university? | |
Est-ce qu'il comprend? | Does he underestand? | |
Disctionnaire | Dictionary | |
Ils apprennent lentement | They are learning slowly | |
La salle de classe | The classroom | |
Plus souvent | More often | |
Le sac à dos | The backpack | |
L'élève | The student | |
C'est lion de mon hôtel | It's far from my hotel | |
Tous les jours | Every day | |
La réunion | The meeting | |
J'ai besoin de temps | I need time | |
seize salles | sixteen rooms | |
La salles seize | room sixteen | |
Le chef | The boss | |
Le projet | The project | |
Nous travaillons sur le projet | We are working on the project | |
Je choisis tout | I choose everything | |
Le placard | The cupboard (cabinet) | |
Cette idée | This idea |
Subject | (Choisir) (to choose) |
(Finir) (to finish) |
Je | choisis | finis |
Tu | choisis | finis |
Il/elle | choisit | finit |
Nous | choisissons | finissons |
Vous | choisissez | finissez |
Ils/elles | choisissent | finissent |
- Tu manages quoi?
- What are you eating?
- C'est quoi?
- What is it?
- Quel numéro? (Masculine Singular)
- Which number?
- Quelle femme/idée? (Feminine Singular)
- Which woman/idea?
- Quels hommes? (Masculine Plural)
- Which men?
- Quelles femmes? (Feminine Plural)
- Which women?
- Tu choisis quel numéro?
- Which number are you choosing?