diff --git a/src/docs/devices/Geeni-Outdoor-Duo/index.md b/src/docs/devices/Geeni-Outdoor-Duo/index.md
index 964c17fc9..128486e98 100644
--- a/src/docs/devices/Geeni-Outdoor-Duo/index.md
+++ b/src/docs/devices/Geeni-Outdoor-Duo/index.md
@@ -26,49 +26,59 @@ If the module is going to be replaced with an ESP12 it is recommended to program
 There are no pin headers broken out onto the board. First time programming connections will have to be made by soldering or spring pins.
-## GPIO Pinout
+## GPIO Pinout - Cannont Use GPIO since its wb3s board
 | Pin    | Function                        |
 | ------ | ------------------------------- |
-| GPIO0  | Button (inverted)               |
-| GPIO5  | Green LED (inverted)            |
-| GPIO13 | Blue LED (inverted)             |
-| GPIO14 | Left (when facing device) plug  |
-| GPIO16 | Right (when facing device) plug |
+| P1  | Button (inverted)               |
+| P8  | Green LED (inverted)            |
+| P6  | Blue LED (inverted)             |
+| P26 | Left (when facing device) plug  |
+| P14 | Right (when facing device) plug |
 ## Basic Configuration
-# Basic Config
-  name: geeni_outdoor
-  friendly_name: geeni
-  platform: ESP8266
-  board: esp01_1m
-    # Change board to 'esp12e' if the original Tuya WB3S has been desoldered and replaced with an ESP12
+  name: greeni-duo
+  friendly_name: greeni_duo
-  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
-  password: !secret wifi_password
+  board: wb3s
+# Enable logging
+# Enable Home Assistant API
-    key: !secret encryption_key
-      # Or copy the encription key from the "Add Device" menu of ESPHome
+    key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-  password: !secret ota_password
+  - platform: esphome
+    password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
+  password: !secret wifi_password
+  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
+  ap:
+    ssid: "Greeni-Duo Fallback Hotspot"
+    password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
 #  port: 80
   # Running the web server may cause issues on lower memory modules
   - platform: gpio
-      number: GPIO0
+      number: P1
       mode: INPUT_PULLUP
       inverted: True
     name: "Button"
@@ -90,7 +100,7 @@ binary_sensor:
   - platform: gpio
     name: "Left plug"
-    pin: GPIO14
+    pin: P26
     id: relay_left
       - light.turn_on: blue_led
@@ -98,7 +108,7 @@ switch:
       - light.turn_off: blue_led
   - platform: gpio
     name: "Right plug"
-    pin: GPIO16
+    pin: P14
     id: relay_right
       - light.turn_on: green_led
@@ -107,11 +117,11 @@ switch:
   - platform: gpio
-    pin: GPIO5
+    pin: P8
     inverted: True
     id: green_led_gpio
   - platform: gpio
-    pin: GPIO13
+    pin: P6
     inverted: True
     id: blue_led_gpio
@@ -123,5 +133,5 @@ light:
   - platform: binary
     name: "Blue LED"
     id: blue_led
-    output: blue_led_gpio
+    output: blue_led_gpio    